mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 03:52:44 +01:00
CSV export functionality for transaction history
This commit is contained in:
@ -268,6 +268,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("scaleRatio", 1);
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("scaleRatio", 1);
#ifndef Q_OS_IOS
const QString desktopFolder = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation);
if (!desktopFolder.isEmpty())
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("desktopFolder", desktopFolder);
if (!moneroAccountsRootDir.empty())
if (!moneroAccountsRootDir.empty())
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Rectangle {
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: 0
spacing: 10 * scaleRatio
GridLayout {
GridLayout {
property int column_width: {
property int column_width: {
@ -147,6 +147,15 @@ Rectangle {
RowLayout {
RowLayout {
visible: !isMobile
visible: !isMobile
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.column_width
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.column_width
StandardButton {
visible: !isIOS
small: true
text: qsTr("Export") + translationManager.emptyString
onClicked: {
RowLayout {
RowLayout {
@ -363,6 +372,42 @@ Rectangle {
FileDialog {
id: writeCSVFileDialog
title: "Please choose a folder"
selectFolder: true
onRejected: {
console.log("csv write canceled")
onAccepted: {
var dataDir = walletManager.urlToLocalPath(writeCSVFileDialog.fileUrl);
var written = currentWallet.history.writeCSV(currentWallet.currentSubaddressAccount, dataDir);
if(written !== ""){
confirmationDialog.title = qsTr("Success") + translationManager.emptyString;
var text = qsTr("CSV file written to: %1").arg(written) + "\n\n"
text += qsTr("Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.") + "\n\n" + translationManager.emptyString;
confirmationDialog.text = text;
confirmationDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Information;
} else {
confirmationDialog.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString;
confirmationDialog.text = qsTr("Error exporting transaction data.") + "\n\n" + translationManager.emptyString;
confirmationDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Critical;
Component.onCompleted: {
var _folder = 'file://' + moneroAccountsDir;
try {
_folder = 'file://' + desktopFolder;
catch(err) {}
finally {
writeCSVFileDialog.folder = _folder;
function onPageCompleted() {
function onPageCompleted() {
if(currentWallet != null && typeof currentWallet.history !== "undefined" ) {
if(currentWallet != null && typeof currentWallet.history !== "undefined" ) {
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "TransactionInfo.h"
#include "TransactionInfo.h"
#include <wallet/api/wallet2_api.h>
#include <wallet/api/wallet2_api.h>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDebug>
@ -113,3 +114,68 @@ TransactionHistory::TransactionHistory(Monero::TransactionHistory *pimpl, QObjec
m_firstDateTime = QDateTime(QDate(2014, 4, 18)); // the genesis block
m_firstDateTime = QDateTime(QDate(2014, 4, 18)); // the genesis block
m_lastDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays(1); // tomorrow (guard against jitter and timezones)
m_lastDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays(1); // tomorrow (guard against jitter and timezones)
QString TransactionHistory::writeCSV(quint32 accountIndex, QString out)
QList<TransactionInfo *> history = this->getAll(accountIndex);
if(history.count() < 1){
return QString("");
// construct filename
qint64 now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
QString fn = QString(QString("%1/monero-txs_%2.csv").arg(out, QString::number(now / 1000)));
// open file
QFile data(fn);
if(!data.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)){
return QString("");
// write header
QTextStream output(&data);
output << "blockHeight,epoch,date,direction,amount,atomicAmount,fee,txid,label,subaddrAccount,paymentId\n";
foreach(const TransactionInfo *info, history)
// collect column data
double amount = info->amount();
quint64 atomicAmount = info->atomicAmount();
quint32 subaddrAccount = info->subaddrAccount();
QString fee = info->fee();
QString direction = QString("");
TransactionInfo::Direction _direction = info->direction();
if(_direction == TransactionInfo::Direction_In)
direction = QString("in");
else if(_direction == TransactionInfo::Direction_Out){
direction = QString("out");
else {
continue; // skip TransactionInfo::Direction_Both
QString label = info->label();
label.remove(QChar('"')); // reserved
quint64 blockHeight = info->blockHeight();
QDateTime timeStamp = info->timestamp();
QString date = info->date() + " " + info->time();
uint epoch = timeStamp.toTime_t();
QString displayAmount = info->displayAmount();
QString paymentId = info->paymentId();
if(paymentId == "0000000000000000"){
paymentId = "";
// format and write
QString line = QString("%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,\"%9\",%10,%11\n")
.arg(QString::number(blockHeight), QString::number(epoch), date)
.arg(direction, QString::number(amount), QString::number(atomicAmount))
.arg(info->fee(), info->hash(), label, QString::number(subaddrAccount))
output << line;
return fn;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ public:
// Q_INVOKABLE TransactionInfo * transaction(const QString &id);
// Q_INVOKABLE TransactionInfo * transaction(const QString &id);
Q_INVOKABLE QList<TransactionInfo*> getAll(quint32 accountIndex) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QList<TransactionInfo*> getAll(quint32 accountIndex) const;
Q_INVOKABLE void refresh(quint32 accountIndex);
Q_INVOKABLE void refresh(quint32 accountIndex);
Q_INVOKABLE QString writeCSV(quint32 accountIndex, QString out);
quint64 count() const;
quint64 count() const;
QDateTime firstDateTime() const;
QDateTime firstDateTime() const;
QDateTime lastDateTime() const;
QDateTime lastDateTime() const;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user