2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
2017-03-27 17:39:47 +00:00
QT += qml quick widgets
2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
2016-09-19 16:45:34 +03:00
2016-05-17 16:03:59 +03:00
2016-03-08 12:08:24 +03:00
CONFIG += c++11
2018-02-07 11:53:24 +01:00
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fPIC -fstack-protector
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -fstack-protector
2016-02-23 18:59:26 +03:00
2016-07-22 15:50:51 +03:00
# cleaning "auto-generated" bitmonero directory on "make distclean"
2016-07-21 12:47:53 +03:00
2017-01-12 20:53:27 +01:00
2016-10-02 21:40:40 +03:00
$$PWD/src/libwalletqt \
2016-11-20 12:36:14 +00:00
$$PWD/src/QR-Code-generator \
2017-01-01 05:55:49 +01:00
$$PWD/src \
2016-05-17 16:03:59 +03:00
2016-01-25 21:36:33 +03:00
filter.h \
2016-02-03 16:37:10 +01:00
clipboardAdapter.h \
2016-02-23 18:59:26 +03:00
oscursor.h \
2016-06-03 17:30:19 +03:00
src/libwalletqt/WalletManager.h \
2016-06-08 13:53:24 +03:00
src/libwalletqt/Wallet.h \
src/libwalletqt/PendingTransaction.h \
src/libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.h \
2016-06-10 16:41:13 +03:00
src/libwalletqt/TransactionInfo.h \
2016-11-20 12:36:14 +00:00
src/libwalletqt/QRCodeImageProvider.h \
2016-12-03 12:06:57 +01:00
src/libwalletqt/Transfer.h \
2016-07-19 23:31:09 +03:00
oshelper.h \
2016-10-02 21:40:40 +03:00
TranslationManager.h \
2016-10-07 23:05:51 +03:00
src/model/TransactionHistoryModel.h \
2016-11-20 12:36:14 +00:00
src/model/TransactionHistorySortFilterModel.h \
src/QR-Code-generator/BitBuffer.hpp \
src/QR-Code-generator/QrCode.hpp \
2016-11-25 21:08:39 +01:00
src/QR-Code-generator/QrSegment.hpp \
2016-12-10 02:01:04 +01:00
src/model/AddressBookModel.h \
2016-12-15 23:47:53 +00:00
src/libwalletqt/AddressBook.h \
2017-07-04 12:34:09 +09:00
src/model/SubaddressModel.h \
src/libwalletqt/Subaddress.h \
2017-01-12 20:53:27 +01:00
src/zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.h \
2017-01-31 04:36:08 +00:00
src/libwalletqt/UnsignedTransaction.h \
2017-03-01 22:03:50 +01:00
2016-01-25 21:36:33 +03:00
2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
SOURCES += main.cpp \
2014-07-16 14:40:09 +02:00
filter.cpp \
2016-02-03 16:37:10 +01:00
clipboardAdapter.cpp \
2016-02-23 18:59:26 +03:00
oscursor.cpp \
2016-06-03 17:30:19 +03:00
src/libwalletqt/WalletManager.cpp \
2016-06-08 13:53:24 +03:00
src/libwalletqt/Wallet.cpp \
src/libwalletqt/PendingTransaction.cpp \
src/libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.cpp \
2016-06-10 16:41:13 +03:00
src/libwalletqt/TransactionInfo.cpp \
2016-11-20 12:36:14 +00:00
src/libwalletqt/QRCodeImageProvider.cpp \
2016-07-19 23:31:09 +03:00
oshelper.cpp \
2016-10-02 21:40:40 +03:00
TranslationManager.cpp \
2016-10-07 23:05:51 +03:00
src/model/TransactionHistoryModel.cpp \
2016-11-20 12:36:14 +00:00
src/model/TransactionHistorySortFilterModel.cpp \
src/QR-Code-generator/BitBuffer.cpp \
src/QR-Code-generator/QrCode.cpp \
2016-11-25 21:08:39 +01:00
src/QR-Code-generator/QrSegment.cpp \
2016-12-10 02:01:04 +01:00
src/model/AddressBookModel.cpp \
2016-12-15 23:47:53 +00:00
src/libwalletqt/AddressBook.cpp \
2017-07-04 12:34:09 +09:00
src/model/SubaddressModel.cpp \
src/libwalletqt/Subaddress.cpp \
2017-01-12 20:53:27 +01:00
src/zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.c \
2017-01-31 04:36:08 +00:00
src/libwalletqt/UnsignedTransaction.cpp \
2017-03-01 22:03:50 +01:00
2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
2017-12-24 01:29:08 +00:00
HEADERS -= src/zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.h
SOURCES -= src/zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.c
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
!ios {
HEADERS += src/daemon/DaemonManager.h
SOURCES += src/daemon/DaemonManager.cpp
2016-01-29 22:01:52 +03:00
lupdate_only {
SOURCES = *.qml \
components/*.qml \
pages/*.qml \
2016-09-05 22:07:53 +03:00
wizard/*.qml \
2016-01-29 22:01:52 +03:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
ios:armv7 {
message("target is armv7")
LIBS += \
2017-04-03 18:51:55 +02:00
-L$$PWD/../ofxiOSBoost/build/libs/boost/lib/armv7 \
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
ios:arm64 {
message("target is arm64")
LIBS += \
2017-04-03 18:51:55 +02:00
-L$$PWD/../ofxiOSBoost/build/libs/boost/lib/arm64 \
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
2017-08-07 14:52:34 +02:00
!ios:!android {
2016-05-27 11:00:26 +03:00
2016-09-03 13:06:44 +03:00
-lwallet_merged \
