I'm not sure most people would get it.
It's not about getting kicked in the face by Patrick Swayze (RIP).
It's actually about being nice.
Also updated the wiki with an example message to allay any confusion
about avoiding the default merge message.
Also fix an italics where it should have been bold.
This is a work in progress because the code base is old and the style
varies wildly, however .rubocop.yml can (and should) be tweaked over
time to change standards as we see fit. As it stands right now there
are few (if any) modules that pass Rubocop.
I've seen a couple PRs targeting the wrong branch. Many projects have a
workflow where PRs should hit `develop` or `release` or something, but
Metasploit-Framework wants PRs targeted against `master`.
Also, warn against fixing too much in one PR since those kinds of PRs
are a) harder to validate and b) might be all wrong anyway. We don't
want people committing a bunch of work when the fundamental approach
isn't going to fly.
Namely, all sentences should end with periods. Other light changes.
Please cover the rest of my comments mentioned on commit 30fec1af (or
argue with them) then PR away!