
512 lines
12 KiB

/* eslint-disable lit/no-template-arrow */
import "@material/mwc-button";
import { html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit";
import { customElement, state } from "lit/decorators";
import { mockAreaRegistry } from "../../../../demo/src/stubs/area_registry";
import { mockConfigEntries } from "../../../../demo/src/stubs/config_entries";
import { mockDeviceRegistry } from "../../../../demo/src/stubs/device_registry";
import { mockEntityRegistry } from "../../../../demo/src/stubs/entity_registry";
import { mockHassioSupervisor } from "../../../../demo/src/stubs/hassio_supervisor";
import { computeInitialHaFormData } from "../../../../src/components/ha-form/compute-initial-ha-form-data";
import "../../../../src/components/ha-form/ha-form";
import type { HaFormSchema } from "../../../../src/components/ha-form/types";
import type { AreaRegistryEntry } from "../../../../src/data/area_registry";
import { getEntity } from "../../../../src/fake_data/entity";
import { provideHass } from "../../../../src/fake_data/provide_hass";
import { HomeAssistant } from "../../../../src/types";
import "../../components/demo-black-white-row";
const ENTITIES = [
getEntity("alarm_control_panel", "alarm", "disarmed", {
friendly_name: "Alarm",
getEntity("media_player", "livingroom", "playing", {
friendly_name: "Livingroom",
media_content_type: "music",
device_class: "tv",
getEntity("media_player", "lounge", "idle", {
friendly_name: "Lounge",
supported_features: 444983,
device_class: "speaker",
getEntity("light", "bedroom", "on", {
friendly_name: "Bedroom",
effect: "colorloop",
effect_list: ["colorloop", "random"],
getEntity("switch", "coffee", "off", {
friendly_name: "Coffee",
device_class: "switch",
const DEVICES = [
area_id: "bedroom",
configuration_url: null,
config_entries: ["config_entry_1"],
connections: [],
disabled_by: null,
entry_type: null,
id: "device_1",
identifiers: [["demo", "volume1"] as [string, string]],
manufacturer: null,
model: null,
name_by_user: null,
name: "Dishwasher",
sw_version: null,
hw_version: null,
via_device_id: null,
serial_number: null,
labels: [],
area_id: "backyard",
configuration_url: null,
config_entries: ["config_entry_2"],
connections: [],
disabled_by: null,
entry_type: null,
id: "device_2",
identifiers: [["demo", "pwm1"] as [string, string]],
manufacturer: null,
model: null,
name_by_user: null,
name: "Lamp",
sw_version: null,
hw_version: null,
via_device_id: null,
serial_number: null,
labels: [],
area_id: null,
configuration_url: null,
config_entries: ["config_entry_3"],
connections: [],
disabled_by: null,
entry_type: null,
id: "device_3",
identifiers: [["demo", "pwm1"] as [string, string]],
manufacturer: null,
model: null,
name_by_user: "User name",
name: "Technical name",
sw_version: null,
hw_version: null,
via_device_id: null,
serial_number: null,
labels: [],
const AREAS: AreaRegistryEntry[] = [
area_id: "backyard",
floor_id: null,
name: "Backyard",
icon: null,
picture: null,
aliases: [],
labels: [],
area_id: "bedroom",
floor_id: null,
name: "Bedroom",
icon: "mdi:bed",
picture: null,
aliases: [],
labels: [],
area_id: "livingroom",
floor_id: null,
name: "Livingroom",
icon: "mdi:sofa",
picture: null,
aliases: [],
labels: [],
const SCHEMAS: {
title: string;
translations?: Record<string, string>;
error?: Record<string, string>;
schema: HaFormSchema[];
data?: Record<string, any>;
}[] = [
title: "Selectors",
translations: {
addon: "Addon",
entity: "Entity",
device: "Device",
area: "Area",
target: "Target",
number: "Number",
boolean: "Boolean",
time: "Time",
action: "Action",
text: "Text",
text_multiline: "Text Multiline",
object: "Object",
select: "Select",
icon: "Icon",
media: "Media",
location: "Location",
entities: "Entities",
schema: [
{ name: "addon", selector: { addon: {} } },
{ name: "entity", selector: { entity: {} } },
name: "Attribute",
selector: { attribute: { entity_id: "" } },
context: { filter_entity: "entity" },
name: "State",
selector: { state: { entity_id: "" } },
context: { filter_entity: "entity", filter_attribute: "Attribute" },
{ name: "Device", selector: { device: {} } },
{ name: "Config entry", selector: { config_entry: {} } },
{ name: "Duration", selector: { duration: {} } },
{ name: "area", selector: { area: {} } },
{ name: "target", selector: { target: {} } },
{ name: "number", selector: { number: { min: 0, max: 10 } } },
{ name: "boolean", selector: { boolean: {} } },
