import { ERR_INVALID_AUTH, createConnection, subscribeConfig, subscribeEntities, } from 'home-assistant-js-websocket'; import fetchToken from '../common/auth/fetch_token.js'; import refreshToken_ from '../common/auth/refresh_token.js'; import parseQuery from '../common/util/parse_query.js'; const init = window.createHassConnection = function (password, accessToken) { const proto = window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws'; const url = `${proto}://${}/api/websocket?${__BUILD__}`; const options = { setupRetry: 10, }; if (password) { options.authToken = password; } else if (accessToken) { options.accessToken = accessToken; } return createConnection(url, options) .then(function (conn) { subscribeEntities(conn); subscribeConfig(conn); return conn; }); }; function redirectLogin() { const urlBase = __DEV__ ? '/home-assistant-polymer/src' : `/frontend_${__BUILD__}`; document.location = `${urlBase}/authorize.html?response_type=code&client_id=${window.clientId}&redirect_uri=/`; } window.refreshToken = () => refreshToken_(window.clientId, window.tokens.refresh_token).then((accessTokenResp) => { window.tokens.access_token = accessTokenResp.access_token; localStorage.tokens = JSON.stringify(window.tokens); return accessTokenResp.access_token; }, () => redirectLogin()); function resolveCode(code) { fetchToken(window.clientId, code).then((tokens) => { localStorage.tokens = JSON.stringify(tokens); // Refresh the page and have tokens in place. document.location = location.pathname; }, (err) => { // eslint-disable-next-line console.error('Resolve token failed', err); alert('Unable to fetch tokens'); redirectLogin(); }); } function main() { if ( { const query = parseQuery(; if (query.code) { resolveCode(query.code); return; } } if (localStorage.tokens) { window.tokens = JSON.parse(localStorage.tokens); window.hassConnection = init(null, window.tokens.access_token).catch((err) => { if (err !== ERR_INVALID_AUTH) throw err; return window.refreshToken().then(accessToken => init(null, accessToken)); }); return; } redirectLogin(); } function mainLegacy() { if (window.noAuth === '1') { window.hassConnection = init(); } else if (window.localStorage.authToken) { window.hassConnection = init(window.localStorage.authToken); } else { window.hassConnection = null; } } if (window.clientId) { main(); } else { mainLegacy(); } window.addEventListener('error', (e) => { const homeAssistant = document.querySelector('home-assistant'); if (homeAssistant && homeAssistant.hass && homeAssistant.hass.callService) { homeAssistant.hass.callService('system_log', 'write', { logger: `frontend.${__DEV__ ? 'js_dev' : 'js'}.${__BUILD__}.${__VERSION__.replace('.', '')}`, message: `${e.filename}:${e.lineno}:${e.colno} ${e.message}`, }); } });