mirror of https://github.com/rebane2001/hobune synced 2025-02-15 06:54:26 +01:00

Fix inverted weak_name

This commit is contained in:
rebane2001 2024-08-19 00:26:40 +03:00
parent eb0f561a72
commit c159c274d6

View File

@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
import html
import json
import os
import shutil
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional
from hobune.logger import logger
from hobune.util import quote_url, generate_meta_tags, extract_ids_from_txt, no_traverse
class HobuneChannel:
id: str
name: str
weak_name: Optional[bool] = False
date: Optional[int] = 0
removed_count: Optional[int] = 0
unlisted_count: Optional[int] = 0
videos: list = field(default_factory=list)
names: set = field(default_factory=set)
handles: set = field(default_factory=set)
username: Optional[str] = None
# If this returns false, the videos go in the "other" channel (e.g. `return "/channels/" in root`)
def is_full_channel(root):
return True
def get_channel_details(v):
channel_id = v.get("channel_id", v.get("uploader_id", "NA"))
uploader_id = v.get("uploader_id")
channel_username = uploader_id if uploader_id and uploader_id[0] != "@" and uploader_id != channel_id else None
channel_handle = uploader_id if uploader_id and uploader_id[0] == "@" else None
# Fix broken .info.json files that don't have the uploader field
weak_name = "uploader" in v
channel_name = v.get("uploader", channel_username or channel_handle or channel_id)
return [
def get_channel_name(v):
return v.get("uploader", get_channel_details(v)[0])
def process_channel(channels, v, full):
if full:
channel_name, weak_name, channel_id, uploader_id, channel_username, channel_handle = get_channel_details(v)
if not channel_id:
raise KeyError("channel_id not found")
if channel_id not in channels:
channels[channel_id] = HobuneChannel(channel_id, channel_name, weak_name=weak_name)
logger.debug(f"Added new channel {channel_name}")
if channels[channel_id].date < int(v.get("upload_date", 1)):
channels[channel_id].date = int(v.get("upload_date", 1))
if not weak_name:
channels[channel_id].name = channel_name
if not weak_name:
if channel_handle:
if channel_username:
channels[channel_id].username = channel_username
channel_id = "other"
return channel_id
def initialize_channels(config):
# Generate removed and unlisted videos sets
removed_videos = extract_ids_from_txt(config.removed_videos_file)
unlisted_videos = extract_ids_from_txt(config.unlisted_videos_file)
processed_video_ids = set()
channels = {
"other": HobuneChannel("other", "Other videos")
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(config.files_path):
# sort videos by date
for file in (file for file in files if file.endswith(".info.json")):
with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as f:
v = json.load(f)
# Skip channel/playlist info.json files
if v.get("_type") == "playlist" or (len(v["id"]) == 24 and v.get("extractor") == "youtube:tab"):
channel_id = process_channel(channels, v, is_full_channel(root))
base = file[:-len(".info.json")]
v["has_video_file"] = False
for ext in ["mp4", "webm", "mkv"]:
if base + f".{ext}" in files:
v["has_video_file"] = True
v["custom_thumbnail"] = "/default.png"
for ext in ["webp", "jpg", "png"]:
if base + f".{ext}" in files:
v["custom_thumbnail"] = config.files_web_path + (os.path.join(root, file)[
:-len('.info.json')] + f".{ext}")[
# Remember path of .info.json
v["root"] = root
v["file"] = file
# Skip duplicates
if v["id"] in processed_video_ids and len(
old_v := [video for video in channels[channel_id].videos if video["id"] == v["id"]]):
old_v = old_v[0]
# If the previous duplicate has no video file, override it with the current one
if not old_v["has_video_file"] and v["has_video_file"]:
old_v["has_video_file"] = v["has_video_file"]
old_v["root"] = v["root"]
old_v["file"] = v["file"]
old_v["custom_thumbnail"] = v["custom_thumbnail"]
# Tag video if removed
v["removed"] = (v["id"] in removed_videos)
if v["removed"]:
channels[channel_id].removed_count += 1
# Tag video if unlisted
v["unlisted"] = (v["id"] in unlisted_videos)
if v["unlisted"]:
channels[channel_id].unlisted_count += 1
