mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2024-10-26 07:22:17 +02:00

v0.8 prerelease

(vki ekezetesitse, ha van ideje!)

git-svn-id: svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk@763 b3059339-0415-0410-9bf9-f77b7e298cf2
This commit is contained in:
gabucino 2001-05-11 07:10:44 +00:00
parent ed744d0c45
commit 2f17d022b1
16 changed files with 1439 additions and 0 deletions

DOCS/Hungarian/BUGREPORTS Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Hogyan kuldj bugreportot?
Eloszoris olvasd el a DOCS/BUGS filet, es amit meg talalsz. Ha a
problemad nem ismert, vagy a mi tanacsaink alapjan nem oldodik
meg, akkor jelentsd be:
Iratkozz fel az mplayer-users levelezesi listara:
es kuldd a bugreportot a
Nem fogunk CC-zni, szoval legyszives felirtakozni!!!
Ne kuldj bugreportot egyenesen valamelyik keszitonek!!!
Egyutt dolgozunk a kodon, ezert mindenki erdekelt.
Elofordulhat hogy mas felhasznalok mar tudjak a megoldast
(konfiguracios problema, rossz driver, stb), megha mi azt hinnenk
hogy a kod bugos.
Legyszives reszletesen leirni a probelmat, peldakkal, stb, es ne
felejtsd el ezeket se mellekelni:
1. Mindenkepp kuldj infot a rendszeredrol:
- disztribucio
peldaul: RedHat 7.1 / Slackware 7.0 + csomagok 7.1-bol ...
- kernel verzio
uname -a
- libc version:
ls -l /lib/libc[.-]*
- X verzio:
X -version
- gcc es ld verzio:
gcc -v
ld -v
- binutils verzio:
as --version
1.1. Kuldd el a coredump tartalmat (ha volt).
Hozd letre a kovetkezo parancs file-t:
disass $eip $eip+15
printf "eax=%08lX\n",$eax
printf "ebx=%08lX\n",$ebx
printf "ecx=%08lX\n",$ecx
printf "edx=%08lX\n",$edx
printf "esp=%08lX\n",$esp
printf "ebp=%08lX\n",$ebp
printf "edi=%08lX\n",$edi
printf "esi=%08lX\n",$esi
Aztan ird be a kovetkezot:
gdb mplayer --core=core -batch --command=parancs_file >mplayer.bug
2. Hardware & driverek:
- CPU info:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
- video card gyarto es tipus:
ASUS V3800U chip: nVidia TNT2 Ultra pro 32MB SDRAM
Matrox G400 DH 32MB SGRAM
- video driver tipus es verzio
X beepitett drivere
nvidia 0.9.623
Utah-GLX CVS 2001-02-17
DRI a 4.0.3-as X-bol
- hangkartya tipus es driver
Creative SBLive! Gold az oss.creative.com-rol valo driverrel
Creative SB16 a kernel OSS driverevel
GUS PnP az ALSA OSS emulaciojaval
- ha nem vagy biztos a dolgodban, csatold az 'lspci -v' eredmenyet
Forditasi problemakhoz/hibakhoz:
3. configure/make kimenetet:
make distclean
./configure &>config.log
./make &>make.log
ezeket a file-okat:
Lejatszasi problemakhoz:
3. Az MPlayer kimenetet 1-es debug szinten (-v)
mplayer -v [options] filename &> mplayer.log
4. Ha a problema csak egy vagy nehany filenal jelentkezik,
toltsd fel a file-t ide:
Altalaban az elso 1-5 Mb eleg, hogy reprodulkajuk a
problemat, de eloszor probald ki:
dd if=a_file of=kis_file bs=1k count=1024
(ez az 'a_file' elso 1 Mb-jat elment 'kis_file' neven')
Ekkor probald lejtaszani a keletkezo file-t, es ha a bug elojon,
akkor eleg lesz csak ennyit feltolteni.
SOHA ne kuldj file-t levelben! Toltsd fel, es csak a file nevet
kuldd el!
Ha a file a neten hozzaferheto, akkor a _pontos_ URL elkuldese
is eleg!
Altalaban veve:
Ha valami nagy (log-ok, stb), akkor jobb ha FTP-re toltod (gzip-pel),
es csak a file nevet irod le a bugreportban!

DOCS/Hungarian/CDROM Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
CDROM tuning
>A Linux dokumentaciojabol:
Nehany CDROM meghajto kepes szabalyozni az olvasas sebesseget. Jonehany okunk
lehet arra hogy ezt kihasznaljuk. Peldaul rosszul keszitett CDROMoknak elonyere
valik a lassabb fejmozgas. A mai meghajtok nagyon magas fordulatszamon
porognek, es ilyen nagy sebessegnel bizony elofordulnak olvasasi hibak, amik
a sebesseg csokkentesevel kikuszobolhetok. Nem elhanyagolhato a sebesseggel
aranyos zajszint se.
Ajanlott a 'setcd' nevu programot hasznalni. Eleg regi, de konnyen fellelheto
a Neten.
Hasznalata :
setcd -x <sebesseg> <meghajto>
Masik modszer :
echo current_speed:4 >/proc/ide/<meghajto>/settings
de ehhez rendszergazdai jogosultsag szukseges.
A kovetkezo parancsot is hasznalom :
echo file_readahead:2000000 >/proc/ide/<meghajto>/settings
Ez 2Mb-ot olvas elore olvasaskor (karcos CDROMoknal hasznos).
Ajanlott tovabba a 'hdparm' program hasznalata :
hdparm -d1 -a8 -u1 <meghajto>
Ez bekapcsolja a DMA hozzaferest, eloreolvasast, IRQ unmaskingot.
(ha ezeket nem erted, *olvasd el a hdparm man-jat*)
Kiserletezz a /proc/ide/<meghajto>/settings file-al tovabbi tuning celjabol.
Nick Kurshev & Gabucino

DOCS/Hungarian/CODECS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Tamogatott codec-ek listaja:
Nezd a http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/codecs.html cimen.
Hogyan hasznalj ismeretlen Win32 codec-et
1. VfW
VfW (Video for Windows) a regi Video API Windowshoz. A codec-jei .DLL vagy
(ritkabban) .DRV kiterjesztest kapnak.
Ha az MPlayer ezt irja ki az AVI-dra:
UNKNOWN video codec: HFYU (0x55594648)
Ez azt jelenti, hogy az AVI-d egy olyan codeccel van tomoritve, aminek
a fourcc-je HFYU (HFYU = HuffYUV codec, DIV3 = DivX Low Motion, stb...). Most
hogy ezt mar tudod, azt kell kitalalni hogy a Windows melyik DLL-el jatssza
le a filet. Esetunkben a system.ini ezt tartalmazza (tobbek kozott):
Azaz a huffyuv.dll file-ra lesz szukseg. Eszreveheto, hogy az audio codecek
az MSACM elotagot hasznaljak :
Ez az MP3 codec.
Most hogy tudod az osszes szukseges infot (fourcc, codec file, minta AVI),
kuldd el keresed levelben, es toltsd fel eme file-okat FTP-re:
2. DirectShow
DirectShow az ujabb Video API, ami tortenetesen sokkal rosszabb mint az
elodje. Nehezebb dolgod lesz a DirectShow-val, mivel
- a system.ini nem tartalmazza a szukseges informaciot, ehelyett az egesz a
registryben van :(
- szukseg lesz a codec GUID-jara is.
Na kezdjuk atnezni azt az istenverte registry-t..
- Inditsd el a 'regedit'-et
- ctrl-f, kapcsold ki az elso ket checkbox-ot, es be a harmadikat. Ird be
a codec fourcc-jet. (pl.: TM20)
- jo esetben elojon a path es filenev
- most hogy ez megvolt, szukseg lesz a GUID-ra. Keress ujra, de most a
codec nevere, ne a fourcc-re. A nev megnezheto pl. a Media Playerrel, a
File/Properties/Advanced menupont alatt. Ha nem, igyjaras ;) Talald ki.
(itt : TrueMotion)
- ha megvan, lesz ott egy FriendlyName, es egy CLSID mezo. Ird le azt a
16 byte-nyi CLSID-et, ez a GUID.
MEGJ. : ha semmikepp nem talalod, probald meg ugy hogy bekapcsolod az osszes
checkboxot.. Lesz egy rakas hamis talalat, de talan meglesz az igazi
MEGJ. : dobd ki azt az M$ szart.
Most hogy tudod az osszes szukseges infot (fourcc, GUID, codec file, minta
AVI), kuldd el keresed levelben, es toltsd fel eme file-okat FTP-re:
Gabucino & A'rpi

