mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-26 22:42:47 +01:00

auto brightness/ contrast bugfix


git-svn-id: svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk@2390 b3059339-0415-0410-9bf9-f77b7e298cf2
This commit is contained in:
michael 2001-10-22 23:36:35 +00:00
parent 76f52268fd
commit e2fcfe476b
3 changed files with 498 additions and 35 deletions

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Notes:
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../config.h"
//#undef HAVE_MMX2
//#define HAVE_3DNOW
@ -88,6 +89,10 @@ Notes:
#define PAVGB(a,b) "pavgusb " #a ", " #b " \n\t"
static uint64_t packedYOffset= 0x0000000000000000LL;
static uint64_t packedYScale= 0x0100010001000100LL;
static uint64_t w05= 0x0005000500050005LL;
@ -130,10 +135,35 @@ int vFlatnessThreshold= 56 - 16;
//amount of "black" u r willing to loose to get a brightness corrected picture
double maxClippedThreshold= 0.01;
int maxAllowedY=255;
int maxAllowedY=234;
//FIXME can never make a movie´s black brighter (anyone needs that?)
int minAllowedY=16;
static struct PPFilter filters[]=
{"hb", "hdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_DEBLOCK},
{"vb", "vdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_DEBLOCK},
{"vr", "rkvdeblock", 1, 2, 4, H_RK1_FILTER},
{"h1", "x1hdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_X1_FILTER},
{"v1", "x1vdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_X1_FILTER},
{"dr", "dering", 1, 5, 6, DERING},
{"al", "autolevels", 0, 1, 2, LEVEL_FIX},
{"lb", "linblenddeint", 0, 1, 6, LINEAR_BLEND_DEINT_FILTER},
{"li", "linipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, LINEAR_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"ci", "cubicipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"md", "mediandeint", 0, 1, 6, MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER},
{NULL, NULL,0,0,0,0} //End Marker
static char *replaceTable[]=
"default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
NULL //End Marker
#ifdef TIMING
static inline long long rdtsc()
@ -2163,6 +2193,165 @@ int use_old_pp=0;
static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, int mode);
/* -pp Command line Help
NOTE/FIXME: put this at an appropriate place (--help, html docs, man mplayer)?
-pp <filterName>[:<option>[:<option>...]][,[-]<filterName>[:<option>...]]...
long form example:
-pp vdeblock:autoq,hdeblock:autoq,linblenddeint -pp default,-vdeblock
short form example:
-pp vb:a,hb:a,lb -pp de,-vb
Filters Options
short long name short long option Description
* * a autoq cpu power dependant enabler
c chrom chrominance filtring enabled
y nochrom chrominance filtring disabled
hb hdeblock horizontal deblocking filter
vb vdeblock vertical deblocking filter
vr rkvdeblock
h1 x1hdeblock Experimental horizontal deblock filter 1
v1 x1vdeblock Experimental vertical deblock filter 1
dr dering not implemented yet
al autolevels automatic brightness / contrast fixer
f fullyrange stretch luminance range to (0..255)
lb linblenddeint linear blend deinterlacer
li linipoldeint linear interpolating deinterlacer
ci cubicipoldeint cubic interpolating deinterlacer
md mediandeint median deinterlacer
de default hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
fa fast x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
* returns a PPMode struct which will have a non 0 error variable if an error occured
* name is the string after "-pp" on the command line
* quality is a number from 0 to GET_PP_QUALITY_MAX
struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
char *p= temp;
char *filterDelimiters= ",";
char *optionDelimiters= ":";
struct PPMode ppMode= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
char *filterToken;
strncpy(temp, name, GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
char *p2;
char *filterName;
int chrom=-1;
char *option;
char *options[OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE];
int i;
int filterNameOk=0;
int numOfUnknownOptions=0;
int enable=1; //does the user want us to enabled or disabled the filter
filterToken= strtok(p, filterDelimiters);
if(filterToken == NULL) break;
p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1;
filterName= strtok(filterToken, optionDelimiters);
printf("%s::%s\n", filterToken, filterName);
if(*filterName == '-')
for(;;){ //for all options
option= strtok(NULL, optionDelimiters);
if(option == NULL) break;
printf("%s\n", option);
if(!strcmp("autoq", option) || !strcmp("a", option)) q= quality;
else if(!strcmp("nochrom", option) || !strcmp("y", option)) chrom=0;
else if(!strcmp("chrom", option) || !strcmp("c", option)) chrom=1;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = option;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
if(numOfUnknownOptions >= OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE-1) break;
/* replace stuff from the replace Table */
for(i=0; replaceTable[2*i]!=NULL; i++)
if(!strcmp(replaceTable[2*i], filterName))
int newlen= strlen(replaceTable[2*i + 1]);
int plen;
int spaceLeft;
