2022-01-17 20:04:31 -03:00
# Public APIs Scripts
This directory contains all validation and testing scripts used by Public APIs.
│ github_pull_request.sh # used to validate changes of a pull request
│ requirements.txt # contains dependencies of validate package
├───tests # contains all unit tests from the validate package
│ test_validate_format.py
│ test_validate_links.py
└───validate # validate package
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## Install dependencies
You must have [python ](https://www.python.org/ ) installed to use these scripts.
it is also necessary to install the validation package dependencies, use [pip package manager ](https://pypi.org/project/pip/ ) for this:
$ python -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
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## Run validations
To run format validation on the `README.md` file, being in the root directory of public-apis, run:
$ python scripts/validate/format.py README.md
To run link validation on the `README.md` file, being in the root directory of public-apis, run:
$ python scripts/validate/links.py README.md
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As there are many links to check, this process can take some time. If your goal is not to check if the links are working, you can only check for duplicate links. Run:
$ python scripts/validate/links.py README.md -odlc
*`-odlc` is an abbreviation of `--only_duplicate_links_checker` *
2022-01-17 20:04:31 -03:00
## Running Tests
To run all tests it is necessary to change to the scripts directory:
$ cd scripts
then run:
$ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose
To run only the format tests, run:
$ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose --pattern "test_validate_format.py"
To run only the links tests, run:
$ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose --pattern "test_validate_links.py"