# Remove unnecessary keys to prevent memory exhaustion on big archives
[v.pop(k) for k in list(v.keys()) if
k not in ["title", "id", "custom_thumbnail", "view_count", "upload_date",
"removed", "unlisted", "root", "file", "has_video_file"]
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing {file}", e)
# Fix username-only entries with no channel ID
username_map = {}
for _, channel in channels.items():
if channel.username and channel.username != channel.id:
username_map[channel.username] = channel.id
for username, channel_id in username_map.items():
channel = channels.pop(username, None)
if channel:
channels[channel_id].removed_count += channel.removed_count
channels[channel_id].unlisted_count += channel.unlisted_count
channels[channel_id].videos += channel.videos
channels[channel_id].names = channels[channel_id].names | channel.names
return channels
def get_channel_note(channel):
note_path = f"note/{channel}".replace(".", "_")
if not os.path.isfile(note_path):
return ""
with open(note_path, "r") as f:
return f.read()
def get_channel_search_string(channel: HobuneChannel):
all_names = list(channel.names) + list(channel.handles) + ([channel.username] if channel.username else [])
search_string = "; ".join(all_names)
return search_string
def get_channel_aka(channel: HobuneChannel):
if channel.id == "other":
return ""
escaped_id = html.escape(channel.id)
aka_string = f'<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/{escaped_id}">{escaped_id}</a>'
if channel.username:
escaped_username = html.escape(channel.username)
aka_string += f', <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/{escaped_username}">/user/{escaped_username}</a>'
names = [name for name in list(channel.names) if name != channel.name]
names_str = html.escape(", ".join(list(channel.handles) + names))
if names_str:
aka_string += "; " + names_str
return aka_string
def create_channel_pages(config, templates, channels, html_ext):
channel_index = ""
for channel in channels:
if channel == "other" and len(channels["other"].videos) == 0:
logger.debug("Skipping channel page for 'other' because it is empty")
logger.debug(f"Creating channel pages for {channels[channel].name}")
videos_count_str = f"{len(channels[channel].videos)} videos{' (' + str(channels[channel].removed_count) + ' removed)' if channels[channel].removed_count > 0 else ''}{' (' + str(channels[channel].unlisted_count) + ' unlisted)' if channels[channel].unlisted_count > 0 else ''}"
channel_index += f"""
<div class="card searchable" data-search="{html.escape(get_channel_search_string(channels[channel]))}">
<a href="{config.web_root}channels/{channel}{html_ext}" class="inner">
<div class="content">
<div class="title">{html.escape(channels[channel].name)}</div>
<div class="meta">{channels[channel].username or channel}</div>
<div class="description">
with open(channel_html_path := os.path.join(config.output_path, f"channels/{no_traverse(channel)}.html"),
"w") as f:
cards = ""
subtitle = f"<p class=\"subtitle\">{get_channel_aka(channels[channel])}<br>{videos_count_str}</p>"
for v in sorted(channels[channel].videos, key=lambda x: x.get('upload_date', 0), reverse=True):
upload_date = v.get('upload_date', "00000000")
cards += f"""
<div class="card searchable" data-search="{html.escape(v['title'])}" data-date="{upload_date}" data-views="{v.get('view_count', -1)}">
<a href="{config.web_root}videos/{v['id']}{html_ext}" class="inner">
<div class="image thumbnail">
<img loading="lazy" src="{quote_url(v['custom_thumbnail'])}">
<div class="content{' removed' if v["removed"] else ''}{' unlisted' if v["unlisted"] else ''}">
<h3 class="title">{html.escape(v['title'])}</h3>
<p>{v.get('view_count', -1)} views, {upload_date[:4]}-{upload_date[4:6]}-{upload_date[6:]}</p>
f.write(templates["base"].format(title=html.escape(channels[channel].name), meta=generate_meta_tags(
"description": f"{channels[channel].name}'s channel archive"
), content=templates["channel"].format(
if channels[channel].username:
os.path.join(config.output_path, f"channels/{no_traverse(channels[channel].username)}.html"))
with open(os.path.join(config.output_path, "channels/index.html"), "w") as f:
