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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest
from validate.format import error_message
from validate.format import get_categories_content
from validate.format import check_alphabetical_order
from validate.format import check_title
from validate.format import check_description, max_description_length
from validate.format import check_auth, auth_keys
from validate.format import check_https, https_keys
from validate.format import check_cors, cors_keys
class TestValidadeFormat(unittest.TestCase):
def test_error_message_return_and_return_type(self):
line_num_unity = 1
line_num_ten = 10
line_num_hundred = 100
line_num_thousand = 1000
msg = 'This is a unit test'
err_msg_unity = error_message(line_num_unity, msg)
err_msg_ten = error_message(line_num_ten, msg)
err_msg_hundred = error_message(line_num_hundred, msg)
err_msg_thousand = error_message(line_num_thousand, msg)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_unity, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_ten, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_hundred, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_thousand, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg_unity, '(L002) This is a unit test')
self.assertEqual(err_msg_ten, '(L011) This is a unit test')
self.assertEqual(err_msg_hundred, '(L101) This is a unit test')
self.assertEqual(err_msg_thousand, '(L1001) This is a unit test')
def test_if_get_categories_content_return_correct_data_of_categories(self):
fake_contents = [
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'
result = get_categories_content(fake_contents)
self.assertIsInstance(result, tuple)
categories, category_line_num = result
self.assertIsInstance(categories, dict)
self.assertIsInstance(category_line_num, dict)
expected_result = ({'A': ['AA', 'AB'], 'B': ['BA', 'BB']}, {'A': 0, 'B': 6})
for res, ex_res in zip(result, expected_result):
with self.subTest():
self.assertEqual(res, ex_res)
def test_if_check_alphabetical_order_return_correct_msg_error(self):
correct_lines = [
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'
incorrect_lines = [
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'
err_msgs_1 = check_alphabetical_order(correct_lines)
err_msgs_2 = check_alphabetical_order(incorrect_lines)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs_1, list)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs_2, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs_1), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs_2), 2)
expected_err_msgs = [
'(L001) A category is not alphabetical order',
'(L007) B category is not alphabetical order'
for err_msg, ex_err_msg in zip(err_msgs_2, expected_err_msgs):
with self.subTest():
self.assertEqual(err_msg, ex_err_msg)
def test_check_title_with_correct_title(self):
raw_title = '[A](https://www.ex.com)'
err_msgs = check_title(0, raw_title)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])
def test_check_title_with_markdown_syntax_incorrect(self):
raw_title = '[A(https://www.ex.com)'
err_msgs = check_title(0, raw_title)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) Title syntax should be "[TITLE](LINK)"'
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_title_with_api_at_the_end_of_the_title(self):
raw_title = '[A API](https://www.ex.com)'
err_msgs = check_title(0, raw_title)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) Title should not end with "... API". Every entry is an API here!'
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_checK_description_return_type(self):
desc_1 = 'This is a fake description'
desc_2 = 'this is a fake description'
desc_3 = 'This is a fake description!'
desc_4 = 'This is a fake descriptionThis is a fake descriptionThis is a fake descriptionThis is a fake description'
result_1 = check_title(0, desc_1)
result_2 = check_title(0, desc_2)
result_3 = check_title(0, desc_3)
result_4 = check_title(0, desc_4)
self.assertIsInstance(result_1, list)
self.assertIsInstance(result_2, list)
self.assertIsInstance(result_3, list)
self.assertIsInstance(result_4, list)
err_msg_1 = result_2[0]
err_msg_2 = result_3[0]
err_msg_3 = result_4[0]
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_1, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_2, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_3, str)
def test_check_description_with_correct_description(self):
desc = 'This is a fake description'
err_msgs = check_description(0, desc)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])
def test_check_description_with_first_char_is_not_capitalized(self):
desc = 'this is a fake description'
err_msgs = check_description(0, desc)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) first character of description is not capitalized'
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_description_with_punctuation_in_the_end(self):
base_desc = 'This is a fake description'
punctuation = r"""!"#$%&'*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
desc_with_punc = [base_desc + punc for punc in punctuation]
for desc in desc_with_punc:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_description(0, desc)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) description should not end with {desc[-1]}'
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_description_that_exceeds_the_character_limit(self):
long_desc = 'Desc' * max_description_length
long_desc_length = len(long_desc)
err_msgs = check_description(0, long_desc)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) description should not exceed {max_description_length} characters (currently {long_desc_length})'
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_auth_return_type(self):
auth_with_backtick = [f'`{auth}`' for auth in auth_keys if auth != 'No']
auth_without_backtick = [auth for auth in auth_keys if auth != 'No']
auth_invalid = ['Yes', 'yes', 'no', 'random', 'Unknown']
for auth in auth_with_backtick:
with self.subTest():
result = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
for auth in auth_without_backtick:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
for auth in auth_invalid:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
def test_check_auth_with_correct_auth(self):
auth_valid = [f'`{auth}`' for auth in auth_keys if auth != 'No']
for auth in auth_valid:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])
def test_check_auth_without_backtick(self):
auth_without_backtick = [auth for auth in auth_keys if auth != 'No']
for auth in auth_without_backtick:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`'
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_auth_with_invalid_auth(self):
auth_invalid = ['Yes', 'yes', 'no', 'random', 'Unknown']
for auth in auth_invalid:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 2)
err_msg_1 = err_msgs[0]
err_msg_2 = err_msgs[1]
expected_err_msg_1 = f'(L001) auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`'
expected_err_msg_2 = f'(L001) {auth} is not a valid Auth option'
self.assertEqual(err_msg_1, expected_err_msg_1)
self.assertEqual(err_msg_2, expected_err_msg_2)
def test_check_https_with_valid_https(self):
for https in https_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_https(0, https)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])
def test_check_https_with_invalid_https(self):
invalid_https_keys = ['yes', 'no', 'Unknown', 'https', 'http']
for https in invalid_https_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_https(0, https)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) {https} is not a valid HTTPS option'
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_cors_with_valid_cors(self):
for cors in cors_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_cors(0, cors)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])
def test_check_cors_with_invalid_cors(self):
invalid_cors_keys = ['yes', 'no', 'unknown', 'cors']
for cors in invalid_cors_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_cors(0, cors)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) {cors} is not a valid CORS option'
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)