
1180 lines
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import { HassServices } from "home-assistant-js-websocket";
export const demoServices: HassServices = {
homeassistant: {
turn_off: {
"Generic service to turn devices off under any domain. Same usage as the light.turn_on, switch.turn_on, etc. services.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "The entity_id of the device to turn off.",
example: "light.living_room",
turn_on: {
"Generic service to turn devices on under any domain. Same usage as the light.turn_on, switch.turn_on, etc. services.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "The entity_id of the device to turn on.",
example: "light.living_room",
toggle: {
"Generic service to toggle devices on/off under any domain. Same usage as the light.turn_on, switch.turn_on, etc. services.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "The entity_id of the device to toggle on/off.",
example: "light.living_room",
stop: { description: "Stop the Home Assistant service.", fields: {} },
restart: { description: "Restart the Home Assistant service.", fields: {} },
check_config: {
"Check the Home Assistant configuration files for errors. Errors will be displayed in the Home Assistant log.",
fields: {},
update_entity: {
description: "Force one or more entities to update its data",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "One or multiple entity_ids to update. Can be a list.",
example: "light.living_room",
reload_core_config: {
description: "Reload the core configuration.",
fields: {},
persistent_notification: {
create: {
description: "Show a notification in the frontend.",
fields: {
message: {
description: "Message body of the notification. [Templates accepted]",
example: "Please check your configuration.yaml.",
title: {
"Optional title for your notification. [Optional, Templates accepted]",
example: "Test notification",
notification_id: {
"Target ID of the notification, will replace a notification with the same Id. [Optional]",
example: "1234",
dismiss: {
description: "Remove a notification from the frontend.",
fields: {
notification_id: {
"Target ID of the notification, which should be removed. [Required]",
example: "1234",
mark_read: { description: "", fields: {} },
logger: {
set_default_level: {
description: "Set the default log level for components.",
fields: {
level: {
"Default severity level. Possible values are notset, debug, info, warn, warning, error, fatal, critical",
example: "debug",
set_level: { description: "Set log level for components.", fields: {} },
recorder: {
purge: {
"Start purge task - delete events and states older than x days, according to keep_days service data.",
fields: {
keep_days: {
"Number of history days to keep in database after purge. Value >= 0.",
example: "2",
repack: {
"Attempt to save disk space by rewriting the entire database file.",
example: "true",
system_log: {
clear: { description: "", fields: {} },
write: { description: "", fields: {} },
frontend: {
set_theme: {
description: "Set a theme unless the client selected per-device theme.",
fields: {
name: {
description: "Name of a predefined theme or 'default'.",
example: "light",
reload_themes: {
description: "Reload themes from yaml configuration.",
fields: {},
input_select: {
select_option: {
description: "Select an option of an input select entity.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Entity id of the input select to select the value.",
example: "input_select.my_select",
option: { description: "Option to be selected.", example: '"Item A"' },
select_next: {
description: "Select the next options of an input select entity.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
"Entity id of the input select to select the next value for.",
example: "input_select.my_select",
select_previous: {
description: "Select the previous options of an input select entity.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
"Entity id of the input select to select the previous value for.",
example: "input_select.my_select",
set_options: {
description: "Set the options of an input select entity.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
"Entity id of the input select to set the new options for.",
example: "input_select.my_select",
options: {
description: "Options for the input select entity.",
example: '["Item A", "Item B", "Item C"]',
input_number: {
set_value: {
description: "Set the value of an input number entity.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Entity id of the input number to set the new value.",
example: "input_number.threshold",
value: {
description: "The target value the entity should be set to.",
example: "42",
increment: {
"Increment the value of an input number entity by its stepping.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
"Entity id of the input number the should be incremented.",
example: "input_number.threshold",
decrement: {
"Decrement the value of an input number entity by its stepping.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
"Entity id of the input number the should be decremented.",
example: "input_number.threshold",
scene: {
turn_on: {
description: "Activate a scene.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of scenes to turn on",
example: "scene.romantic",
shell_command: {
borrel: { description: "", fields: {} },
party_mode: { description: "", fields: {} },
camera: {
enable_motion_detection: {
description: "Enable the motion detection in a camera.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to enable motion detection.",
example: "camera.living_room_camera",
disable_motion_detection: {
description: "Disable the motion detection in a camera.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to disable motion detection.",
example: "camera.living_room_camera",
turn_off: {
description: "Turn off camera.",
fields: {
entity_id: { description: "Entity id.", example: "camera.living_room" },
turn_on: {
description: "Turn on camera.",
fields: {
entity_id: { description: "Entity id.", example: "camera.living_room" },
snapshot: {