f.write(templates["base"].format(title="Channels", meta=generate_meta_tags(
"description": "Archived channels"
), content=templates["channel"].format(
sort=" hide",
import html
import json
import os
import shutil
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional
from hobune.logger import logger
from hobune.util import quote_url, generate_meta_tags, extract_ids_from_txt, no_traverse
class HobuneChannel:
id: str
name: str
weak_name: Optional[bool] = False
date: Optional[int] = 0
removed_count: Optional[int] = 0
unlisted_count: Optional[int] = 0
videos: list = field(default_factory=list)
names: set = field(default_factory=set)
handles: set = field(default_factory=set)
username: Optional[str] = None
# If this returns false, the videos go in the "other" channel (e.g. `return "/channels/" in root`)
def is_full_channel(root):
return True
def get_channel_details(v):
channel_id = v.get("channel_id", v.get("uploader_id", "NA"))
uploader_id = v.get("uploader_id")
channel_username = uploader_id if uploader_id and uploader_id[0] != "@" and uploader_id != channel_id else None
channel_handle = uploader_id if uploader_id and uploader_id[0] == "@" else None
# Fix broken .info.json files that don't have the uploader field
weak_name = "uploader" not in v
channel_name = v.get("uploader", channel_username or channel_handle or channel_id)
return [
def get_channel_name(v):
return v.get("uploader", get_channel_details(v)[0])
def process_channel(channels, v, full):
if full:
channel_name, weak_name, channel_id, uploader_id, channel_username, channel_handle = get_channel_details(v)
if not channel_id:
raise KeyError("channel_id not found")
if channel_id not in channels:
channels[channel_id] = HobuneChannel(channel_id, channel_name, weak_name=weak_name)
logger.debug(f"Added new channel {channel_name}")
if channels[channel_id].date < int(v.get("upload_date", 1)):
channels[channel_id].date = int(v.get("upload_date", 1))
if not weak_name:
channels[channel_id].name = channel_name
if not weak_name:
if channel_handle:
if channel_username:
channels[channel_id].username = channel_username
channel_id = "other"
return channel_id
def initialize_channels(config):
# Generate removed and unlisted videos sets
removed_videos = extract_ids_from_txt(config.removed_videos_file)
unlisted_videos = extract_ids_from_txt(config.unlisted_videos_file)
processed_video_ids = set()
channels = {
"other": HobuneChannel("other", "Other videos")
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(config.files_path):
# sort videos by date
for file in (file for file in files if file.endswith(".info.json")):
with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as f:
v = json.load(f)
# Skip channel/playlist info.json files
if v.get("_type") == "playlist" or (len(v["id"]) == 24 and v.get("extractor") == "youtube:tab"):
channel_id = process_channel(channels, v, is_full_channel(root))
base = file[:-len(".info.json")]
v["has_video_file"] = False
for ext in ["mp4", "webm", "mkv"]:
if base + f".{ext}" in files:
v["has_video_file"] = True
v["custom_thumbnail"] = "/default.png"
for ext in ["webp", "jpg", "png"]:
if base + f".{ext}" in files:
v["custom_thumbnail"] = config.files_web_path + (os.path.join(root, file)[
:-len('.info.json')] + f".{ext}")[
# Remember path of .info.json
v["root"] = root
v["file"] = file
# Skip duplicates
if v["id"] in processed_video_ids and len(
old_v := [video for video in channels[channel_id].videos if video["id"] == v["id"]]):
old_v = old_v[0]
# If the previous duplicate has no video file, override it with the current one
if not old_v["has_video_file"] and v["has_video_file"]:
old_v["has_video_file"] = v["has_video_file"]
old_v["root"] = v["root"]
old_v["file"] = v["file"]
old_v["custom_thumbnail"] = v["custom_thumbnail"]
# Tag video if removed
v["removed"] = (v["id"] in removed_videos)
if v["removed"]:
channels[channel_id].removed_count += 1
# Tag video if unlisted
v["unlisted"] = (v["id"] in unlisted_videos)
if v["unlisted"]:
channels[channel_id].unlisted_count += 1
# Remove unnecessary keys to prevent memory exhaustion on big archives
[v.pop(k) for k in list(v.keys()) if
k not in ["title", "id", "custom_thumbnail", "view_count", "upload_date",
