// Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import moneroComponents.Wallet 1.0 import moneroComponents.PendingTransaction 1.0 import moneroComponents.NetworkType 1.0 import moneroComponents.Settings 1.0 import "components" import "components" as MoneroComponents import "components/effects" as MoneroEffects import "pages/merchant" as MoneroMerchant import "wizard" import "js/Utils.js" as Utils import "js/Windows.js" as Windows ApplicationWindow { id: appWindow title: "Monero" property var currentItem property bool hideBalanceForced: false property bool ctrlPressed: false property alias persistentSettings : persistentSettings property var currentWallet; property var transaction; property var transactionDescription; property var walletPassword property bool isNewWallet: false property int restoreHeight:0 property bool daemonSynced: false property bool walletSynced: false property int maxWindowHeight: (isAndroid || isIOS)? screenHeight : (screenHeight < 900)? 720 : 800; property bool daemonRunning: false property alias toolTip: toolTip property string walletName property bool viewOnly: false property bool foundNewBlock: false property bool qrScannerEnabled: (typeof builtWithScanner != "undefined") && builtWithScanner property int blocksToSync: 1 property bool isMining: false property int walletMode: persistentSettings.walletMode property var cameraUi property bool androidCloseTapped: false; property int userLastActive; // epoch // Default daemon addresses readonly property string localDaemonAddress : "localhost:" + getDefaultDaemonRpcPort(persistentSettings.nettype) property string currentDaemonAddress; property int disconnectedEpoch: 0 property int estimatedBlockchainSize: 75 // GB property alias viewState: rootItem.state property string prevSplashText; property bool splashDisplayedBeforeButtonRequest; property int appEpoch: Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1000) property bool themeTransition: false // fiat price conversion property int fiatPriceXMRUSD: 0 property int fiatPriceXMREUR: 0 property var fiatPriceAPIs: { return { "kraken": { "xmrusd": "https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMRUSD", "xmreur": "https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMREUR" }, "coingecko": { "xmrusd": "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=monero&vs_currencies=usd", "xmreur": "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=monero&vs_currencies=eur" }, "cryptocompare": { "xmrusd": "https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=XMR&tsyms=USD", "xmreur": "https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=XMR&tsyms=EUR", } } } // true if wallet ever synchronized property bool walletInitialized : false // Current selected address / subaddress / (Receive/Account page) property var current_address property var current_address_label: "Primary" property int current_subaddress_table_index: 0 property int current_subaddress_account_table_index: 0 function altKeyReleased() { ctrlPressed = false; } function showPageRequest(page) { middlePanel.state = page leftPanel.selectItem(page) } function sequencePressed(obj, seq) { if(seq === undefined || !leftPanel.enabled) return if(seq === "Ctrl") { ctrlPressed = true return } if(seq === "Ctrl+S") middlePanel.state = "Transfer" else if(seq === "Ctrl+R") middlePanel.state = "Receive" else if(seq === "Ctrl+K") middlePanel.state = "TxKey" else if(seq === "Ctrl+H") middlePanel.state = "History" else if(seq === "Ctrl+B") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook" else if(seq === "Ctrl+M") middlePanel.state = "Mining" else if(seq === "Ctrl+I") middlePanel.state = "Sign" else if(seq === "Ctrl+G") middlePanel.state = "SharedRingDB" else if(seq === "Ctrl+E") middlePanel.state = "Settings" else if(seq === "Ctrl+D") middlePanel.state = "Advanced" else if(seq === "Ctrl+T") middlePanel.state = "Account" else if(seq === "Ctrl+Tab" || seq === "Alt+Tab") { /* if(middlePanel.state === "Transfer") middlePanel.state = "Receive" else if(middlePanel.state === "Receive") middlePanel.state = "TxKey" else if(middlePanel.state === "TxKey") middlePanel.state = "SharedRingDB" else if(middlePanel.state === "SharedRingDB") middlePanel.state = "History" else if(middlePanel.state === "History") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook" else if(middlePanel.state === "AddressBook") middlePanel.state = "Mining" else if(middlePanel.state === "Mining") middlePanel.state = "Sign" else if(middlePanel.state === "Sign") middlePanel.state = "Settings" */ if(middlePanel.state === "Settings") middlePanel.state = "Account" else if(middlePanel.state === "Account") middlePanel.state = "Transfer" else if(middlePanel.state === "Transfer") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook" else if(middlePanel.state === "AddressBook") middlePanel.state = "Receive" else if(middlePanel.state === "Receive") middlePanel.state = "History" else if(middlePanel.state === "History") middlePanel.state = "Mining" else if(middlePanel.state === "Mining") middlePanel.state = "TxKey" else if(middlePanel.state === "TxKey") middlePanel.state = "SharedRingDB" else if(middlePanel.state === "SharedRingDB") middlePanel.state = "Sign" else if(middlePanel.state === "Sign") middlePanel.state = "Settings" } else if(seq === "Ctrl+Shift+Backtab" || seq === "Alt+Shift+Backtab") { /* if(middlePanel.state === "Settings") middlePanel.state = "Sign" else if(middlePanel.state === "Sign") middlePanel.state = "Mining" else if(middlePanel.state === "Mining") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook" else if(middlePanel.state === "AddressBook") middlePanel.state = "History" else if(middlePanel.state === "History") middlePanel.state = "SharedRingDB" else if(middlePanel.state === "SharedRingDB") middlePanel.state = "TxKey" else if(middlePanel.state === "TxKey") middlePanel.state = "Receive" else if(middlePanel.state === "Receive") middlePanel.state = "Transfer" */ if(middlePanel.state === "Settings") middlePanel.state = "Sign" else if(middlePanel.state === "Sign") middlePanel.state = "SharedRingDB" else if(middlePanel.state === "SharedRingDB") middlePanel.state = "TxKey" else if(middlePanel.state === "TxKey") middlePanel.state = "Mining" else if(middlePanel.state === "Mining") middlePanel.state = "History" else if(middlePanel.state === "History") middlePanel.state = "Receive" else if(middlePanel.state === "Receive") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook" else if(middlePanel.state === "AddressBook") middlePanel.state = "Transfer" else if(middlePanel.state === "Transfer") middlePanel.state = "Account" else if(middlePanel.state === "Account") middlePanel.state = "Settings" } if (middlePanel.state !== "Advanced") updateBalance(); leftPanel.selectItem(middlePanel.state) } function sequenceReleased(obj, seq) { if(seq === "Ctrl") ctrlPressed = false } function mousePressed(obj, mouseX, mouseY) {} function mouseReleased(obj, mouseX, mouseY) {} function loadPage(page) { middlePanel.state = page; leftPanel.selectItem(page); } function initialize() { appWindow.viewState = "normal"; console.log("initializing..") // Use stored log level if (persistentSettings.logLevel == 5) walletManager.setLogCategories(persistentSettings.logCategories) else walletManager.setLogLevel(persistentSettings.logLevel) // setup language var locale = persistentSettings.locale if (locale !== "") { translationManager.setLanguage(locale.split("_")[0]); } // Reload transfer page with translations enabled middlePanel.transferView.onPageCompleted(); // If currentWallet exists, we're just switching daemon - close/reopen wallet if (typeof currentWallet !== "undefined" && currentWallet !== null) { console.log("Daemon change - closing " + currentWallet) closeWallet(); } else if (!walletInitialized) { // set page to transfer if not changing daemon middlePanel.state = "Transfer"; leftPanel.selectItem(middlePanel.state) } // Local daemon settings walletManager.setDaemonAddressAsync(localDaemonAddress); // enable timers userInActivityTimer.running = true; simpleModeConnectionTimer.running = true; // wallet already opened with wizard, we just need to initialize it if (typeof wizard.m_wallet !