DOCS/Hungarian/DVD Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
DVD tamogatas az MPlayer-ben!
Olvasd el a 'DVD-FAQ' file-t is (es keruld el az ottlevo atiranyitast:).
FONTOS: _NE_ kerj semmi funkciot a DVD visszajatszashoz. Ez egy roppantul
kiserleti gany dolog. Talan nem is fog mukodni nalad. Ha tudsz segiteni, most
tedd meg! Eloszor a letezo problemakat szeretnenk fixalni, es csak utana
gondolkozni a tovabbi DVD funkciok beepitesen.
Ez egyben azt is jelenti hogy a jelenleg letezo DVD funkciok a fejlesztoknek,
es nem a felhasznaloknak vannak szanva!
MPlayer forditasa libcss tamogatassal
Eloszor forditsd le es installald a libcss-t.
Utana forditsd ujra az MPlayer-t ezekkel az opciokkal:
./configure --enable-css --withcsslibdir=/usr/local/lib --withcssincidr=/usr/local/include
(termeszetesen beirhatod a sajat opcioidat is)
Ez a konyvtar tartalmazza a libcss.so-t. Jo ha bennevan az
/etc/ld.so.conf-ban is.
Ez tartalmazza a 'css.h' header file-t.
MEGJ.: Jelenleg nincs automatikus detektalas a libcss-hez! Ezeket az opciokat
MUSZAJ megadnod.
VOB file-ok lejatszasa kozvetlenul DVD-rol
mplayer -dvd /dev/dvd /mnt/cdrom/video_ts/vts_01_1.vob
'-dvd /dev/dvd' megmondja MPlayer-nek hogy hol keresse a DVD meghajtot.
A lemez autentikaciojanal hasznalatos.
A filenev egyszeruen a VOB file neve a lemezen.
Ugy vettem eszre, hogy az autentikalas rendszergazdai jogosultsagot kivan meg,
ugyhogy muszaj lesz root-kent futtatni az MPlayer-t! (lasd 'Problemak' resz).
MEGJEGYZES a hangrol:
Ugy tunik hogy az MPlayer neha nem talalja meg az elso audio folyamot.
Megadhatod peldaul az '-aid 128' opcioval. Kiserletezz 128,129 es
hasonlo ertekekkel is. Lasd 'Problemak' resz.
Uj file-k a forrasban
Ez vegzi a DVD autentikaciot, es kitolti a key_disc es key_title-t.
header file
Ezek a file-ok '#ifdef ... #endif' blokkon belul avnnak, igy ha a libcss
tamogatas ki van kapcsolva, semmi hatasuk sincs, es MPlayer se lesz libcss-hez
Modositasok a forrasban
* (stream.c) STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE atallitva 2048-ra
* (demux_mpg.c) az eddigi 'encrypted VOB file is not supported' uzenet
most egy flag-ot allit 1-re. A fejlec elemzese utan, ha ez a flag be van
allitva, meghivjuk a libcss descramble funkciojat.
* (stream.c) nehany helyen ahol az eddigi 4096 hosszusagu STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE
hardcoded volt a forrasba, most 'STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE' van
* (mplayer.c) dvd autentikacio, seekeles meghivasa
Az en AMD K6/2-mon, a G400-am hardware-es skalazasaval es colorspace
konverziojaval 70%-osan terheli a lejatszas a CPU-t, ha '-nosound'.
Sajnos hanggal egyutt mar nem eleg a gepem :( Talan meg lehet ezen
javitani ...
Azthiszem, nem olyan rossz a helyzet ... Nehany baratom szerint a xine
80-90% CPU-t hasznal DVD lejatszasnal sokkal erosebb gepeken, mint
peldaul 1Ghz-es Athlon-on (ugy tudom Windows alatt a minimalis konfiguracio
DVD-hez 300Mhz-es celeron kornyeken van).
Tipp: kikapcsoltam a libac3 downmix funkcioit (persze igy nincs hang) es
az audio dekodolashoz szukseges CPU hasznalat rogton visszaesett 24-rol
11%-ra. Jol latszik hogy optimalizalni kell a downmix-et (KNI kod nemszamit
Problemak (TODO)
* az autentikacionak root jogok kellenek. Ez azert furcsa mert az OMS
kepes erre user-kent is.
* hang. Egyetlen DVD lemezem van (Matrix), ennyivel tesztelem az MPlayer-t.
Nehany VOB file-nek angol hangja van, nehanynak spanyol, es van aminek
egyaltalan nincs is.
Ugy _tunik_ hogy ha megadom az '-aid 128' opciot, mindnek angol nyelve
lesz ...
* furcsa effektek, de csak NEHANY VOB file-vel (ugy nez ki mint valami
interlace effekt, azaz minden 2. vonal az elozo kepkockabol van).
Beepitendo funkciok
* chapter scanner
* audio folyam scanner, es futas kozbeni valtas lehetosege
(eloszoris indulaskor kellene valasztasi lehetoseg, lasd 'Problemak')
* DVD menu
Megtalaltam (legalabbis a 'Matrix'-on) a menu VOB-ot, de nem tudom
hogyan kell hasznalni.
(egy kis szemnyuzo OMS nezegetes utan ugytunik hogy az .ifo file-okat
kellene beolvasni)
* subtitle support
* OSD/GUI (?) support for select chapter, subtitle and audio stream
* getting some documentation on DVD format, eg: which is the 'root' VOB
file on the disc in video_ts directory, which is the menu and so on.
* improve performance (see 'Performance' above)
No sound problem (from Matrix DVD, the menu VOB)
End of packet while searching for PCM header
DEMUXER: Too many (2048 in 4131540 bytes) video packets in the buffer!
(maybe you play a non-interleaved stream/file or video codec failed)
MPEG: No Audio stream found... ->nosound
However this does not occur if you specify '-aid 128'.