"removed", "unlisted", "root", "file", "has_video_file"]
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing {file}", e)
# Fix username-only entries with no channel ID
username_map = {}
for _, channel in channels.items():
if channel.username and channel.username != channel.id:
username_map[channel.username] = channel.id
for username, channel_id in username_map.items():
channel = channels.pop(username, None)
if channel:
channels[channel_id].removed_count += channel.removed_count
channels[channel_id].unlisted_count += channel.unlisted_count
channels[channel_id].videos += channel.videos
channels[channel_id].names = channels[channel_id].names | channel.names
return channels
def get_channel_note(channel):
note_path = f"note/{channel}".replace(".", "_")
if not os.path.isfile(note_path):
return ""
with open(note_path, "r") as f:
return f.read()
def get_channel_search_string(channel: HobuneChannel):
all_names = list(channel.names) + list(channel.handles) + ([channel.username] if channel.username else [])
search_string = "; ".join(all_names)
return search_string
def get_channel_aka(channel: HobuneChannel):
if channel.id == "other":
return ""
escaped_id = html.escape(channel.id)
aka_string = f'<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/{escaped_id}">{escaped_id}</a>'
if channel.username:
escaped_username = html.escape(channel.username)
aka_string += f', <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/{escaped_username}">/user/{escaped_username}</a>'
names = [name for name in list(channel.names) if name != channel.name]
names_str = html.escape(", ".join(list(channel.handles) + names))
if names_str:
aka_string += "; " + names_str
return aka_string
def create_channel_pages(config, templates, channels, html_ext):
channel_index = ""
for channel in channels:
if channel == "other" and len(channels["other"].videos) == 0:
logger.debug("Skipping channel page for 'other' because it is empty")
logger.debug(f"Creating channel pages for {channels[channel].name}")
videos_count_str = f"{len(channels[channel].videos)} videos{' (' + str(channels[channel].removed_count) + ' removed)' if channels[channel].removed_count > 0 else ''}{' (' + str(channels[channel].unlisted_count) + ' unlisted)' if channels[channel].unlisted_count > 0 else ''}"
channel_index += f"""
<div class="card searchable" data-search="{html.escape(get_channel_search_string(channels[channel]))}">
<a href="{config.web_root}channels/{channel}{html_ext}" class="inner">
<div class="content">
<div class="title">{html.escape(channels[channel].name)}</div>
<div class="meta">{channels[channel].username or channel}</div>
<div class="description">
with open(channel_html_path := os.path.join(config.output_path, f"channels/{no_traverse(channel)}.html"),
"w") as f:
cards = ""
subtitle = f"<p class=\"subtitle\">{get_channel_aka(channels[channel])}<br>{videos_count_str}</p>"
for v in sorted(channels[channel].videos, key=lambda x: x.get('upload_date', 0), reverse=True):
upload_date = v.get('upload_date', "00000000")
cards += f"""
<div class="card searchable" data-search="{html.escape(v['title'])}" data-date="{upload_date}" data-views="{v.get('view_count', -1)}">
<a href="{config.web_root}videos/{v['id']}{html_ext}" class="inner">
<div class="image thumbnail">
<img loading="lazy" src="{quote_url(v['custom_thumbnail'])}">
<div class="content{' removed' if v["removed"] else ''}{' unlisted' if v["unlisted"] else ''}">
<h3 class="title">{html.escape(v['title'])}</h3>
<p>{v.get('view_count', -1)} views, {upload_date[:4]}-{upload_date[4:6]}-{upload_date[6:]}</p>
f.write(templates["base"].format(title=html.escape(channels[channel].name), meta=generate_meta_tags(
"description": f"{channels[channel].name}'s channel archive"
), content=templates["channel"].format(
if channels[channel].username:
os.path.join(config.output_path, f"channels/{no_traverse(channels[channel].username)}.html"))
with open(os.path.join(config.output_path, "channels/index.html"), "w") as f:
f.write(templates["base"].format(title="Channels", meta=generate_meta_tags(
"description": "Archived channels"
), content=templates["channel"].format(
sort=" hide",