/*! * @file core.c * @brief Definitions of core components of the Meterpreter suite. * @details Much of what exists in the core files is used in almost every area * of the Meterpreter code base, and hence it's very important. Don't * change this stuff unless you know what you're doing! */ #include "common.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <winhttp.h> #endif DWORD packet_find_tlv_buf(Packet *packet, PUCHAR payload, DWORD payloadLength, DWORD index, TlvType type, Tlv *tlv); /*! @brief List element that contains packet completion routine details. */ typedef struct _PacketCompletionRoutineEntry { LPCSTR requestId; ///< Id of the request. PacketRequestCompletion handler; ///< Handler to call on completion. struct _PacketCompletionRoutineEntry *next; ///< Pointer to the next compleiont routine entry. } PacketCompletionRoutineEntry; /*! * @brief Reference to the list of packet completion routines. * @details This pointer is a singularly-linked list which contains references * to PacketCompletionRouteEntry items, each of which is processed * when packet_call_completion_handlers is invoked. */ PacketCompletionRoutineEntry *packetCompletionRoutineList = NULL; /*! * @todo I have no idea why this is here, need someone else to explain. */ HANDLE core_update_thread_token( Remote *remote, HANDLE token ) { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE temp = NULL; lock_acquire( remote->lock ); do { temp = remote->thread_token; // A NULL token resets the state back to the server token if (!token) { token = remote->server_token; } // Assign the thread token remote->thread_token = token; // Close the old token if its not one of the two active tokens if( temp && temp != remote->server_token && temp != remote->thread_token ) { CloseHandle(temp); } } while(0); lock_release( remote->lock ); #else /* * XXX add POSIX implementation */ #endif return(token); } /*! * @brief Update the session/station/desktop to be used by multi threaded meterpreter for desktop related operations. * @details We dont store the handles as it is more convienient to use strings, especially as we cant use the regular API * to break out of sessions. * @remark It is up to the caller to free any station/desktop name provided as internally we use \c strdup. * @param remote Pointer to the remote connection. * @param dwSessionID ID of the session which contains the window station in \c cpStationName. * @param cpStationName Name of the window station that contains the desktop in \c cpDesktopName. * @param cpDesktopName Name of the desktop to switch to. */ VOID core_update_desktop(Remote * remote, DWORD dwSessionID, char * cpStationName, char * cpDesktopName) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD temp_session = -1; char * temp_station = NULL; char * temp_desktop = NULL; lock_acquire(remote->lock); do { temp_session = remote->curr_sess_id; // A session id of -1 resets the state back to the servers real session id if (dwSessionID = -1) { dwSessionID = remote->orig_sess_id; } // Assign the new session id remote->curr_sess_id = dwSessionID; temp_station = remote->curr_station_name; // A NULL station resets the station back to the origional process window station if (!cpStationName) { cpStationName = remote->orig_station_name; } // Assign the current window station name to use remote->curr_station_name = _strdup(cpStationName); // free the memory for the old station name if its not one of the two active names if (temp_station && temp_station != remote->orig_station_name && temp_station != remote->curr_station_name) { free(temp_station); } temp_desktop = remote->curr_desktop_name; // A NULL station resets the desktop back to the origional process desktop if (!cpDesktopName) { cpDesktopName = remote->orig_desktop_name; } // Assign the current window desktop name to use remote->curr_desktop_name = _strdup(cpDesktopName); // free the memory for the old desktop name if its not one of the two active names if (temp_desktop && temp_desktop != remote->orig_desktop_name && temp_desktop != remote->curr_desktop_name) { free(temp_desktop); } } while (0); lock_release(remote->lock); #endif } /*! * @brief Serialize a packet to a byte stream, and destroy the packet. * @param remote Pointer to the remote instance. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to serialize. * @param buffer Pointer that will receive a pointer to the serialized packet buffer. * @param bufferSize Pointer that will receive the resulting serialized packet buffer size. * @return Indication of success or failure. */ DWORD packet_serialize_and_destroy(Remote* remote, Packet* packet, BYTE** buffer, size_t* bufferSize) { CryptoContext* crypto; Tlv tempTlv; DWORD res = ERROR_SUCCESS; lock_acquire(remote->lock); // If the packet does not already have a request identifier, create one for it if (packet_get_tlv_string(packet, TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, &tempTlv) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD index; CHAR rid[32]; rid[sizeof(rid)-1] = 0; for (index = 0; index < sizeof(rid)-1; index++) { rid[index] = (rand() % 0x5e) + 