import "@material/mwc-list/mwc-list-item"; import { ComboBoxLitRenderer } from "@vaadin/combo-box/lit"; import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues, TemplateResult } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, query, state } from "lit/decorators"; import { fireEvent } from "../common/dom/fire_event"; import { titleCase } from "../common/string/title-case"; import { fetchConfig } from "../data/lovelace/config/types"; import { LovelaceViewRawConfig } from "../data/lovelace/config/view"; import { HomeAssistant, PanelInfo, ValueChangedEvent } from "../types"; import "./ha-combo-box"; import type { HaComboBox } from "./ha-combo-box"; import "./ha-icon"; type NavigationItem = { path: string; icon: string; title: string; }; const DEFAULT_ITEMS: NavigationItem[] = []; // eslint-disable-next-line lit/prefer-static-styles const rowRenderer: ComboBoxLitRenderer = (item) => html` ${item.title || item.path} ${item.path} `; const createViewNavigationItem = ( prefix: string, view: LovelaceViewRawConfig, index: number ) => ({ path: `/${prefix}/${view.path ?? index}`, icon: view.icon ?? "mdi:view-compact", title: view.title ?? (view.path ? titleCase(view.path) : `${index}`), }); const createPanelNavigationItem = (hass: HomeAssistant, panel: PanelInfo) => ({ path: `/${panel.url_path}`, icon: panel.icon ?? "mdi:view-dashboard", title: panel.url_path === hass.defaultPanel ? hass.localize("panel.states") : hass.localize(`panel.${panel.title}`) || panel.title || (panel.url_path ? titleCase(panel.url_path) : ""), }); @customElement("ha-navigation-picker") export class HaNavigationPicker extends LitElement { @property({ attribute: false }) public hass?: HomeAssistant; @property() public label?: string; @property() public value?: string; @property() public helper?: string; @property({ type: Boolean }) public disabled = false; @property({ type: Boolean }) public required = false; @state() private _opened = false; private navigationItemsLoaded = false; private navigationItems: NavigationItem[] = DEFAULT_ITEMS; @query("ha-combo-box", true) private comboBox!: HaComboBox; protected render(): TemplateResult { return html` `; } private async _openedChanged(ev: ValueChangedEvent) { this._opened = ev.detail.value; if (this._opened && !this.navigationItemsLoaded) { this._loadNavigationItems(); } } private async _loadNavigationItems() { this.navigationItemsLoaded = true; const panels = Object.entries(this.hass!.panels).map(([id, panel]) => ({ id, ...panel, })); const lovelacePanels = panels.filter( (panel) => panel.component_name === "lovelace" ); const viewConfigs = await Promise.all( => fetchConfig( this.hass!.connection, // path should be null to fetch default lovelace panel panel.url_path === "lovelace" ? null : panel.url_path, true ) .then((config) => [, config] as [string, typeof config]) .catch((_) => [, undefined] as [string, undefined]) ) ); const panelViewConfig = new Map(viewConfigs); this.navigationItems = []; for (const panel of panels) { this.navigationItems.push(createPanelNavigationItem(this.hass!, panel)); const config = panelViewConfig.get(; if (!config || !("views" in config)) continue; config.views.forEach((view, index) => this.navigationItems.push( createViewNavigationItem(panel.url_path, view, index) ) ); } this.comboBox.filteredItems = this.navigationItems; } protected shouldUpdate(changedProps: PropertyValues) { return !this._opened || changedProps.has("_opened"); } private _valueChanged(ev: ValueChangedEvent) { ev.stopPropagation(); this._setValue(ev.detail.value); } private _setValue(value: string) { this.value = value; fireEvent( this, "value-changed", { value: this._value }, { bubbles: false, composed: false, } ); } private _filterChanged(ev: CustomEvent): void { const filterString = ev.detail.value.toLowerCase(); const characterCount = filterString.length; if (characterCount >= 2) { const filteredItems: NavigationItem[] = []; this.navigationItems.forEach((item) => { if ( item.path.toLowerCase().includes(filterString) || item.title.toLowerCase().includes(filterString) ) { filteredItems.push(item); } }); if (filteredItems.length > 0) { this.comboBox.filteredItems = filteredItems; } else { this.comboBox.filteredItems = []; } } else { this.comboBox.filteredItems = this.navigationItems; } } private get _value() { return this.value || ""; } static get styles() { return css` ha-icon, ha-svg-icon { color: var(--primary-text-color); position: relative; bottom: 0px; } *[slot="prefix"] { margin-right: 8px; } `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { "ha-navigation-picker": HaNavigationPicker; } }