const gulp = require("gulp"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const ICON_PACKAGE_PATH = path.resolve( __dirname, "../../node_modules/@mdi/svg/" ); const META_PATH = path.resolve(ICON_PACKAGE_PATH, "meta.json"); const ICON_PATH = path.resolve(ICON_PACKAGE_PATH, "svg"); const OUTPUT_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../build"); const MDI_OUTPUT_PATH = path.resolve(OUTPUT_DIR, "mdi.html"); const HASS_OUTPUT_PATH = path.resolve(OUTPUT_DIR, "hass-icons.html"); const BUILT_IN_PANEL_ICONS = [ "calendar", // Calendar "settings", // Config "home-assistant", // "poll-box", // History panel "format-list-bulleted-type", // Logbook "mailbox", // Mailbox "tooltip-account", // Map "cart", // Shopping List ]; // Given an icon name, load the SVG file function loadIcon(name) { const iconPath = path.resolve(ICON_PATH, `${name}.svg`); try { return fs.readFileSync(iconPath, "utf-8"); } catch (err) { return null; } } // Given an SVG file, convert it to an iron-iconset-svg definition function transformXMLtoPolymer(name, xml) { const start = xml.indexOf(">${pth}`; } // Given an iconset name and icon names, generate a polymer iconset function generateIconset(iconsetName, iconNames) { const iconDefs = Array.from(iconNames) .map((name) => { const iconDef = loadIcon(name); if (!iconDef) { throw new Error(`Unknown icon referenced: ${name}`); } return transformXMLtoPolymer(name, iconDef); }) .join(""); return `${iconDefs}`; } // Generate the full MDI iconset function genMDIIcons() { const meta = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(ICON_PACKAGE_PATH, META_PATH), "UTF-8") ); const iconNames = =>; if (!fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR); } fs.writeFileSync(MDI_OUTPUT_PATH, generateIconset("mdi", iconNames)); } // Helper function to map recursively over files in a folder and it's subfolders function mapFiles(startPath, filter, mapFunc) { const files = fs.readdirSync(startPath); for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const filename = path.join(startPath, files[i]); const stat = fs.lstatSync(filename); if (stat.isDirectory()) { mapFiles(filename, filter, mapFunc); } else if (filename.indexOf(filter) >= 0) { mapFunc(filename); } } } // Find all icons used by the project. function findIcons(searchPath, iconsetName) { const iconRegex = new RegExp(`${iconsetName}:[\\w-]+`, "g"); const icons = new Set(); function processFile(filename) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filename); let match; // eslint-disable-next-line while ((match = iconRegex.exec(content))) { // strip off "hass:" and add to set icons.add(match[0].substr(iconsetName.length + 1)); } } mapFiles(searchPath, ".js", processFile); mapFiles(searchPath, ".ts", processFile); return icons; } function genHassIcons() { const iconNames = findIcons("./src", "hass"); BUILT_IN_PANEL_ICONS.forEach((name) => iconNames.add(name)); if (!fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR); } fs.writeFileSync(HASS_OUTPUT_PATH, generateIconset("hass", iconNames)); } gulp.task("gen-icons-mdi", (done) => { genMDIIcons(); done(); }); gulp.task("gen-icons-hass", (done) => { genHassIcons(); done(); }); gulp.task("gen-icons", gulp.series("gen-icons-hass", "gen-icons-mdi")); module.exports = { findIcons, generateIconset, genMDIIcons, };