mirror of https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat synced 2025-03-26 12:12:43 +01:00

Add test modules

Add tests for modes 0, 100, 110, 120, 18400, 18600. Update readme.
This commit is contained in:
R. Yushaev 2018-12-20 19:18:06 +01:00
parent a92ab33ad5
commit 444d11a74b
7 changed files with 410 additions and 0 deletions

@ -7,3 +7,9 @@ During `single` and `passthrough` tests the `module_generate_hash` function must
During `verify` tests the `module_verify_hash` function must parse the hash:password line and to calculate a hash by passing all necessary data to `module_generate_hash`. How you pass it is up to you, as long as the first parameter is the password. During `verify` tests the `module_verify_hash` function must parse the hash:password line and to calculate a hash by passing all necessary data to `module_generate_hash`. How you pass it is up to you, as long as the first parameter is the password.
**Important**: You have to call `pack_if_HEX_notation` as soon as you have parsed the password, or your tests will fail on passwords in the `$HEX[...]` format. **Important**: You have to call `pack_if_HEX_notation` as soon as you have parsed the password, or your tests will fail on passwords in the `$HEX[...]` format.
#### Examples ####
* For the most basic test modules, see [m0.pm](m0.pm) and [m100.pm](m100.pm)
* For the basic salted hash tests, see [m110.pm](m110.pm) and [m120.pm](m120.pm)
* For some sligthly more complex modules with PBKDF2 and encryption, see [m18400.pm](m18400.pm) and [m18600.pm](m18600.pm)

tools/test_modules/m0.pm Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 qw (md5_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $hash = md5_hex ($word);
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split ":", $line;
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word);
return unless $new_hash eq $hash;
return $new_hash;

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use Digest::SHA qw (sha1_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $hash = sha1_hex ($word);
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split (":", $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word);
return unless $new_hash eq $hash;
return $new_hash;

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use Digest::SHA qw (sha1_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $salt = shift // random_numeric_string (int (rand 16));
my $hash = sha1_hex ($word . $salt) . ":$salt";
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $salt, $word) = split (":", $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $salt;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word, $salt);
return unless $new_hash eq "$hash:$salt";
return $new_hash;

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use Digest::SHA qw (sha1_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $salt = shift // random_numeric_string (int (rand 16));
my $hash = sha1_hex ($salt . $word) . ":$salt";
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $salt, $word) = split (":", $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $salt;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word, $salt);
return unless $new_hash eq "$hash:$salt";
return $new_hash;

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use Crypt::Mode::CBC;
use Crypt::PBKDF2;
use Digest::SHA qw (sha256 sha256_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $salt = shift // random_hex_string (2*16);
my $iter = shift // 100000;
my $iv = shift // random_hex_string (2*16);
my $plain = shift // random_hex_string (2*1024);
my $b_iv = pack ("H*", $iv);
my $b_salt = pack ("H*", $salt);
my $b_plain = pack ("H*", $plain);
my $kdf = Crypt::PBKDF2->new
hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
iterations => $iter,
output_len => 32
my $pass_hash = sha256 ($word);
my $key = $kdf->PBKDF2 ($b_salt, $pass_hash);
my $cbc = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new ('AES', 0);
my $b_cipher = $cbc->encrypt ($b_plain, $key, $b_iv);
my $cipher = unpack ("H*", $b_cipher);
my $checksum = sha256_hex ($b_plain);
my $hash = '$odf$'."*1*1*$iter*32*$checksum*16*$iv*16*$salt*0*$cipher";
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split (":", $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
# tokenize
my @data = split ('\*', $hash);
next unless scalar @data == 12;
my $signature = shift @data;
my $cipher_type = shift @data;
my $cs_type = shift @data;
my $iter = shift @data;
my $cs_len = shift @data;
my $cs = shift @data;
my $iv_len = shift @data;
my $iv = shift @data;
my $salt_len = shift @data;
my $salt = shift @data;
my $unused = shift @data;
my $cipher = shift @data;
# validate
return unless $signature eq '$odf$';
return unless $cipher_type eq '1';
return unless $cs_type eq '1';
return unless $cs_len eq '32';
return unless $iv_len eq '16';
return unless $salt_len eq '16';
return unless $unused eq '0';
return unless defined $cipher;
# decrypt
my $b_iv = pack ("H*", $iv);
my $b_salt = pack ("H*", $salt);
my $b_cipher = pack ("H*", $cipher);
my $kdf = Crypt::PBKDF2->new
hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
iterations => $iter,
output_len => 32
my $pass_hash = sha256 ($word);
my $key = $kdf->PBKDF2 ($b_salt, $pass_hash);
my $cbc = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new ('AES', 0);
my $b_plain = $cbc->decrypt ($b_cipher, $key, $b_iv);
my $plain = unpack ("H*", $b_plain);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word, $salt, $iter, $iv, $plain);
return unless $new_hash eq $hash;
return $new_hash;

