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"""Test Supervisor API."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
Add enhanced logging REST endpoints using systemd-journal-gatewayd (#3291) * Add enhanced logging REST endpoints using systemd-journal-gatewayd Add /host/logs/entries and /host/logs/{identifier}/entries to expose log entries from systemd-journald running on the host. Use systemd-journal-gatewayd which exposes the logs to the Supervisor via Unix socket. Current two query string parameters are allowed: "boot" and "follow". The first will only return logs since last boot. The second will keep the HTTP request open and send new log entries as they get added to the systemd-journal. * Allow Range header Forward the Range header to systemd-journal-gatewayd. This allows to select only a certain amount of log data. The Range header is a standard header to select only partial amount of data. However, the "entries=" prefix is custom for systemd-journal-gatewayd, denoting that the numbers following represent log entries (as opposed to bytes or other metrics). * Avoid connecting if systemd-journal-gatewayd is not available * Use path for all options * Add pytests * Address pylint issues * Boot ID offsets and slug to identifier * Fix tests * API refactor from feedback * fix tests and add identifiers * stop isort and pylint fighting * fix tests * Update default log identifiers * Only modify /host/logs endpoints * Fix bad import * Load log caches asynchronously at startup * Allow task to complete in fixture * Boot IDs and identifiers loaded on demand * Add suggested identifiers * Fix tests around boot ids Co-authored-by: Mike Degatano <michael.degatano@gmail.com>
2022-10-13 17:40:11 +02:00
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from aiohttp.test_utils import TestClient
import pytest
from supervisor.coresys import CoreSys
from supervisor.exceptions import StoreGitError, StoreNotFound
from supervisor.store.repository import Repository
from tests.dbus_service_mocks.base import DBusServiceMock
from tests.dbus_service_mocks.os_agent import OSAgent as OSAgentService
REPO_URL = "https://github.com/awesome-developer/awesome-repo"
async def test_api_supervisor_options_debug(api_client: TestClient, coresys: CoreSys):
"""Test security options force security."""
assert not coresys.config.debug
await api_client.post("/supervisor/options", json={"debug": True})
assert coresys.config.debug
async def test_api_supervisor_options_add_repository(
api_client: TestClient, coresys: CoreSys
"""Test add a repository via POST /supervisor/options REST API."""
assert REPO_URL not in coresys.store.repository_urls
with pytest.raises(StoreNotFound):
with patch("supervisor.store.repository.Repository.load", return_value=None), patch(
"supervisor.store.repository.Repository.validate", return_value=True
response = await api_client.post(
"/supervisor/options", json={"addons_repositories": [REPO_URL]}
assert response.status == 200
assert REPO_URL in coresys.store.repository_urls
assert isinstance(coresys.store.get_from_url(REPO_URL), Repository)
async def test_api_supervisor_options_remove_repository(
api_client: TestClient, coresys: CoreSys, repository: Repository
"""Test remove a repository via POST /supervisor/options REST API."""
assert repository.source in coresys.store.repository_urls
assert repository.slug in coresys.store.repositories
response = await api_client.post(
"/supervisor/options", json={"addons_repositories": []}
assert response.status == 200
assert repository.source not in coresys.store.repository_urls
assert repository.slug not in coresys.store.repositories
@pytest.mark.parametrize("git_error", [None, StoreGitError()])
async def test_api_supervisor_options_repositories_skipped_on_error(
api_client: TestClient, coresys: CoreSys, git_error: StoreGitError
"""Test repositories skipped on error via POST /supervisor/options REST API."""
with patch(
"supervisor.store.repository.Repository.load", side_effect=git_error
), patch(
"supervisor.store.repository.Repository.validate", return_value=False
), patch(
response = await api_client.post(
"/supervisor/options", json={"addons_repositories": [REPO_URL]}
assert response.status == 400
assert len(coresys.resolution.suggestions) == 0
assert REPO_URL not in coresys.store.repository_urls
with pytest.raises(StoreNotFound):
async def test_api_supervisor_options_repo_error_with_config_change(
api_client: TestClient, coresys: CoreSys
"""Test config change with add repository error via POST /supervisor/options REST API."""
