import "@polymer/paper-item/paper-icon-item"; import "@polymer/paper-item/paper-item-body"; import Fuse from "fuse.js"; import { css, CSSResultGroup, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators"; import { styleMap } from "lit/directives/style-map"; import memoizeOne from "memoize-one"; import { fireEvent } from "../../common/dom/fire_event"; import "../../common/search/search-input"; import { LocalizeFunc } from "../../common/translations/localize"; import "../../components/ha-icon-next"; import { domainToName } from "../../data/integration"; import { HomeAssistant } from "../../types"; import { brandsUrl } from "../../util/brands-url"; import { documentationUrl } from "../../util/documentation-url"; import { configFlowContentStyles } from "./styles"; interface HandlerObj { name: string; slug: string; } declare global { // for fire event interface HASSDomEvents { "handler-picked": { handler: string; }; } } @customElement("step-flow-pick-handler") class StepFlowPickHandler extends LitElement { @property({ attribute: false }) public hass!: HomeAssistant; @property({ attribute: false }) public handlers!: string[]; @state() private _filter?: string; private _width?: number; private _height?: number; private _getHandlers = memoizeOne( (h: string[], filter?: string, _localize?: LocalizeFunc) => { const handlers: HandlerObj[] = => ({ name: domainToName(this.hass.localize, handler), slug: handler, })); if (filter) { const options: Fuse.IFuseOptions = { keys: ["name", "slug"], isCaseSensitive: false, minMatchCharLength: 2, threshold: 0.2, }; const fuse = new Fuse(handlers, options); return => result.item); } return handlers.sort((a, b) => < ? -1 : 1 ); } ); protected render(): TemplateResult { const handlers = this._getHandlers( this.handlers, this._filter, this.hass.localize ); return html`


${handlers.length ? (handler: HandlerObj) => html` ${} ` ) : html`

${this.hass.localize( "ui.panel.config.integrations.note_about_integrations" )}
${this.hass.localize( "ui.panel.config.integrations.note_about_website_reference" )}${this.hass.localize( "ui.panel.config.integrations.home_assistant_website" )}.

`; } protected firstUpdated(changedProps) { super.firstUpdated(changedProps); setTimeout( () => this.shadowRoot!.querySelector("search-input")!.focus(), 0 ); } protected updated(changedProps) { super.updated(changedProps); // Store the width and height so that when we search, box doesn't jump const div = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector("div")!; if (!this._width) { const width = div.clientWidth; if (width) { this._width = width; } } if (!this._height) { const height = div.clientHeight; if (height) { this._height = height; } } } private async _filterChanged(e) { this._filter = e.detail.value; } private async _handlerPicked(ev) { fireEvent(this, "handler-picked", { handler: ev.currentTarget.handler.slug, }); } static get styles(): CSSResultGroup { return [ configFlowContentStyles, css` img { width: 40px; height: 40px; } search-input { display: block; margin: -12px 16px 0; } ha-icon-next { margin-right: 8px; } div { overflow: auto; max-height: 600px; } h2 { padding-right: 66px; } @media all and (max-height: 900px) { div { max-height: calc(100vh - 134px); } } paper-icon-item { cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 4px; } p { text-align: center; padding: 16px; margin: 0; } p > a { color: var(--primary-color); } `, ]; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { "step-flow-pick-handler": StepFlowPickHandler; } }