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use Crypt::GCrypt;
use Crypt::PBKDF2;
use Digest::SHA qw (sha1 sha1_hex);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $salt = shift // random_hex_string (2*16);
my $iter = shift // 100000;
my $iv = shift // random_hex_string (2*8);
my $plain = shift // random_hex_string (2*1024);
my $b_iv = pack ("H*", $iv);
my $b_salt = pack ("H*", $salt);
my $b_plain = pack ("H*", $plain);
my $kdf = Crypt::PBKDF2->new
hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
iterations => $iter,
output_len => 16
my $pass_hash = sha1 ($word);
my $key = $kdf->PBKDF2 ($b_salt, $pass_hash);
my $cfb = Crypt::GCrypt->new(
type => 'cipher',
algorithm => 'blowfish',
mode => 'cfb'
$cfb->start ('encrypting');
$cfb->setkey ($key);
$cfb->setiv ($b_iv);
my $b_cipher = $cfb->encrypt ($b_plain);
$cfb->finish ();
my $cipher = unpack ("H*", $b_cipher);
my $checksum = sha1_hex ($b_plain);
my $hash = '$odf$'."*0*0*$iter*16*$checksum*8*$iv*16*$salt*0*$cipher";
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split (":", $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
$word = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
# tokenize
my @data = split ('\*', $hash);
next unless scalar @data == 12;
my $signature = shift @data;
my $cipher_type = shift @data;
my $cs_type = shift @data;
my $iter = shift @data;
my $cs_len = shift @data;
my $cs = shift @data;
my $iv_len = shift @data;
my $iv = shift @data;
my $salt_len = shift @data;
my $salt = shift @data;
my $unused = shift @data;
my $cipher = shift @data;
# validate
return unless $signature eq '$odf$';
return unless $cipher_type eq '0';
return unless $cs_type eq '0';
return unless $cs_len eq '16';
return unless $iv_len eq '8';
return unless $salt_len eq '16';
return unless $unused eq '0';
return unless defined $cipher;
# decrypt
my $b_iv = pack ("H*", $iv);
my $b_salt = pack ("H*", $salt);
my $b_cipher = pack ("H*", $cipher);
my $kdf = Crypt::PBKDF2->new
hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
iterations => $iter,
output_len => 16
my $pass_hash = sha1 ($word);
my $key = $kdf->PBKDF2 ($b_salt, $pass_hash);
my $cfb = Crypt::GCrypt->new(
type => 'cipher',
algorithm => 'blowfish',
mode => 'cfb'
$cfb->start ('decrypting');
$cfb->setkey ($key);
$cfb->setiv ($b_iv);
my $b_plain = $cfb->decrypt ($b_cipher);
$cfb->finish ();
my $plain = unpack ("H*", $b_plain);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word, $salt, $iter, $iv, $plain);
return unless $new_hash eq $hash;
return $new_hash;