if(p==NULL) p= temp, *p=0; //last filter
else p--, *p=','; //not last filter
plen= strlen(p);
spaceLeft= (int)p - (int)temp + plen;
if(spaceLeft + newlen >= GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE)
memmove(p + newlen, p, plen+1);
memcpy(p, replaceTable[2*i + 1], newlen);
for(i=0; filters[i].shortName!=NULL; i++)
if( !strcmp(filters[i].longName, filterName)
|| !strcmp(filters[i].shortName, filterName))
ppMode.lumMode &= ~filters[i].mask;
ppMode.chromMode &= ~filters[i].mask;
if(!enable) break; // user wants to disable it
if(q >= filters[i].minLumQuality)
ppMode.lumMode|= filters[i].mask;
if(chrom==1 || (chrom==-1 && filters[i].chromDefault))
if(q >= filters[i].minChromQuality)
ppMode.chromMode|= filters[i].mask;
if(filters[i].mask == LEVEL_FIX)
int o;
ppMode.minAllowedY= 16;
ppMode.maxAllowedY= 234;
for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL; o++)
if( !strcmp(options[o],"fullyrange")
ppMode.minAllowedY= 0;
ppMode.maxAllowedY= 255;
if(!filterNameOk) ppMode.error++;
ppMode.error += numOfUnknownOptions;
if(ppMode.lumMode & H_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_Y_H;
if(ppMode.lumMode & V_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_Y_V;
if(ppMode.chromMode & H_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_C_H;
if(ppMode.chromMode & V_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_C_V;
if(ppMode.lumMode & DERING) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DERING_Y;
if(ppMode.chromMode & DERING) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DERING_C;
return ppMode;
* ...
@ -2172,6 +2361,18 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride,
int mode)
static int qual=0;
struct PPMode ppMode= getPPModeByNameAndQuality("fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock", qual);
printf("\n%d %d %d %d\n", ppMode.lumMode, ppMode.chromMode, ppMode.oldMode, ppMode.error);
postprocess2(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, &ppMode);
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
@ -2182,21 +2383,6 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
long long T= rdtsc();
for(int y=vertical_size-1; y>=0 ; y--)
memcpy(dst[0] + y*src_stride, src[0] + y*src_stride,src_stride);
// memcpy(dst[0], src[0],src_stride*vertical_size);
printf("%4dk\r", (rdtsc()-T)/1000);
long long T= rdtsc();
while( (rdtsc() - T)/1000 < 4000);
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode);
@ -2211,7 +2397,7 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode);
@ -2220,6 +2406,38 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
int horizontal_size, int vertical_size,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride,
struct PPMode *mode)
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
// more function call...
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode->lumMode);
horizontal_size >>= 1;
vertical_size >>= 1;
src_stride >>= 1;
dst_stride >>= 1;
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode->chromMode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode->chromMode);
* gets the mode flags for a given quality (larger values mean slower but better postprocessing)
* 0 <= quality <= 6

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#define H_RK1_FILTER 0x1000 // 4096 (not implemented yet)
#define H_X1_FILTER 0x2000 // 8192
// select between full y range (255-0) or standart one (
// select between full y range (255-0) or standart one (234-16)
#define FULL_Y_RANGE 0x8000 // 32768
//Deinterlacing Filters
@ -67,11 +67,38 @@
#define QP_STORE_T int
struct PPMode{
int lumMode; //acivates filters for luminance
int chromMode; //acivates filters for chrominance
int oldMode; // will be passed to odivx
int error; // non zero on error
int minAllowedY;
int maxAllowedY;
struct PPFilter{
char *shortName;
char *longName;
int chromDefault;
int minLumQuality;
int minChromQuality;
int mask;
void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
int horizontal_size, int vertical_size,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride, int mode);
void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
int horizontal_size, int vertical_size,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride, struct PPMode *mode);
int getPpModeForQuality(int quality);
struct PPMode getPpModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality);

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Notes:
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../config.h"
//#undef HAVE_MMX2
//#define HAVE_3DNOW
@ -88,6 +89,10 @@ Notes:
#define PAVGB(a,b) "pavgusb " #a ", " #b " \n\t"
static uint64_t packedYOffset= 0x0000000000000000LL;
static uint64_t packedYScale= 0x0100010001000100LL;
static uint64_t w05= 0x0005000500050005LL;
@ -130,10 +135,35 @@ int vFlatnessThreshold= 56 - 16;
//amount of "black" u r willing to loose to get a brightness corrected picture
double maxClippedThreshold= 0.01;
int maxAllowedY=255;
int maxAllowedY=234;
//FIXME can never make a movie´s black brighter (anyone needs that?)