description: "Take a snapshot from a camera.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to create snapshots from.",
example: "camera.living_room_camera",
filename: {
description: "Template of a Filename. Variable is entity_id.",
example: "/tmp/snapshot_{{ entity_id }}",
media_player: {
turn_on: {
description: "Turn a media player power on.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_chromecast",
turn_off: {
description: "Turn a media player power off.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn off.",
example: "media_player.living_room_chromecast",
toggle: {
description: "Toggles a media player power state.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to toggle.",
example: "media_player.living_room_chromecast",
volume_up: {
description: "Turn a media player volume up.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn volume up on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
volume_down: {
description: "Turn a media player volume down.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn volume down on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
media_play_pause: {
description: "Toggle media player play/pause state.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to toggle play/pause state on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
media_play: {
description: "Send the media player the command for play.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to play on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
media_pause: {
description: "Send the media player the command for pause.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to pause on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
media_stop: {
description: "Send the media player the stop command.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to stop on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
media_next_track: {
description: "Send the media player the command for next track.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to send next track command to.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
media_previous_track: {
description: "Send the media player the command for previous track.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to send previous track command to.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
clear_playlist: {
"Send the media player the command to clear players playlist.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change source on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_chromecast",
volume_set: {
description: "Set a media player's volume level.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to set volume level on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
volume_level: {
description: "Volume level to set as float.",
example: "0.6",
volume_mute: {
description: "Mute a media player's volume.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to mute.",
example: "media_player.living_room_sonos",
is_volume_muted: {
description: "True/false for mute/unmute.",
example: "true",
media_seek: {
"Send the media player the command to seek in current playing media.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to seek media on.",
example: "media_player.living_room_chromecast",
seek_position: {
description: "Position to seek to. The format is platform dependent.",
example: "100",
select_source: {
description: "Send the media player the command to change input source.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change source on.",
example: "media_player.media_player.txnr535_0009b0d81f82",
source: {
description: "Name of the source to switch to. Platform dependent.",
example: "video1",
select_sound_mode: {
description: "Send the media player the command to change sound mode.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change sound mode on.",
example: "media_player.marantz",
sound_mode: {
description: "Name of the sound mode to switch to.",
example: "Music",
play_media: {
description: "Send the media player the command for playing media.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to seek media on",
example: "media_player.living_room_chromecast",
media_content_id: {
description: "The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent.",
example: "https://home-assistant.io/images/cast/splash.png",
media_content_type: {
"The type of the content to play. Must be one of music, tvshow, video, episode, channel or playlist",
example: "music",
shuffle_set: {
description: "Set shuffling state.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to set.",
example: "media_player.spotify",
shuffle: {
description: "True/false for enabling/disabling shuffle.",
example: "true",
conversation: {
process: {
description: "Launch a conversation from a transcribed text.",
fields: {
text: {
description: "Transcribed text",
example: "Turn all lights on",
input_boolean: {
turn_on: {
description: "Turns on an input boolean.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Entity id of the input boolean to turn on.",
example: "input_boolean.notify_alerts",
turn_off: {
description: "Turns off an input boolean",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Entity id of the input boolean to turn off.",
example: "input_boolean.notify_alerts",
toggle: {
description: "Toggles an input boolean.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Entity id of the input boolean to toggle.",
example: "input_boolean.notify_alerts",
notify: {
demo_test_target_name: { description: "", fields: {} },
notify: {
description: "Send a notification.",
fields: {
message: {
description: "Message body of the notification.",
example: "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.",
title: {
description: "Optional title for your notification.",
example: "Your Garage Door Friend",
target: {
"An array of targets to send the notification to. Optional depending on the platform.",
example: "platform specific",
data: {
"Extended information for notification. Optional depending on the platform.",
example: "platform specific",
group: {
reload: { description: "Reload group configuration.", fields: {} },
set: {
