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#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::ECB qw (encrypt);
use Digest::MD4 qw (md4);
use Digest::SHA qw (sha1 hmac_sha1);
use Encode;
sub module_constraints { [[0, 256], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]] }
sub get_random_dpapimk_salt
my $version = shift;
my $salt_buf = "";
my $context = random_number (1, 2);
my $cipher_algo = "";
my $hash_algo = "";
my $iterations;
my $SID = sprintf ('S-15-21-%d-%d-%d-%d',
random_number (400000000,490000000),
random_number (400000000,490000000),
random_number (400000000,490000000),
random_number (1000,1999));
my $cipher_len = 0;
if ($version == 1)
$iterations = random_number (4000, 24000);
$cipher_algo = "des3";
$hash_algo = "sha1";
$cipher_len = 208;
elsif ($version == 2)
$iterations = random_number (8000, 17000);
$cipher_algo = "aes256";
$hash_algo = "sha512";
$cipher_len = 288;
my $iv = random_bytes (16);
$iv = unpack ("H*", $iv);
$salt_buf = $version . '*' .
$context . '*' .
$SID . '*' .
$cipher_algo . '*' .
$hash_algo . '*' .
$iterations . '*' .
$iv . '*' .
$cipher_len . '*';
return $salt_buf;
2020-06-13 11:19:00 +02:00
# Thanks to Jochen Hoenicke <hoenicke@gmail.com>
# (one of the authors of Palm Keyring)
# for these next two subs.
2020-06-13 11:19:00 +02:00
sub dpapi_pbkdf2
2020-06-13 11:19:00 +02:00
my ($password, $salt, $iter, $keylen, $prf) = @_;
my ($k, $t, $u, $ui, $i);
$t = "";
for ($k = 1; length ($t) < $keylen; $k++)
$u = $ui = &$prf ($salt . pack ('N', $k), $password);
for ($i = 1; $i < $iter; $i++)
2020-06-13 11:19:00 +02:00
# modification to fit Microsoft
# weird pbkdf2 implementation...
$ui = &$prf ($u, $password);
$u ^= $ui;
2020-06-13 11:19:00 +02:00
$t .= $u;
return substr ($t, 0, $keylen);
sub module_generate_hash
my $word_buf = shift;
my $salt_buf = shift;
my $dpapimk_salt = shift // get_random_dpapimk_salt (1);
my $cipher = shift;
my @salt_arr = split ('\*', $dpapimk_salt);
my $version = $salt_arr[0];
my $context = $salt_arr[1];
my $SID = $salt_arr[2];
my $cipher_algorithm = $salt_arr[3];
my $hash_algorithm = $salt_arr[4];
my $iterations = $salt_arr[5];
my $salt = pack ("H*", $salt_arr[6]);
my $cipher_len = $salt_arr[7];
# intermediate values
my $user_hash;
my $user_derivationKey;
my $encKey;
my $expected_hmac;
my $cleartext;
if ($context == 1)
$user_hash = sha1 (encode ("UTF-16LE", $word_buf));
elsif ($context == 2)
$user_hash = md4 (encode ("UTF-16LE", $word_buf));
$user_derivationKey = hmac_sha1 (encode ("UTF-16LE", $SID . "\x00"), $user_hash);
my $hmacSalt = random_bytes (16);
my $last_key = random_bytes (64);
if ($version == 1)
$encKey = hmac_sha1 ($hmacSalt, $user_derivationKey);
$expected_hmac = hmac_sha1 ($last_key, $encKey);
# need padding because keyLen is 24 and hashLen 20
$expected_hmac = $expected_hmac . random_bytes (4);
elsif ($version == 2)
$encKey = hmac_sha512 ($hmacSalt, $user_derivationKey);
$expected_hmac = hmac_sha512 ($last_key, $encKey);
$cleartext = $hmacSalt . $expected_hmac . $last_key;
my $derived_key;
my $key;
my $iv;
my $pbkdf2;
if ($version == 1)
$derived_key = dpapi_pbkdf2 ($user_derivationKey, $salt, $iterations, 32, \&hmac_sha1);
elsif ($version == 2)
$derived_key = dpapi_pbkdf2 ($user_derivationKey, $salt, $iterations, 48, \&hmac_sha512);
if (defined $cipher)
$cipher = pack ("H*", $cipher);
my $computed_hmac = "";
if ($version == 1)
$key = substr ($derived_key, 0, 24);
$iv = substr ($derived_key, 24, 8);
my $p1 = Crypt::ECB->new ({
key => substr ($key, 0, 8),
cipher => "DES",
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 8,
padding => "null",
my $p2 = Crypt::ECB->new ({
key => substr ($key, 8, 8),
cipher => "DES",
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 8,
padding => "null",
my $p3 = Crypt::ECB->new ({
key => substr ($key, 16, 8),
cipher => "DES",
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 8,
padding => "null",
# let's compute a 3DES-EDE-CBC decryption
my $out1;
my $out2;
my $out3;
my $expected_cleartext = "";
# size of cipherlen is 104 bytes
for (my $k = 0; $k < 13; $k++)
$out1 = $p3->decrypt (substr ($cipher, $k * 8, 8));
$out2 = $p2->encrypt ($out1);
$out3 = $p1->decrypt ($out2);
$expected_cleartext .= substr ($out3, 0, 8) ^ $iv;
$iv = substr ($cipher, $k * 8, 8);
$last_key = substr ($expected_cleartext, length ($expected_cleartext) - 64, 64);
$hmacSalt = substr ($expected_cleartext, 0, 16);
$expected_hmac = substr ($expected_cleartext, 16, 20);
$encKey = hmac_sha1 ($hmacSalt, $user_derivationKey);
$computed_hmac = hmac_sha1 ($last_key, $encKey);
$cleartext = $expected_cleartext;
if (unpack ("H*", $expected_hmac) ne unpack ("H*", $computed_hmac))
$cleartext = "0" x 104;
elsif ($version == 2)
$key = substr ($derived_key, 0, 32);
$iv = substr ($derived_key, 32, 16);
my $aes = Crypt::CBC->new ({
key => $key,
cipher => "Crypt::Rijndael",
iv => $iv,
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 32,
padding => "null",
my $expected_cleartext = $aes->decrypt ($cipher);
$last_key = substr ($expected_cleartext, length ($expected_cleartext) - 64, 64);
$hmacSalt = substr ($expected_cleartext, 0, 16);
$expected_hmac = substr ($expected_cleartext, 16, 64);
$encKey = hmac_sha512 ($hmacSalt, $user_derivationKey);
$computed_hmac = hmac_sha512 ($last_key, $encKey);
$cleartext = $expected_cleartext;
if (unpack ("H*", $expected_hmac) ne unpack ("H*", $computed_hmac))
$cleartext = "0" x 144;
if ($version == 1)
$key = substr ($derived_key, 0, 24);
$iv = substr ($derived_key, 24, 8);
my $p1 = Crypt::ECB->new ({
key => substr ($key, 0, 8),
cipher => "DES",
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 8,
padding => "null",
my $p2 = Crypt::ECB->new ({
key => substr ($key, 8, 8),
cipher => "DES",
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 8,
padding => "null",
my $p3 = Crypt::ECB->new ({
key => substr ($key, 16, 8),
cipher => "DES",
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 8,
padding => "null",
# let's compute a 3DES-EDE-CBC encryption
# compute first block
my $out1 = $p1->encrypt (substr ($cleartext, 0, 8) ^ $iv);
my $out2 = $p2->decrypt ($out1);
my $out3 = $p3->encrypt ($out2);
$cipher = substr ($out3, 0, 8);
# size of cipherlen is 104 bytes
for (my $k = 1; $k < 13; $k++)
$iv = $out3;
$out1 = $p1->encrypt (substr ($cleartext, $k * 8, 8) ^ $iv);
$out2 = $p2->decrypt ($out1);
$out3 = $p3->encrypt ($out2);
$cipher .= substr ($out3, 0, 8);
$key = substr ($derived_key, 0, 32);
$iv = substr ($derived_key, 32, 16);
my $aes = Crypt::CBC->new ({
key => $key,
cipher => "Crypt::Rijndael",
iv => $iv,
literal_key => 1,
header => "none",
keysize => 32,
padding => "null",
$cipher = $aes->encrypt ($cleartext);
my $tmp_hash = sprintf ('$DPAPImk$%d*%d*%s*%s*%s*%d*%s*%d*%s',
unpack ("H*", $salt),
unpack ("H*", $cipher));
return $tmp_hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split (':', $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
my @tmp_data = split ('\$', $hash);
my $signature = $tmp_data[1];
next unless ($signature eq 'DPAPImk');
my @data = split ('\*', $tmp_data[2]);
next unless (scalar @data == 9);
my $version = shift @data;
next unless ($version == 1 || $version == 2);
my $context = shift @data;
my $SID = shift @data;
my $cipher_algorithm = shift @data;
my $hash_algorithm = shift @data;
my $iteration = shift @data;
my $iv = shift @data;
my $cipher_len = shift @data;
my $cipher = shift @data;
next unless (length ($cipher) == $cipher_len);
if ($version == 1)
next unless ($cipher_len == 208);
elsif ($version == 2)
next unless ($cipher_len == 288);
my $dpapimk_salt = substr ($hash, length ('$DPAPImk$'));
my $word_packed = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word_packed, undef, $dpapimk_salt, $cipher);
return ($new_hash, $word);