const webpack = require("webpack"); const path = require("path"); const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin"); const { WebpackManifestPlugin } = require("webpack-manifest-plugin"); const log = require("fancy-log"); const WebpackBar = require("webpackbar"); const paths = require("./paths.js"); const bundle = require("./bundle.js"); class LogStartCompilePlugin { ignoredFirst = false; apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.beforeCompile.tap("LogStartCompilePlugin", () => { if (!this.ignoredFirst) { this.ignoredFirst = true; return; } log("Changes detected. Starting compilation"); }); } } const createWebpackConfig = ({ name, entry, outputPath, publicPath, defineOverlay, isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, isHassioBuild, dontHash, }) => { if (!dontHash) { dontHash = new Set(); } const ignorePackages = bundle.ignorePackages({ latestBuild }); return { name, mode: isProdBuild ? "production" : "development", target: ["web", latestBuild ? "es2017" : "es5"], // For tests/CI, source maps are skipped to gain build speed // For production, generate source maps for accurate stack traces without source code // For development, generate "cheap" versions that can map to original line numbers devtool: isTestBuild ? false : isProdBuild ? "nosources-source-map" : "eval-cheap-module-source-map", entry, node: false, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.m?js$|\.ts$/, use: { loader: "babel-loader", options: { ...bundle.babelOptions({ latestBuild, isProdBuild, isTestBuild }), cacheDirectory: !isProdBuild, cacheCompression: false, }, }, }, { test: /\.css$/, type: "asset/source", }, ], }, optimization: { minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ parallel: true, extractComments: true, terserOptions: bundle.terserOptions({ latestBuild, isTestBuild }), }), ], moduleIds: isProdBuild && !isStatsBuild ? "deterministic" : "named", chunkIds: isProdBuild && !isStatsBuild ? "deterministic" : "named", }, plugins: [ !isStatsBuild && new WebpackBar({ fancy: !isProdBuild }), new WebpackManifestPlugin({ // Only include the JS of entrypoints filter: (file) => file.isInitial && !".map"), }), new webpack.DefinePlugin( bundle.definedVars({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, defineOverlay }) ), new webpack.IgnorePlugin({ checkResource(resource, context) { // Only use ignore to intercept imports that we don't control // inside node_module dependencies. if ( !context.includes("/node_modules/") || // calling define.amd will call require("!!webpack amd options") resource.startsWith("!!webpack") || // loaded by webpack dev server but doesn't exist. resource === "webpack/hot" ) { return false; } let fullPath; try { fullPath = resource.startsWith(".") ? path.resolve(context, resource) : require.resolve(resource); } catch (err) { console.error( "Error in Home Assistant ignore plugin", resource, context ); throw err; } return ignorePackages.some((toIgnorePath) => fullPath.startsWith(toIgnorePath) ); }, }), new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin( new RegExp( bundle.emptyPackages({ latestBuild, isHassioBuild }).join("|") ), path.resolve(paths.polymer_dir, "src/util/empty.js") ), !isProdBuild && new LogStartCompilePlugin(), ].filter(Boolean), resolve: { extensions: [".ts", ".js", ".json"], alias: { "lit/decorators$": "lit/decorators.js", "lit/directive$": "lit/directive.js", "lit/directives/until$": "lit/directives/until.js", "lit/directives/class-map$": "lit/directives/class-map.js", "lit/directives/style-map$": "lit/directives/style-map.js", "lit/directives/if-defined$": "lit/directives/if-defined.js", "lit/directives/guard$": "lit/directives/guard.js", "lit/directives/cache$": "lit/directives/cache.js", "lit/directives/repeat$": "lit/directives/repeat.js", "lit/polyfill-support$": "lit/polyfill-support.js", "@lit-labs/virtualizer/layouts/grid": "@lit-labs/virtualizer/layouts/grid.js", }, }, output: { filename: ({ chunk }) => { if (!isProdBuild || isStatsBuild || dontHash.has( { return `${}.js`; } return `${}.${chunk.hash.substr(0, 8)}.js`; }, chunkFilename: isProdBuild && !isStatsBuild ? "[chunkhash:8].js" : "[id].chunk.js", path: outputPath, publicPath, // To silence warning in worker plugin globalObject: "self", // Since production source maps don't include sources, we need to point to them elsewhere // For dependencies, just provide the path (no source in browser) // Otherwise, point to the raw code on GitHub for browser to load devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: !isTestBuild && isProdBuild ? (info) => { const sourcePath = info.resourcePath.replace(/^\.\//, ""); if ( sourcePath.startsWith("node_modules") || sourcePath.startsWith("webpack") ) { return `no-source/${sourcePath}`; } return `${bundle.sourceMapURL()}/${sourcePath}`; } : undefined, }, experiments: { topLevelAwait: true, }, }; }; const createAppConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, }) => createWebpackConfig({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild }) ); const createDemoConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) => createWebpackConfig( bundle.config.demo({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) ); const createCastConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) => createWebpackConfig(bundle.config.cast({ isProdBuild, latestBuild })); const createHassioConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, }) => createWebpackConfig( bundle.config.hassio({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, isTestBuild, }) ); const createGalleryConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) => createWebpackConfig({ isProdBuild, latestBuild })); module.exports = { createAppConfig, createDemoConfig, createCastConfig, createHassioConfig, createGalleryConfig, };