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Some algorithms have ambiguous hashes (e.g. case-insensetive usernames in Net-NTLMv2 hashes). This optional function allows test modules to unify the hashlist before the verification process starts. Also update readme and minor code formatting.
113 lines
2.6 KiB
113 lines
2.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::Mode::CBC;
use Crypt::PBKDF2;
use Digest::SHA qw (sha256 sha256_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $salt = shift // random_hex_string (2*16);
my $iter = shift // 100000;
my $iv = shift // random_hex_string (2*16);
my $plain = shift // random_hex_string (2*1024);
my $b_iv = pack ('H*', $iv);
my $b_salt = pack ('H*', $salt);
my $b_plain = pack ('H*', $plain);
my $kdf = Crypt::PBKDF2->new
hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
iterations => $iter,
output_len => 32
my $pass_hash = sha256 ($word);
my $key = $kdf->PBKDF2 ($b_salt, $pass_hash);
my $cbc = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new ('AES', 0);
my $b_cipher = $cbc->encrypt ($b_plain, $key, $b_iv);
my $cipher = unpack ('H*', $b_cipher);
my $checksum = sha256_hex ($b_plain);
my $hash = '$odf$'."*1*1*$iter*32*$checksum*16*$iv*16*$salt*0*$cipher";
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split (':', $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
# tokenize
my @data = split ('\*', $hash);
next unless scalar @data == 12;
my $signature = shift @data;
my $cipher_type = shift @data;
my $cs_type = shift @data;
my $iter = shift @data;
my $cs_len = shift @data;
my $cs = shift @data;
my $iv_len = shift @data;
my $iv = shift @data;
my $salt_len = shift @data;
my $salt = shift @data;
my $unused = shift @data;
my $cipher = shift @data;
# validate
return unless $signature eq '$odf$';
return unless $cipher_type eq '1';
return unless $cs_type eq '1';
return unless $cs_len eq '32';
return unless $iv_len eq '16';
return unless $salt_len eq '16';
return unless $unused eq '0';
return unless defined $cipher;
# decrypt
my $b_iv = pack ('H*', $iv);
my $b_salt = pack ('H*', $salt);
my $b_cipher = pack ('H*', $cipher);
my $kdf = Crypt::PBKDF2->new
hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
iterations => $iter,
output_len => 32
my $pass_hash = sha256 ($word);
my $key = $kdf->PBKDF2 ($b_salt, $pass_hash);
my $cbc = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new ('AES', 0);
my $b_plain = $cbc->decrypt ($b_cipher, $key, $b_iv);
my $plain = unpack ('H*', $b_plain);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word, $salt, $iter, $iv, $plain);
return unless defined $new_hash;
return unless $new_hash eq $hash;
return $new_hash;