DOCS/Hungarian/DVD-FAQ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Q: Lenne nehany gondom ami nincs benne ebben a file-ban...
A: Olvasd el a 'DVD' file-t is.
Q: Hogy tudok DVD-ket nezni az MPlayer-rel?
A: Ehh. Olvasd vegig ezt a file-t, es a 'DVD'-t is. (installalj libcss-t)
Q: Szoval az MPlayer tud DVD lejatszast? Akkor biztos DeCSS-t hasznal!
Bunosok vagytok a kovetkezo vadpontokban : XYZ#$--
A: Anyad. Nincs DeCSS kod az MPlayer-ben. libcss-hez linkeli magat.
Q: Mukodni latszik, de nincs hang.
A: Hasznald az '-aid 128' opciot (128,129,...)
Q: Spanyol hang van angol helyett (vagy ilyesmi) !
A: Lasd az utolso kerdest/valaszt.
Q: MPlayer valami FIBMAP-rol zagyval.
A: Futtasd root-kent.
Q: Furcsa effekt (interlace-szeru valami) kulonosen gyors jeleneteknel
A: Ismert problema, majd megoldjuk
Q: A DVD tamogatas MPlayer-ben loszar!
A: Igazad van :) Ha tudsz rajta javitani lepj velunk kapcsolatba!
Q: Honnan tudom letolteni a libcss-t?
A: Talan az OMS forrasabol (www.livid.org).
Q: Hogy lehet ... (kepzeld ide azt ami leginkabb kellene neked DVD-hez)
A: Jelenleg csak lejatszani lehet DVD-rol. Semmi tobb.

DOCS/Hungarian/INSTALL Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* HOGYAN FORDITSD LE AZ MPLAYER-T * (C) 2000. A'rpi/ESP-team *
Pontscho/Fresh! csinalt nehany scriptet es makefile-t, igy a forditas
nagyon konnyu.
1. A Lejatszo: (mplayer)
[* nezd at a config.h es config.mak file-okat! *]
make install
[* ha DGA-t akarsz hasznalni olvasd el a VIDEOCARDS file-t! *]
2. Driverek: (mga_vid.o)
cd drivers
mknod /dev/mga_vid c 178 0
chmod go+rw /dev/mga_vid
3. Matrox G400 DH TV-out:
cd TVout
4. Fontok:
Toltsd le a neked tetszo .zip file-t
cd ~/.mplayer
mkdir font
cd font
unzip mp_font1.zip

DOCS/Hungarian/LIRC Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
LIRC tamogatas MPlayer-ben
irta : Andreas Ackermann 2/2001
contact: acki@acki-netz.de
o Mi az a LIRC?
Linux Infrared Remote Control - hasznalj egy otthon is konnyen elkeszitheto
infravoros taviranyitot, hogy iranyitsd vele a geped!
Reszletek a www.lirc.org cimen.
o MPlayer es a LIRC
Ha felinstallaltad a lirc csomagot, igy forditsd az MPlayer-t :
./configure --enable-lirc
Ha sikerult, az MPlayer ezt fogja kiirni indulaskor:
LIRC init was successful.
Ha hibat talal, azt is kiirja. Ha semmi LIRC-szerut nem mond, akkor
nincs beleforditva.
A megadando programnev - mily' csoda - mplayer_lirc.
A kovetkezo parancsokat erti:
PAUSE - lejatszas megallitasa. Barmely masik billentyu ujrainditja.
QUIT - kilepes
RWND - 10 masodperccel vissza
FRWND - 60 masodperccel vissza
FWD - 10 masodperccel elore
FFWD - 60 masodperccel elore
INCVOL - hangero novelese 1 szazalekkal
DECVOL - hangero csokkentese 1 szazalekkal
MASTER - 'master' mixer csatorna hasznalata
PCM - 'pcm' mixer csatorna hasznalata
Ne felejtsd bekapcsolni a repeat flag-ot a RWND/FWD-hez a .lricrc-ben.
Itt egy pelda az enyembol:
remote = CU-SX070
prog = mplayer_lirc
button = Tape_Play
repeat = 1
config = FFWD
remote = CU-SX070
prog = mplayer_lirc
button = Tape_Stop
config = QUIT

