const path = require("path"); const env = require("./env.cjs"); const paths = require("./paths.cjs"); // GitHub base URL to use for production source maps // Nightly builds use the commit SHA, otherwise assumes there is a tag that matches the version module.exports.sourceMapURL = () => { const ref = env.version().endsWith("dev") ? process.env.GITHUB_SHA || "dev" : env.version(); return `${ref}`; }; // Files from NPM Packages that should not be imported // eslint-disable-next-line unused-imports/no-unused-vars module.exports.ignorePackages = ({ latestBuild }) => [ // Part of yaml.js and only used for !!js functions that we don't use require.resolve("esprima"), ]; // Files from NPM packages that we should replace with empty file module.exports.emptyPackages = ({ latestBuild, isHassioBuild }) => [ // Contains all color definitions for all material color sets. // We don't use it require.resolve("@polymer/paper-styles/color.js"), require.resolve("@polymer/paper-styles/default-theme.js"), // Loads stuff from a CDN require.resolve("@polymer/font-roboto/roboto.js"), require.resolve("@vaadin/vaadin-material-styles/typography.js"), require.resolve("@vaadin/vaadin-material-styles/font-icons.js"), // Compatibility not needed for latest builds latestBuild && // wrapped in require.resolve so it blows up if file no longer exists require.resolve( path.resolve(paths.polymer_dir, "src/resources/compatibility.ts") ), // This polyfill is loaded in workers to support ES5, filter it out. latestBuild && require.resolve("proxy-polyfill/src/index.js"), // Icons in supervisor conflict with icons in HA so we don't load. isHassioBuild && require.resolve( path.resolve(paths.polymer_dir, "src/components/ha-icon.ts") ), isHassioBuild && require.resolve( path.resolve(paths.polymer_dir, "src/components/ha-icon-picker.ts") ), ].filter(Boolean); module.exports.definedVars = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, defineOverlay }) => ({ __DEV__: !isProdBuild, __BUILD__: JSON.stringify(latestBuild ? "latest" : "es5"), __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(env.version()), __DEMO__: false, __SUPERVISOR__: false, __BACKWARDS_COMPAT__: false, __STATIC_PATH__: "/static/", "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify( isProdBuild ? "production" : "development" ), ...defineOverlay, }); module.exports.htmlMinifierOptions = { caseSensitive: true, collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, decodeEntities: true, removeComments: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, minifyCSS: { compatibility: "*,-properties.zeroUnits", }, }; module.exports.terserOptions = ({ latestBuild, isTestBuild }) => ({ safari10: !latestBuild, ecma: latestBuild ? 2015 : 5, module: latestBuild, format: { comments: false }, sourceMap: !isTestBuild, }); module.exports.babelOptions = ({ latestBuild, isProdBuild, isTestBuild }) => ({ babelrc: false, compact: false, assumptions: { privateFieldsAsProperties: true, setPublicClassFields: true, setSpreadProperties: true, }, browserslistEnv: latestBuild ? "modern" : "legacy", // Must be unambiguous because some dependencies are CommonJS only sourceType: "unambiguous", presets: [ [ "@babel/preset-env", { useBuiltIns: latestBuild ? false : "entry", corejs: latestBuild ? false : { version: "3.30", proposals: true }, bugfixes: true, }, ], "@babel/preset-typescript", ], plugins: [ [ path.resolve( paths.polymer_dir, "build-scripts/babel-plugins/inline-constants-plugin.cjs" ), { modules: ["@mdi/js"], ignoreModuleNotFound: true, }, ], // Minify template literals for production isProdBuild && [ "template-html-minifier", { modules: { lit: [ "html", { name: "svg", encapsulation: "svg" }, { name: "css", encapsulation: "style" }, ], "@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/html-tag": ["html"], }, strictCSS: true, htmlMinifier: module.exports.htmlMinifierOptions, failOnError: true, // we can turn this off in case of false positives }, ], // Import helpers