== 'undefined') { console.log("using wizard wallet") //Set restoreHeight if(persistentSettings.restore_height > 0){ // We store restore height in own variable for performance reasons. restoreHeight = persistentSettings.restore_height } connectWallet(wizard.m_wallet) isNewWallet = true // We don't need the wizard wallet any more - delete to avoid conflict with daemon adress change delete wizard.m_wallet } else { var wallet_path = walletPath(); if(isIOS) wallet_path = moneroAccountsDir + wallet_path; // console.log("opening wallet at: ", wallet_path, "with password: ", appWindow.walletPassword); console.log("opening wallet at: ", wallet_path, ", network type: ", persistentSettings.nettype == NetworkType.MAINNET ? "mainnet" : persistentSettings.nettype == NetworkType.TESTNET ? "testnet" : "stagenet"); this.onWalletOpening(); walletManager.openWalletAsync(wallet_path, walletPassword, persistentSettings.nettype, persistentSettings.kdfRounds); } // Hide titlebar based on persistentSettings.customDecorations titleBar.visible = persistentSettings.customDecorations; } function closeWallet(callback) { // Disconnect all listeners if (typeof currentWallet === "undefined" || currentWallet === null) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } currentWallet.heightRefreshed.disconnect(onHeightRefreshed); currentWallet.refreshed.disconnect(onWalletRefresh) currentWallet.updated.disconnect(onWalletUpdate) currentWallet.newBlock.disconnect(onWalletNewBlock) currentWallet.moneySpent.disconnect(onWalletMoneySent) currentWallet.moneyReceived.disconnect(onWalletMoneyReceived) currentWallet.unconfirmedMoneyReceived.disconnect(onWalletUnconfirmedMoneyReceived) currentWallet.transactionCreated.disconnect(onTransactionCreated) currentWallet.connectionStatusChanged.disconnect(onWalletConnectionStatusChanged) currentWallet.deviceButtonRequest.disconnect(onDeviceButtonRequest); currentWallet.deviceButtonPressed.disconnect(onDeviceButtonPressed); currentWallet.transactionCommitted.disconnect(onTransactionCommitted); middlePanel.paymentClicked.disconnect(handlePayment); middlePanel.sweepUnmixableClicked.disconnect(handleSweepUnmixable); middlePanel.getProofClicked.disconnect(handleGetProof); middlePanel.checkProofClicked.disconnect(handleCheckProof); appWindow.walletName = ""; currentWallet = undefined; appWindow.showProcessingSplash(qsTr("Closing wallet...")); if (callback) { walletManager.closeWalletAsync(function() { hideProcessingSplash(); callback(); }); } else { walletManager.closeWallet(); hideProcessingSplash(); } } function connectWallet(wallet) { currentWallet = wallet // TODO: // When the wallet variable is undefined, it yields a zero balance. // This can scare users, restart the GUI (as a quick fix). // // To reproduce, follow these steps: // 1) Open the GUI, load up a wallet that has a balance // 2) Settings -> close wallet // 3) Create a new wallet // 4) Settings -> close wallet // 5) Open the wallet from step 1 if(!wallet || wallet === undefined || wallet.path === undefined){ informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Couldn't open wallet: ") + 'please restart GUI.'; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical informationPopup.open() informationPopup.onCloseCallback = function() { appWindow.close(); } } walletName = usefulName(wallet.path) viewOnly = currentWallet.viewOnly; // New wallets saves the testnet flag in keys file. if(persistentSettings.nettype != currentWallet.nettype) { console.log("Using network type from keys file") persistentSettings.nettype = currentWallet.nettype; } // connect handlers currentWallet.heightRefreshed.connect(onHeightRefreshed); currentWallet.refreshed.connect(onWalletRefresh) currentWallet.updated.connect(onWalletUpdate) currentWallet.newBlock.connect(onWalletNewBlock) currentWallet.moneySpent.connect(onWalletMoneySent) currentWallet.moneyReceived.connect(onWalletMoneyReceived) currentWallet.unconfirmedMoneyReceived.connect(onWalletUnconfirmedMoneyReceived) currentWallet.transactionCreated.connect(onTransactionCreated) currentWallet.connectionStatusChanged.connect(onWalletConnectionStatusChanged) currentWallet.deviceButtonRequest.connect(onDeviceButtonRequest); currentWallet.deviceButtonPressed.connect(onDeviceButtonPressed); currentWallet.transactionCommitted.connect(onTransactionCommitted); middlePanel.paymentClicked.connect(handlePayment); middlePanel.sweepUnmixableClicked.connect(handleSweepUnmixable); middlePanel.getProofClicked.connect(handleGetProof); middlePanel.checkProofClicked.connect(handleCheckProof); console.log("Recovering from seed: ", persistentSettings.is_recovering) console.log("restore Height", persistentSettings.restore_height) // Use saved daemon rpc login settings currentWallet.setDaemonLogin(persistentSettings.daemonUsername, persistentSettings.daemonPassword) if(persistentSettings.useRemoteNode) currentDaemonAddress = persistentSettings.remoteNodeAddress else currentDaemonAddress = localDaemonAddress console.log("initializing with daemon address: ", currentDaemonAddress) currentWallet.initAsync( currentDaemonAddress, isTrustedDaemon(), 0, persistentSettings.is_recovering, persistentSettings.is_recovering_from_device, persistentSettings.restore_height); // save wallet keys in case wallet settings have been changed in the init currentWallet.setPassword(walletPassword); } function isTrustedDaemon() { return !persistentSettings.useRemoteNode || persistentSettings.is_trusted_daemon; } function walletPath() { var wallet_path = persistentSettings.wallet_path return wallet_path; } function usefulName(path) { // arbitrary "short enough" limit if (path.length < 32) return path return path.replace(/.*[\/\\]/, '').replace(/\.keys$/, '') } function updateBalance() { if (!currentWallet) return; var balance = "?.??"; var balanceU = "?.??"; if(!hideBalanceForced && !persistentSettings.hideBalance){ balance = walletManager.displayAmount(currentWallet.balance(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount)); balanceU = walletManager.displayAmount(currentWallet.unlockedBalance(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount)); } if (persistentSettings.fiatPriceEnabled) { appWindow.fiatApiUpdateBalance(balance); } leftPanel.minutesToUnlock = (balance !== balanceU) ? currentWallet.history.minutesToUnlock : ""; leftPanel.currentAccountIndex = currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount; leftPanel.currentAccountLabel = currentWallet.getSubaddressLabel(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount, 0); leftPanel.balanceString = balance leftPanel.balanceUnlockedString = balanceU } function onUriHandler(uri){ if(uri.startsWith("monero://")){ var address = uri.substring("monero://".length); var params = {} if(address.length === 0) return; var spl = address.split("?"); if(spl.length > 2) return; if(spl.length >= 1) { // parse additional params address = spl[0]; if(spl.length === 2){ spl.shift(); var item = spl[0]; var _spl = item.split("&"); for (var param in _spl){ var _item = _spl[param]; if(!_item.indexOf("=") > 0) continue; var __spl = _item.split("="); if(__spl.length !