import punycode from "punycode"; import { css, CSSResultGroup, html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues, } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators"; import { applyThemesOnElement } from "../common/dom/apply_themes_on_element"; import { extractSearchParamsObject } from "../common/url/search-params"; import "../components/ha-alert"; import { AuthProvider, AuthUrlSearchParams, fetchAuthProviders, } from "../data/auth"; import { litLocalizeLiteMixin } from "../mixins/lit-localize-lite-mixin"; import { registerServiceWorker } from "../util/register-service-worker"; import "./ha-auth-flow"; import("./ha-pick-auth-provider"); const appNames = { "": "iOS", "": "Android", }; @customElement("ha-authorize") export class HaAuthorize extends litLocalizeLiteMixin(LitElement) { @property() public clientId?: string; @property() public redirectUri?: string; @property() public oauth2State?: string; @state() private _authProvider?: AuthProvider; @state() private _authProviders?: AuthProvider[]; @state() private _ownInstance = false; @state() private _error?: string; constructor() { super(); this.translationFragment = "page-authorize"; const query = extractSearchParamsObject() as AuthUrlSearchParams; if (query.client_id) { this.clientId = query.client_id; } if (query.redirect_uri) { this.redirectUri = query.redirect_uri; } if (query.state) { this.oauth2State = query.state; } } protected render() { if (this._error) { return html`${this._error} ${this.redirectUri}`; } if (!this._authProviders) { return html`


`; } const inactiveProviders = this._authProviders.filter( (prv) => prv !== this._authProvider ); const app = this.clientId && this.clientId in appNames; return html` ${!this._ownInstance ? html` ${app ? this.localize("", { app: appNames[this.clientId!], }) : this.localize("", { clientId: html`${this.clientId ? punycode.toASCII(this.clientId) : this.clientId}`, })} ` : html`


`} ${inactiveProviders.length > 0 ? html`

${this.localize("", { authProviderName: html`${this._authProvider!.name}`, })}

` : nothing} ${inactiveProviders.length > 0 ? html` ` : ""} `; } protected firstUpdated(changedProps: PropertyValues) { super.firstUpdated(changedProps); if (!this.redirectUri) { this._error = "Invalid redirect URI"; return; } let url: URL; try { url = new URL(this.redirectUri); } catch (err) { this._error = "Invalid redirect URI"; return; } if ( // eslint-disable-next-line no-script-url ["javascript:", "data:", "vbscript:", "file:", "about:"].includes( url.protocol ) ) { this._error = "Invalid redirect URI"; return; } this._fetchAuthProviders(); if (matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) { applyThemesOnElement( document.documentElement, { default_theme: "default", default_dark_theme: null, themes: {}, darkMode: true, theme: "default", }, undefined, undefined, true ); } // If we are logging into the instance that is hosting this auth form // we will register the service worker to start preloading. if ( === { this._ownInstance = true; registerServiceWorker(this, false); } } protected updated(changedProps: PropertyValues) { super.updated(changedProps); if (changedProps.has("language")) { document.querySelector("html")!.setAttribute("lang", this.language!); } } private async _fetchAuthProviders() { // Fetch auth providers try { // We prefetch this data on page load in authorize.html.template for modern builds const response = await ((window as any).providersPromise || fetchAuthProviders()); const authProviders = await response.json(); // Forward to main screen which will redirect to right onboarding page. if ( response.status === 400 && authProviders.code === "onboarding_required" ) { location.href = `/onboarding.html${}`; return; } if (authProviders.length === 0) { this._error = "No auth providers returned. Unable to finish login."; return; } this._authProviders = authProviders; this._authProvider = authProviders[0]; } catch (err: any) { this._error = "Unable to fetch auth providers."; // eslint-disable-next-line console.error("Error loading auth providers", err); } } private async _handleAuthProviderPick(ev) { this._authProvider = ev.detail; } static get styles(): CSSResultGroup { return css` ha-pick-auth-provider { display: block; margin-top: 48px; } ha-auth-flow { display: block; margin-top: 24px; } ha-alert { display: block; margin: 16px 0; } p { font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; } `; } }