
167 lines
4.5 KiB

import { HassEntity } from "home-assistant-js-websocket";
import { css, html, LitElement, nothing } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators";
import { fireEvent } from "../common/dom/fire_event";
import { SubscribeMixin } from "../mixins/subscribe-mixin";
import type { HomeAssistant } from "../types";
import type { HaDevicePickerDeviceFilterFunc } from "./device/ha-device-picker";
import "./ha-area-picker";
export class HaAreasPicker extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) {
@property({ attribute: false }) public hass!: HomeAssistant;
@property() public label?: string;
@property() public value?: string[];
@property() public helper?: string;
@property() public placeholder?: string;
@property({ type: Boolean, attribute: "no-add" })
public noAdd?: boolean;
* Show only areas with entities from specific domains.
* @type {Array}
* @attr include-domains
@property({ type: Array, attribute: "include-domains" })
public includeDomains?: string[];
* Show no areas with entities of these domains.
* @type {Array}
* @attr exclude-domains
@property({ type: Array, attribute: "exclude-domains" })
public excludeDomains?: string[];
* Show only areas with entities of these device classes.
* @type {Array}
* @attr include-device-classes
@property({ type: Array, attribute: "include-device-classes" })
public includeDeviceClasses?: string[];
@property() public deviceFilter?: HaDevicePickerDeviceFilterFunc;
@property() public entityFilter?: (entity: HassEntity) => boolean;
@property({ attribute: "picked-area-label" })
public pickedAreaLabel?: string;
@property({ attribute: "pick-area-label" })
public pickAreaLabel?: string;
@property({ type: Boolean }) public disabled?: boolean;
@property({ type: Boolean }) public required?: boolean;
protected render() {
if (!this.hass) {
return nothing;
const currentAreas = this._currentAreas;
return html`
(area) => html`
.required=${this.required && !currentAreas.length}
private get _currentAreas(): string[] {
return this.value || [];
private async _updateAreas(areas) {
this.value = areas;
fireEvent(this, "value-changed", {
value: areas,
private _areaChanged(ev: CustomEvent) {
const curValue = (ev.currentTarget as any).curValue;
const newValue = ev.detail.value;
if (newValue === curValue) {
const currentAreas = this._currentAreas;
if (!newValue || currentAreas.includes(newValue)) {
this._updateAreas(currentAreas.filter((ent) => ent !== curValue));
currentAreas.map((ent) => (ent === curValue ? newValue : ent))
private _addArea(ev: CustomEvent) {
const toAdd = ev.detail.value;
if (!toAdd) {
(ev.currentTarget as any).value = "";
const currentAreas = this._currentAreas;
if (currentAreas.includes(toAdd)) {
this._updateAreas([...currentAreas, toAdd]);
static override styles = css`
div {
margin-top: 8px;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"ha-areas-picker": HaAreasPicker;