mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 11:02:44 +01:00

Previously only the fs being checked on gets passed to GetModifyWindow(). However, in most tests, the test files are generated in the local fs and transferred to the remote fs. So the local fs time precision has to be taken into account. This meant that on Windows the time tests failed because the local fs has a time precision of 100ns. Checking remote items uploaded from local fs on Windows also requires a modify window of 100ns.
550 lines
15 KiB
550 lines
15 KiB
package operations_test
import (
func testCheck(t *testing.T, checkFunction func(ctx context.Context, opt *operations.CheckOpt) error) {
r := fstest.NewRun(t)
defer r.Finalise()
ctx := context.Background()
ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
addBuffers := func(opt *operations.CheckOpt) {
opt.Combined = new(bytes.Buffer)
opt.MissingOnSrc = new(bytes.Buffer)
opt.MissingOnDst = new(bytes.Buffer)
opt.Match = new(bytes.Buffer)
opt.Differ = new(bytes.Buffer)
opt.Error = new(bytes.Buffer)
sortLines := func(in string) []string {
if in == "" {
return []string{}
lines := strings.Split(in, "\n")
return lines
checkBuffer := func(name string, want map[string]string, out io.Writer) {
expected := want[name]
buf, ok := out.(*bytes.Buffer)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, sortLines(expected), sortLines(buf.String()), name)
checkBuffers := func(opt *operations.CheckOpt, want map[string]string) {
checkBuffer("combined", want, opt.Combined)
checkBuffer("missingonsrc", want, opt.MissingOnSrc)
checkBuffer("missingondst", want, opt.MissingOnDst)
checkBuffer("match", want, opt.Match)
checkBuffer("differ", want, opt.Differ)
checkBuffer("error", want, opt.Error)
check := func(i int, wantErrors int64, wantChecks int64, oneway bool, wantOutput map[string]string) {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
defer func() {
opt := operations.CheckOpt{
Fdst: r.Fremote,
Fsrc: r.Flocal,
OneWay: oneway,
err := checkFunction(ctx, &opt)
gotErrors := accounting.GlobalStats().GetErrors()
gotChecks := accounting.GlobalStats().GetChecks()
if wantErrors == 0 && err != nil {
t.Errorf("%d: Got error when not expecting one: %v", i, err)
if wantErrors != 0 && err == nil {
t.Errorf("%d: No error when expecting one", i)
if wantErrors != gotErrors {
t.Errorf("%d: Expecting %d errors but got %d", i, wantErrors, gotErrors)
if gotChecks > 0 && !strings.Contains(buf.String(), "matching files") {
t.Errorf("%d: Total files matching line missing", i)
if wantChecks != gotChecks {
t.Errorf("%d: Expecting %d total matching files but got %d", i, wantChecks, gotChecks)
checkBuffers(&opt, wantOutput)
file1 := r.WriteBoth(ctx, "rutabaga", "is tasty", t3)
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, file1)
r.CheckLocalItems(t, file1)
check(1, 0, 1, false, map[string]string{
"combined": "= rutabaga\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "rutabaga\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
file2 := r.WriteFile("potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1)
r.CheckLocalItems(t, file1, file2)
check(2, 1, 1, false, map[string]string{
"combined": "+ potato2\n= rutabaga\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "potato2\n",
"match": "rutabaga\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
file3 := r.WriteObject(ctx, "empty space", "-", t2)
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, file1, file3)
check(3, 2, 1, false, map[string]string{
"combined": "- empty space\n+ potato2\n= rutabaga\n",
"missingonsrc": "empty space\n",
"missingondst": "potato2\n",
"match": "rutabaga\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
file2r := file2
if ci.SizeOnly {
file2r = r.WriteObject(ctx, "potato2", "--Some-Differences-But-Size-Only-Is-Enabled-----------------", t1)
} else {
r.WriteObject(ctx, "potato2", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1)
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, file1, file2r, file3)
check(4, 1, 2, false, map[string]string{
"combined": "- empty space\n= potato2\n= rutabaga\n",
