const webpack = require("webpack"); const path = require("path"); const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin"); const ManifestPlugin = require("webpack-manifest-plugin"); const WorkerPlugin = require("worker-plugin"); const paths = require("./paths.js"); const babel = require("./babel.js"); const bundle = require("./bundle"); const createWebpackConfig = ({ entry, outputPath, publicPath, defineOverlay, isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild, dontHash, }) => { if (!dontHash) { dontHash = new Set(); } return { mode: isProdBuild ? "production" : "development", devtool: isProdBuild ? "cheap-module-source-map" : "eval-cheap-module-source-map", entry, node: false, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$|\.ts$/, exclude: babel.exclude, use: { loader: "babel-loader", options: babel.options({ latestBuild }), }, }, { test: /\.css$/, use: "raw-loader", }, ], }, optimization: { minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ cache: true, parallel: true, extractComments: true, sourceMap: true, terserOptions: bundle.terserOptions(latestBuild), }), ], }, plugins: [ new WorkerPlugin(), new ManifestPlugin({ // Only include the JS of entrypoints filter: (file) => file.isInitial && !".map"), }), new webpack.DefinePlugin( bundle.definedVars({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, defineOverlay }) ), new webpack.IgnorePlugin({ checkResource(resource, context) { // Only use ignore to intercept imports that we don't control // inside node_module dependencies. if ( !context.includes("/node_modules/") || // calling define.amd will call require("!!webpack amd options") resource.startsWith("!!webpack") ) { return false; } let fullPath; try { fullPath = resource.startsWith(".") ? path.resolve(context, resource) : require.resolve(resource); } catch (err) { console.error("Error in ignore plugin", resource, context); throw err; } return bundle.ignorePackages.some((toIgnorePath) => fullPath.startsWith(toIgnorePath) ); }, }), new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin( new RegExp(bundle.emptyPackages.join("|")), path.resolve(paths.polymer_dir, "src/util/empty.js") ), ], resolve: { extensions: [".ts", ".js", ".json"], }, output: { filename: ({ chunk }) => { if (!isProdBuild || dontHash.has( { return `${}.js`; } return `${}.${chunk.hash.substr(0, 8)}.js`; }, chunkFilename: isProdBuild && !isStatsBuild ? "chunk.[chunkhash].js" : "[name].chunk.js", path: outputPath, publicPath, // To silence warning in worker plugin globalObject: "self", }, }; }; const createAppConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) => { return createWebpackConfig({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) ); }; const createDemoConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) => { return createWebpackConfig( bundle.config.demo({ isProdBuild, latestBuild, isStatsBuild }) ); }; const createCastConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) => { return createWebpackConfig(bundle.config.cast({ isProdBuild, latestBuild })); }; const createHassioConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) => { return createWebpackConfig( bundle.config.hassio({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) ); }; const createGalleryConfig = ({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) => { return createWebpackConfig({ isProdBuild, latestBuild }) ); }; module.exports = { createAppConfig, createDemoConfig, createCastConfig, createHassioConfig, createGalleryConfig, };