0x21; } packet_add_tlv_string(packet, TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, rid); } // Always add the UUID to the packet as well, so that MSF knows who and what we are packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, TLV_TYPE_UUID, remote->orig_config->session.uuid, UUID_SIZE); do { // If the endpoint has a cipher established and this is not a plaintext // packet, we encrypt if ((crypto = remote_get_cipher(remote)) && (packet_get_type(packet) != PACKET_TLV_TYPE_PLAIN_REQUEST) && (packet_get_type(packet) != PACKET_TLV_TYPE_PLAIN_RESPONSE)) { ULONG origPayloadLength = packet->payloadLength; PUCHAR origPayload = packet->payload; // Encrypt if ((res = crypto->handlers.encrypt(crypto, packet->payload, packet->payloadLength, &packet->payload, &packet->payloadLength)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(res); break; } // Destroy the original payload as we no longer need it free(origPayload); // Update the header length packet->header.length = htonl(packet->payloadLength + sizeof(TlvHeader)); } // create a buffer for the serialized packet *bufferSize = sizeof(packet->header) + packet->payloadLength; *buffer = (BYTE*)calloc(1, *bufferSize); if (buffer == NULL) { res = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // generate a new XOR key DWORD xorKey = rand_xor_key(); // make sure the existing XOR key it set to zero, we'll be overwriting // it shortly memset(packet->header.xor_key, 0, sizeof(packet->header.xor_key)); // copy the header & payload over to the buffer memcpy(*buffer, &packet->header, sizeof(packet->header)); memcpy(*buffer + sizeof(packet->header), packet->payload, packet->payloadLength); // XOR the entire buffer, with they key (results in the xor key being written // to the first 4 bytes because they're currently zero anyway xor_bytes((BYTE*)&xorKey, *buffer, (DWORD)*bufferSize); } while (0); // Destroy the packet packet_destroy(packet); lock_release(remote->lock); return res; } /*! * @brief Create a packet of a given type (request/response) and method. * @param type The TLV type that this packet represents. * @param method TLV method type (can be \c NULL). * @return Pointer to the newly created \c Packet. */ Packet *packet_create(PacketTlvType type, LPCSTR method) { Packet *packet = NULL; BOOL success = FALSE; do { if (!(packet = (Packet *)malloc(sizeof(Packet)))) { break; } memset(packet, 0, sizeof(Packet)); // Initialize the header length and message type packet->header.length = htonl(sizeof(TlvHeader)); packet->header.type = htonl((DWORD)type); // Initialize the payload to be blank packet->payload = NULL; packet->payloadLength = 0; // Add the method TLV if provided if (method && packet_add_tlv_string(packet, TLV_TYPE_METHOD, method) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } success = TRUE; } while (0); // Clean up the packet on failure if (!success && packet) { packet_destroy(packet); packet = NULL; } return packet; } /*! * @brief Create a packet that is used to contain a subgroup. * @returns An instance of a packet to use as a group container. * @remarks Group packets can be used to arbitrarily nest groupings prior to * sending the packet to the client. */ Packet* packet_create_group() { Packet* packet = NULL; do { if (!(packet = (Packet*)malloc(sizeof(Packet)))) { break; } memset(packet, 0, sizeof(Packet)); // we don't need to worry about the TLV header at this point // so we'll ignore it // Initialize the payload to be blank packet->payload = NULL; packet->payloadLength = 0; return packet; } while (0); SAFE_FREE(packet); return NULL; } /*! * @brief Add a group packet to the parent packet. * @param packet Pointer to the container packet that the group is to be added to. * @param type The type of group packet being added. * @param groupPacket the packet containing the group data (created by `packet_create_group`). * @returns Indication of success or failure. * @remarks The function calls `packet_destroy` on the `groupPacket` if adding the packet succeeds. */ DWORD packet_add_group(Packet* packet, TlvType type, Packet* groupPacket) { DWORD result = packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, groupPacket->payload, groupPacket->payloadLength); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { packet_destroy(groupPacket); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return result; } /*! * @brief Create a response packet from a request. * @details Create a response packet from a request, referencing the requestors * message identifier. * @param request The request \c Packet to build a response for. * @return Pointer to a new \c Packet. */ Packet *packet_create_response(Packet *request) { Packet *response = NULL; Tlv method, requestId; BOOL success = FALSE; PacketTlvType responseType; if (packet_get_type(request) == PACKET_TLV_TYPE_PLAIN_REQUEST) { responseType = PACKET_TLV_TYPE_PLAIN_RESPONSE; } else { responseType = PACKET_TLV_TYPE_RESPONSE; } do { // Get the request TLV's method if (packet_get_tlv_string(request, TLV_TYPE_METHOD, &method) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } // Try to allocate a response packet if (!