== 2) continue; params[__spl[0]] = __spl[1]; } } } // Fill fields middlePanel.transferView.sendTo(address, params["tx_payment_id"], params["tx_description"], params["tx_amount"]); // Raise window appWindow.raise(); appWindow.show(); // @TODO: remove after paymentID deprecation if(params.hasOwnProperty("tx_payment_id")) persistentSettings.showPid = true; } } function onWalletConnectionStatusChanged(status){ console.log("Wallet connection status changed " + status) middlePanel.updateStatus(); leftPanel.networkStatus.connected = status // update local daemon status. if(walletManager.isDaemonLocal(currentDaemonAddress)) daemonRunning = status; // Update fee multiplier dropdown on transfer page middlePanel.transferView.updatePriorityDropdown(); // If wallet isnt connected, advanced wallet mode and no daemon is running - Ask if (appWindow.walletMode >= 2 && walletManager.isDaemonLocal(currentDaemonAddress) && !walletInitialized && status === Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected) { daemonManager.runningAsync(persistentSettings.nettype, function(running) { if (!running) { daemonManagerDialog.open(); } }); } // initialize transaction history once wallet is initialized first time; if (!walletInitialized) { currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount) walletInitialized = true // check if daemon was already mining and add mining logo if true middlePanel.miningView.update(); } } function onDeviceButtonRequest(code){ prevSplashText = splash.messageText; splashDisplayedBeforeButtonRequest = splash.visible; appWindow.showProcessingSplash(qsTr("Please proceed to the device...")); } function onDeviceButtonPressed(){ if (splashDisplayedBeforeButtonRequest){ appWindow.showProcessingSplash(prevSplashText); } else { hideProcessingSplash(); } } function onWalletOpening(){ appWindow.showProcessingSplash(qsTr("Opening wallet ...")); } function onWalletOpened(wallet) { hideProcessingSplash(); walletName = usefulName(wallet.path) console.log(">>> wallet opened: " + wallet) if (wallet.status !== Wallet.Status_Ok) { passwordDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() { walletPassword = passwordDialog.password; appWindow.initialize(); } passwordDialog.onRejectedCallback = function() { walletPassword = ""; //appWindow.enableUI(false) wizard.wizardState = "wizardHome"; rootItem.state = "wizard"; } // try to resolve common wallet cache errors automatically switch (wallet.errorString) { case "basic_string::_M_replace_aux": walletManager.clearWalletCache(wallet.path); walletPassword = passwordDialog.password; appWindow.initialize(); console.error("Repairing wallet cache with error: ", wallet.errorString); appWindow.showStatusMessage(qsTr("Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet."),6); return; case "std::bad_alloc": walletManager.clearWalletCache(wallet.path); walletPassword = passwordDialog.password; appWindow.initialize(); console.error("Repairing wallet cache with error: ", wallet.errorString); appWindow.showStatusMessage(qsTr("Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet."),6); return; default: // opening with password but password doesn't match console.error("Error opening wallet with password: ", wallet.errorString); passwordDialog.showError(qsTr("Couldn't open wallet: ") + wallet.errorString); console.log("closing wallet async : " + wallet.address) closeWallet(); return; } } // wallet opened successfully, subscribing for wallet updates connectWallet(wallet) // Force switch normal view rootItem.state = "normal"; // Process queued IPC command if(typeof IPC !== "undefined" && IPC.queuedCmd().length > 0){ var queuedCmd = IPC.queuedCmd(); if(/^\w+:\/\/(.*)$/.test(queuedCmd)) appWindow.onUriHandler(queuedCmd); // uri } } function onWalletPassphraseNeeded(){ if(rootItem.state !== "normal") return; hideProcessingSplash(); console.log(">>> wallet passphrase needed: ") passwordDialog.onAcceptedPassphraseCallback = function() { walletManager.onPassphraseEntered(passwordDialog.password); this.onWalletOpening(); } passwordDialog.onRejectedPassphraseCallback = function() { walletManager.onPassphraseEntered("", true); this.onWalletOpening(); } passwordDialog.openPassphraseDialog() } function onWalletUpdate() { console.log(">>> wallet updated") updateBalance(); // Update history if new block found since last update if(foundNewBlock) { foundNewBlock = false; console.log("New block found - updating history") currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount) if(middlePanel.state == "History") middlePanel.historyView.update(); } } function connectRemoteNode() { console.log("connecting remote node"); persistentSettings.useRemoteNode = true; currentDaemonAddress = persistentSettings.remoteNodeAddress; currentWallet.initAsync(currentDaemonAddress, isTrustedDaemon()); walletManager.setDaemonAddressAsync(currentDaemonAddress); } function disconnectRemoteNode() { if (typeof currentWallet === "undefined" || currentWallet === null) return; console.log("disconnecting remote node"); persistentSettings.useRemoteNode = false; currentDaemonAddress = localDaemonAddress currentWallet.initAsync(currentDaemonAddress, isTrustedDaemon()); walletManager.setDaemonAddressAsync(currentDaemonAddress); } function onHeightRefreshed(bcHeight, dCurrentBlock, dTargetBlock) { // Daemon fully synced // TODO: implement onDaemonSynced or similar in wallet API and don't start refresh thread before daemon is synced // targetBlock = currentBlock = 1 before network connection is established. daemonSynced = dCurrentBlock >= dTargetBlock && dTargetBlock != 1 walletSynced = bcHeight >= dTargetBlock // Update progress bars if(!daemonSynced) { leftPanel.daemonProgressBar.updateProgress(dCurrentBlock,dTargetBlock, dTargetBlock-dCurrentBlock); leftPanel.progressBar.updateProgress(0,dTargetBlock, dTargetBlock, qsTr("Waiting for daemon to sync")); } else { leftPanel.daemonProgressBar.updateProgress(dCurrentBlock,dTargetBlock, 0, qsTr("Daemon is synchronized (%1)").arg(dCurrentBlock.toFixed(0))); if(walletSynced) leftPanel.progressBar.updateProgress(bcHeight,dTargetBlock,dTargetBlock-bcHeight, qsTr("Wallet is synchronized")) } // Update wallet sync progress leftPanel.isSyncing = (currentWallet.connected() !== Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected) && !daemonSynced // Update transfer page status middlePanel.updateStatus(); // Refresh is succesfull if blockchain height > 1 if (bcHeight > 1){ // Save new wallet after first refresh // Wallet is nomrmally saved to disk on app exit. This prevents rescan from block 0 after app crash if(isNewWallet){ console.log("Saving wallet after first refresh"); currentWallet.store() isNewWallet = false // Update History currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount); } // recovering from seed is finished after first refresh if(persistentSettings.is_recovering) { persistentSettings.is_recovering = false } if (persistentSettings.is_recovering_from_device) { persistentSettings.is_recovering_from_device = false; } } // Update history on every refresh if it's empty if(currentWallet.history.count == 0) currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount) onWalletUpdate(); } function onWalletRefresh() { console.log(">>> wallet refreshed") // Daemon connected leftPanel.networkStatus.connected = currentWallet.connected() currentWallet.refreshHeightAsync(); } function startDaemon(flags){ // Pause refresh while starting daemon currentWallet.pauseRefresh(); // Pause simplemode connection timer simpleModeConnectionTimer.stop(); appWindow.showProcessingSplash(qsTr("Waiting for daemon to start...")) const noSync = appWindow.walletMode === 0; daemonManager.start(flags, persistentSettings.nettype, persistentSettings.blockchainDataDir, persistentSettings.bootstrapNodeAddress, noSync); } function stopDaemon(){ appWindow.showProcessingSplash(qsTr("Waiting for daemon to stop...")) daemonManager.stop(persistentSettings.nettype); } function onDaemonStarted(){ console.log("daemon started"); daemonRunning = true; hideProcessingSplash(); currentWallet.connected(true); // resume refresh currentWallet.startRefresh(); // resume simplemode connection timer simpleModeConnectionTimer.start(); } function onDaemonStopped(){ console.log("daemon stopped"); hideProcessingSplash(); daemonRunning = false; currentWallet.connected(true); } function onDaemonStartFailure(){ console.log("daemon start failed"); hideProcessingSplash(); // resume refresh currentWallet.startRefresh(); daemonRunning = false; informationPopup.title = qsTr("Daemon failed to start") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.").arg((isWindows)? "monerod.exe" : "monerod") informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open(); } function onWalletNewBlock(blockHeight, targetHeight) { // Update progress bar var remaining = targetHeight - blockHeight; if(blocksToSync < remaining) { blocksToSync = remaining; } leftPanel.progressBar.updateProgress(blockHeight,targetHeight, blocksToSync); // If wallet is syncing, daemon is already synced leftPanel.daemonProgressBar.updateProgress(1,1,0,qsTr("Daemon is synchronized")); foundNewBlock = true; } function onWalletMoneyReceived(txId, amount) { // refresh transaction history here console.log("Confirmed money found") // history refresh is handled by walletUpdated currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount) // this will refresh model currentWallet.subaddress.