int minAllowedY=16;
static struct PPFilter filters[]=
{"hb", "hdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_DEBLOCK},
{"vb", "vdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_DEBLOCK},
{"vr", "rkvdeblock", 1, 2, 4, H_RK1_FILTER},
{"h1", "x1hdeblock", 1, 1, 3, H_X1_FILTER},
{"v1", "x1vdeblock", 1, 2, 4, V_X1_FILTER},
{"dr", "dering", 1, 5, 6, DERING},
{"al", "autolevels", 0, 1, 2, LEVEL_FIX},
{"lb", "linblenddeint", 0, 1, 6, LINEAR_BLEND_DEINT_FILTER},
{"li", "linipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, LINEAR_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"ci", "cubicipoldeint", 0, 1, 6, CUBIC_IPOL_DEINT_FILTER},
{"md", "mediandeint", 0, 1, 6, MEDIAN_DEINT_FILTER},
{NULL, NULL,0,0,0,0} //End Marker
static char *replaceTable[]=
"default", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"de", "hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fast", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
"fa", "x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels",
NULL //End Marker
#ifdef TIMING
static inline long long rdtsc()
@ -2163,6 +2193,165 @@ int use_old_pp=0;
static void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int dstStride, int width, int height,
QP_STORE_T QPs[], int QPStride, int isColor, int mode);
/* -pp Command line Help
NOTE/FIXME: put this at an appropriate place (--help, html docs, man mplayer)?
-pp <filterName>[:<option>[:<option>...]][,[-]<filterName>[:<option>...]]...
long form example:
-pp vdeblock:autoq,hdeblock:autoq,linblenddeint -pp default,-vdeblock
short form example:
-pp vb:a,hb:a,lb -pp de,-vb
Filters Options
short long name short long option Description
* * a autoq cpu power dependant enabler
c chrom chrominance filtring enabled
y nochrom chrominance filtring disabled
hb hdeblock horizontal deblocking filter
vb vdeblock vertical deblocking filter
vr rkvdeblock
h1 x1hdeblock Experimental horizontal deblock filter 1
v1 x1vdeblock Experimental vertical deblock filter 1
dr dering not implemented yet
al autolevels automatic brightness / contrast fixer
f fullyrange stretch luminance range to (0..255)
lb linblenddeint linear blend deinterlacer
li linipoldeint linear interpolating deinterlacer
ci cubicipoldeint cubic interpolating deinterlacer
md mediandeint median deinterlacer
de default hdeblock:a,vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
fa fast x1hdeblock:a,x1vdeblock:a,dering:a,autolevels
* returns a PPMode struct which will have a non 0 error variable if an error occured
* name is the string after "-pp" on the command line
* quality is a number from 0 to GET_PP_QUALITY_MAX
struct PPMode getPPModeByNameAndQuality(char *name, int quality)
char *p= temp;
char *filterDelimiters= ",";
char *optionDelimiters= ":";
struct PPMode ppMode= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
char *filterToken;
strncpy(temp, name, GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
char *p2;
char *filterName;
int chrom=-1;
char *option;
char *options[OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE];
int i;
int filterNameOk=0;
int numOfUnknownOptions=0;
int enable=1; //does the user want us to enabled or disabled the filter
filterToken= strtok(p, filterDelimiters);
if(filterToken == NULL) break;
p+= strlen(filterToken) + 1;
filterName= strtok(filterToken, optionDelimiters);
printf("%s::%s\n", filterToken, filterName);
if(*filterName == '-')
for(;;){ //for all options
option= strtok(NULL, optionDelimiters);
if(option == NULL) break;
printf("%s\n", option);
if(!strcmp("autoq", option) || !strcmp("a", option)) q= quality;
else if(!strcmp("nochrom", option) || !strcmp("y", option)) chrom=0;
else if(!strcmp("chrom", option) || !strcmp("c", option)) chrom=1;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = option;