assert not coresys.config.debug
with patch(
"supervisor.store.repository.Repository.load", side_effect=StoreGitError()
response = await api_client.post(
json={"debug": True, "addons_repositories": [REPO_URL]},
assert response.status == 400
assert REPO_URL not in coresys.store.repository_urls
assert coresys.config.debug
async def test_api_supervisor_options_auto_update(
api_client: TestClient, coresys: CoreSys
"""Test disabling auto update via api."""
assert coresys.updater.auto_update is True
response = await api_client.post("/supervisor/options", json={"auto_update": False})
assert response.status == 200
assert coresys.updater.auto_update is False
async def test_api_supervisor_options_diagnostics(
api_client: TestClient,
coresys: CoreSys,
os_agent_services: dict[str, DBusServiceMock | dict[str, DBusServiceMock]],
"""Test changing diagnostics."""
os_agent_service: OSAgentService = os_agent_services["os_agent"]
os_agent_service.Diagnostics = False
await os_agent_service.ping()
assert coresys.dbus.agent.diagnostics is False
with patch("supervisor.utils.sentry.sentry_sdk.init") as sentry_init:
response = await api_client.post(
"/supervisor/options", json={"diagnostics": True}
assert response.status == 200
await os_agent_service.ping()
assert coresys.dbus.agent.diagnostics is True
with patch("supervisor.api.supervisor.close_sentry") as close_sentry:
response = await api_client.post(
"/supervisor/options", json={"diagnostics": False}
assert response.status == 200
await os_agent_service.ping()
assert coresys.dbus.agent.diagnostics is False
Add enhanced logging REST endpoints using systemd-journal-gatewayd (#3291) * Add enhanced logging REST endpoints using systemd-journal-gatewayd Add /host/logs/entries and /host/logs/{identifier}/entries to expose log entries from systemd-journald running on the host. Use systemd-journal-gatewayd which exposes the logs to the Supervisor via Unix socket. Current two query string parameters are allowed: "boot" and "follow". The first will only return logs since last boot. The second will keep the HTTP request open and send new log entries as they get added to the systemd-journal. * Allow Range header Forward the Range header to systemd-journal-gatewayd. This allows to select only a certain amount of log data. The Range header is a standard header to select only partial amount of data. However, the "entries=" prefix is custom for systemd-journal-gatewayd, denoting that the numbers following represent log entries (as opposed to bytes or other metrics). * Avoid connecting if systemd-journal-gatewayd is not available * Use path for all options * Add pytests * Address pylint issues * Boot ID offsets and slug to identifier * Fix tests * API refactor from feedback * fix tests and add identifiers * stop isort and pylint fighting * fix tests * Update default log identifiers * Only modify /host/logs endpoints * Fix bad import * Load log caches asynchronously at startup * Allow task to complete in fixture * Boot IDs and identifiers loaded on demand * Add suggested identifiers * Fix tests around boot ids Co-authored-by: Mike Degatano <michael.degatano@gmail.com>
2022-10-13 17:40:11 +02:00
async def test_api_supervisor_logs(api_client: TestClient, docker_logs: MagicMock):
"""Test supervisor logs."""
resp = await api_client.get("/supervisor/logs")
assert resp.status == 200
assert resp.content_type == "application/octet-stream"
content = await resp.text()
assert content.split("\n")[0:2] == [
"\x1b[36m22-10-11 14:04:23 DEBUG (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.dbus] D-Bus call - org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.call_get_all on /io/hass/os\x1b[0m",
"\x1b[36m22-10-11 14:04:23 DEBUG (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.dbus] D-Bus call - org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.call_get_all on /io/hass/os/AppArmor\x1b[0m",