"missingonsrc": "empty space\n",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "rutabaga\npotato2\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
file3r := file3
file3l := r.WriteFile("empty space", "DIFFER", t2)
r.CheckLocalItems(t, file1, file2, file3l)
check(5, 1, 3, false, map[string]string{
"combined": "* empty space\n= potato2\n= rutabaga\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "potato2\nrutabaga\n",
"differ": "empty space\n",
"error": "",
file4 := r.WriteObject(ctx, "remotepotato", "------------------------------------------------------------", t1)
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, file1, file2r, file3r, file4)
check(6, 2, 3, false, map[string]string{
"combined": "* empty space\n= potato2\n= rutabaga\n- remotepotato\n",
"missingonsrc": "remotepotato\n",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "potato2\nrutabaga\n",
"differ": "empty space\n",
"error": "",
check(7, 1, 3, true, map[string]string{
"combined": "* empty space\n= potato2\n= rutabaga\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "potato2\nrutabaga\n",
"differ": "empty space\n",
"error": "",
func TestCheck(t *testing.T) {
testCheck(t, operations.Check)
func TestCheckFsError(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
dstFs, err := fs.NewFs(ctx, "non-existent")
if err != nil {
srcFs, err := fs.NewFs(ctx, "non-existent")
if err != nil {
opt := operations.CheckOpt{
Fdst: dstFs,
Fsrc: srcFs,
OneWay: false,
err = operations.Check(ctx, &opt)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestCheckDownload(t *testing.T) {
testCheck(t, operations.CheckDownload)
func TestCheckSizeOnly(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
ci.SizeOnly = true
defer func() { ci.SizeOnly = false }()
func TestCheckEqualReaders(t *testing.T) {
b65a := make([]byte, 65*1024)
b65b := make([]byte, 65*1024)
b65b[len(b65b)-1] = 1
b66 := make([]byte, 66*1024)
differ, err := operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, false)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65b))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b66))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b66), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
myErr := errors.New("sentinel")
wrap := func(b []byte) io.Reader {
r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
e := readers.ErrorReader{Err: myErr}
return io.MultiReader(r, e)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b65b))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b65a), bytes.NewBuffer(b66))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(wrap(b66), bytes.NewBuffer(b65a))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), wrap(b65a))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), wrap(b65b))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b65a), wrap(b66))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
differ, err = operations.CheckEqualReaders(bytes.NewBuffer(b66), wrap(b65a))
assert.Equal(t, myErr, err)
assert.Equal(t, differ, true)
func TestParseSumFile(t *testing.T) {
r := fstest.NewRun(t)
defer r.Finalise()
ctx := context.Background()
const sumFile = "test.sum"
samples := []struct {
hash, sep, name string
ok bool
{"1", " ", "file1", true},
{"2", " *", "file2", true},
{"3", " ", " file3 ", true},
{"4", " ", "\tfile3\t", true},
{"5", " ", "file5", false},
{"6", "\t", "file6", false},
{"7", " \t", " file7 ", false},
{"", " ", "file8", false},
{"", "", "file9", false},
for _, eol := range []string{"\n", "\r\n"} {
data := &bytes.Buffer{}
wantNum := 0
for _, s := range samples {
_, _ = data.WriteString(s.hash + s.sep + s.name + eol)
if s.ok {
_ = r.WriteObject(ctx, sumFile, data.String(), t1)
file, err := r.Fremote.NewObject(ctx, sumFile)
assert.NoError(t, err)
sums, err := operations.ParseSumFile(ctx, file)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, wantNum, len(sums))
for _, s := range samples {
if s.ok {
assert.Equal(t, s.hash, sums[s.name])
func testCheckSum(t *testing.T, download bool) {
const dataDir = "data"
const sumFile = "test.sum"
hashType := hash.MD5
const (
testString1 = "Hello, World!"