{ name: "time", required: true, selector: { time: {} } },
{ name: "datetime", required: true, selector: { datetime: {} } },
{ name: "date", required: true, selector: { date: {} } },
{ name: "action", selector: { action: {} } },
{ name: "text", selector: { text: { multiline: false } } },
{ name: "text_multiline", selector: { text: { multiline: true } } },
{ name: "object", selector: { object: {} } },
name: "select",
selector: {
select: { options: ["Everyone Home", "Some Home", "All gone"] },
name: "icon",
selector: {
icon: {},
name: "media",
selector: {
media: {},
name: "location",
selector: { location: { radius: true, icon: "mdi:home" } },
name: "entities",
selector: { entity: { multiple: true } },
title: "Authentication",
translations: {
username: "Username",
password: "Password",
invalid_login: "Invalid username or password",
error: {
base: "invalid_login",
schema: [
type: "string",
name: "username",
required: true,
type: "string",
name: "password",
required: true,
title: "One of each",
schema: [
type: "constant",
value: "Constant Value",
name: "constant",
required: true,
type: "boolean",
name: "bool",
default: false,
type: "integer",
name: "int",
default: 10,
type: "float",
name: "float",
required: true,
type: "string",
name: "string",
default: "Default",
type: "select",
options: [
["default", "default"],
["other", "other"],
name: "select",
default: "default",
type: "multi_select",
options: {
default: "Default",
other: "Other",
name: "multi",
default: ["default"],
type: "positive_time_period_dict",
name: "time",
required: true,
title: "Numbers",
schema: [
type: "integer",
name: "int",
required: true,
type: "integer",
name: "int with default",
default: 10,
type: "integer",
name: "int range required",
required: true,
default: 5,
valueMin: 0,
valueMax: 10,
type: "integer",
name: "int range optional",
valueMin: 0,
valueMax: 10,
title: "select",
schema: [
type: "select",
options: [
["default", "Default"],
["other", "Other"],
name: "select",
required: true,
default: "default",
type: "select",
options: [
["default", "Default"],
["other", "Other"],
name: "select optional",
type: "select",
options: [
["default", "Default"],
["other", "Other"],
["uno", "mas"],
["one", "more"],
["and", "another_one"],
["option", "1000"],
name: "select many options",
default: "default",
title: "Multi select",
schema: [
type: "multi_select",
options: {
default: "Default",
other: "Other",
name: "multi",
required: true,
default: ["default"],
type: "multi_select",
options: {
default: "Default",
other: "Other",
uno: "mas",
one: "more",
and: "another_one",
option: "1000",
name: "multi many options",
default: ["default"],
title: "Field specific error",
data: {
new_password: "hello",
new_password_2: "bye",
translations: {
new_password: "New Password",
new_password_2: "Re-type Password",
not_match: "The passwords do not match",
error: {
new_password_2: "not_match",
schema: [
type: "string",
name: "new_password",
required: true,
type: "string",
name: "new_password_2",
required: true,
title: "OctoPrint",
translations: {
username: "Username",
host: "Host",
port: "Port Number",
path: "Application Path",
ssl: "Use SSL",
schema: [
{ type: "string", name: "username", required: true, default: "" },
{ type: "string", name: "host", required: true, default: "" },
type: "integer",
valueMin: 1,
valueMax: 65535,
name: "port",
default: 80,
{ type: "string", name: "path", default: "/" },
{ type: "boolean", name: "ssl", default: false },
class DemoHaForm extends LitElement {
@state() private hass!: HomeAssistant;
private data = SCHEMAS.map(
({ schema, data }) => data || computeInitialHaFormData(schema)
private disabled = SCHEMAS.map(() => false);
constructor() {
const hass = provideHass(this);
hass.updateTranslations(null, "en");
hass.updateTranslations("config", "en");
mockDeviceRegistry(hass, DEVICES);
mockAreaRegistry(hass, AREAS);
protected render(): TemplateResult {
return html`
${SCHEMAS.map((info, idx) => {
const translations = info.translations || {};
return html`
@submitted=${() => {
this.disabled[idx] = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.disabled[idx] = false;
}, 2000);
${["light", "dark"].map(
(slot) => html`
.computeError=${(error) => translations[error] || error}
.computeLabel=${(schema) =>
translations[schema.name] || schema.name}
@value-changed=${(e) => {
this.data[idx] = e.detail.value;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"demo-components-ha-form": DemoHaForm;