description: "Create/Update a user group.",
fields: {
object_id: {
description: "Group id and part of entity id.",
example: "test_group",
name: { description: "Name of group", example: "My test group" },
view: {
description: "Boolean for if the group is a view.",
example: "true",
icon: {
description: "Name of icon for the group.",
example: "mdi:camera",
control: {
description: "Value for control the group control.",
example: "hidden",
visible: {
description: "If the group is visible on UI.",
example: "true",
entities: {
"List of all members in the group. Not compatible with 'delta'.",
example: "domain.entity_id1, domain.entity_id2",
add_entities: {
description: "List of members they will change on group listening.",
example: "domain.entity_id1, domain.entity_id2",
all: {
"Enable this option if the group should only turn on when all entities are on.",
example: "true",
remove: {
description: "Remove a user group.",
fields: {
object_id: {
description: "Group id and part of entity id.",
example: "test_group",
set_visibility: {
description: "Hide or show a group.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to set value.",
example: "group.travel",
visible: {
"True if group should be shown or False if it should be hidden.",
example: "true",
climate: {
set_aux_heat: {
description: "Turn auxiliary heater on/off for climate device.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change.",
example: "climate.kitchen",
aux_heat: {
description: "New value of axillary heater.",
example: "true",
set_temperature: {
description: "Set target temperature of climate device.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change.",
example: "climate.kitchen",
temperature: {
description: "New target temperature for HVAC.",
example: "25",
target_temp_high: {
description: "New target high tempereature for HVAC.",
example: "26",
target_temp_low: {
description: "New target low temperature for HVAC.",
example: "20",
operation_mode: {
"Operation mode to set temperature to. This defaults to current_operation mode if not set, or set incorrectly.",
example: "Heat",
set_humidity: {
description: "Set target humidity of climate device.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change.",
example: "climate.kitchen",
humidity: {
description: "New target humidity for climate device.",
example: "60",
set_fan_mode: {
description: "Set fan operation for climate device.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change.",
example: "climate.nest",
fan_mode: { description: "New value of fan mode.", example: "On Low" },
set_hvac_mode: {
description: "Set operation mode for climate device.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change.",
example: "climate.nest",
hvac_mode: {
description: "New value of operation mode.",
example: "heat",
set_swing_mode: {
description: "Set swing operation for climate device.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to change.",
example: "climate.nest",
swing_mode: { description: "New value of swing mode.", example: "" },
image_processing: {
scan: {
description: "Process an image immediately.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to scan immediately.",
example: "image_processing.alpr_garage",
script: {
"1541701097153": { description: "", fields: {} },
"1541702006725": { description: "", fields: {} },
reload: { description: "", fields: {} },
turn_on: { description: "", fields: {} },
turn_off: { description: "", fields: {} },
toggle: { description: "", fields: {} },
device_tracker: {
see: {
description: "Control tracked device.",
fields: {
mac: {
description: "MAC address of device",
example: "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
dev_id: {
description: "Id of device (find id in known_devices.yaml).",
example: "phonedave",
host_name: { description: "Hostname of device", example: "Dave" },
location_name: {
"Name of location where device is located (not_home is away).",
example: "home",
gps: {
"GPS coordinates where device is located (latitude, longitude).",
example: "[51.509802, -0.086692]",
gps_accuracy: {
description: "Accuracy of GPS coordinates.",
example: "80",
battery: { description: "Battery level of device.", example: "100" },
automation: {
trigger: {
description: "Trigger the action of an automation.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of the automation to trigger.",
example: "automation.notify_home",
reload: { description: "Reload the automation configuration.", fields: {} },
toggle: {
description: "Toggle an automation.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of the automation to toggle on/off.",
example: "automation.notify_home",
turn_on: {
description: "Enable an automation.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of the automation to turn on.",
example: "automation.notify_home",
turn_off: {
description: "Disable an automation.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of the automation to turn off.",
example: "automation.notify_home",
alarm_control_panel: {
alarm_disarm: {
description: "Send the alarm the command for disarm.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of alarm control panel to disarm.",
example: "alarm_control_panel.downstairs",
code: {
"An optional code to disarm the alarm control panel with.",
example: "1234",
alarm_arm_home: {
description: "Send the alarm the command for arm home.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of alarm control panel to arm home.",
example: "alarm_control_panel.downstairs",
code: {
"An optional code to arm home the alarm control panel with.",
example: "1234",
alarm_arm_away: {
description: "Send the alarm the command for arm away.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of alarm control panel to arm away.",
example: "alarm_control_panel.downstairs",
code: {
"An optional code to arm away the alarm control panel with.",
example: "1234",
alarm_arm_night: {
description: "Send the alarm the command for arm night.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of alarm control panel to arm night.",
example: "alarm_control_panel.downstairs",
code: {
"An optional code to arm night the alarm control panel with.",
