Pure Change History =================== NEXT ---- * Fixed: Responsive grids fails to apply when another class precedes the unit class in markup. [#44] * Fixed: textarea does not match input styling in forms. [#49] 0.1.0 (2013-05-24) ------------------ * (!) Initial public release. * Upgraded Normalize.css to 1.1.2. * Integrated Bower into `grunt import` process. * Cleaned up manual test files, removing unnecessary CSS files and cruft. ### Buttons * Added `border-radius: 2px` to enhance the appearance the they are click-able. ### Menus * Removed `border-radius` from vertical menus. * Replaced blue hover for menus with light grey (`#eee`) * Removed `font-weight: bold` from selected menu items. 0.0.2 (2013-05-16) ------------------ * (!) Renamed to Pure. * (!) Renamed CSS classname prefix to `pure`. * Preview release (2). 0.0.1 (2013-05-14) ------------------ * Preview release.