options[numOfUnknownOptions] = NULL;
if(numOfUnknownOptions >= OPTIONS_ARRAY_SIZE-1) break;
/* replace stuff from the replace Table */
for(i=0; replaceTable[2*i]!=NULL; i++)
if(!strcmp(replaceTable[2*i], filterName))
int newlen= strlen(replaceTable[2*i + 1]);
int plen;
int spaceLeft;
if(p==NULL) p= temp, *p=0; //last filter
else p--, *p=','; //not last filter
plen= strlen(p);
spaceLeft= (int)p - (int)temp + plen;
if(spaceLeft + newlen >= GET_MODE_BUFFER_SIZE)
memmove(p + newlen, p, plen+1);
memcpy(p, replaceTable[2*i + 1], newlen);
for(i=0; filters[i].shortName!=NULL; i++)
if( !strcmp(filters[i].longName, filterName)
|| !strcmp(filters[i].shortName, filterName))
ppMode.lumMode &= ~filters[i].mask;
ppMode.chromMode &= ~filters[i].mask;
if(!enable) break; // user wants to disable it
if(q >= filters[i].minLumQuality)
ppMode.lumMode|= filters[i].mask;
if(chrom==1 || (chrom==-1 && filters[i].chromDefault))
if(q >= filters[i].minChromQuality)
ppMode.chromMode|= filters[i].mask;
if(filters[i].mask == LEVEL_FIX)
int o;
ppMode.minAllowedY= 16;
ppMode.maxAllowedY= 234;
for(o=0; options[o]!=NULL; o++)
if( !strcmp(options[o],"fullyrange")
ppMode.minAllowedY= 0;
ppMode.maxAllowedY= 255;
if(!filterNameOk) ppMode.error++;
ppMode.error += numOfUnknownOptions;
if(ppMode.lumMode & H_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_Y_H;
if(ppMode.lumMode & V_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_Y_V;
if(ppMode.chromMode & H_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_C_H;
if(ppMode.chromMode & V_DEBLOCK) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DEBLOCK_C_V;
if(ppMode.lumMode & DERING) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DERING_Y;
if(ppMode.chromMode & DERING) ppMode.oldMode |= PP_DERING_C;
return ppMode;
* ...
@ -2172,6 +2361,18 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride,
int mode)
static int qual=0;
struct PPMode ppMode= getPPModeByNameAndQuality("fast,default,-hdeblock,-vdeblock", qual);
printf("\n%d %d %d %d\n", ppMode.lumMode, ppMode.chromMode, ppMode.oldMode, ppMode.error);
postprocess2(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, &ppMode);
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
@ -2182,21 +2383,6 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
long long T= rdtsc();
for(int y=vertical_size-1; y>=0 ; y--)
memcpy(dst[0] + y*src_stride, src[0] + y*src_stride,src_stride);
// memcpy(dst[0], src[0],src_stride*vertical_size);
printf("%4dk\r", (rdtsc()-T)/1000);
long long T= rdtsc();
while( (rdtsc() - T)/1000 < 4000);
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode);
@ -2211,7 +2397,7 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode);
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode);
@ -2220,6 +2406,38 @@ void postprocess(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
void postprocess2(unsigned char * src[], int src_stride,
unsigned char * dst[], int dst_stride,
int horizontal_size, int vertical_size,
QP_STORE_T *QP_store, int QP_stride,
struct PPMode *mode)
// Note: I could make this shit outside of this file, but it would mean one
// more function call...
postProcess(src[0], src_stride, dst[0], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 0, mode->lumMode);
horizontal_size >>= 1;
vertical_size >>= 1;
src_stride >>= 1;
dst_stride >>= 1;
postProcess(src[1], src_stride, dst[1], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 1, mode->chromMode);
postProcess(src[2], src_stride, dst[2], dst_stride,
horizontal_size, vertical_size, QP_store, QP_stride, 2, mode->chromMode);
* gets the mode flags for a given quality (larger values mean slower but better postprocessing)
* 0 <= quality <= 6