diff --git a/main.qml b/main.qml index 11aa93f3..d76ff091 100644 --- a/main.qml +++ b/main.qml @@ -997,16 +997,9 @@ ApplicationWindow { informationPopup.title = qsTr("Error") + translationManager.emptyString informationPopup.text = qsTr("Couldn't send the money: ") + transaction.errorString informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Critical + informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null; + informationPopup.open(); } else { - var txid_text = "" - informationPopup.title = qsTr("Information") + translationManager.emptyString - for (var i = 0; i < txid.length; ++i) { - if (txid_text.length > 0) - txid_text += ", " - txid_text += txid[i] - } - informationPopup.text = (viewOnly)? qsTr("Transaction saved to file: %1").arg(path) : qsTr("Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) ").arg(txid.length) + txid_text + translationManager.emptyString - informationPopup.icon = StandardIcon.Information if (transactionDescription.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < txid.length; ++i) currentWallet.setUserNote(txid[i], transactionDescription); @@ -1015,10 +1008,7 @@ ApplicationWindow { // Clear tx fields middlePanel.transferView.clearFields() successfulTxPopup.open(txid) - } - informationPopup.onCloseCallback = null - informationPopup.open() currentWallet.refresh() currentWallet.disposeTransaction(transaction) currentWallet.storeAsync(function(success) {