DOCS/Hungarian/MPlayer-FAQ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
Yes, this is the MPlayer FAQ.
Many people asked same questions so I decided to write this stuff.
I know that people will never read this but at least i try to
pull down number of these mails.
And from now i can say that "read the fuckin' FAQ!" :-)
Let's ask!
Q: What about DVD playback?
A: Read files 'DVD' and 'DVD-FAQ'.
Q: SDL output doesn't work or compile. Problem is ....
A: It is tested with newest SDL (probably runs on 1.1.7+).
It does NOT work with 1.1.6, 1.1.5 1.1.4 1.1.3 1.0.4 etc, don't ask.
Q: I am still having trouble compiling with SDL support. gcc says something
about "undefined reference to `SDL_EnableKeyRepeat'" What's now?
A: Where did you install the SDL library? If you installed in /usr/local
(the default) then edit the top level config.mak and add
"-L/usr/local/lib " after "X_LIBS=" Now type make. You're done!
Q: I have problem ... with the SDL driver.
A: It's very experimental & buggy code, and it's UNSUPPORTED by us.
Please do NOT report bugs or ask features relating to SDL.
If you can improve it, send us patches!
Q: It doesn't compile, and it misses uint64_t inttypes.h and similar things...
A: copy DOCS/inttypes.h to MPlayer directory (cp DOCS/inttypes.h .)
try again... if fail, contact me
Q: I have Pentium III but ./configure doesn't detect SSE
A: Only kernel versions 2.4.x supports SSE (or try latest 2.2.19 or newer, but
be prepared for problems)
Q: -xy option doesn't work with x11 driver (-vo x11)
A: x11 driver doesn't support scaling, but XF86VidMode support is now
used: you must specify the -vm and the -fs switch, and you're done.
Make sure you have the right Modelines in your XF86Config file, and
try if the DGA driver (and SDL's DGA driver, see VIDEOCARDS) works for you.
It's much faster. If SDL's DGA works too, use that, it'll be EVEN
Q: audio goes out of sync playing .avi file
A: try with -bps or -nobps option
if still bad, send me (upload to ftp) that file, I'll check.
Q: what is the meaning of numbers in the status line?
A: see:
A: 2.1 V: 2.2 A-V: -0.167 ct: 0.042 57 41% 0% 2.6% 0
- A: audio position in seconds
- V: video position in seconds
- A-V: audio-video difference in seconds (delay)
- ct: total A-V sync correction done
- frames played (counting from last seek)
- video codec cpu usage in percent (for mpeg it includes video_out too!)
- video_out cpu usage for avi, 0 for mpg (see above)
- audio codec cpu usage in percent
- dropped bad frames (mpg only)
Most of them are for debug purposes, and will be removed soon.
Q: Why is video_out cpu usage zero (0%) for mpeg files?
A: It's not zero, but it's built in into codec, so can't be measured separated.
You should try to play the file using -vo null and then -vo ... and check
the difference to see video_out speed...
Q: OpenGL (-vo gl) output doesn't work (hangup/black window/X11 errors/...)
A: your opengl driver doesn't support dynamic texture chanegs (glTexSubImage)
it's known not to work with X 4.0.x DRI drivers and nVidia's binary shit.
it's known to work with Utah-GLX and Matrox G400 card.
it will not work with 3DFX cards because the 256x256 texture size limit.
Q: I have G200/G400, how to compile/use mga_vid driver?
Q: What's XMMP? (it's XMMS or XMPS but mispelled?)
A: It's a new project, see http://frozenproductions.com for details
Q: There are error messages about file not found /usr/lib/win32/....
A: Download & install w32codec.zip from *our* FTP
(avifile's codec package has different DLL set)
Q: It wants to load l3codeca.acm, but I don't have such file.
A: You should use w32codec.zip from MPlayer FTP instead of avifile's pack!
Q: ...... works with avifile/aviplay while doesn't with MPlayer
A: MPlayer != avifile
The only common thing between these players is the Win32 DLL loader.
The codecs (dll) sets, syncronization, demultiplexing etc is totaly
different and shouldn't be compared.
If something works with aviplay it doesn't mean that MPlayer should do
it and vice versa. You should contact me, I'll fix the bug!
Q: Indeo 3.x/4.x movies are viewed upside-down!!!?
A: It's a known bug (really it's a bug/limitation of the DLL codec)
Q: Indeo 3.x,4.x video doesn't work at 32bpp resolutions (16,24 bpp are ok)
A: It's a known bug (really it's a bug/limitation of the DLL codec)
Q: I've got 'MPlayer interrupted by signal 11' in module audio_setup or
A: This is highly unlikely, since the mp3lib rewrite. Contact us, it may be
a bug. Possibly it's a damaged file, try with -afm 4 .
Q: Are there rpm/deb/... packages of MPlayer?
A: You can make a .deb package for yourself, check DOCS/DEBIAN .
It's _STRONGLY_ discouraged to use binary packages
of MPlayer, since it (currently) _highly_ depends on compile-time
options and optimizations!
Q: Are there any mailing lists on MPlayer?
A: Yes! See README on how to subscribe them!
Q: I've found a nasty bug when I tried to play my favourite video!!
Who should I inform?
A: Inform the MPlayer-users mailing list about your problem. *ALWAYS*
read the BUGREPORTS file about what information we NEED to identify your problem.
Use the developers addresses (specified in AUTHORS) only if you want to
flame, or want to ask for a date. ;)
Q: During 'make', MPlayer complains about X11 libraries. I don't understand,
I DO have X installed!?
A: ...but you don't have the X development package installed. Or not
correctly. It's called XFree86-devel* under RedHat, and xlib6g-dev* under
Debian. Also check if the /usr/X11 symlink exists (this can be a problem on
Mandrake systems). It can be created with the
$ ln -sf /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11
command. Also check the /usr/include/X11 link :
$ ln -sf /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11
Your distribution may differ from the Linux Filesystem Standard.
Q: I have problems playing files with ... codec. Can I use'em?
A: Check http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/codecs.html,
if it doesn't contain your codec, read
http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/CODECS, and contact us.
Q: What about DGA driver? I can't find it!!!
A: ./configure autodetects your DGA driver. If -vo help doesn't show
DGA, then there's a problem with your X installation.
Try ./configure --enable-dga (and read VIDEOCARDS)
Alternatively, try SDL's DGA driver with '-vo sdl -sdl dga' options.
Q: Ok, -vo help shows DGA driver, but it is babbling about permissions!
Help me!
A: It works only if running as root! It's a DGA limitation.
You should become to root (su -), and try again.
Another solution is making mplayer SUID root, but its NOT RECOMMENDED!
'chown root /usr/local/bin/mplayer'
'chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/mplayer'
'chmod +s /usr/local/bin/mplayer'
!!!! BUT STAY TUNED !!!!
This is a *BIG* security risk! *NEVER* do this on a server or on a computer
can be accessed by more people than only you because they can gain root
privilegies through suid root mplayer!!!
Q: The fsdga driver doesn't work with my xyz.avi file. Why is that?
A: Because it only works with MPEG. (yet)
Q: When using Xvideo, my Voodoo 3/Banshee says:
X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource
Major opcode of failed request: 147 (MIT-SHM)
Minor opcode of failed request: 1 (X_ShmAttach)
Serial number of failed request: 26
Current serial number in output stream:27
A: Your driver is old, update it.
Q: When using Xvideo, I can't play DivX avis with my Voodoo 3/Banshee !
It says:
Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
A: Your driver is old, update it. The new driver also supports YUY2 required
for DivX.
Q: I've downloaded an ASF with asfrecorder, but MPlayer can't play it !
A: asfrecorder, and the ASF format itself is a big crap.
Do not contact us, go to hell.
Q: Umm, what is "IdegCounter" ?
A: A mixture of a hungarian and an english word. In english, "Ideg" means
"nerve", and is pronounced as something like "ydaegh" . It was first used
to measure the nervousness of A'rpi, after some (umm) "mystic" disappearance
of CVS code ;)
Q: I can't compile SVGAlib.. I'm using 2.3/2.4 kernel.
A: You have to edit SVGAlib's Makefile.cfg and comment "BACKGROUND = y" out.
Q: LIRC doesn't work, because ...
A: Are you sure you use "mplayer_lirc" instead of "mplayer" ?
Q: MPlayer exits with something error when using l3codeca.acm
A: Check 'ldd /usr/local/bin/mplayer' output. If it contains
libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x4???????)
where "?" is any number then it's ok, the error is not here. If it is:
libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00??????)
then there is problem with your kernel/libc. Maybe you are using some
security patches (for example Solar Designer's OpenWall patch) which
forces loading libraries to very low addresses.
Because l3codeca.acm is a non-relocatable DLL, it must be loaded to
0x00400000, we can't change this. You should use non-patched kernel,
or use MPlayer's -afm 1 option to disable using l3codeca.acm.
Q: My computer plays M$ DivX AVIs with resolutions ~ 640x300 and stereo mp3
sound too slow. When I use -nosound switch, everything is ok (but quiet).
A: Those files probably have 48Khz audio, and your soundcard/driver can't play
it correctly. Audio downsampling isn't implemented in MPlayer (yet).

DOCS/Hungarian/MTRR Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
MTRR beallitasa X11 es/vagy mga_vid-hez:
1. baziscim megkeresese
3 modszer is van ra:
- az X11 uzeneteibol, peldaul:
(--) SVGA: PCI: Matrox MGA G400 AGP rev 4, Memory @ 0xd8000000, 0xd4000000
(--) SVGA: Linear framebuffer at 0xD8000000
- /proc/pci-bol (hasznald az 'lspci -v' parancsot):
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc.: Unknown device 0525
Memory at d8000000 (32-bit, prefetchable)
- az mga_vid uzeneteibol (pl. 'dmesg' parancs):
mga_mem_base = d8000000
2. memoria merete
Nagyon konnyu, csak at kell konvertalni a videomemoria meretet
hexadecimalisba, vagy hasznald ezt a tablazatot:
1 MB 0x100000
2 MB 0x200000
4 MB 0x400000
8 MB 0x800000
16 MB 0x1000000
32 MB 0x2000000
3. MTRR beallitasa
Most hogy megvan a baziscim es a meret, allitsuk be a regisztereket!
Peldaul, a fenti Matrox kartyahoz (base=0xd8000000) 32Mb rammal
(size=0x2000000) a kovetkezot kell beirni:
echo "base=0xd8000000 size=0x2000000 type=write-combining" >| /proc/mtrr
- Regebbi K6/2-k [a 266Mhz-koruliek, stepping 0] nem tamogatjak az MTRR-t,
mig a stepping 12-k ('cat /proc/cpuinfo' kiirja) igen.

