SHELL = /bin/bash TAG := $(shell echo `git describe --abbrev=8 --tags`-`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` | sed 's/-\([0-9]\)-/-00\1-/; s/-\([0-9][0-9]\)-/-0\1-/; s/-\(HEAD\|master\)$$//') LAST_TAG := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0) NEW_TAG := $(shell echo $(LAST_TAG) | perl -lpe 's/v//; $$_ += 0.01; $$_ = sprintf("v%.2f", $$_)') GO_VERSION := $(shell go version) GO_FILES := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/ ) GO_LATEST := $(findstring go1.9,$(GO_VERSION)) BETA_URL :=$(TAG)/ # Pass in GOTAGS=xyz on the make command line to set build tags ifdef GOTAGS BUILDTAGS=-tags "$(GOTAGS)" endif .PHONY: rclone vars version rclone: touch fs/version.go go install -v --ldflags "-s -X$(TAG)" $(BUILDTAGS) cp -av `go env GOPATH`/bin/rclone . vars: @echo SHELL="'$(SHELL)'" @echo TAG="'$(TAG)'" @echo LAST_TAG="'$(LAST_TAG)'" @echo NEW_TAG="'$(NEW_TAG)'" @echo GO_VERSION="'$(GO_VERSION)'" @echo GO_LATEST="'$(GO_LATEST)'" @echo BETA_URL="'$(BETA_URL)'" version: @echo '$(TAG)' # Full suite of integration tests test: rclone -go test $(BUILDTAGS) $(GO_FILES) 2>&1 | tee test.log -cd fs && go run $(BUILDTAGS) test_all.go 2>&1 | tee test_all.log @echo "Written logs in test.log and fs/test_all.log" # Quick test quicktest: RCLONE_CONFIG="/notfound" go test $(BUILDTAGS) $(GO_FILES) ifdef GO_LATEST RCLONE_CONFIG="/notfound" go test $(BUILDTAGS) -cpu=2 -race $(GO_FILES) endif # Do source code quality checks check: rclone ifdef GO_LATEST go vet $(BUILDTAGS) -printfuncs Debugf,Infof,Logf,Errorf ./... errcheck $(BUILDTAGS) $(GO_FILES) find . -name \*.go | grep -v /vendor/ | xargs goimports -d | grep . ; test $$? -eq 1 go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/ | xargs -n1 golint | grep -E -v '(StorageUrl|CdnUrl)' ; test $$? -eq 1 else @echo Skipping tests as not on Go stable endif # Get the build dependencies build_dep: ifdef GO_LATEST go get -u go get -u go get -u go get -u go get -u endif # Update dependencies update: go get -u dep ensure -update -v doc: rclone.1 MANUAL.html MANUAL.txt rclone.1: pandoc -s --from markdown --to man -o rclone.1 bin/ docs/content/*.md commanddocs ./bin/ MANUAL.html: pandoc -s --from markdown --to html -o MANUAL.html MANUAL.txt: pandoc -s --from markdown --to plain -o MANUAL.txt commanddocs: rclone rclone gendocs docs/content/commands/ install: rclone install -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin install -t ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin ${GOPATH}/bin/rclone clean: go clean ./... find . -name \*~ | xargs -r rm -f rm -rf build docs/public rm -f rclone fs/fs.test fs/test_all.log test.log website: cd docs && hugo upload_website: website rclone -v sync docs/public memstore:www-rclone-org upload: rclone -v copy build/ memstore:downloads-rclone-org upload_github: ./bin/upload-github $(TAG) cross: doc go run bin/cross-compile.go -release current $(BUILDTAGS) $(TAG) beta: go run bin/cross-compile.go $(BUILDTAGS) $(TAG)β rclone -v copy build/ memstore:pub-rclone-org/$(TAG)β @echo Beta release ready at$(TAG)%CE%B2/ log_since_last_release: git log $(LAST_TAG).. upload_beta: rclone --config bin/travis.rclone.conf -v copy --exclude '*beta-latest*' build/ memstore:beta-rclone-org/$(TAG) rclone --config bin/travis.rclone.conf -v copy --include '*beta-latest*' build/ memstore:beta-rclone-org @echo Beta release ready at $(BETA_URL) compile_all: ifdef GO_LATEST go run bin/cross-compile.go -parallel 8 -compile-only $(BUILDTAGS) $(TAG)β else @echo Skipping compile all as not on Go stable endif travis_beta: git log $(LAST_TAG).. > /tmp/git-log.txt go run bin/cross-compile.go -release beta-latest -git-log /tmp/git-log.txt -exclude "^windows/" -parallel 8 $(BUILDTAGS) $(TAG)β rclone --config bin/travis.rclone.conf -v copy --exclude '*beta-latest*' build/ memstore:beta-rclone-org/$(TAG) rclone --config bin/travis.rclone.conf -v copy --include '*beta-latest*' build/ memstore:beta-rclone-org @echo Beta release ready at $(BETA_URL) # Fetch the windows builds from appveyor fetch_windows: rclone -v copy --include 'rclone-v*-windows-*.zip' memstore:beta-rclone-org/$(TAG) build/ -#cp -av build/rclone-v* build/ -#cp -av build/rclone-v* build/ md5sum build/rclone-*-windows-*.zip | sort serve: website cd docs && hugo server -v -w tag: doc @echo "Old tag is $(LAST_TAG)" @echo "New tag is $(NEW_TAG)" echo -e "package fs\n\n// Version of rclone\nvar Version = \"$(NEW_TAG)\"\n" | gofmt > fs/version.go echo -n "$(NEW_TAG)" > docs/layouts/shortcodes/version.html git tag $(NEW_TAG) @echo "Edit the new changelog in docs/content/" @echo " * $(NEW_TAG) -" `date -I` >> docs/content/ @git log $(LAST_TAG)..$(NEW_TAG) --oneline >> docs/content/ @echo "Then commit the changes" @echo git commit -m \"Version $(NEW_TAG)\" -a -v @echo "And finally run make retag before make cross etc" retag: git tag -f $(LAST_TAG) startdev: echo -e "package fs\n\n// Version of rclone\nvar Version = \"$(LAST_TAG)-DEV\"\n" | gofmt > fs/version.go git commit -m "Start $(LAST_TAG)-DEV development" fs/version.go gen_tests: cd fstest/fstests && go generate winzip: zip -9 rclone-$(TAG).zip rclone.exe