diff --git a/docs/changes.txt b/docs/changes.txt
index 5c002432b..4e94be43f 100644
--- a/docs/changes.txt
+++ b/docs/changes.txt
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 - Fixed some memory leaks in case mask-files are used in optimized mode
 - Fixed the 7-Zip parser to allow the entire supported range of encrypted and decrypted data lengths
 - Fixed the validation of the --brain-client-features command line argument (only values 1, 2 or 3 are allowed)
+- Fixed --status-json to correctly escape certain characters in hashes
 ## Improvements
diff --git a/src/terminal.c b/src/terminal.c
index d1e8834e8..9f16bd5c6 100644
--- a/src/terminal.c
+++ b/src/terminal.c
@@ -1020,9 +1020,33 @@ void status_display_status_json (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
     end = time_now + sec_etc;
+  char *tmp_target = (char *) hcmalloc (strlen (hashcat_status->hash_target) * 2);
+  unsigned long i, j;
+  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < strlen (hashcat_status->hash_target); i++, j++)
+  {
+    char rep = hashcat_status->hash_target[j];
+    switch (hashcat_status->hash_target[j])
+    {
+      case '\b': rep =  'b'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+      case '\t': rep =  't'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+      case '\n': rep =  'n'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+      case '\f': rep =  'f'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+      case '\r': rep =  'r'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+      case '\\': rep = '\\'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+      case  '"': rep =  '"'; tmp_target[i] = '\\'; i++; break;
+    }
+    tmp_target[i] = rep;
+  }
+  tmp_target[i] = 0;
   printf ("{ \"session\": \"%s\",", hashcat_status->session);
   printf (" \"status\": %d,", hashcat_status->status_number);
-  printf (" \"target\": \"%s\",", hashcat_status->hash_target);
+  printf (" \"target\": \"%s\",", tmp_target);
   printf (" \"progress\": [%" PRIu64 ", %" PRIu64 "],", hashcat_status->progress_cur_relative_skip, hashcat_status->progress_end_relative_skip);
   printf (" \"restore_point\": %" PRIu64 ",", hashcat_status->restore_point);
   printf (" \"recovered_hashes\": [%d, %d],", hashcat_status->digests_done, hashcat_status->digests_cnt);
@@ -1030,6 +1054,8 @@ void status_display_status_json (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
   printf (" \"rejected\": %" PRIu64 ",", hashcat_status->progress_rejected);
   printf (" \"devices\": [");
+  free(tmp_target);
   int device_num = 0;
   for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++)