DOCS/Hungarian/OpenDivX Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
OpenDivX tamogatas MPlayer-ben
Az OpenDivX codec reszleteirol a http://www.projectmayo.com cimen olvashatsz.
Ez egy nyilt-forraskodu utodja a DivX codecnek (valojaban az MPEG-4 szabvany
tovabbfejlesztese), tobb platformon letezik. A mi Decore-nk MMX-re
optimalizalt. Az MPlayer jelenleg az OpenDivX 4.0alpha48 verziojat
'dvx1' fourcc-vel ellatott AVI fileoknal hasznalt.
A minoseget a '-pp' opcioval allithatod.
Kombinald (add ossze) a flagokat amiket hasznalni akarsz:
1 Y horizontal deblocking
2 Y vertical deblocking
4 C horizontal deblocking
8 C vertical deblocking
16 Y dering
32 C dering
Peldaul, ha horiz+vert chroma deblocking-et akarsz, hasznald ezt:
-pp 12 (4+8=12)
Megj.: a C filterek csak n*16 pixel magassagu filmeknel hasznalhatoak
Az OpenDivX-be konvertalas egy nagyon kezdetleges hack. A hang automatikusan
kikapcsolodik. Valaszd az 'odivx'-et kimenetkent:
mplayer input.mpg -vo odivx -encode output.avi
Igen, tudom hogy meg hasznalhatatlan, csak tesztelesi celokat szolgal.

DOCS/Hungarian/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
MPlayer (CVS version) (C) 2000-2001 Arpad Gereoffy (A'rpi/ESP-team)
=============================== * See the file AUTHORS for the complete list *
MPlayer is a movie player for LINUX. It plays most mpeg, avi and asf files,
supported by many native and win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VCD, DVD and
even DivX movies too. The another big feature of mplayer is the wide range
of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib,
fbdev, AAlib, but you can use SDL (and this way all drivers of SDL) and some
lowlevel card-specific drivers (for Matrox/3dfx/SiS) too! Most of them
supports software or hardware scaling, so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen.
And what about the nice big antialiased shaded subtitles (.sub files) with
hungarian, english, cyrillic, czech, korean fonts, and OSD?
Yes. Yet another movie player for linux.
What is the special with this? It works, at least for me :)
I've tried lots of players under linux (mtv,xmps,dvdview,livid/oms,VideoLAN,
xine,xanim,avifile,xmmp) but they all have some problem. Mostly with
special files or with audio/video sync. Most of them is unable to play
both mpeg1, mpeg2 and avi (DivX) files. Many players have image quality
or speed problems too. So I've decided to write/modify one...
- mpg12play v0.1-v0.3:
The first try, hacked together in a half hour!
I've used libmpeg3 from www.heroinewarrior.com up to the version 0.3,
but there were image quality and speed problems with it.
- mpg12play v0.5-v0.87:
Mpeg codec replaced with DVDview by Dirk Farin, it was a great stuff,
but it was slow and was written in C++ (I hate C++!!!)
- mpg12play v0.9-v0.95pre5:
Mpeg codec was libmpeg2 (mpeg2dec) by Aaron Holtzman & Michel Lespinasse.
It's great, optimized very fast C code with perfect image quality and
100% mpeg standard conformance.
- MPlayer v0.3-v0.9:
It was a pack of two programs: mpg12playv0.95pre6 and my new simple AVI
player 'avip' based on avifile's Win32 DLL loader.
- MPlayer v0.10:
The mpeg and avi player in a single binary!
- MPlayer v0.11:
Added .asf file support, and OpenDivX (see www.projectmayo.com) en/decoding.
- MPlayer v0.17 "The IdegCounter"
The release version of the 0.11pre after 4 months of heavy development!
Try it, and be amazed! Thousands of new features added... and of course
old code was improved too, bugs removed etc.
As you see, I didn't write any codecs, just some players. Instead I spent
a lot of time finding the best way to parse bad damaged input files
(both mpg and avi) and to do perfect A-V sync with seeking ability.
My player is rock solid playing damaged mpeg files (useful for some VCDs),
and it plays bad AVI files which are unplayable with the famous
windows media player. Even AVI files without index chunk are playable, and
you can rebuild their indexes with the -idx option, thus enabling seeking!
As you see, stability and quality are the most important things for me,
speed has lower priority, but is still very important.
What about the GUI?
I'm not a GUI programmer. I hate GUIs, I like the pure black 80x25 console.
So the player has only keyboard control from the controlling console/xterm now.
But there is a GUI development for the player, coordinated by Pontscho/Fresh!
It's still under development, but it will be merged and released real soon.
BTW he needs some nice skins, if you are a good graphician, contact him!!!
Supported input formats:
- VCD (Video CD) directly from CD-ROM or from CDRwin's .bin image file
- DVD, directly from your DVD disk, using optional libcss for decryption
- MPEG 1/2 System Stream (PS/PES/VOB) and Elementary Stream (ES) file formats
- RIFF AVI file format
- ASF 1.0 file format
- supports reading from file or stdin
Supported audio & video codecs:
*** See http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/codecs.html ***
*** for the complete list ***
The most important video codecs:
- mpeg1 (VCD) and mpeg2 (DVD) video
- DivX, OpenDivX and other MPEG4 variants
- Windows Media Video 7 (WMV1) used in .wmv files
- Intel Indeo codecs (3.1,3.2,4.1,5.0)
- MJPEG, ASV2 and other hardware formats
The most important audio codecs:
- mpeg layer 2, and layer 3 (MP3) audio
- AC3 dolby audio
- Voxware audio
- alaw, msgsm, pcm and other simple old audio formats
If you have a codec not listed here, and not supported yet, just
read http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/codecs.html and DOCS/CODECS
to get info about its status and about how to help us adding support for it!
Supported video output devices:
- x11: X11 with SHM extension
- xv: X11 using overlays with the Xvideo extension (hardware YUV & scaling)
- gl: OpenGL renderer, works only with Utah-GLX! (no DRI or nVidia drivers)
- dga: X11 DGA extension
- fsdga:X11 DGA extension with fullscreen scaling (only 24/32bpp and MPEG!)
- fbdev:Output to general framebuffers
- svga: Output to SVGAlib
- sdl: SDL >= v1.1.7 driver (supports software scaling, and versions >=1.1.8
even support Xvideo (thus hardware rendering) and with >=1.2.0 aalib)
- aalib:Textmode rendering (through SDL, native driver is coming soon!)
Card specific:
- mga: Matrox G200/G400 hardware YUV overlay via the mga_vid device
- xmga: Matrox G200/G400 overlay (mga_vid) in X11 window
(Xv emulation on X 3.3.x !)
- syncfb: Matrox G400 YUV support on framebuffer (obsoloted, use mga/xmga)
- 3dfx: Voodoo2/3 hardware YUV (/dev/3dfx) support (not yet tested, maybe broken)
- png: PNG files output (use -z switch to set compression)
- pgm: PGM files output (for testing purposes or ffmpeg encoding)
- md5: MD5sum output (for mpeg conformance tests)
- odivx:OpenDivX AVI File writer (use -br to set encoding bitrate)
- null: Null output (for speed tests/benchmarking)
Supported audio output devices:
- OSS driver
- ALSA driver with OSS emulation (NOT recommended, causes annoying delays)
- ESD with the esddsp utility (not tested, not recommended, see ALSA)
NOTE: check DOCS/SOUNDCARDS for details!
Most of time-critical parts are optimized for MMX/MMXext/SSE/3DNow!/3Dnow!Ex.
You can improve rendering speed by setting up MTRR registers, see doc in MTRR.
Some *old* benchmark results can be found in the doc file SPEED.
mplayer [options] [-vo driver] [path/]filename
see `mplayer -h' for options
see `mplayer -vo help' for list of available output drivers
<- or -> seek backward/forward 10 seconds
up or down seek backward/forward 1 minute
p or SPACE pause movie (press any key to continue)
q or ^C stop playing and quit program
o toggle OSD : none / seek / seek+timer
/ and * decrease/increase volume
m toggle using master/pcm channel for volume setting
f toggle fullscreen (only with -vo sdl)
mplayer -vo x11 /mnt/Films/Contact/contact2.mpg
mplayer -vcd 2 /dev/cdrom
mplayer -afm 3 /mnt/DVDtrailers/alien4.vob
mplayer -dvd /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd/matrix.vob
mplayer -abs 65536 -delay -0.4 -nobps ~/movies/test.avi
Note: in order to use Matrox YUV driver (-vo mga or xmga), first you'll have
to load the driver: insmod drivers/mga_vid.o , or to make it automatic
insert the following line at the end of /etc/modules.conf:
alias char-major-178 mga_vid
and run 'depmod -a' .
Playing from stdin:
Now it's possible.
To play something by reading from stdin, just use '-' as filename:
cat test.mpg | mplayer -vo xv -
mpg: no backward seeking
asf: no backward seeking
avi: no index reading -> no seeking at all, and playing of some files are
No control from controlling terminal/xterm, but hotkeys and osd works
from the window. or course LIRC still works everywhere.
This feature combined with external wrappers extends possibilities.
For example, to play a movie just downloaded from your favourite divx
rar p ast-nssvcd.rar | mplayer -vo xmga -fs -
With an asf grabber or http dump program you can play from the net.
wget ftp://micorsops.com/something.avi -O - | mplayer -
(however we planned to add direct asf/http/ftp inputs with seeking and other
stuff, but for now it's a good workaround)
TV output:
If you have a Matrox G400 Dual-Head card, you can watch movies on TV, using
the TV-out feature of the second head. Read DOCS/TVout-G400 for details!
Sending bugreports, comments, feature requests etc:
First please read all the docs in this package, most of the problems are
described somewhere. At least read DOCS/BUGS ! We don't like answering
questions which are already answered in this readme or other docs.
Read the DOCS/MPlayer-FAQ. Most common problems are answered there!
You should try the latest development version (from CVS) too, maybe your
bug is already fixed, but the new version hasn't been released.
If you couldn't solve the problem, then send a quality bugreport:
read DOCS/BUGREPORTS for instructions (where, what and how...)
Subscribe to the mplayer-users mailing list. There are many MPlayer
users, maybe they can help or know the solution to your problem.
You also should send ideas, feature requests, comments to there!
Please do not ask for features already listed in the DOCS/TODO!
Contact information:
Homepage: http://mplayer.sourceforge.net
Mailing lists:
There are some public mailing lists on MPlayer. Subscribing can be achieved on
the following addresses:
- MPlayer core/hungarian developers list: (HUNGARIAN language ONLY!)
- MPlayer developers list: (send your patches here)
- MPlayer users list: (send your ideas, bugreports, feature requests here)
- MPlayer & Matrox G200/G400/G450 users: (about TV-out, mga_vid, syncfb, Xv)
- MPlayer announce: (information about new releases or big changes in CVS)
- MPlayer CVS-log: (announce about _every_ CVS commit)
NOTE: language of above lists are ENGLISH, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Please do not send messages using other language!
Since MPlayer incorporates a lot of code from other projects, this isn't
decided yet. We're going for GPL (will be pretty hard, though).
Standard Disclaimer:
Use only at your own risk! There may be errors and inaccuracies that could
damage your system or your eye. Proceed with caution, and although this is
highly unlikely, we don't take any responsibility for that!