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount) if(middlePanel.state == "History") middlePanel.historyView.update(); } function onWalletUnconfirmedMoneyReceived(txId, amount) { // refresh history console.log("unconfirmed money found") currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount); if(middlePanel.state == "History") middlePanel.historyView.update(); } function onWalletMoneySent(txId, amount) { // refresh transaction history here console.log("monero sent found") currentWallet.history.refresh(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount); // this will refresh model if(middlePanel.state == "History") middlePanel.historyView.update(); } function walletsFound() { if (persistentSettings.wallet_path.length > 0) { if(isIOS) return walletManager.walletExists(moneroAccountsDir + persistentSettings.wallet_path); else return walletManager.walletExists(persistentSettings.wallet_path); } return false; } function onTransactionCreated(pendingTransaction,address,paymentId,mixinCount){ console.log("Transaction created"); hideProcessingSplash(); transaction = pendingTransaction; // validate address; if (transaction.status !== PendingTransaction.Status_Ok) { console.error("Can't create transaction: ", transaction.errorString); informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; if (currentWallet.connected() == Wallet.ConnectionStatus_WrongVersion) informationPopup.text = qsTr("Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: ") + transaction.errorString else informationPopup.text = qsTr("Can't create transaction: ") + transaction.errorString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open(); // deleting transaction object, we don't want memleaks currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction); } else if (transaction.txCount == 0) { informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.text = qsTr("No unmixable outputs to sweep") + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Information informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() // deleting transaction object, we don't want memleaks currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction); } else { console.log("Transaction created, amount: " + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.amount) + ", fee: " + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.fee)); // here we show confirmation popup; transactionConfirmationPopup.title = qsTr("Please confirm transaction:\n") + translationManager.emptyString; transactionConfirmationPopup.text = ""; transactionConfirmationPopup.text += (address === "" ? "" : (qsTr("Address: ") + address)); transactionConfirmationPopup.text += (paymentId === "" ? "" : (qsTr("\nPayment ID: ") + paymentId)); transactionConfirmationPopup.text += qsTr("\n\nAmount: ") + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.amount); transactionConfirmationPopup.text += qsTr("\nFee: ") + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.fee); transactionConfirmationPopup.text += qsTr("\nRingsize: ") + (mixinCount + 1); transactionConfirmationPopup.text += qsTr("\n\nNumber of transactions: ") + transaction.txCount transactionConfirmationPopup.text += (transactionDescription === "" ? "" : (qsTr("\nDescription: ") + transactionDescription)) for (var i = 0; i < transaction.subaddrIndices.length; ++i){ transactionConfirmationPopup.text += qsTr("\nSpending address index: ") + transaction.subaddrIndices[i]; } transactionConfirmationPopup.text += translationManager.emptyString; transactionConfirmationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Question transactionConfirmationPopup.open() } } // called on "transfer" function handlePayment(address, paymentId, amount, mixinCount, priority, description, createFile) { console.log("Creating transaction: ") console.log("\taddress: ", address, ", payment_id: ", paymentId, ", amount: ", amount, ", mixins: ", mixinCount, ", priority: ", priority, ", description: ", description); var splashMsg = qsTr("Creating transaction..."); splashMsg += appWindow.currentWallet.isLedger() ? qsTr("\n\nPlease check your hardware wallet –\nyour input may be required.") : ""; showProcessingSplash(splashMsg); transactionDescription = description; // validate amount; if (amount !== "(all)") { var amountxmr = walletManager.amountFromString(amount); console.log("integer amount: ", amountxmr); console.log("integer unlocked",currentWallet.unlockedBalance) if (amountxmr <= 0) { hideProcessingSplash() informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2") .arg(walletManager.displayAmount(0)) .arg(walletManager.maximumAllowedAmountAsSting()) + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() return; } else if (amountxmr > currentWallet.unlockedBalance) { hideProcessingSplash() informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1") .arg(walletManager.displayAmount(currentWallet.unlockedBalance)) + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() return; } } if (amount === "(all)") currentWallet.createTransactionAllAsync(address, paymentId, mixinCount, priority); else currentWallet.createTransactionAsync(address, paymentId, amountxmr, mixinCount, priority); } //Choose where to save transaction FileDialog { id: saveTxDialog title: "Please choose a location" folder: "file://" +moneroAccountsDir selectExisting: false; onAccepted: { handleTransactionConfirmed() } onRejected: { // do nothing } } function handleSweepUnmixable() { console.log("Creating transaction: ") transaction = currentWallet.createSweepUnmixableTransaction(); if (transaction.status !== PendingTransaction.Status_Ok) { console.error("Can't create transaction: ", transaction.errorString); informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Can't create transaction: ") + transaction.errorString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open(); // deleting transaction object, we don't want memleaks currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction); } else if (transaction.txCount == 0) { informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.text = qsTr("No unmixable outputs to sweep") + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Information informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() // deleting transaction object, we don't want memleaks currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction); } else { console.log("Transaction created, amount: " + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.amount) + ", fee: " + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.fee)); // here we show confirmation popup; transactionConfirmationPopup.title = qsTr("Confirmation") + translationManager.emptyString transactionConfirmationPopup.text = qsTr("Please confirm transaction:\n") + qsTr("\n\nAmount: ") + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.amount) + qsTr("\nFee: ") + walletManager.displayAmount(transaction.fee) + translationManager.emptyString transactionConfirmationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Question transactionConfirmationPopup.open() // committing transaction } } // called after user confirms transaction function handleTransactionConfirmed(fileName) { // View only wallet - we save the tx if(viewOnly && saveTxDialog.fileUrl){ // No file specified - abort if(!saveTxDialog.fileUrl) { currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction) return; } var path = walletManager.urlToLocalPath(saveTxDialog.fileUrl) // Store to file transaction.setFilename(path); } appWindow.showProcessingSplash(qsTr("Sending transaction ...")); currentWallet.commitTransactionAsync(transaction); } function onTransactionCommitted(success, transaction, txid) { hideProcessingSplash(); if (!success) { console.log("Error committing transaction: " + transaction.errorString); informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.text = qsTr("Couldn't send the money: ") + transaction.errorString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical } else { var txid_text = "" informationPopup.title = qsTr("Information") + translationManager.emptyString for (var i = 0; i < txid.length; ++i) { if (txid_text.length > 0) txid_text += ", " txid_text += txid[i] } informationPopup.text = (viewOnly)? qsTr("Transaction saved to file: %1").arg(path) : qsTr("Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) ").arg(txid.length) + txid_text + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Information if (transactionDescription.