(response = packet_create(responseType, (PCHAR)method.buffer))) { break; } // Get the request TLV's request identifier if (packet_get_tlv_string(request, TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, &requestId) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } // Add the request identifier to the packet packet_add_tlv_string(response, TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, (PCHAR)requestId.buffer); // If the packet that is being handled is considered local, then we // associate the response with the request so that it can be handled // locally (and vice versa) if (request->local) { request->partner = response; response->partner = request; } success = TRUE; } while (0); // Cleanup on failure if (!success) { if (response) { packet_destroy(response); } response = NULL; } return response; } /*! * @brief Destroy the packet context and the payload buffer. * @param packet Pointer to the \c Packet to destroy. */ VOID packet_destroy(Packet * packet) { if (packet == NULL) { return; } if (packet->payload) { memset(packet->payload, 0, packet->payloadLength); free(packet->payload); } if (packet->decompressed_buffers) { while (TRUE) { DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER * buf = list_pop(packet->decompressed_buffers); if (!buf) { break; } if (buf->buffer) { memset(buf->buffer, 0, buf->length); free(buf->buffer); } free(buf); } list_destroy(packet->decompressed_buffers); } memset(packet, 0, sizeof(Packet)); free(packet); } /*! * @brief Add a string value TLV to a packet, including the \c NULL terminator. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param str Pointer to the string value to add to the packet. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_string( Packet *packet, TlvType type, LPCSTR str ) { return packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, (PUCHAR)str, (DWORD)strlen(str) + 1); } /*! * @brief Add a wide-string value TLV to a packet, including the \c NULL terminator. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param str Pointer to the wide-string value to add to the packet. * @param strLength of the string (not including the NULL terminator). * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_wstring_len(Packet *packet, TlvType type, LPCWSTR str, size_t strLength) { DWORD dwResult; LPSTR lpStr = (LPSTR)malloc(strLength + 1); if (lpStr) { wcstombs(lpStr, str, strLength); lpStr[strLength] = 0; dwResult = packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, (PUCHAR)lpStr, (DWORD)strLength + 1); free(lpStr); } else { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return dwResult; } /*! * @brief Add a wide-string value TLV to a packet, including the \c NULL terminator. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param str Pointer to the wide-string value to add to the packet. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_wstring(Packet *packet, TlvType type, LPCWSTR str) { return packet_add_tlv_wstring_len(packet, type, str, wcslen(str)); } /*! * @brief Add a unsigned integer value TLV to a packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param val The value to add to the packet. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_uint(Packet *packet, TlvType type, UINT val) { val = htonl(val); return packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, (PUCHAR)&val, sizeof(val)); } /*! * @brief Add a quad-work value TLV to a packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param val The value to add to the packet. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_qword(Packet *packet, TlvType type, QWORD val) { val = htonq(val); return packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, (PUCHAR)&val, sizeof(QWORD)); } /*! * @brief Add a boolean value TLV to a packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param val The value to add to the packet. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_bool(Packet *packet, TlvType type, BOOL val) { return packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, (PUCHAR)&val, 1); } /*! * @brief Add a group TLV to a packet. * @details A TLV group is a TLV that contains multiple sub-TLVs. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param entries Pointer to the array of TLV entries to add. * @param numEntries Count of the number of TLV entries in the \c entries array. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_group(Packet *packet, TlvType type, Tlv *entries, DWORD numEntries) { DWORD totalSize = 0, offset = 0, index = 0, res = ERROR_SUCCESS; PCHAR buffer = NULL; // Calculate the total TLV size. for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) { totalSize += entries[index].header.length + sizeof(TlvHeader); } do { // Allocate storage for the complete buffer if (!