DOCS/Hungarian/SOUNDCARDS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Ajanlott beallitasok kulonfele hangkartyakhoz
OSS : nincs
ALSA : (?)
Max kHz : 48
SB Live!:
ALSA : (?)
Max kHz : 48
Gravis UltraSound ACE:
OSS : nem jo, maximum 44Khz !
ALSA : ha szaggat a kep, hasznalj OSS-t
Max kHz : 48
Gravis UltraSound MAX:
ALSA : OK (?)
Max kHz : 48
ESS 688:
ALSA : OK (?)
Max kHz : 48
PC Speaker or DAC:
ALSA : nincs
Max kHz : 6 ;) (a driver 44.1Khz-t emulal, vagy tobbet)
Driver : ftp://ftp.infradead.org/pub/pcsp
- MPlayer OSS-hez keszul, legalabbis amig at nem valtunk libxmm-re
- a 2.4-es kerneleket hasznald, 2.2 nincs tesztelve
- ha kattog a hang es CD-ROM-rol jatszol le, kapcsold be az IRQ
unmasking-ot !
peldaul "hdparm -u1 /dev/cdrom" (lasd "man hdparm" !!!)
Ez amugyis ajanlott... (for XMMS, etc...)
Olvasd el a DOCS/CDROM file-t .
- ne foglald le a hangkartyad masik programmal (pl. XMMS) !
Ha ESD-t hasznalsz, inditsd MPlayer-t az 'esddsp' programmal !
- Ird meg nekunk hogy mukodik egyutt az MPlayer es a kartyad!

DOCS/Hungarian/TVout-G400 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
MPlayer TV kimenet G400-as kartyaval
(ez egy valasz volt az mplayer-matrox listara)
> Nagyon szeretnem ha az MPlayer tudna azt, amit a windows-os gepem. Amikor
> elinditok egy lejatszast a windows-ban (ablakos vagy teljeskepernyos)
> a film megjelenik a tv-kimeneten is. Imadom ezt, es azon gondolkoztam milyen
> nehez lenne ezt beepiteni mplayer-be.
Ez a driver korlatja. BES (Back-End Scaler, ez az overlay generator, es YUV
scaler a G200/G400/G450 kartyakon) csak a CRTC1-en mukodik. Normalis esetben,
CRTC1 (szoveges mod, minden bpp, BES) az 1-es head-re kerul, es CRTC2
(csak 16/32bpp, csak grafika) a 2-esre (TV-kimenet).
Linux alatt, 2 lehetoseg van ennek mukodesre birasara:
1. 4.0.x-es X hasznalataval, valamint a HAL driverrel a Matrox-tol, igy
lesz dualhead tamogatas, es at lehet iranyitani TV-re. Sajnos ez
bekapcsolt Macrovision kodolassal van ellatva, igy csak kozvetlenul
TV-re mukodik, videomagnon keresztul nem.
A masik gond az, hogy az Xv nem mukodik a masodik head-en.
(nem tudom hogy a Windows hogy oldja meg, talan megcsereli a CRTC-ket,
vagy valami trukkel hasznalja a YUV framebuffer-t a masodik DAC-en)
2. Matroxfb hasznalataval, es dual-head tamogatassal (2.4.x kernelek).
Lesz egy framebufferes konzolod (CRTC2-vel, ugyhogy lassu), es
TV-kimenet (CRTC1-gyel, BES tamogatassal).
Ilyenkor elfelejtheted az X-et! :(
Hogy kell bekapcsolni?
- Fordits minden matrox-fele cuccot modulba a kernelforditaskor.
(ez SZUKSEGES, legalabbis en mashogy meg nem birtam mukodesre birni)
[inditsd az uj kernelt es installald a modulokat, de meg ne toltsd be oket!]
- Futtasd a 'modules' script-et a TV-out konyvtarbol.
At fogja kapcsolni a konzolodat framebuffer-be.
Valts at tty1-re (ALT+F1)!
Most futtasd az 'independent' scriptet, ami igy fogja beallitani a tty-ket:
tty 1,2: fb konzol, CRTC2-n, 1-es headen (monitor)
tty 3,4,5:..: framebuffer+BES, CRTC1-en, 2-es headen (TV-kimenet)
Futtasd a TV-* es Mon-* scripteket hogy beallitsd a felbontasokat:
valts tty1-re (ALT+F1), es futtasd: Mon-* (csak az egyiket)
valts tty3-ra (ALT+F3), es most vissza tty1-re (ALT+F1)
(ez kivalasztja a tty3-at a /dev/fb1-en - trukkos)
Futtasd: TV-* (csak az egyiket)
(most egy konzolod lesz a PAL TV-n - nem tudni NTSC-vel mivan)
Ha most elinditod MPlayer-t (tty1-en), a kep tty3-on jon elo, azaz
a TV-den, vagy a masodik monitorodon.
Igen, egy csoppet ganyos. Jelenleg a marvel project elkeszulesere varok,
remelem ez normalis TV-out drivereket eredmenyez.
Jelenlegi problemam hogy a BES csak a CRTC1-en mukodik. Ezert a kep
mindig azon a head-en jon elo, amelyik a CRTC1-hez van iranyitva
(altalaban a monitor), igyhat meg kell cserelni a CRTC-ket viszont igy
a konzolod framebufferes lesz (mert a CRTC2 nem tud szoveges modot) es
egy kicsit lassu. :(
> egyebkent csak fekete-feher kimenet sikerult a tv-n ...
Nem lehet hogy NTSC TV-d van? Vagy csak nem futtattad le a TV-*
A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
v0.8 (nincs ekezet /VGA needed/, nincs teljesen kesz, nincs atnezve)