testDigest1 = "65a8e27d8879283831b664bd8b7f0ad4"
testDigest1Upper = "65A8E27D8879283831B664BD8B7F0AD4"
testString2 = "I am the walrus"
testDigest2 = "87396e030ef3f5b35bbf85c0a09a4fb3"
testDigest2Mixed = "87396e030EF3f5b35BBf85c0a09a4FB3"
type wantType map[string]string
ctx := context.Background()
r := fstest.NewRun(t)
defer r.Finalise()
subRemote := r.FremoteName
if !strings.HasSuffix(subRemote, ":") {
subRemote += "/"
subRemote += dataDir
dataFs, err := fs.NewFs(ctx, subRemote)
require.NoError(t, err)
if !download && !dataFs.Hashes().Contains(hashType) {
t.Skipf("%s lacks %s, skipping", dataFs, hashType)
makeFile := func(name, content string) fstest.Item {
remote := dataDir + "/" + name
return r.WriteObject(ctx, remote, content, t1)
makeSums := func(sums operations.HashSums) fstest.Item {
files := make([]string, 0, len(sums))
for name := range sums {
files = append(files, name)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, name := range files {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s %s\n", sums[name], name)
return r.WriteObject(ctx, sumFile, buf.String(), t1)
sortLines := func(in string) []string {
if in == "" {
return []string{}
lines := strings.Split(in, "\n")
return lines
checkResult := func(runNo int, want wantType, name string, out io.Writer) {
expected := want[name]
buf, ok := out.(*bytes.Buffer)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, sortLines(expected), sortLines(buf.String()), "wrong %s result in run %d", name, runNo)
checkRun := func(runNo, wantChecks, wantErrors int, want wantType) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
opt := operations.CheckOpt{
Combined: new(bytes.Buffer),
Match: new(bytes.Buffer),
Differ: new(bytes.Buffer),
Error: new(bytes.Buffer),
MissingOnSrc: new(bytes.Buffer),
MissingOnDst: new(bytes.Buffer),
err := operations.CheckSum(ctx, dataFs, r.Fremote, sumFile, hashType, &opt, download)
gotErrors := int(accounting.GlobalStats().GetErrors())
if wantErrors == 0 {
assert.NoError(t, err, "unexpected error in run %d", runNo)
if wantErrors > 0 {
assert.Error(t, err, "no expected error in run %d", runNo)
assert.Equal(t, wantErrors, gotErrors, "wrong error count in run %d", runNo)
gotChecks := int(accounting.GlobalStats().GetChecks())
if wantChecks > 0 || gotChecks > 0 {
assert.Contains(t, buf.String(), "matching files", "missing matching files in run %d", runNo)
assert.Equal(t, wantChecks, gotChecks, "wrong number of checks in run %d", runNo)
checkResult(runNo, want, "combined", opt.Combined)
checkResult(runNo, want, "missingonsrc", opt.MissingOnSrc)
checkResult(runNo, want, "missingondst", opt.MissingOnDst)
checkResult(runNo, want, "match", opt.Match)
checkResult(runNo, want, "differ", opt.Differ)
checkResult(runNo, want, "error", opt.Error)
check := func(runNo, wantChecks, wantErrors int, wantResults wantType) {
runName := fmt.Sprintf("subtest%d", runNo)
t.Run(runName, func(t *testing.T) {
checkRun(runNo, wantChecks, wantErrors, wantResults)
file1 := makeFile("banana", testString1)
fcsums := makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest1,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1)
check(1, 1, 0, wantType{
"combined": "= banana\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "banana\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
file2 := makeFile("potato", testString2)
fcsums = makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest1,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1, file2)
check(2, 2, 1, wantType{
"combined": "- potato\n= banana\n",
"missingonsrc": "potato\n",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "banana\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
fcsums = makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest1,
"potato": testDigest2,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1, file2)
check(3, 2, 0, wantType{
"combined": "= potato\n= banana\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "banana\npotato\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
fcsums = makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest2,
"potato": testDigest2,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1, file2)
check(4, 2, 1, wantType{
"combined": "* banana\n= potato\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "potato\n",
"differ": "banana\n",
"error": "",
fcsums = makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest1,
"potato": testDigest2,
"orange": testDigest2,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1, file2)
check(5, 2, 1, wantType{
"combined": "+ orange\n= potato\n= banana\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "orange\n",
"match": "banana\npotato\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
fcsums = makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest1,
"potato": testDigest1,
"orange": testDigest2,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1, file2)
check(6, 2, 2, wantType{
"combined": "+ orange\n* potato\n= banana\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "orange\n",
"match": "banana\n",
"differ": "potato\n",
"error": "",
// test mixed-case checksums
file1 = makeFile("banana", testString1)
file2 = makeFile("potato", testString2)
fcsums = makeSums(operations.HashSums{
"banana": testDigest1Upper,
"potato": testDigest2Mixed,
r.CheckRemoteItems(t, fcsums, file1, file2)
check(7, 2, 0, wantType{
"combined": "= banana\n= potato\n",
"missingonsrc": "",
"missingondst": "",
"match": "banana\npotato\n",
"differ": "",
"error": "",
func TestCheckSum(t *testing.T) {
testCheckSum(t, false)
func TestCheckSumDownload(t *testing.T) {
testCheckSum(t, true)