# Public APIs Scripts This directory contains all validation and testing scripts used by Public APIs. ```bash scripts │ github_pull_request.sh # used to validate changes of a pull request │ requirements.txt # contains dependencies of validate package │ ├───tests # contains all unit tests from the validate package │ test_validate_format.py │ test_validate_links.py │ └───validate # validate package format.py links.py ``` ## Running Tests To run all tests it is necessary to change to the scripts directory: ```bash $ cd scripts ``` then run: ```bash $ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose ``` To run only the format tests, run: ```bash $ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose --pattern "test_validate_format.py" ``` To run only the links tests, run: ```bash $ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose --pattern "test_validate_links.py" ``` *Note that it is necessary to have [python](https://www.python.org/) installed.*