DOCS/Hungarian/VIDEOCARDS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
Hardveres gyorsitas videokartyakhoz:
* olvasd el a DOCS/MTRR file-t is!
A "hardveres gyorsitas" altalaban hardverileg tamogatott YUV konverziot,
scale-t, bilinear filtering-et jelent. Linux alatt jonehany modszerrel
lehet ezeket elerni:
I. Az XFree86 4.0.2 Xv (XVideo) kiterjesztese
II. OpenGL driverek, megfelelo glTexSubImage() tamogatassal (jelenleg csak
az Utah-GLX driverek)
III. Nativ kartyaspecifikus driverek amik egyes kartyak kulonleges
kepessegeit hasznaljak
IV. DGA - Direct Graphic Access. Nincs YUV, scaling, de meg mindig
gyorsabb mint X11
V. Nem igazan gyorsitas, hanem...
Nos, lassuk oket reszletesen:
De mielott elolvasnad ezt, olvasd el a DOCS/MTRR-t is, es nezd meg a
/proc/mtrr-edet. Hidd el, megeri! P3-on tobb mint otszorosere gyorsit!!!
I. Az XFree86 4.0.2 Xv (XVideo) kiterjesztese
Ezt hasznalja a '-vo xv' opcio.
Ha mukodesre akarod birni, a kovetkezoket kell figyelembe venned:
1. XFree86 4.0.2 szukseges (korabbi verziokban nincs XVideo)
2. A kartyadnak tamogatnia kell a hardveres gyorsitast (ujabb kartyak kozul
3. X-nek be kell toltenie az XVideo kiterjesztest, valahogy igy nez ki:
(II) Loading extension XVideo
a /var/log/XFree86.0.log file-ban
MEGJ : ez csak azt jelzi, hogy az _X_ betoltotte. Egy normalis rendszernel
ez alap, es nem jelenti, hogy a _kartyanak_ van XVideo
4. A kartyad Linuxos drivere tamogatva az Xv-t. Ezt az 'xvinfo'-val lehet
megnezni, ez pedig az XFree86 disztribucio resze. Egy hosszu szoveget
kell hogy kiirjon, hasonlot ehhez:
X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
Adaptor #0: "Savage Streams Engine"
number of ports: 1
port base: 43
operations supported: PutImage
supported visuals:
depth 16, visualID 0x22
depth 16, visualID 0x23
number of attributes: 5
Number of image formats: 7
id: 0x32595559 (YUY2)
guid: 59555932-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
bits per pixel: 16
number of planes: 1
type: YUV (packed)
id: 0x32315659 (YV12)
guid: 59563132-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71
bits per pixel: 12
number of planes: 3
type: YUV (planar)
Tamogatnia kell a YUY2 packed, YV12 planar pixelformatumokat, hogy
hasznalhato legyen MPlayer-rel.
5. MPlayer-t 'xv' tamogatassal kell forditani. 'configure'-nak ezt kell
Checking for Xv ... yes
6. Ha ez mind OK, probald ki a '-vo xv' opciot. Mukodnie kell.
(ha nem teszi, kuldj nekunk egy bugreportot. Lasd DOCS/BUGREPORTS.)
II. OpenGL driverek, megfelelo glTexSubImage() tamogatassal
Jelenleg csak a regebbi Utah-GLX driver (X 3.3.6) tamogatja.
Lasd http://utah-glx.sourceforge.net
Az uj X 4.x.x/DRI-nek es az nVidia drivereknek nincs hasznalhato
glTexSubImage-juk :(
III. Nativ kartyaspecifikus driverek
3 nativ driver van Linuxra:
1. Matrox G200/G400/G450 BES (Back-End Scaler) (mga_vid kernel driver)
Jobbara en (A'rpi) fejlesztem. Tamogat hardveres VSYNC-et, triple
buffering-el. Mukodik mind framebufferes konzolon, mind X alatt.
Forditsd le a drivers/ konyvtarban levo mga_vid.o-t (ird be: make)
hozd letre a /dev/mga_vid-et :
mknod /dev/mga_vid c 178 0
es toltsd be a drivert az 'insmod mga_vid.o' paranccsal. Ajanlott
leellenorizni, hogy a memoria meretet helyesen detektalta-e, a 'dmesg'
paranccsal. Ha rossz, hasznald az mga_ram_size opciot (eloszor 'rmmod
mga_vid'), es add meg a kartyad memoriajat Mb-ban:
insmod mga_vid.o mga_ram_size=16
Ha azt akarod hogy automatikusan toltodjon be, ird be a kovetkezo sort az
/etc/modules.conf vegere :
alias char-major-178 mga_vid
Hasznalata MPlayer-bol: (eloszor forditsd ujra mga_vid supporttal...)
Hasznald az 'mga' kimenetet, ha framebuffer konzolod van (matroxfb): -vo mga
vagy az 'xmga'-t, ha X 3.3.6-od van: -vo xmga
Megj.: mukodik 4.0.2-es X alatt is, de az Xv driverrel nem szeretik egymast
ezert jobb kerulni mindketto hasznalatat. Altalaban az X ujrainditasa vagy
reboot szukseges hogy az Xv ujra mukodjon :(
Ha dual-head G400-ad van, es egy TV vagy masodik monitor van csatlakoztatva
a masodik head-re, akkor azt is hasznalhatod: olvasd el a DOCS/TVout-G400
file-t. (eleg nagy ganyolas)
2. SiS 6326 YUV Framebuffer driver -> sis_vid kernel driver
A felulete elvileg kompatibilis az mga_vid-del, de ebbe nem kerultek
bele az mga_vid-es valtoztatasok, ugyhogy valoszinuleg nem mukodik.
Jelentkezok kellenek tesztelesre, javitasra.
3. 3dfx (mely kartyak?) YUV+scaler support, a /dev/3dfx-el (tdfx.o driver?)
A /dev/3dfx kernel driver csak a 2.2.x kernelekhez letezik, es a Glide-dal
hasznalatos. Nincs letesztelve MPlayer-rel, ezert nem tamogatott.
Jelentkezok kellenek tesztelesre, javitasra.
IV. Ha a kartyadnak nincs hardveres gyorsitasa, meg mindig meg tudod dobni
az fps-t a DGA driverrel:
1. Bizonyosodj meg hogy az X betolti a DGA kiterjesztest:
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(amint latod, XFree86 4.0.x vagy ujabb NAGYON AJANLOTT!)
2. MPlayer DGA drivere automatikusan detektalodik ./configure-kor, de ha
kell, az --enable-dga opcioval kenyszeritheted is.
3. Ha a driver nem tud kisebb felbontasba valtani, jatszadozz kicsit a
-vm (csak 3.3.x X-szel), -fs, -bpp, -zoom opciokkal es hatha talalsz egy
alkalmas modot. Jelenleg nincs konverter.. :(
4. Legyel ROOT. DGA-nak root jogok kellenek hogy kozvetlen tudjon irni a
videomemoriaba. Ha felhasznalokent akarod futtatni, installald MPlayer-t
SUID root-kent:
'chown root /usr/local/bin/mplayer'
'chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/mplayer'
'chmod +s /usr/local/bin/mplayer'
Igy most menni fog user-kent is.
!!!! JOL FIGYELJ !!!!
Ez egy ORIASI biztonsagi lyuk! Soha ne csinald ezt egy szerveren, vagy
egy olyan gepen amit tobb ember is eler, mert igy root jogokat szerezhetnek
a suid MPlayer-en keresztul.
5. Use '-vo dga' option, and there you go! (hope so:)
6. Try if the '-vo sdl -sdl dga' options work for you! It's much faster!!!
Ha gyors geped van (pl. P3 800) probald ki az 'fsdga'-t, igy teljeskepernyos
mpeg lejatszast kapsz (software-es YUV->RGB scaling hasznalataval):
mplayer -vo fsdga ...
V. Nem igazan gyorsitas, hanem...
a, Ha nincs X-ed...
...hasznald az SVGAlib kimenetet! Bizonyosodj meg rola hogy nem hasznalod
az -fs kapcsolot, mert ez itt a software-es scaler-t kapcsolja be, es ez
LASSUUUU egyenlore, hacsak nincs egy igazan gyors procid (es/vagy MTRR?). :(
Termeszetesen fel kell installalnod az svgalib-et, es a fejlesztoi
kornyezetet, hogy MPlayer le tudja forditani az SVGAlib kimenetet
(automatikusan detektalja, de lehet kenyszeriteni is), es ne felejtsd el
atszerkeszteni az /etc/vga/libvga.config-ot, hogy tukrozze a kartyad es
a monitorod tulajdonsagait.
Erdemes tovabba kiprobalni az 'aalib' kimenetet ('-vo sdl -sdl aalib'),
igazan nagyszeru! :)
b, Framebuffer-t akarsz hasznalni...
Annak eldontese hogy legyen-e framebuffer kimenet, a ./configure alatt
dol el. Olvasd el a kernelforrasban talalhato framebuffer dokumentaciot
(Documentation/fb/*), ami leirja hogy hogy kapcsold be, stb.. !
... de a kartyad nem tamogatja a VBE 2.0 szabvanyt (regebbi ISA/PCI
kartyak, peldaul az S3 Trio64), csak a VBE 1.2-et (vagy regebbit?) :
Nos, VESAfb meg mindig hasznalhato, de a Linux bootolasa elott be kell
toltened a SciTech Display Doctor-t (regebben UniVBE). Hasznalj DOS
bootlemezt, vagy valami. Es ne felejtsd regisztralni az UniVBE-det ;))
Megj.: az FBdev kimenet videomod valtasa _nem mukodik_ a VESA
framebuffer-rel, es ne is kerd, mivel ez nem az MPlayer korlatja.
Gabucino & A'rpi