(buffer = (PCHAR)malloc(totalSize))) { res = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // Copy the memory into the new buffer for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) { TlvHeader rawHeader; // Convert byte order for storage rawHeader.length = htonl(entries[index].header.length + sizeof(TlvHeader)); rawHeader.type = htonl((DWORD)entries[index].header.type); // Copy the TLV header & payload memcpy(buffer + offset, &rawHeader, sizeof(TlvHeader)); memcpy(buffer + offset + sizeof(TlvHeader), entries[index].buffer, entries[index].header.length); // Update the offset into the buffer offset += entries[index].header.length + sizeof(TlvHeader); } // Now add the TLV group with its contents populated res = packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, type, buffer, totalSize); } while (0); // Free the temporary buffer SAFE_FREE(buffer); return res; } /*! * @brief Add an array of TLVs to a packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the values to. * @param entries Pointer to the array of TLV entries to add. * @param numEntries Count of the number of TLV entries in the \c entries array. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlvs(Packet *packet, Tlv *entries, DWORD numEntries) { DWORD index; for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) { packet_add_tlv_raw(packet, (TlvType)entries[index].header.type, entries[index].buffer, entries[index].header.length); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /*! * @brief Add a raw value TLV to a packet, with compression. * @details The value given in the \c buf parameter will be compressed with zlib. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param buf Pointer to the data that is to be compressed and added. * @param length Number of bytes in \c buf to compress. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_raw_compressed(Packet *packet, TlvType type, LPVOID buf, DWORD length) { DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD headerLength = sizeof(TlvHeader); PUCHAR newPayload = NULL; BYTE * compressed_buf = NULL; DWORD realLength = 0; DWORD newPayloadLength = 0; DWORD compressed_length = (DWORD)(1.01 * (length + 12) + 1); do { compressed_buf = (BYTE *)malloc(compressed_length); if (!compressed_buf) { result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if (compress2(compressed_buf, &compressed_length, buf, length, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK) { result = ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION; break; } realLength = compressed_length + headerLength; newPayloadLength = packet->payloadLength + realLength; // Allocate/Reallocate the packet's payload if (packet->payload) { newPayload = (PUCHAR)realloc(packet->payload, newPayloadLength); } else { newPayload = (PUCHAR)malloc(newPayloadLength); } if (!newPayload) { result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // Populate the new TLV ((LPDWORD)(newPayload + packet->payloadLength))[0] = htonl(realLength); ((LPDWORD)(newPayload + packet->payloadLength))[1] = htonl((DWORD)type); memcpy(newPayload + packet->payloadLength + headerLength, compressed_buf, compressed_length); // Update the header length and payload length packet->header.length = htonl(ntohl(packet->header.length) + realLength); packet->payload = newPayload; packet->payloadLength = newPayloadLength; result = ERROR_SUCCESS; } while (0); SAFE_FREE(compressed_buf); return result; } /*! * @brief Add an arbitrary raw value TLV to a packet. * @details The value given in the \c buf parameter will _not_ be compressed. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the value to. * @param type TLV type for the value. * @param buf Pointer to the data that is to be added. * @param length Number of bytes in \c buf to add. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory available. */ DWORD packet_add_tlv_raw(Packet *packet, TlvType type, LPVOID buf, DWORD length) { DWORD headerLength = sizeof(TlvHeader); DWORD realLength = length + headerLength; DWORD newPayloadLength = packet->payloadLength + realLength; PUCHAR newPayload = NULL; // check if this TLV is to be compressed... if ((type & TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) == TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) { return packet_add_tlv_raw_compressed(packet, type, buf, length); } // Allocate/Reallocate the packet's payload if (packet->payload) { newPayload = (PUCHAR)realloc(packet->payload, newPayloadLength); } else { newPayload = (PUCHAR)malloc(newPayloadLength); } if (!newPayload) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } // Populate the new TLV ((LPDWORD)(newPayload + packet->payloadLength))[0] = htonl(realLength); ((LPDWORD)(newPayload + packet->payloadLength))[1] = htonl((DWORD)type); memcpy(newPayload + packet->payloadLength + headerLength, buf, length); // Update the header length and payload length packet->header.length = htonl(ntohl(packet->header.length) + realLength); packet->payload = newPayload; packet->payloadLength = newPayloadLength; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /*! * @brief Check if a TLV is NULL-terminated. * @details The function checks the data within the range of bytes specified by * the \c length property of the TLV \c header. * @param tlv Pointer to the TLV to check. * @return Indication of whether the TLV is terminated with a \c NULL byte or not. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS A \c NULL byte is present. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND No \c NULL byte is present. * @sa TlvHeader */ DWORD packet_is_tlv_null_terminated( Tlv *tlv ) { if ((tlv->header.length) && (tlv->buffer[tlv->header.length - 1] != 0)) { return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /*! * @brief Get the TLV type of the packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the type from. * @return \c PacketTlvType for the given \c Packet. */ PacketTlvType packet_get_type( Packet *packet ) { return (PacketTlvType)ntohl( packet->header.type ); } /*! * @brief Get the TLV meta-type of the packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the meta-type from. * @return \c TlvMetaType for the given \c Packet. */ TlvMetaType packet_get_tlv_meta( Packet *packet, Tlv *tlv ) { return TLV_META_TYPE_MASK( tlv->header.type ); } /*! * @brief Get a TLV of a given type from the packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get. * @param tlv Pointer to the TLV that will receive the data. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the TLV. */ DWORD packet_get_tlv(Packet *packet, TlvType type, Tlv *tlv) { return packet_enum_tlv(packet, 0, type, tlv); } /*! * @brief Get a string TLV from the packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get. * @param tlv Pointer to the TLV that will receive the data. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the TLV or the string * value is not NULL-terminated. */ DWORD packet_get_tlv_string( Packet *packet, TlvType type, Tlv *tlv ) { DWORD res; if ((res = packet_get_tlv(packet, type, tlv)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { res = packet_is_tlv_null_terminated(tlv); } return res; } /*! * @brief Get a TLV of a given type from a group TLV in the packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param group Pointer to the group TLV to get the value from. * @param type Type of TLV to get. * @param tlv Pointer to the TLV that will receive the data. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the TLV. */ DWORD packet_get_tlv_group_entry(Packet *packet, Tlv *group, TlvType type, Tlv *entry) { return packet_find_tlv_buf(packet, group->buffer, group->header.length, 0, type, entry); } /*! * @brief Enumerate a TLV (with the option of constraining its type). * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @param tlv Pointer to the TLV that will receive the data. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the TLV. */ DWORD packet_enum_tlv(Packet *packet, DWORD index, TlvType type, Tlv *tlv) { return packet_find_tlv_buf(packet, packet->payload, packet->payloadLength, index, type, tlv); } /*! * @brief Get the string value of a TLV. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @return Pointer to the string value, if found. * @retval NULL The string value was not found in the TLV. * @retval Non-NULL Pointer to the string value. */ PCHAR packet_get_tlv_value_string( Packet *packet, TlvType type ) { Tlv stringTlv; PCHAR string = NULL; if (packet_get_tlv_string(packet, type, &stringTlv) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { string = (PCHAR)stringTlv.buffer; } return string; } /*! * @brief Get the string value of a TLV as a wchar_t string. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @return Pointer to the string value, if found. * @retval NULL The string value was not found in the TLV. * @retval Non-NULL Pointer to the string value (must be released with free()). * @remark This function allocates a new string and therefore must be released * using free(). */ wchar_t* packet_get_tlv_value_wstring(Packet* packet, TlvType type) { size_t size; wchar_t* result = NULL; PCHAR string = packet_get_tlv_value_string(packet, type); if (string) { size = mbstowcs(NULL, string, 0) + 1; result = (wchar_t*)calloc(size, sizeof(wchar_t)); if (result) { mbstowcs(result, string, size); } } return result; } /*! * @brief Get the unsigned int value of a TLV. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @return The value found in the TLV. * @todo On failure, 0 is returned. We need to make sure this is the right * thing to do because 0 might also be a valid value. */ UINT packet_get_tlv_value_uint(Packet *packet, TlvType type) { Tlv uintTlv; if ((packet_get_tlv(packet, type, &uintTlv) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (uintTlv.header.length < sizeof(DWORD))) { return 0; } return ntohl(*(LPDWORD)uintTlv.buffer); } /*! * @brief Get the raw value of a TLV. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @return The value found in the TLV. */ BYTE * packet_get_tlv_value_raw(Packet * packet, TlvType type) { Tlv tlv; if (packet_get_tlv(packet, type, &tlv) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NULL; } return tlv.buffer; } /*! * @brief Get the quad-word value of a TLV. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @return The value found in the TLV. * @todo On failure, 0 is returned. We need to make sure this is the right * thing to do because 0 might also be a valid value. */ QWORD packet_get_tlv_value_qword(Packet *packet, TlvType type) { Tlv qwordTlv; if ((packet_get_tlv(packet, type, &qwordTlv) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (qwordTlv.header.length < sizeof(QWORD))) { return 0; } return ntohq(*(QWORD *)qwordTlv.buffer); } /*! * @brief Get the boolean value of a TLV. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @return The value found in the TLV. * @todo On failure, FALSE is returned. We need to make sure this is the right * thing to do because FALSE might also be a valid value. */ BOOL packet_get_tlv_value_bool(Packet *packet, TlvType type) { Tlv boolTlv; BOOL val = FALSE; if (packet_get_tlv(packet, type, &boolTlv) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { val = (BOOL)(*(PCHAR)boolTlv.buffer); } return val; } /*! * @brief Add an exception to a packet. * @details When adding an exception, both a TLV_EXCEPTION_CODE and TLV_EXCEPTION_STRING * are added to the packet. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to add the detail to. * @param code Exception code. * @param fmt Form string for the exception string. * @param ... Varargs for the format string. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for the request packet. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS Transmission was successful. */ DWORD packet_add_exception(Packet *packet, DWORD code, PCHAR fmt, ...) { DWORD codeNbo = htonl(code); char buf[8192]; Tlv entries[2]; va_list ap; // Ensure null termination buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; va_start(ap, fmt); _vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); // Populate the TLV group array entries[0].header.type = TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION_CODE; entries[0].header.length = 4; entries[0].buffer = (PUCHAR)&codeNbo; entries[1].header.type = TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION_STRING; entries[1].header.length = (DWORD)strlen(buf) + 1; entries[1].buffer = (PUCHAR)buf; // Add the TLV group, or try to at least. return packet_add_tlv_group(packet, TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION, entries, 2); } /*! * @brief Enumerate TLV entries until hitting a given index or type. * @details This function will iterate through the given payload until one of the following conditions is true: * - The end of the payload is encountered * - The specified index is reached * - A TLV of the specified type is reached * * If the first condition is met, the function returns with a failure. * @param packet Pointer to the packet to get the TLV from. * @param payload Pointer to the payload to parse. * @param index Index of the TLV entry to find (optional). * @param type Type of TLV to get (optional). * @param tlv Pointer to the TLV that will receive the data. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the TLV. */ DWORD packet_find_tlv_buf(Packet *packet, PUCHAR payload, DWORD payloadLength, DWORD index, TlvType type, Tlv *tlv) { DWORD currentIndex = 0; DWORD offset = 0, length = 0; BOOL found = FALSE; PUCHAR current; memset(tlv, 0, sizeof(Tlv)); do { // Enumerate the TLV's for (current = payload, length = 0; !found && current; offset += length, current += length) { TlvHeader *header = (TlvHeader *)current; TlvType current_type = TLV_TYPE_ANY; // effectively '0' if ((current + sizeof(TlvHeader) > payload + payloadLength) || (current < payload)) { break; } // TLV's length length = ntohl(header->length); // Matching type? current_type = (TlvType)ntohl(header->type); // if the type has been compressed, temporarily remove the compression flag as compression is to be transparent. if ((current_type & TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) == TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) { current_type = (TlvType)(current_type ^ TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED); } // check if the types match? if ((current_type != type) && (type != TLV_TYPE_ANY)) { continue; } // Matching index? if (currentIndex != index) { currentIndex++; continue; } if ((current + length > payload + payloadLength) || (current < payload)) { break; } tlv->header.type = ntohl(header->type); tlv->header.length = ntohl(header->length) - sizeof(TlvHeader); tlv->buffer = payload + offset + sizeof(TlvHeader); if ((tlv->header.type & TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) == TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) { DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER * decompressed_buf = NULL; do { decompressed_buf = (DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER *)malloc(sizeof(DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER)); if (!decompressed_buf) { break; } // the first DWORD in a compressed buffer is the decompressed buffer length. decompressed_buf->length = ntohl(*(DWORD *)tlv->buffer); if (!decompressed_buf->length) { break; } decompressed_buf->buffer = (BYTE *)malloc(decompressed_buf->length); if (!decompressed_buf->buffer) { break; } tlv->header.length -= sizeof(DWORD); tlv->buffer += sizeof(DWORD); if (uncompress((Bytef*)decompressed_buf->buffer, &decompressed_buf->length, tlv->buffer, tlv->header.length) != Z_OK) { break; } tlv->header.type = tlv->header.type ^ TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED; tlv->header.length = decompressed_buf->length; tlv->buffer = (PUCHAR)decompressed_buf->buffer; if (!packet->decompressed_buffers) { packet->decompressed_buffers = list_create(); } if (!packet->decompressed_buffers) { break; } // each packet has a list of decompressed buffers which is used to // wipe and fee all decompressed buffers upon the packet being destroyed. list_push(packet->decompressed_buffers, decompressed_buf); found = TRUE; } while (0); if (!found && decompressed_buf) { SAFE_FREE(decompressed_buf->buffer); SAFE_FREE(decompressed_buf); } } else { found = TRUE; } } } while (0); return (found) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } /*! * @brief Add a completion routine for a given request identifier. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for the \c PacketCompletionRouteEntry instance. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS Addition was successful. */ DWORD packet_add_completion_handler(LPCSTR requestId, PacketRequestCompletion *completion) { PacketCompletionRoutineEntry *entry; DWORD res = ERROR_SUCCESS; do { // Allocate the entry if (!(entry = (PacketCompletionRoutineEntry *)malloc(sizeof(PacketCompletionRoutineEntry)))) { res = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // Copy the completion routine information memcpy(&entry->handler, completion, sizeof(PacketRequestCompletion)); // Copy the request identifier if (!(entry->requestId = _strdup(requestId))) { res = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; free(entry); break; } // Add the entry to the list entry->next = packetCompletionRoutineList; packetCompletionRoutineList = entry; } while (0); return res; } /*! * @brief Call the register completion handler(s) for the given request identifier. * @details Only those handlers that match the given request are executed. * @param remote Pointer to the \c Remote instance for this call. * @param response Pointer to the response \c Packet. * @param requestId ID of the request to execute the completion handlers of. * @return Indication of success or failure. * @retval ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find any matching completion handlers for the request. * @retval ERROR_SUCCESS Execution was successful. */ DWORD packet_call_completion_handlers( Remote *remote, Packet *response, LPCSTR requestId ) { PacketCompletionRoutineEntry *current; DWORD result = packet_get_tlv_value_uint(response, TLV_TYPE_RESULT); DWORD matches = 0; Tlv methodTlv; LPCSTR method = NULL; // Get the method associated with this packet if (packet_get_tlv_string(response, TLV_TYPE_METHOD, &methodTlv) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { method = (LPCSTR)methodTlv.buffer; } // Enumerate the completion routine list for (current = packetCompletionRoutineList; current; current = current->next) { // Does the request id of the completion entry match the packet's request // id? if (strcmp(requestId, current->requestId)) { continue; } // Call the completion routine current->handler.routine(remote, response, current->handler.context, method, result); // Increment the number of matched handlers matches++; } if (matches) { packet_remove_completion_handler(requestId); } return (matches > 0) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } /*! * @brief Remove a set of completion routine handlers for a given request identifier. * @param requestId ID of the request. * @return \c ERROR_SUCCESS is always returned. */ DWORD packet_remove_completion_handler( LPCSTR requestId ) { PacketCompletionRoutineEntry *current, *next, *prev; // Enumerate the list, removing entries that match for (current = packetCompletionRoutineList, next = NULL, prev = NULL; current; prev = current, current = next) { next = current->next; if (strcmp(requestId, current->requestId)) { continue; } // Remove the entry from the list if (prev) { prev->next = next; } else { packetCompletionRoutineList = next; } // Deallocate it free((PCHAR)current->requestId); free(current); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /*! * @brief Transmit a response with just a result code to the remote endpoint. * @param remote Pointer to the \c Remote instance. * @param packet Pointer to the \c Packet that is to be sent. * @param res Result code to return. * @return An indication of the result of processing the transmission request. */ DWORD packet_transmit_empty_response(Remote *remote, Packet *packet, DWORD res) { Packet *response = packet_create_response(packet); if (!response) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return packet_transmit_response(res, remote, response); } /*! * @brief Transmit a `TLV_TYPE_RESULT` response if `response` is present. * @param result The result to be sent. * @param remote Reference to the remote connection to send the response to. * @param response the Response to add the `result` to. */ DWORD packet_transmit_response(DWORD result, Remote* remote, Packet* response) { if (response) { packet_add_tlv_uint(response, TLV_TYPE_RESULT, result); return PACKET_TRANSMIT(remote, response, NULL); } return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }