# Supervisor ## Supervisor RESTful API Interface for Home Assistant to control things from supervisor. On error / Code 400: ```json { "result": "error", "message": "" } ``` On success / Code 200: ```json { "result": "ok", "data": {} } ``` For access to API you need use a authorization header with a `Bearer` token. They are available for Add-ons and the Home Assistant using the `SUPERVISOR_TOKEN` environment variable. ### Supervisor - GET `/supervisor/ping` This API call don't need a token. - GET `/supervisor/info` The addons from `addons` are only installed one. ```json { "version": "INSTALL_VERSION", "last_version": "LAST_VERSION", "arch": "armhf|aarch64|i386|amd64", "channel": "stable|beta|dev", "timezone": "TIMEZONE", "logging": "debug|info|warning|error|critical", "ip_address": "ip address", "wait_boot": "int", "debug": "bool", "debug_block": "bool", "addons": [ { "name": "xy bla", "slug": "xy", "description": "description", "repository": "12345678|null", "version": "LATEST_VERSION", "installed": "INSTALL_VERSION", "icon": "bool", "logo": "bool", "state": "started|stopped" } ], "addons_repositories": ["REPO_URL"] } ``` - POST `/supervisor/update` Optional: ```json { "version": "VERSION" } ``` - POST `/supervisor/options` ```json { "channel": "stable|beta|dev", "timezone": "TIMEZONE", "wait_boot": "int", "debug": "bool", "debug_block": "bool", "logging": "debug|info|warning|error|critical", "addons_repositories": ["REPO_URL"] } ``` - POST `/supervisor/reload` Reload addons/version. - GET `/supervisor/logs` Output is the raw docker log. - GET `/supervisor/stats` ```json { "cpu_percent": 0.0, "memory_usage": 283123, "memory_limit": 329392, "memory_percent": 1.4, "network_tx": 0, "network_rx": 0, "blk_read": 0, "blk_write": 0 } ``` - GET `/supervisor/repair` Repair overlayfs issue and restore lost images ### Snapshot - GET `/snapshots` ```json { "snapshots": [ { "slug": "SLUG", "date": "ISO", "name": "Custom name", "type": "full|partial", "protected": "bool" } ] } ``` - POST `/snapshots/reload` - POST `/snapshots/new/upload` return: ```json { "slug": "" } ``` - POST `/snapshots/new/full` ```json { "name": "Optional", "password": "Optional" } ``` return: ```json { "slug": "" } ``` - POST `/snapshots/new/partial` ```json { "name": "Optional", "addons": ["ADDON_SLUG"], "folders": ["FOLDER_NAME"], "password": "Optional" } ``` return: ```json { "slug": "" } ``` - POST `/snapshots/reload` - GET `/snapshots/{slug}/info` ```json { "slug": "SNAPSHOT ID", "type": "full|partial", "name": "custom snapshot name / description", "date": "ISO", "size": "SIZE_IN_MB", "protected": "bool", "homeassistant": "version", "addons": [ { "slug": "ADDON_SLUG", "name": "NAME", "version": "INSTALLED_VERSION", "size": "SIZE_IN_MB" } ], "repositories": ["URL"], "folders": ["NAME"] } ``` - POST `/snapshots/{slug}/remove` - GET `/snapshots/{slug}/download` - POST `/snapshots/{slug}/restore/full` ```json { "password": "Optional" } ``` - POST `/snapshots/{slug}/restore/partial` ```json { "homeassistant": "bool", "addons": ["ADDON_SLUG"], "folders": ["FOLDER_NAME"], "password": "Optional" } ``` ### Host - POST `/host/reload` - POST `/host/shutdown` - POST `/host/reboot` - GET `/host/info` ```json { "hostname": "hostname|null", "features": ["shutdown", "reboot", "hostname", "services", "hassos"], "operating_system": "HassOS XY|Ubuntu 16.4|null", "kernel": "4.15.7|null", "chassis": "specific|null", "deployment": "stable|beta|dev|null", "cpe": "xy|null" } ``` - POST `/host/options` ```json { "hostname": "" } ``` - POST `/host/reload` #### Services - GET `/host/services` ```json { "services": [ { "name": "xy.service", "description": "XY ...", "state": "active|" } ] } ``` - POST `/host/service/{unit}/stop` - POST `/host/service/{unit}/start` - POST `/host/service/{unit}/reload` ### HassOS - GET `/os/info` ```json { "version": "2.3", "version_cli": "7", "version_latest": "2.4", "version_cli_latest": "8", "board": "ova|rpi", "boot": "rauc boot slot" } ``` - POST `/os/update` ```json { "version": "optional" } ``` - POST `/os/update/cli` ```json { "version": "optional" } ``` - POST `/os/config/sync` Load host configs from a USB stick. ### Hardware - GET `/hardware/info` ```json { "serial": ["/dev/xy"], "input": ["Input device name"], "disk": ["/dev/sdax"], "gpio": ["gpiochip0", "gpiochip100"], "audio": { "CARD_ID": { "name": "xy", "type": "microphone", "devices": [ "chan_id": "channel ID", "chan_type": "type of device" ] } } } ``` - GET `/hardware/audio` ```json { "audio": { "input": { "0,0": "Mic" }, "output": { "1,0": "Jack", "1,1": "HDMI" } } } ``` - POST `/hardware/trigger` Trigger an udev reload ### Home Assistant - GET `/core/info` ```json { "version": "INSTALL_VERSION", "last_version": "LAST_VERSION", "arch": "arch", "machine": "Image machine type", "ip_address": "ip address", "image": "str", "custom": "bool -> if custom image", "boot": "bool", "port": 8123, "ssl": "bool", "watchdog": "bool", "wait_boot": 600 } ``` - POST `/core/update` Optional: ```json { "version": "VERSION" } ``` - GET `/core/logs` Output is the raw Docker log. - POST `/core/restart` - POST `/core/check` - POST `/core/start` - POST `/core/stop` - POST `/core/rebuild` - POST `/core/options` ```json { "image": "Optional|null", "last_version": "Optional for custom image|null", "port": "port for access core", "ssl": "bool", "refresh_token": "", "watchdog": "bool", "wait_boot": 600 } ``` Image with `null` and last_version with `null` reset this options. - POST/GET `/core/api` Proxy to the Home Assistant Core instance. - GET `/core/websocket` Proxy to Home Assistant Core websocket. - GET `/core/stats` ```json { "cpu_percent": 0.0, "memory_usage": 283123, "memory_limit": 329392, "memory_percent": 1.4, "network_tx": 0, "network_rx": 0, "blk_read": 0, "blk_write": 0 } ``` ### RESTful for API add-ons If an add-on will call itself, you can use `/addons/self/...`. - GET `/addons` Get all available add-ons. ```json { "addons": [ { "name": "xy bla", "slug": "xy", "description": "description", "advanced": "bool", "stage": "stable|experimental|deprecated", "repository": "core|local|REP_ID", "version": "LAST_VERSION", "installed": "none|INSTALL_VERSION", "detached": "bool", "available": "bool", "build": "bool", "url": "null|url", "icon": "bool", "logo": "bool" } ], "repositories": [ { "slug": "12345678", "name": "Repitory Name|unknown", "source": "URL_OF_REPOSITORY", "url": "WEBSITE|REPOSITORY", "maintainer": "BLA BLU |unknown" } ] } ``` - POST `/addons/reload` - GET `/addons/{addon}/info` ```json { "name": "xy bla", "slug": "xdssd_xybla", "hostname": "xdssd-xybla", "dns": [], "description": "description", "long_description": "null|markdown", "auto_update": "bool", "url": "null|url of addon", "detached": "bool", "available": "bool", "advanced": "bool", "stage": "stable|experimental|deprecated", "arch": ["armhf", "aarch64", "i386", "amd64"], "machine": "[raspberrypi2, tinker]", "homeassistant": "null|min Home Assistant Core version", "repository": "12345678|null", "version": "null|VERSION_INSTALLED", "last_version": "LAST_VERSION", "state": "none|started|stopped", "boot": "auto|manual", "build": "bool", "options": "{}", "schema": "{}|null", "network": "{}|null", "network_description": "{}|null", "host_network": "bool", "host_pid": "bool", "host_ipc": "bool", "host_dbus": "bool", "privileged": ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_ADMIN"], "apparmor": "disable|default|profile", "devices": ["/dev/xy"], "udev": "bool", "auto_uart": "bool", "icon": "bool", "logo": "bool", "changelog": "bool", "documentation": "bool", "hassio_api": "bool", "hassio_role": "default|homeassistant|manager|admin", "homeassistant_api": "bool", "auth_api": "bool", "full_access": "bool", "protected": "bool", "rating": "1-6", "stdin": "bool", "webui": "null|http(s)://[HOST]:port/xy/zx", "gpio": "bool", "kernel_modules": "bool", "devicetree": "bool", "docker_api": "bool", "video": "bool", "audio": "bool", "audio_input": "null|0,0", "audio_output": "null|0,0", "services_role": "['service:access']", "discovery": "['service']", "ip_address": "ip address", "ingress": "bool", "ingress_entry": "null|/api/hassio_ingress/slug", "ingress_url": "null|/api/hassio_ingress/slug/entry.html", "ingress_port": "null|int", "ingress_panel": "null|bool" } ``` - GET `/addons/{addon}/icon` - GET `/addons/{addon}/logo` - GET `/addons/{addon}/changelog` - GET `/addons/{addon}/documentation` - POST `/addons/{addon}/options` ```json { "boot": "auto|manual", "auto_update": "bool", "network": { "CONTAINER": "port|[ip, port]" }, "options": {}, "audio_output": "null|0,0", "audio_input": "null|0,0", "ingress_panel": "bool" } ``` Reset custom network/audio/options, set it `null`. - POST `/addons/{addon}/security` This function is not callable by itself. ```json { "protected": "bool" } ``` - POST `/addons/{addon}/start` - POST `/addons/{addon}/stop` - POST `/addons/{addon}/install` - POST `/addons/{addon}/uninstall` - POST `/addons/{addon}/update` - GET `/addons/{addon}/logs` Output is the raw Docker log. - POST `/addons/{addon}/restart` - POST `/addons/{addon}/rebuild` Only supported for local build addons - POST `/addons/{addon}/stdin` Write data to add-on stdin - GET `/addons/{addon}/stats` ```json { "cpu_percent": 0.0, "memory_usage": 283123, "memory_limit": 329392, "memory_percent": 1.4, "network_tx": 0, "network_rx": 0, "blk_read": 0, "blk_write": 0 } ``` ### ingress - POST `/ingress/session` Create a new Session for access to ingress service. ```json { "session": "token" } ``` - GET `/ingress/panels` Return a list of enabled panels. ```json { "panels": { "addon_slug": { "enable": "boolean", "icon": "mdi:...", "title": "title", "admin": "boolean" } } } ``` - VIEW `/ingress/{token}` Ingress WebUI for this Add-on. The addon need support HASS Auth! Need ingress session as cookie. ### discovery - GET `/discovery` ```json { "discovery": [ { "addon": "slug", "service": "name", "uuid": "uuid", "config": {} } ] } ``` - GET `/discovery/{UUID}` ```json { "addon": "slug", "service": "name", "uuid": "uuid", "config": {} } ``` - POST `/discovery` ```json { "service": "name", "config": {} } ``` return: ```json { "uuid": "uuid" } ``` - DEL `/discovery/{UUID}` ### Services - GET `/services` ```json { "services": [ { "slug": "name", "available": "bool", "providers": "list" } ] } ``` #### MQTT - GET `/services/mqtt` ```json { "addon": "name", "host": "xy", "port": "8883", "ssl": "bool", "username": "optional", "password": "optional", "protocol": "3.1.1" } ``` - POST `/services/mqtt` ```json { "host": "xy", "port": "8883", "ssl": "bool|optional", "username": "optional", "password": "optional", "protocol": "3.1.1" } ``` - DEL `/services/mqtt` #### MySQL - GET `/services/mysql` ```json { "addon": "name", "host": "xy", "port": "8883", "username": "optional", "password": "optional" } ``` - POST `/services/mysql` ```json { "host": "xy", "port": "8883", "username": "optional", "password": "optional" } ``` - DEL `/services/mysql` ### Misc - GET `/info` ```json { "supervisor": "version", "homeassistant": "version", "hassos": "null|version", "hostname": "name", "machine": "type", "arch": "arch", "supported_arch": ["arch1", "arch2"], "channel": "stable|beta|dev", "logging": "debug|info|warning|error|critical", "timezone": "Europe/Zurich" } ``` ### DNS - GET `/dns/info` ```json { "host": "ip-address", "version": "1", "latest_version": "2", "servers": ["dns://"], "locals": ["dns://xy"] } ``` - POST `/dns/options` ```json { "servers": ["dns://"] } ``` - POST `/dns/update` ```json { "version": "VERSION" } ``` - POST `/dns/restart` - POST `/dns/reset` - GET `/dns/logs` - GET `/dns/stats` ```json { "cpu_percent": 0.0, "memory_usage": 283123, "memory_limit": 329392, "memory_percent": 1.4, "network_tx": 0, "network_rx": 0, "blk_read": 0, "blk_write": 0 } ``` ### Audio - GET `/audio/info` ```json { "host": "ip-address", "version": "1", "latest_version": "2" } ``` - POST `/audio/update` ```json { "version": "VERSION" } ``` - POST `/audio/restart` - GET `/audio/logs` - GET `/audio/stats` ```json { "cpu_percent": 0.0, "memory_usage": 283123, "memory_limit": 329392, "memory_percent": 1.4, "network_tx": 0, "network_rx": 0, "blk_read": 0, "blk_write": 0 } ``` ### Auth / SSO API You can use the user system on homeassistant. We handle this auth system on supervisor. You can call post `/auth` We support: - Json `{ "user|name": "...", "password": "..." }` - application/x-www-form-urlencoded `user|name=...&password=...` - BasicAuth * POST `/auth/reset` ```json { "username": "xy", "password": "new-password" } ```