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < txid.length; ++i) currentWallet.setUserNote(txid[i], transactionDescription); } // Clear tx fields middlePanel.transferView.clearFields() } informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() currentWallet.refresh() currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction) currentWallet.store(); } // called on "getProof" function handleGetProof(txid, address, message) { console.log("Getting payment proof: ") console.log("\ttxid: ", txid, ", address: ", address, ", message: ", message); function spendProofFallback(txid, result){ if (!result || result.indexOf("error|") === 0) { currentWallet.getSpendProofAsync(txid, message, txProofComputed); } else { txProofComputed(txid, result); } } if (address.length > 0) currentWallet.getTxProofAsync(txid, address, message, spendProofFallback); else spendProofFallback(txid, null); } function txProofComputed(txid, result){ informationPopup.title = qsTr("Payment proof") + translationManager.emptyString; if (result.indexOf("error|") === 0) { var errorString = result.split("|")[1]; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason: \n") + errorString + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical; } else { informationPopup.text = result; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical; } informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() } // called on "checkProof" function handleCheckProof(txid, address, message, signature) { console.log("Checking payment proof: ") console.log("\ttxid: ", txid, ", address: ", address, ", message: ", message, ", signature: ", signature); var result; if (address.length > 0) result = currentWallet.checkTxProof(txid, address, message, signature); else result = currentWallet.checkSpendProof(txid, message, signature); var results = result.split("|"); if (address.length > 0 && results.length == 5 && results[0] === "true") { var good = results[1] === "true"; var received = results[2]; var in_pool = results[3] === "true"; var confirmations = results[4]; informationPopup.title = qsTr("Payment proof check") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Information if (!good) { informationPopup.text = qsTr("Bad signature"); informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical; } else if (received > 0) { if (in_pool) { informationPopup.text = qsTr("This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined").arg(walletManager.displayAmount(received)); } else { informationPopup.text = qsTr("This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).").arg(walletManager.displayAmount(received)).arg(confirmations); } } else { informationPopup.text = qsTr("This address received nothing"); } } else if (results.length == 2 && results[0] === "true") { var good = results[1] === "true"; informationPopup.title = qsTr("Payment proof check") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.icon = good ? StandardIcon.Information : StandardIcon.Critical; informationPopup.text = good ? qsTr("Good signature") : qsTr("Bad signature"); } else { informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = currentWallet.errorString; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical } informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null informationPopup.open() } // blocks UI if wallet can't be opened or no connection to the daemon function enableUI(enable) { middlePanel.enabled = enable; leftPanel.enabled = enable; } function showProcessingSplash(message) { console.log("Displaying processing splash") if (typeof message != 'undefined') { splash.messageText = message splash.heightProgressText = "" } leftPanel.enabled = false; middlePanel.enabled = false; titleBar.enabled = false; inactiveOverlay.visible = true; splash.show(); } function hideProcessingSplash() { console.log("Hiding processing splash") splash.close(); if (!passwordDialog.visible) { leftPanel.enabled = true middlePanel.enabled = true titleBar.enabled = true inactiveOverlay.visible = false; } } // close wallet and show wizard function showWizard(){ walletInitialized = false; closeWallet(function() { wizard.restart(); wizard.wizardState = "wizardHome"; rootItem.state = "wizard" // reset balance clearMoneroCardLabelText(); // disable timers userInActivityTimer.running = false; simpleModeConnectionTimer.running = false; }); } objectName: "appWindow" visible: true width: screenWidth > 980 ? 980 : 800 height: screenHeight > maxWindowHeight ? maxWindowHeight : 700 color: MoneroComponents.Style.appWindowBackgroundColor flags: persistentSettings.customDecorations ? Windows.flagsCustomDecorations : Windows.flags onWidthChanged: x -= 0 Timer { id: fiatPriceTimer interval: 1000 * 60; running: persistentSettings.fiatPriceEnabled; repeat: true onTriggered: { if(persistentSettings.fiatPriceEnabled) appWindow.fiatApiRefresh(); } triggeredOnStart: false } function fiatApiParseTicker(resp, currency){ // parse & validate incoming JSON if(resp._url.startsWith("https://api.kraken.com/0/")){ if(resp.hasOwnProperty("error") && resp.error.length > 0 || !resp.hasOwnProperty("result")){ appWindow.fiatApiError("Kraken API has error(s)"); return; } var key = currency === "xmreur" ? "XXMRZEUR" : "XXMRZUSD"; var ticker = resp.result[key]["o"]; return ticker; } else if(resp._url.startsWith("https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/")){ var key = currency === "xmreur" ? "eur" : "usd"; if(!resp.hasOwnProperty("monero") || !resp["monero"].hasOwnProperty(key)){ appWindow.fiatApiError("Coingecko API has error(s)"); return; } return resp["monero"][key]; } else if(resp._url.startsWith("https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/")){ var key = currency === "xmreur" ? "EUR" : "USD"; if(!resp.hasOwnProperty(key)){ appWindow.fiatApiError("cryptocompare API has error(s)"); return; } return resp[key]; } } function fiatApiGetCurrency(resp){ // map response to `appWindow.fiatPriceAPIs` object if (!resp.hasOwnProperty('_url')){ appWindow.fiatApiError("invalid JSON"); return; } var apis = appWindow.fiatPriceAPIs; for (var api in apis){ if (!apis.hasOwnProperty(api)) continue; for (var cur in apis[api]){ if(!apis[api].hasOwnProperty(cur)) continue; var url = apis[api][cur]; if(url === resp._url){ return cur; } } } } function fiatApiJsonReceived(resp){ // handle incoming JSON, set ticker var currency = appWindow.fiatApiGetCurrency(resp); if(typeof currency == "undefined"){ appWindow.fiatApiError("could not get currency"); return; } var ticker = appWindow.fiatApiParseTicker(resp, currency); if(ticker <= 0){ appWindow.fiatApiError("could not get ticker"); return; } if(persistentSettings.fiatPriceCurrency === "xmrusd") appWindow.fiatPriceXMRUSD = ticker; else if(persistentSettings.fiatPriceCurrency === "xmreur") appWindow.fiatPriceXMREUR = ticker; appWindow.updateBalance(); } function fiatApiRefresh(){ // trigger API call if(!persistentSettings.fiatPriceEnabled) return; var userProvider = persistentSettings.fiatPriceProvider; if(!appWindow.fiatPriceAPIs.hasOwnProperty(userProvider)){ appWindow.fiatApiError("provider \"" + userProvider + "\" not implemented"); return; } var provider = appWindow.fiatPriceAPIs[userProvider]; var userCurrency = persistentSettings.fiatPriceCurrency; if(!provider.hasOwnProperty(userCurrency)){ appWindow.fiatApiError("currency \"" + userCurrency + "\" not implemented"); } var url = provider[userCurrency]; Prices.getJSON(url); } function fiatApiUpdateBalance(balance){ // update balance card var ticker = persistentSettings.fiatPriceCurrency === "xmrusd" ? appWindow.fiatPriceXMRUSD : appWindow.fiatPriceXMREUR; if(ticker <= 0){ console.log(fiatApiError("Could not update balance card; invalid ticker value")); leftPanel.balanceFiatString = "?.??"; return; } var bFiat = "?.??" if (!hideBalanceForced && !persistentSettings.hideBalance) { bFiat = (balance * ticker).toFixed(2); } leftPanel.balanceFiatString = bFiat; } function fiatTimerStart(){ fiatPriceTimer.start(); } function fiatTimerStop(){ fiatPriceTimer.stop(); } function fiatApiError(msg){ console.log("fiatPriceError: " + msg); } Component.onCompleted: { x = (Screen.width - width) / 2 y = (Screen.height - maxWindowHeight) / 2 // walletManager.walletOpened.connect(onWalletOpened); walletManager.deviceButtonRequest.connect(onDeviceButtonRequest); walletManager.deviceButtonPressed.connect(onDeviceButtonPressed); walletManager.checkUpdatesComplete.connect(onWalletCheckUpdatesComplete); walletManager.walletPassphraseNeeded.connect(onWalletPassphraseNeeded); IPC.uriHandler.connect(onUriHandler); Prices.priceJsonReceived.connect(appWindow.fiatApiJsonReceived); if(typeof daemonManager != "undefined") { daemonManager.daemonStarted.connect(onDaemonStarted); daemonManager.daemonStartFailure.connect(onDaemonStartFailure); daemonManager.daemonStopped.connect(onDaemonStopped); } // Connect app exit to qml window exit handling mainApp.closing.connect(appWindow.close); if( appWindow.qrScannerEnabled ){ console.log("qrScannerEnabled : load component QRCodeScanner"); var component = Qt.createComponent("components/QRCodeScanner.qml"); if (component.status == Component.Ready) { console.log("Camera component ready"); cameraUi = component.createObject(appWindow); } else { console.log("component not READY !!!"); appWindow.qrScannerEnabled = false; } } else console.log("qrScannerEnabled disabled"); if(!walletsFound()) { rootItem.state = "wizard" } else { rootItem.state = "normal" passwordDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() { walletPassword = passwordDialog.password; initialize(persistentSettings); } passwordDialog.onRejectedCallback = function() { wizard.wizardState = "wizardHome"; rootItem.state = "wizard" } passwordDialog.open(usefulName(walletPath())) } checkUpdates(); if(persistentSettings.fiatPriceEnabled){ appWindow.fiatApiRefresh(); appWindow.fiatTimerStart(); } } MoneroSettings { id: persistentSettings fileName: { if(isTails && tailsUsePersistence) return homePath + "/Persistent/Monero/monero-core.conf"; return ""; } property string language property string locale property string account_name property string wallet_path property bool auto_donations_enabled : false property int auto_donations_amount : 50 property bool allow_background_mining : false property bool miningIgnoreBattery : true property var nettype: NetworkType.MAINNET property string payment_id property int restore_height : 0 property bool is_trusted_daemon : false property bool is_recovering : false property bool is_recovering_from_device : false property bool customDecorations : true property string daemonFlags property int logLevel: 0 property string logCategories: "" property string daemonUsername: "" property string daemonPassword: "" property bool transferShowAdvanced: false property bool receiveShowAdvanced: false property bool historyShowAdvanced: false property bool historyHumanDates: true property string blockchainDataDir: "" property bool useRemoteNode: false property string remoteNodeAddress: "" property string bootstrapNodeAddress: "" property bool segregatePreForkOutputs: true property bool keyReuseMitigation2: true property int segregationHeight: 0 property int kdfRounds: 1 property bool hideBalance: false property bool lockOnUserInActivity: true property int walletMode: 2 property int lockOnUserInActivityInterval: 10 // minutes property bool showPid: false property bool blackTheme: true property bool fiatPriceEnabled: false property bool fiatPriceToggle: false property string fiatPriceProvider: "kraken" property string fiatPriceCurrency: "xmrusd" Component.onCompleted: { MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme = persistentSettings.blackTheme } } // Information dialog StandardDialog { // dynamically change onclose handler property var onCloseCallback id: informationPopup anchors.fill: parent z: parent.z + 1 cancelVisible: false onAccepted: { if (onCloseCallback) { onCloseCallback() } } } // Confrirmation aka question dialog StandardDialog { z: parent.z + 1 id: transactionConfirmationPopup onAccepted: { close(); passwordDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() { if(walletPassword === passwordDialog.password){ // Save transaction to file if view only wallet if(viewOnly) { saveTxDialog.open(); } else { handleTransactionConfirmed() } } else { passwordDialog.showError(qsTr("Wrong password") + translationManager.emptyString); } } passwordDialog.onRejectedCallback = null; passwordDialog.open() } } StandardDialog { z: parent.z + 1 id: confirmationDialog anchors.fill: parent property var onAcceptedCallback property var onRejectedCallback onAccepted: { if (onAcceptedCallback) onAcceptedCallback() } onRejected: { if (onRejectedCallback) onRejectedCallback(); } } // Choose blockchain folder FileDialog { id: blockchainFileDialog property string directory: "" signal changed(); title: "Please choose a folder" selectFolder: true folder: "file://" + persistentSettings.blockchainDataDir onRejected: console.log("data dir selection canceled") onAccepted: { var dataDir = walletManager.urlToLocalPath(blockchainFileDialog.fileUrl) var validator = daemonManager.validateDataDir(dataDir); if(validator.valid) { persistentSettings.blockchainDataDir = dataDir; } else { confirmationDialog.title = qsTr("Warning") + translationManager.emptyString; confirmationDialog.text = ""; if(validator.readOnly) confirmationDialog.text += qsTr("Error: Filesystem is read only") + "\n\n" if(validator.storageAvailable < estimatedBlockchainSize) confirmationDialog.text += qsTr("Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.").arg(validator.storageAvailable).arg(estimatedBlockchainSize) + "\n\n" else confirmationDialog.text += qsTr("Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.").arg(validator.storageAvailable).arg(estimatedBlockchainSize) + "\n\n" if(!validator.lmdbExists) confirmationDialog.text += qsTr("Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.") + "\n\n" confirmationDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Question confirmationDialog.cancelText = qsTr("Cancel") // Continue confirmationDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() { persistentSettings.blockchainDataDir = dataDir } // Cancel confirmationDialog.onRejectedCallback = function() { }; confirmationDialog.open() } blockchainFileDialog.directory = blockchainFileDialog.fileUrl; delete validator; } } PasswordDialog { id: passwordDialog visible: false z: parent.z + 1 anchors.fill: parent property var onAcceptedCallback property var onRejectedCallback property var onAcceptedPassphraseCallback property var onRejectedPassphraseCallback onAccepted: { if (onAcceptedCallback) onAcceptedCallback(); } onRejected: { if (onRejectedCallback) onRejectedCallback(); } onAcceptedNewPassword: { if (currentWallet.setPassword(passwordDialog.password)) { appWindow.walletPassword = passwordDialog.password; informationPopup.title = qsTr("Information") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Password changed successfully") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Information; } else { informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString; informationPopup.text = qsTr("Error: ") + currentWallet.errorString; informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical; } informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null; informationPopup.open(); } onRejectedNewPassword: {} onAcceptedPassphrase: { if (onAcceptedPassphraseCallback) onAcceptedPassphraseCallback(); } onRejectedPassphrase: { if (onRejectedPassphraseCallback) onRejectedPassphraseCallback(); } } InputDialog { id: inputDialog visible: false z: parent.z + 1 anchors.fill: parent property var onAcceptedCallback property var onRejectedCallback onAccepted: { if (onAcceptedCallback) onAcceptedCallback() } onRejected: { if (onRejectedCallback) onRejectedCallback() } } DaemonManagerDialog { id: daemonManagerDialog onRejected: { middlePanel.settingsView.settingsStateViewState = "Node"; loadPage("Settings"); } } ProcessingSplash { id: splash width: appWindow.width / 1.5 height: appWindow.height / 2 x: (appWindow.width - width) / 2 y: (appWindow.height - height) / 2 messageText: qsTr("Please wait...") + translationManager.emptyString } Item { id: rootItem anchors.fill: parent clip: true state: "wizard" states: [ State { name: "wizard" PropertyChanges { target: leftPanel; visible: false } PropertyChanges { target: middlePanel; visible: false } PropertyChanges { target: wizard; visible: true } PropertyChanges { target: resizeArea; visible: true } PropertyChanges { target: titleBar; state: "essentials" } }, State { name: "normal" PropertyChanges { target: leftPanel; visible: true } PropertyChanges { target: middlePanel; visible: true } PropertyChanges { target: wizard; visible: false } PropertyChanges { target: resizeArea; visible: true } PropertyChanges { target: titleBar; state: "default" } } ] LeftPanel { id: leftPanel anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom onTransferClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Transfer"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onReceiveClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Receive"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onMerchantClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Merchant"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onTxkeyClicked: { middlePanel.state = "TxKey"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onSharedringdbClicked: { middlePanel.state = "SharedRingDB"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onHistoryClicked: { middlePanel.state = "History"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onAddressBookClicked: { middlePanel.state = "AddressBook"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onMiningClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Mining"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onSignClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Sign"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onSettingsClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Settings"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } onAccountClicked: { middlePanel.state = "Account"; middlePanel.flickable.contentY = 0; updateBalance(); } } MiddlePanel { id: middlePanel anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: leftPanel.visible ? leftPanel.right : parent.left anchors.right: parent.right state: "Transfer" } WizardController { id: wizard anchors.fill: parent onUseMoneroClicked: { rootItem.state = "normal"; appWindow.initialize(); } } WizardLang { id: languageView visible: false anchors.fill: parent } property int minWidth: 326 property int minHeight: 400 MouseArea { id: resizeArea enabled: persistentSettings.customDecorations hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: persistentSettings.customDecorations ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom height: 34 width: 34 MoneroEffects.ImageMask { anchors.centerIn: parent visible: persistentSettings.customDecorations image: "qrc:///images/resize.png" color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor width: 12 height: 12 opacity: (parent.containsMouse || parent.pressed) ? 0.5 : 1.0 } property var previousPosition onPressed: { previousPosition = globalCursor.getPosition() } onPositionChanged: { if(!pressed) return var pos = globalCursor.getPosition() //var delta = previousPosition - pos var dx = previousPosition.x - pos.x var dy = previousPosition.y - pos.y if(appWindow.width - dx > parent.minWidth) appWindow.width -= dx else appWindow.width = parent.minWidth if(appWindow.height - dy > parent.minHeight) appWindow.height -= dy else appWindow.height = parent.minHeight previousPosition = pos } } TitleBar { id: titleBar visible: persistentSettings.customDecorations && middlePanel.state !== "Merchant" walletName: appWindow.walletName anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right onCloseClicked: appWindow.close(); onLanguageClicked: appWindow.toggleLanguageView(); onCloseWalletClicked: appWindow.showWizard(); onMaximizeClicked: appWindow.visibility = appWindow.visibility !== Window.Maximized ? Window.Maximized : Window.Windowed onMinimizeClicked: appWindow.visibility = Window.Minimized } MoneroMerchant.MerchantTitlebar { id: titleBarOrange visible: persistentSettings.customDecorations && middlePanel.state === "Merchant" anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right onCloseClicked: appWindow.close(); onMaximizeClicked: appWindow.visibility = appWindow.visibility !== Window.Maximized ? Window.Maximized : Window.Windowed onMinimizeClicked: appWindow.visibility = Window.Minimized } // new ToolTip Rectangle { id: toolTip property alias text: content.text width: content.width + 12 height: content.height + 17 color: "#FF6C3C" //radius: 3 visible:false; Image { id: tip anchors.top: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 5 source: "qrc:///images/tip.png" } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: content anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 6 lineHeight: 0.7 font.family: "Arial" font.pixelSize: 12 color: "#FFFFFF" } } Notifier { visible:false id: notifier } } function toggleLanguageView(){ middlePanel.visible = !middlePanel.visible; languageView.visible = !languageView.visible resetLanguageFields() // update after changing language from settings page if (persistentSettings.language != wizard.language_language) { persistentSettings.language = wizard.language_language persistentSettings.locale = wizard.language_locale } } // TODO: Make the callback dynamic Timer { id: statusMessageTimer interval: 5; running: false; repeat: false onTriggered: resetAndroidClose() triggeredOnStart: false } Timer { id: userInActivityTimer interval: 2000; running: false; repeat: true onTriggered: checkInUserActivity() } Timer { // enables theme transition animations after 500ms id: appThemeTransition running: true repeat: false interval: 500 onTriggered: appWindow.themeTransition = true; } function checkNoSyncFlag() { if (!appWindow.daemonRunning) { return true; } if (appWindow.walletMode == 0 && !daemonManager.noSync()) { return false; } if (appWindow.walletMode == 1 && daemonManager.noSync()) { return false; } return true; } function checkSimpleModeConnection(){ // auto-connection mechanism for simple mode if(appWindow.walletMode >= 2) return; const disconnectedTimeoutSec = 30; const firstCheckDelaySec = 2; const connected = leftPanel.networkStatus.connected !== Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected; const firstRun = appWindow.disconnectedEpoch == 0; if (firstRun) { appWindow.disconnectedEpoch = Utils.epoch() + firstCheckDelaySec - disconnectedTimeoutSec; } else if (connected) { appWindow.disconnectedEpoch = Utils.epoch(); } const sinceLastConnect = Utils.epoch() - appWindow.disconnectedEpoch; if (sinceLastConnect < disconnectedTimeoutSec && checkNoSyncFlag()) { return; } if (appWindow.daemonRunning) { appWindow.stopDaemon(); } appWindow.startDaemon(""); appWindow.disconnectedEpoch = Utils.epoch(); } Timer { // Simple mode connection check timer id: simpleModeConnectionTimer interval: 2000; running: false; repeat: true onTriggered: appWindow.checkSimpleModeConnection() } Rectangle { id: statusMessage z: 99 visible: false property alias text: statusMessageText.text anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: statusMessageText.contentWidth + 20 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter color: MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme ? "black" : "white" height: 40 MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: statusMessageText anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 font.pixelSize: 14 color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor themeTransition: false } } function resetAndroidClose() { console.log("resetting android close"); androidCloseTapped = false; statusMessage.visible = false } function showStatusMessage(msg,timeout) { console.log("showing status message") statusMessageTimer.interval = timeout * 1000; statusMessageTimer.start() statusMessageText.text = msg; statusMessage.visible = true } onClosing: { close.accepted = false; console.log("blocking close event"); if(isAndroid) { console.log("blocking android exit"); if(qrScannerEnabled) cameraUi.state = "Stopped" if(!androidCloseTapped) { androidCloseTapped = true; appWindow.showStatusMessage(qsTr("Tap again to close..."),3) // first close return; } } // If daemon is running - prompt user before exiting if(typeof daemonManager != "undefined" && daemonRunning) { // Show confirmation dialog confirmationDialog.title = qsTr("Daemon is running") + translationManager.emptyString; confirmationDialog.text = qsTr("Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed."); confirmationDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Question confirmationDialog.cancelText = qsTr("Stop daemon") confirmationDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() { closeAccepted(); } confirmationDialog.onRejectedCallback = function() { daemonManager.stop(persistentSettings.nettype); closeAccepted(); }; if (appWindow.walletMode == 0) { stopDaemon(); closeAccepted(); } else { confirmationDialog.open(); } } else { closeAccepted(); } } function closeAccepted(){ console.log("close accepted"); // Close wallet non async on exit daemonManager.exit(); closeWallet(Qt.quit); } function onWalletCheckUpdatesComplete(update) { if (update === "") return print("Update found: " + update) var parts = update.split("|") if (parts.length == 4) { var version = parts[0] var hash = parts[1] //var user_url = parts[2] //var auto_url = parts[3] var osBuildTag = isMac ? "mac-x64" : isWindows ? "win-x64" : isLinux ? "linux-x64" : "unknownBuildTag" var extension = isMac || isLinux ? ".tar.bz2" : isWindows ? ".zip" : ".unknownExtension" var base_url = "https://downloads.getmonero.org/gui/monero-gui-" var download_url = base_url + osBuildTag + "-v" + version + extension var msg = "" if (osBuildTag !== "unknownBuildTag") { msg = qsTr("New version of Monero v.%1 is available.


SHA256 Hash:
%3").arg(version).arg(download_url).arg(hash) + translationManager.emptyString } else { msg = qsTr("New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org") + translationManager.emptyString } notifier.show(msg) } else { print("Failed to parse update spec") } } function checkUpdates() { walletManager.checkUpdatesAsync("monero-gui", "gui") } Timer { id: updatesTimer interval: 3600*1000; running: true; repeat: true onTriggered: checkUpdates() } function releaseFocus() { // Workaround to release focus from textfield when scrolling (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-34867) if(isAndroid) { console.log("releasing focus") middlePanel.focus = true middlePanel.focus = false } } // reset label text. othewise potential privacy leak showing unlock time when switching wallets function clearMoneroCardLabelText(){ leftPanel.balanceString = "?.??" leftPanel.balanceFiatString = "?.??" } // some fields need an extra nudge when changing languages function resetLanguageFields(){ clearMoneroCardLabelText() onWalletRefresh() } function userActivity() { // register user activity var epoch = Math.floor((new Date).getTime()/1000); appWindow.userLastActive = epoch; } function checkInUserActivity() { if(rootItem.state !== "normal") return; if(!persistentSettings.lockOnUserInActivity) return; if(passwordDialog.visible) return; // prompt password after X seconds of inactivity var epoch = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1000); var inactivity = epoch - appWindow.userLastActive; if(inactivity < (persistentSettings.lockOnUserInActivityInterval * 60)) return; passwordDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() { if(walletPassword === passwordDialog.password){ passwordDialog.close(); } else { passwordDialog.showError(qsTr("Wrong password")); } } passwordDialog.onRejectedCallback = function() { appWindow.showWizard(); } passwordDialog.open(); } function getDefaultDaemonRpcPort(networkType) { switch (networkType) { case NetworkType.STAGENET: return 38081; case NetworkType.TESTNET: return 28081; default: return 18081; } } function changeWalletMode(mode){ appWindow.disconnectedEpoch = 0; appWindow.walletMode = mode; persistentSettings.walletMode = mode; if (mode < 2) { persistentSettings.useRemoteNode = false; persistentSettings.bootstrapNodeAddress = "auto"; if (middlePanel.settingsView.settingsStateViewState === "Node" || middlePanel.settingsView.settingsStateViewState === "Log") { middlePanel.settingsView.settingsStateViewState = "Wallet" } } console.log("walletMode changed: " + (mode === 0 ? "simple": mode === 1 ? "simple (bootstrap)" : "Advanced")); } // Daemon console DaemonConsole { id: daemonConsolePopup height:500 width:800 title: qsTr("Daemon log") + translationManager.emptyString onAccepted: { close(); } } Rectangle { id: inactiveOverlay visible: false anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: titleBar.height color: MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme ? "black" : "white" opacity: MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme ? 0.8 : 0.9 MoneroEffects.ColorTransition { targetObj: parent blackColor: "black" whiteColor: "white" } } // borders on white theme + linux Rectangle { visible: isLinux && !MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme && middlePanel.state !== "Merchant" z: parent.z + 1 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: 1 color: MoneroComponents.Style.appWindowBorderColor MoneroEffects.ColorTransition { targetObj: parent blackColor: MoneroComponents.Style._b_appWindowBorderColor whiteColor: MoneroComponents.Style._w_appWindowBorderColor } } Rectangle { visible: isLinux && !MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme && middlePanel.state !== "Merchant" z: parent.z + 1 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: 1 color: MoneroComponents.Style.appWindowBorderColor MoneroEffects.ColorTransition { targetObj: parent blackColor: MoneroComponents.Style._b_appWindowBorderColor whiteColor: MoneroComponents.Style._w_appWindowBorderColor } } Rectangle { visible: isLinux && !MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme && middlePanel.state !== "Merchant" z: parent.z + 1 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left height: 1 color: MoneroComponents.Style.appWindowBorderColor MoneroEffects.ColorTransition { targetObj: parent blackColor: MoneroComponents.Style._b_appWindowBorderColor whiteColor: MoneroComponents.Style._w_appWindowBorderColor } } Rectangle { visible: isLinux && !MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme && middlePanel.state !== "Merchant" z: parent.z + 1 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left height: 1 color: MoneroComponents.Style.appWindowBorderColor MoneroEffects.ColorTransition { targetObj: parent blackColor: MoneroComponents.Style._b_appWindowBorderColor whiteColor: MoneroComponents.Style._w_appWindowBorderColor } } // @TODO: QML type 'Drawer' has issues with buildbot; debug after Qt 5.9 migration // MoneroComponents.LanguageSidebar { // id: languageSidebar // } }