/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "memory.h" #include "logging.h" #include "dictstat.h" extern const int comptime; int sort_by_dictstat (const void *s1, const void *s2) { dictstat_t *d1 = (dictstat_t *) s1; dictstat_t *d2 = (dictstat_t *) s2; #if defined (__linux__) d2->stat.st_atim = d1->stat.st_atim; #else d2->stat.st_atime = d1->stat.st_atime; #endif return memcmp (&d1->stat, &d2->stat, sizeof (struct stat)); } void dictstat_init (dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx, const user_options_t *user_options, const folder_config_t *folder_config) { dictstat_ctx->enabled = false; if (user_options->show == true) return; if (user_options->left == true) return; if (user_options->keyspace == true) return; if (user_options->benchmark == true) return; dictstat_ctx->filename = (char *) mymalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); dictstat_ctx->base = (dictstat_t *) mycalloc (MAX_DICTSTAT, sizeof (dictstat_t)); dictstat_ctx->cnt = 0; dictstat_ctx->enabled = true; snprintf (dictstat_ctx->filename, HCBUFSIZ_TINY - 1, "%s/hashcat.dictstat", folder_config->profile_dir); } void dictstat_destroy (dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx) { if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return; myfree (dictstat_ctx->filename); myfree (dictstat_ctx->base); } void dictstat_read (dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx) { if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return; FILE *fp = fopen (dictstat_ctx->filename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { // first run, file does not exist, do not error out return; } #if defined (_POSIX) struct stat tmpstat; fstat (fileno (fp), &tmpstat); #endif #if defined (_WIN) struct stat64 tmpstat; _fstat64 (fileno (fp), &tmpstat); #endif if (tmpstat.st_mtime < comptime) { /* with v0.15 the format changed so we have to ensure user is using a good version since there is no version-header in the dictstat file */ fclose (fp); unlink (dictstat_ctx->filename); return; } while (!feof (fp)) { dictstat_t d; const int nread = fread (&d, sizeof (dictstat_t), 1, fp); if (nread == 0) continue; lsearch (&d, dictstat_ctx->base, &dictstat_ctx->cnt, sizeof (dictstat_t), sort_by_dictstat); if (dictstat_ctx->cnt == MAX_DICTSTAT) { log_error ("ERROR: There are too many entries in the %s database. You have to remove/rename it.", dictstat_ctx->filename); break; } } fclose (fp); } int dictstat_write (dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx) { if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; FILE *fp = fopen (dictstat_ctx->filename, "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("ERROR: %s: %s", dictstat_ctx->filename, strerror (errno)); return -1; } fwrite (dictstat_ctx->base, sizeof (dictstat_t), dictstat_ctx->cnt, fp); fclose (fp); return 0; } u64 dictstat_find (dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx, dictstat_t *d) { if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; dictstat_t *d_cache = (dictstat_t *) lfind (d, dictstat_ctx->base, &dictstat_ctx->cnt, sizeof (dictstat_t), sort_by_dictstat); if (d_cache == NULL) return 0; return d_cache->cnt; } void dictstat_append (dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx, dictstat_t *d) { if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return; if (dictstat_ctx->cnt == MAX_DICTSTAT) { log_error ("ERROR: There are too many entries in the %s database. You have to remove/rename it.", dictstat_ctx->filename); return; } lsearch (d, dictstat_ctx->base, &dictstat_ctx->cnt, sizeof (dictstat_t), sort_by_dictstat); }