and regenerator from runtime package [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { version: require("../package.json").dependencies["@babel/runtime"] }, ], // Support some proposals still in TC39 process ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { decoratorsBeforeExport: true }], ].filter(Boolean), exclude: [ // \\ for Windows, / for Mac OS and Linux /node_modules[\\/]core-js/, /node_modules[\\/]webpack[\\/]buildin/, ], sourceMaps: !isTestBuild, }); const nameSuffix = (latestBuild) => (latestBuild ? "-latest" : "-es5"); const outputPath = (outputRoot, latestBuild) => path.resolve(outputRoot, latestBuild ? "frontend_latest" : "frontend_es5"); const publicPath = (latestBuild, root = "") => latestBuild ? `${root}/frontend_latest/` : `${root}/frontend_es5/`; /* BundleConfig { // Object with entrypoints that need to be bundled entry: { [name: string]: pathToFile }, // Folder where bundled files need to be written outputPath: string, // absolute url-path where bundled files can be found publicPath: string, // extra definitions that we need to replace in source defineOverlay: {[name: string]: value }, // if this is a production build isProdBuild: boolean, // If we're targeting latest browsers latestBuild: boolean, // If we're doing a stats build (create nice chunk names) isStatsBuild: boolean, // If it's just a test build in CI, skip time on source map generation isTestBuild: boolean, // Names of entrypoints that should not be hashed dontHash: Set } */ module.exports.config = { app({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, isWDS }) { return { name: "app" + nameSuffix(latestBuild), entry: { service_worker: "./src/entrypoints/service_worker.ts", app: "./src/entrypoints/app.ts", authorize: "./src/entrypoints/authorize.ts", onboarding: "./src/entrypoints/onboarding.ts", core: "./src/entrypoints/core.ts", "custom-panel": "./src/entrypoints/custom-panel.ts", }, outputPath: outputPath(paths.app_output_root, latestBuild), publicPath: publicPath(latestBuild), isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, isWDS, }; }, demo({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) { return { name: "demo" + nameSuffix(latestBuild), entry: { main: path.resolve(paths.demo_dir, "src/entrypoint.ts"), }, outputPath: outputPath(paths.demo_output_root, latestBuild), publicPath: publicPath(latestBuild), defineOverlay: { __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(`DEMO-${env.version()}`), __DEMO__: true, }, isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, }; }, cast({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) { const entry = { launcher: path.resolve(paths.cast_dir, "src/launcher/entrypoint.ts"), media: path.resolve(paths.cast_dir, "src/media/entrypoint.ts"), }; if (latestBuild) { entry.receiver = path.resolve( paths.cast_dir, "src/receiver/entrypoint.ts" ); } return { name: "cast" + nameSuffix(latestBuild), entry, outputPath: outputPath(paths.cast_output_root, latestBuild), publicPath: publicPath(latestBuild), isProdBuild, latestBuild, defineOverlay: { __BACKWARDS_COMPAT__: true, }, }; }, hassio({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild }) { return { name: "supervisor" + nameSuffix(latestBuild), entry: { entrypoint: path.resolve(paths.hassio_dir, "src/entrypoint.ts"), }, outputPath: outputPath(paths.hassio_output_root, latestBuild), publicPath: publicPath(latestBuild, paths.hassio_publicPath), isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, isHassioBuild: true, defineOverlay: { __SUPERVISOR__: true, __STATIC_PATH__: `"${paths.hassio_publicPath}/static/"`, }, }; }, gallery({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) { return { name: "gallery" + nameSuffix(latestBuild), entry: { entrypoint: path.resolve(paths.gallery_dir, "src/entrypoint.js"), }, outputPath: outputPath(paths.gallery_output_root, latestBuild), publicPath: publicPath(latestBuild), isProdBuild, latestBuild, defineOverlay: { __DEMO__: true, }, }; }, };