example: "1234",
alarm_arm_custom_bypass: { description: "", fields: {} },
alarm_trigger: {
description: "Send the alarm the command for trigger.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of alarm control panel to trigger.",
example: "alarm_control_panel.downstairs",
code: {
"An optional code to trigger the alarm control panel with.",
example: "1234",
fan: {
turn_on: {
description: "Turns fan on.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Names(s) of the entities to turn on",
example: "fan.living_room",
speed: { description: "Speed setting", example: "high" },
turn_off: {
description: "Turns fan off.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Names(s) of the entities to turn off",
example: "fan.living_room",
toggle: {
description: "Toggle the fan on/off.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of the entities to toggle",
example: "fan.living_room",
set_speed: {
description: "Sets fan speed.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of the entities to set",
example: "fan.living_room",
speed: { description: "Speed setting", example: "low" },
oscillate: {
description: "Oscillates the fan.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of the entities to oscillate",
example: "fan.desk_fan",
oscillating: {
description: "Flag to turn on/off oscillation",
example: "true",
set_direction: {
description: "Set the fan rotation.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of the entities to toggle",
example: "fan.living_room",
direction: {
description: "The direction to rotate. Either 'forward' or 'reverse'",
example: "forward",
lock: {
unlock: {
description: "Unlock all or specified locks.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of lock to unlock.",
example: "lock.front_door",
code: {
description: "An optional code to unlock the lock with.",
example: "1234",
lock: {
description: "Lock all or specified locks.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name of lock to lock.",
example: "lock.front_door",
code: {
description: "An optional code to lock the lock with.",
example: "1234",
open: { description: "", fields: {} },
cover: {
open_cover: {
description: "Open all or specified cover.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to open.",
example: "cover.living_room",
close_cover: {
description: "Close all or specified cover.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to close.",
example: "cover.living_room",
set_cover_position: {
description: "Move to specific position all or specified cover.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to set cover position.",
example: "cover.living_room",
position: {
description: "Position of the cover (0 to 100).",
example: "30",
stop_cover: {
description: "Stop all or specified cover.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to stop.",
example: "cover.living_room",
open_cover_tilt: {
description: "Open all or specified cover tilt.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) tilt to open.",
example: "cover.living_room",
close_cover_tilt: {
description: "Close all or specified cover tilt.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to close tilt.",
example: "cover.living_room",
stop_cover_tilt: {
description: "Stop all or specified cover.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to stop.",
example: "cover.living_room",
set_cover_tilt_position: {
description: "Move to specific position all or specified cover tilt.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of cover(s) to set cover tilt position.",
example: "cover.living_room",
tilt_position: {
description: "Tilt position of the cover (0 to 100).",
example: "30",
switch: {
turn_off: {
description: "Turn a switch off.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn off.",
example: "switch.living_room",
turn_on: {
description: "Turn a switch on.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn on",
example: "switch.living_room",
toggle: {
description: "Toggles a switch state.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to toggle.",
example: "switch.living_room",
light: {
turn_on: {
description: "Turn a light on.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn on",
example: "light.kitchen",
transition: {
description: "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state",
example: "60",
rgb_color: {
description: "Color for the light in RGB-format.",
example: "[255, 100, 100]",
color_name: {
description: "A human readable color name.",
example: "red",
hs_color: {
"Color for the light in hue/sat format. Hue is 0-360 and Sat is 0-100.",
example: "[300, 70]",
xy_color: {
description: "Color for the light in XY-format.",
example: "[0.52, 0.43]",
color_temp: {
description: "Color temperature for the light in mireds.",
example: "250",
kelvin: {
description: "Color temperature for the light in Kelvin.",
example: "4000",
white_value: {
description: "Number between 0..255 indicating level of white.",
example: "250",
brightness: {
description: "Number between 0..255 indicating brightness.",
example: "120",
brightness_pct: {
"Number between 0..100 indicating percentage of full brightness.",
example: "47",
profile: {
description: "Name of a light profile to use.",
example: "relax",
flash: {
description: "If the light should flash.",
example: "short",
effect: {
description: "Light effect.",
example: "colorloop",
turn_off: {
description: "Turn a light off.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to turn off.",
example: "light.kitchen",
transition: {
description: "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state.",
example: "60",
flash: {
description: "If the light should flash.",
example: "short",
toggle: {
description: "Toggles a light.",
fields: {
entity_id: {
description: "Name(s) of entities to toggle.",
example: "light.kitchen",
transition: {
description: "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state.",
example: "60",
tts: {
demo_say: { description: "", fields: {} },
clear_cache: {
description: "Remove cache files and RAM cache.",
fields: {},
configurator: { configure: { description: "", fields: {} } },