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
-lepee \
2017-05-06 17:11:15 +02:00
-lunbound \
2017-09-09 10:25:09 -04:00
-leasylogging \
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
2017-08-07 14:52:34 +02:00
android {
message("Host is Android")
-lwallet_merged \
-lepee \
-lunbound \
2018-03-03 22:56:52 +00:00
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Wformat -Wformat-security -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-strong
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Wformat -Wformat-security -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-strong
2017-04-03 18:51:55 +02:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
ios {
message("Host is IOS")
CONFIG += arm64
LIBS += -L$$WALLET_ROOT/lib-ios \
-lwallet_merged \
-lepee \
2017-08-07 14:52:50 +02:00
-lunbound \
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
LIBS+= \
2017-04-03 18:51:55 +02:00
-L$$PWD/../OpenSSL-for-iPhone/lib \
-L$$PWD/../ofxiOSBoost/build/libs/boost/lib/arm64 \
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
-lboost_serialization \
-lboost_thread \
-lboost_system \
-lboost_date_time \
-lboost_filesystem \
-lboost_regex \
-lboost_chrono \
-lboost_program_options \
-lssl \
-lcrypto \
2017-01-31 04:36:08 +00:00
if( greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 5) ) {
message("using camera scanner")
2017-03-27 17:39:47 +00:00
QT += multimedia
2017-01-31 04:36:08 +00:00
2017-03-27 17:39:47 +00:00
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/src/QR-Code-scanner
src/QR-Code-scanner/QrScanThread.h \
src/QR-Code-scanner/QrScanThread.cpp \
2017-01-31 04:36:08 +00:00
android {
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../ZBar/include
LIBS += -lzbarjni -liconv
} else {
LIBS += -lzbar
} else {
message("Skipping camera scanner because of Incompatible Qt Version !")
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
# currently we only support x86 build as qt.io only provides prebuilt qt for x86 mingw
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
win32 {
2016-11-09 08:55:31 +01:00
2017-03-04 12:17:51 +01:00
# QMAKE_HOST.arch is unreliable, will allways report 32bit if mingw32 shell is run.
# Obtaining arch through uname should be reliable. This also fixes building the project in Qt creator without changes.
MSYS_HOST_ARCH = $$system(uname -a | grep -o "x86_64")
2017-03-08 14:05:02 +01:00
# WIN64 Host settings
2017-03-04 12:17:51 +01:00
contains(MSYS_HOST_ARCH, x86_64) {
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
message("Host is 64bit")
2017-03-08 14:05:02 +01:00
2016-12-13 21:57:14 +01:00
# WIN32 Host settings
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
} else {
message("Host is 32bit")
2017-03-08 14:05:02 +01:00
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
2017-03-08 14:05:02 +01:00
# WIN64 Target settings
contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64) {
2017-03-08 14:21:35 +01:00
2016-12-04 20:03:24 +01:00
2017-03-08 14:05:02 +01:00
# WIN32 Target settings
} else {
2017-03-08 14:21:35 +01:00
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
2017-03-08 14:05:02 +01:00
# boost root path
2016-10-22 00:28:49 +03:00
2017-03-04 04:23:20 +01:00
2016-12-04 20:03:24 +01:00
2017-03-04 04:23:20 +01:00
2016-12-13 21:57:14 +01:00
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
LIBS+= \
-Wl,-Bstatic \
2016-12-04 20:03:24 +01:00
-lboost_serialization-mt-s \
-lboost_thread-mt-s \
-lboost_system-mt-s \
-lboost_date_time-mt-s \
-lboost_filesystem-mt-s \
-lboost_regex-mt-s \
-lboost_chrono-mt-s \
-lboost_program_options-mt-s \
2018-02-25 14:20:28 +01:00
-lboost_locale-mt-s \
-licuio \
-licuin \
-licuuc \
-licudt \
-licutu \
-liconv \
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
-lssl \
-lcrypto \
-Wl,-Bdynamic \
-lws2_32 \
-lwsock32 \
-lIphlpapi \
2016-12-13 21:57:14 +01:00
!contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) {
message("Target is 32bit")
## Windows x86 (32bit) specific build here
## there's 2Mb stack in libwallet allocated internally, so we set stack=4Mb
## this fixes app crash for x86 Windows build
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--stack,4194304
} else {
message("Target is 64bit")
2016-10-19 15:44:03 +03:00
2018-03-03 22:56:52 +00:00
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
2016-07-14 16:05:40 +03:00
linux {
2016-12-22 10:10:03 +01:00
CONFIG(static) {
message("using static libraries")
2017-02-07 20:10:17 +01:00
LIBS+= -Wl,-Bstatic
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
2017-03-27 21:42:01 +02:00
# contains(QT_ARCH, x86_64) {
2017-02-07 20:10:17 +01:00
LIBS+= -lunbound
2017-03-27 21:42:01 +02:00
# }
2017-02-23 21:23:06 -05:00
} else {
2017-02-23 21:23:55 -05:00
# On some distro's we need to add dynload
2017-02-23 21:23:06 -05:00
LIBS+= -ldl
2016-12-22 10:10:03 +01:00
2017-02-07 20:10:17 +01:00
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
LIBS+= \
2016-05-27 11:00:26 +03:00
-lboost_serialization \
-lboost_thread \
-lboost_system \
-lboost_date_time \
-lboost_filesystem \
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
-lboost_regex \
-lboost_chrono \
2016-07-13 10:30:12 +03:00
-lboost_program_options \
-lssl \
2017-02-24 16:29:35 +00:00
if(!android) {
LIBS+= \
-Wl,-Bdynamic \
2016-09-22 21:39:43 +03:00
# currently monero has an issue with "static" build and linunwind-dev,
# so we link libunwind-dev only for non-Ubuntu distros
CONFIG(libunwind_off) {
message(Building without libunwind)
} else {
message(Building with libunwind)
LIBS += -Wl,-Bdynamic -lunwind
2018-03-03 22:56:52 +00:00
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -pie -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,noexecstack
2016-07-04 18:17:26 +03:00
2016-05-27 11:00:26 +03:00
2016-07-14 16:05:40 +03:00
macx {
2016-12-22 10:10:03 +01:00
# mixing static and shared libs are not supported on mac
# CONFIG(static) {
# message("using static libraries")
# LIBS+= -Wl,-Bstatic
# }
2016-07-14 16:05:40 +03:00
LIBS+= \
2016-11-09 08:55:31 +01:00
-L/usr/local/lib \
-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib \
-L/usr/local/opt/boost/lib \
-lboost_serialization \
2016-07-21 16:29:37 +03:00
-lboost_thread-mt \
2016-07-14 16:05:40 +03:00
-lboost_system \
-lboost_date_time \
-lboost_filesystem \
-lboost_regex \
-lboost_chrono \
-lboost_program_options \
-lssl \
-lcrypto \
2018-03-06 02:50:04 +09:00
LIBS+= -framework PCSC
2016-07-25 16:24:07 +03:00
2018-03-07 11:42:45 +09:00
2016-07-14 16:05:40 +03:00
2016-05-27 11:00:26 +03:00
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
# translation stuff
TRANSLATIONS = \ # English is default language, no explicit translation file
2017-03-29 17:50:58 +02:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core.ts \ # translation source (copy this file when creating a new translation)
2016-12-16 12:00:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_ar.ts \ # Arabic
2017-03-22 17:31:25 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_pt-br.ts \ # Portuguese (Brazil)
2017-02-27 16:39:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_de.ts \ # German
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_eo.ts \ # Esperanto
2016-12-16 12:00:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_es.ts \ # Spanish
2017-02-27 16:39:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_fi.ts \ # Finnish
2016-12-16 12:00:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_fr.ts \ # French
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_hr.ts \ # Croatian
2017-02-27 16:39:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_id.ts \ # Indonesian
2017-03-22 17:31:25 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_hi.ts \ # Hindi
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_it.ts \ # Italian
2016-12-16 12:00:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_ja.ts \ # Japanese
2017-02-27 16:39:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_nl.ts \ # Dutch
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_pl.ts \ # Polish
2016-12-16 12:00:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_ru.ts \ # Russian
2017-04-11 20:11:04 +02:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_sv.ts \ # Swedish
2017-03-25 00:33:49 +08:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.ts \ # Chinese (Simplified-China)
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.ts \ # Chinese (Traditional-Taiwan)
2017-07-14 18:09:44 +03:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_he.ts \ # Hebrew
2017-08-24 16:02:16 +02:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_ko.ts \ # Korean
2017-09-05 02:34:02 +08:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_ro.ts \ # Romanian
2017-11-19 13:38:47 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_da.ts \ # Danish
2017-12-27 17:07:31 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_cs.ts \ # Czech
2017-12-02 13:29:37 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_sk.ts \ # Slovak
2018-01-01 14:13:21 +02:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_ar.ts \ # Arabic
2018-02-11 20:19:21 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_sl.ts \ # Slovenian
2018-02-20 20:21:35 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_rs.ts \ # Serbian
2017-12-23 14:43:28 +01:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_cat.ts \ # Catalan
2018-02-14 17:47:08 +03:00
$$PWD/translations/monero-core_tr.ts \ # Turkish
2016-07-22 15:50:51 +03:00
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
2016-08-03 15:59:42 +03:00
DESTDIR = release/bin
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
LANGUPD_OPTIONS = -locations relative -no-ui-lines
LANGREL_OPTIONS = -compress -nounfinished -removeidentical
} else {
2016-08-03 15:59:42 +03:00
DESTDIR = debug/bin
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2017-02-13 18:28:04 +01:00
# LANGREL_OPTIONS = -markuntranslated "MISS_TR "
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2016-07-25 16:24:07 +03:00
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2016-08-03 15:59:42 +03:00
2016-07-15 11:03:18 +03:00
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
macx {
TARGET_FULL_PATH = $$sprintf("%1/%2/%3.app", $$OUT_PWD, $$DESTDIR, $$TARGET)
2016-08-03 15:59:42 +03:00
TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR = $$TARGET_FULL_PATH/Contents/Resources/translations
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2016-07-15 11:03:18 +03:00
2016-08-03 15:59:42 +03:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
!ios {
win32:LANGUPD = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lupdate.exe
else:LANGUPD = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lupdate
2016-01-29 22:01:52 +03:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
win32:LANGREL = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lrelease.exe
else:LANGREL = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease
langupd.command = \
2016-01-25 21:36:33 +03:00
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2017-01-29 19:47:00 +01:00
langrel.depends = langupd
langrel.input = TRANSLATIONS
langrel.commands = \
langrel.CONFIG += no_link
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += langupd deploy deploy_win
2016-08-17 15:14:43 +03:00
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2016-08-16 23:21:46 +03:00
2016-08-17 15:14:43 +03:00
2016-11-16 02:33:19 +03:00
# Update: no issues with the "slow link process" anymore,
# for development, just build debug version of libwallet_merged lib
# by invoking 'get_libwallet_api.sh Debug'
# so we update translations everytime even for debug build
PRE_TARGETDEPS += langupd compiler_langrel_make_all
2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
RESOURCES += qml.qrc
2017-04-03 18:51:55 +02:00
CONFIG += qtquickcompiler
2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
# Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model
# Default rules for deployment.
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
macx {
2016-07-27 23:17:21 +03:00
deploy.commands += macdeployqt $$sprintf("%1/%2/%3.app", $$OUT_PWD, $$DESTDIR, $$TARGET) -qmldir=$$PWD
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
win32 {
2016-10-11 18:58:58 +03:00
deploy.commands += windeployqt $$sprintf("%1/%2/%3.exe", $$OUT_PWD, $$DESTDIR, $$TARGET) -release -qmldir=$$PWD
2016-12-13 21:57:14 +01:00
# Win64 msys2 deploy settings
contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64) {
deploy.commands += $$escape_expand(\n\t) $$PWD/windeploy_helper.sh $$DESTDIR
2016-07-27 22:32:33 +03:00
2017-01-01 05:55:49 +01:00
linux:!android {
2016-12-20 16:44:01 +01:00
deploy.commands += $$escape_expand(\n\t) $$PWD/linuxdeploy_helper.sh $$DESTDIR $$TARGET
2017-01-01 05:55:49 +01:00
deploy.commands += make install INSTALL_ROOT=$$DESTDIR && androiddeployqt --input android-libmonero-wallet-gui.so-deployment-settings.json --output $$DESTDIR --deployment bundled --android-platform android-21 --jdk /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -qmldir=$$PWD
2014-07-07 19:08:30 +02:00
2016-02-06 19:19:54 +03:00
2016-02-06 15:58:55 +03:00
2016-02-06 15:49:31 +03:00
.gitignore \
2016-07-15 11:03:18 +03:00
2016-02-06 15:58:55 +03:00
2016-02-23 18:59:26 +03:00
2017-01-12 20:53:27 +01:00
notes.txt \
2017-04-03 18:51:55 +02:00
monero/src/wallet/CMakeLists.txt \
2016-08-17 15:14:43 +03:00
2016-08-04 14:16:38 +03:00
2016-08-04 14:52:33 +03:00
# windows application icon
2016-08-04 14:16:38 +03:00
RC_FILE = monero-core.rc
2016-08-04 14:52:33 +03:00
# mac application icon
ICON = $$PWD/images/appicon.icns