As this repo it is no longer in external/source directory, the deploy
targets need to know where the Framework repository is. This defaults to
../metasploit-framework, but can be changed via -D deploy.path= command
line switch.
- classes.dex gets mangled on windows; use binary mode when reading it
- UnknownHostExceptions on API Level 3 emulator because of trailing
whitespace after the hostname/IP
- Work around integer overflow at year 2038 when signing the payload
Convert the dx calls from to equivalent exec calls in Maven
deploy profile.
While this commit takes into account differences between Windows and *nix,
it was only tested on Windows, and the resulting binaries have not been
tested at all!
In addition, I was not able to pass individual .class file names to dx
without getting a "class name does not match path" error, so I changed it
to copy all required classes into a temp directory and call dx from there.
I also changed the cross-project paths to refer to the respective Maven
classpath, so in case you do an individual project build, the library
dependencies are taken from the Maven repository instead of taking them
from the target/ directory of the projects directly.
Apparently Android API 3 does not know the getMTU() function, which was
added in Java 1.6, and in Android API Level 9 (Gingerbread). Therefore,
fall back to the 1.4 version that does not need this API.