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* @file remote.h
* @brief Declarations of functions and types that interact with a remote endpoint.
#include "common_thread.h"
#include "common_config.h"
#include "common_pivot_tree.h"
/*! @brief This is the size of the certificate hash that is validated (sha1) */
#define CERT_HASH_SIZE 20
typedef wchar_t CHARTYPE;
// Forward declarations required to keep compilers happy.
typedef struct _Packet Packet;
typedef struct _PacketRequestCompletion PacketRequestCompletion;
typedef struct _Transport Transport;
typedef struct _SslLib SslLib;
typedef struct _Remote Remote;
typedef struct _TimeoutSettings TimeoutSettings;
typedef struct _HttpTransportContext HttpTransportContext;
typedef struct _PacketEncryptionContext PacketEncryptionContext;
typedef UINT_PTR(*PTransportGetHandle)(Transport* transport);
typedef DWORD(*PTransportGetConfigSize)(Transport* transport);
typedef void(*PTransportSetHandle)(Transport* transport, UINT_PTR handle);
typedef void(*PTransportReset)(Transport* transport, BOOL shuttingDown);
typedef DWORD(*PTransportInit)(Transport* transport);
typedef DWORD(*PTransportDeinit)(Transport* transport);
typedef void(*PTransportDestroy)(Transport* transport);
typedef DWORD(*PTransportGetMigrateContext)(Transport* transport, DWORD targetProcessId, HANDLE targetProcessHandle, LPDWORD contextSize, LPBYTE* contextBuffer);
typedef Transport*(*PTransportCreate)(Remote* remote, MetsrvTransportCommon* config, LPDWORD size);
typedef void(*PTransportRemove)(Remote* remote, Transport* oldTransport);
typedef void(*PConfigCreate)(Remote* remote, LPBYTE uuid, MetsrvConfig** config, LPDWORD size);
typedef DWORD(*PServerDispatch)(Remote* remote, THREAD* dispatchThread);
typedef DWORD(*PPacketTransmit)(Remote* remote, LPBYTE rawPacket, DWORD rawPacketLength);
typedef HANDLE(*PCreateHttpRequest)(HttpTransportContext* ctx, BOOL isGet, const char* direction);
typedef BOOL(*PSendHttpRequest)(HttpTransportContext* ctx, HANDLE hReq, LPVOID buffer, DWORD size);
typedef BOOL(*PCloseRequest)(HANDLE hReq);
typedef DWORD(*PValidateResponse)(HANDLE hReq, HttpTransportContext* ctx);
typedef BOOL(*PReceiveResponse)(HANDLE hReq);
typedef BOOL(*PReadResponse)(HANDLE hReq, LPVOID buffer, DWORD bytesToRead, LPDWORD bytesRead);
typedef struct _TimeoutSettings
/*! @ brief The total number of seconds to wait for a new packet before killing off the session. */
int comms;
/*! @ brief The total number of seconds to keep retrying for before a new session is established. */
UINT retry_total;
/*! @ brief The number of seconds to wait between reconnects. */
UINT retry_wait;
} TimeoutSettings;
typedef struct _TcpTransportContext
SOCKET fd; ///! Remote socket file descriptor.
SOCKET listen; ///! Listen socket descriptor, if any.
} TcpTransportContext;
typedef struct _NamedPipeTransportContext
STRTYPE pipe_name; ///! Name of the pipe in '\\<server>\<name>' format
HANDLE pipe; ///! Reference to the named pipe handle.
LOCK* write_lock; ///! Reference to the thread write lock.
} NamedPipeTransportContext;
typedef struct _HttpTransportContext
BOOL ssl; ///! Flag indicating whether the connection uses SSL.
HANDLE internet; ///! Handle to the internet module for use with HTTP and HTTPS.
HANDLE connection; ///! Handle to the HTTP or HTTPS connection.
unsigned char* cert_hash; ///! Pointer to the 20-byte certificate hash to validate
CSTRTYPE url; ///! Pointer to the URL stored with the transport.
STRTYPE ua; ///! User agent string.
STRTYPE uri; ///! UUID encoded as a URI.
STRTYPE new_uri; ///! New URI for stageless URI switches
STRTYPE proxy; ///! Proxy details.
STRTYPE proxy_user; ///! Proxy username.
STRTYPE proxy_pass; ///! Proxy password.
STRTYPE custom_headers; ///! List of custom headers to add to outgoing requests.
BOOL proxy_configured; ///! Indication of whether the proxy has been configured.
LPVOID proxy_for_url; ///! Pointer to the proxy for the current url (if required).
BOOL move_to_wininet; ///! If set, winhttp is busted, and we need to move to wininet.
PCreateHttpRequest create_req; ///! WinHTTP/WinINET specific request creation.
PSendHttpRequest send_req; ///! WinHTTP/WinINET specifc request sending.
PCloseRequest close_req; ///! WinHTTP/WinINET specifc request closing.
PValidateResponse validate_response; ///! WinHTTP/WinINET specific response validation.
PReceiveResponse receive_response; ///! WinHttp/WinINET specific response data reception.
PReadResponse read_response; ///! WinHttp/WinINET specific response data reading.
} HttpTransportContext;
typedef struct _Transport
DWORD type; ///! The type of transport in use.
PTransportGetHandle get_handle; ///! Function to get the socket/handle from the transport.
PTransportSetHandle set_handle; ///! Function to set the socket/handle on the transport.
PTransportGetConfigSize get_config_size; ///! Function to get the size of the configuration for the transport.
PTransportReset transport_reset; ///! Function to reset/clean the transport ready for restarting.
PTransportInit transport_init; ///! Initialises the transport.
PTransportDeinit transport_deinit; ///! Deinitialises the transport.
PTransportDestroy transport_destroy; ///! Destroy the transport.
PServerDispatch server_dispatch; ///! Transport dispatch function.
PPacketTransmit packet_transmit; ///! Transmits a packet over the transport.
PTransportGetMigrateContext get_migrate_context; ///! Creates a migrate context that is transport-specific.
STRTYPE url; ///! Full URL describing the comms in use.
VOID* ctx; ///! Pointer to the type-specific transport context;
TimeoutSettings timeouts; ///! Container for the timeout settings.
int comms_last_packet; ///! Unix timestamp of the last packet received.
struct _Transport* next_transport; ///! Pointer to the next transport in the list.
struct _Transport* prev_transport; ///! Pointer to the previous transport in the list.
} Transport;
* @brief Remote context allocation.
* @details Wraps the initialized file descriptor for extension purposes.
* A \c Remote is effectively a pointer to a remote client context
* which contains magic pixie dust that identifies the connection
* along with a way to interact with it.
* @remark The `Original` and `Current` members are used to allow for
* functionality such as `rev2self` and reverting back to the initial
* desktop stations/desktops.
typedef struct _Remote
PConfigCreate config_create; ///! Pointer to the function that will create a configuration block from the curren setup.
Transport* transport; ///! Pointer to the currently used transport mechanism in a circular list of transports
Transport* next_transport; ///! Set externally when transports are requested to be changed.
DWORD next_transport_wait; ///! Number of seconds to wait before going to the next transport (used for sleeping).
MetsrvConfig* orig_config; ///! Pointer to the original configuration.
LOCK* lock; ///! General transport usage lock (used by SSL, and desktop stuff too).
HANDLE server_thread; ///! Handle to the current server thread.
HANDLE server_token; ///! Handle to the current server security token.
HANDLE thread_token; ///! Handle to the current thread security token.
DWORD orig_sess_id; ///! ID of the original Meterpreter session.
DWORD curr_sess_id; ///! ID of the currently active session.
char* orig_station_name; ///! Original station name.
char* curr_station_name; ///! Name of the current station.
char* orig_desktop_name; ///! Original desktop name.
char* curr_desktop_name; ///! Name of the current desktop.
PTransportCreate trans_create; ///! Helper to create transports from configuration.
PTransportRemove trans_remove; ///! Helper to remove transports from the current session.
int sess_expiry_time; ///! Number of seconds that the session runs for.
int sess_expiry_end; ///! Unix timestamp for when the server should shut down.
int sess_start_time; ///! Unix timestamp representing the session startup time.
PivotTree* pivot_sessions; ///! Collection of active Meterpreter session pivots.
PivotTree* pivot_listeners; ///! Collection of active Meterpreter pivot listeners.
PacketEncryptionContext* enc_ctx; ///! Reference to the packet encryption context.
} Remote;