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
## MPlayer konfiguracios file
## Ennek a file-nak a helye az /etc/mplayer.conf es/vagy ~/.mplayer/config .
## Ha mindketto letezik, az ~/.mplayer/config beallitasai az ervenyesek az
## /etc/mplayer.conf felett. Termeszetesen a parancssori opciok az
## elsodlegesek. Az opciok ugyanazok mint a parancssorban, de itt sokkal
## valtozatosabban adhatok meg.
vo=xv # kivant videokimenet, a rendelkezesre allo eszkozok
# listaja : -vo help
fs=yes # A lejatszasi ablak kinagyitasa az egesz desktopra.
# (teljes kepernyo)
vm=no # Probaljon-e az MPlayer atvaltani masik videomodba
# A kovetkezok hasznaljak: dga2, x11, sdl
#bpp=0 # Szinmelyseg megvaltoztatasanak kenyszeritese
# Lehetosegek: 0, 15, 16, 24, 32
# lehet hogy kell neki 'vm=yes' is.
# A kovetkezok hasznaljak: fbdev, dga2, svga
zoom=no # Software-es nagyitas hasznalata (eros CPU kell!)
# A kovetkezok hasznaljak: svga
# x=800 # video nagyitasa <x> pixelnyi szelessegre
# y=600 # video nagyitasa <y> pixelnyi magassagra
## Tobb nyelvet is lehet hasznalni :)
## Magyar igen nem
## Angol yes no
## Nemet ja nein
## Spanyol si no
## Binaris 1 0
## Space es Tab hasznalata megengedett.
sound = 1
nosound = nein
mixer = /dev/mixer
master = no # no : 'PCM' csatorna yes : 'MASTER' csatorna
# hasznalata
## resample the fonts' alphamap
## 0 egyszeru feher fontok
## 0.75 nagyon vekony fekete korvonal (alapbeallitas)
## 1 vekony fekete korvonal
## 10 vastag fekete korvonal
ffactor = 0.75
## FBdev driver: add meg a monitorod tulajdonsagait, igy a rendelkezesre
## allo videomodok automatikusan detektalodnak.
## (lasd /etc/X11/XF86Config!)
## k, K : szorzas 1000-el
## m, M : szorzas 1.000.000-val
# fb = /dev/fb0 # melyik framebuffer-t hasznalod
# fbmode = 640x480-120 # modvaltas ebbe a videomodba
# fbmodeconfig = /etc/fb.modes # ez a file tartalmazza a videomodokat
# monitor_hfreq = 31.5k-50k,70k # horizontal frequency
# monitor_vfreq = 50-90 # vertical frequency
# monitor_dotclock = 30M-300M # dotclock (vagy pixelclock)
## SDL driver
# sdl = aalib # mely drivert kivanod hasznalni
# (pl.: aalib, dga, fbdev...)
# noxv = yes # XVideo hardware gyorsitas kikapcsolasa
# forcexv = yes # XVideo hasznalatanak kenyszeritese
# nodshow # DirectShow codec-ek hasznalatanak kikapcsolasa
## Esetleges kovetkezo feldolgozando konfig. file
## Teljes utvonal kell!
include = /home/gabucino/.mplayer/savage4.conf