import "@material/mwc-button/mwc-button"; import { mdiSlopeUphill } from "@mdi/js"; import { HassEntity, UnsubscribeFunc } from "home-assistant-js-websocket"; import { css, CSSResultGroup, html, LitElement } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators"; import memoizeOne from "memoize-one"; import { fireEvent } from "../../../common/dom/fire_event"; import { computeStateName } from "../../../common/entity/compute_state_name"; import "../../../components/data-table/ha-data-table"; import type { DataTableColumnContainer } from "../../../components/data-table/ha-data-table"; import { subscribeEntityRegistry } from "../../../data/entity_registry"; import { clearStatistics, getStatisticIds, StatisticsMetaData, StatisticsValidationResult, validateStatistics, } from "../../../data/recorder"; import { showAlertDialog, showConfirmationDialog, } from "../../../dialogs/generic/show-dialog-box"; import { SubscribeMixin } from "../../../mixins/subscribe-mixin"; import { haStyle } from "../../../resources/styles"; import { HomeAssistant } from "../../../types"; import { showStatisticsAdjustSumDialog } from "./show-dialog-statistics-adjust-sum"; import { showFixStatisticsUnitsChangedDialog } from "./show-dialog-statistics-fix-units-changed"; import { computeRTLDirection } from "../../../common/util/compute_rtl"; const FIX_ISSUES_ORDER = { no_state: 0, entity_no_longer_recorded: 1, entity_not_recorded: 1, unsupported_state_class: 2, units_changed: 3, }; type StatisticData = StatisticsMetaData & { issues?: StatisticsValidationResult[]; state?: HassEntity; }; type DisplayedStatisticData = StatisticData & { displayName: string; }; @customElement("developer-tools-statistics") class HaPanelDevStatistics extends SubscribeMixin(LitElement) { @property({ attribute: false }) public hass!: HomeAssistant; @property({ type: Boolean }) public narrow!: boolean; @state() private _data: StatisticData[] = [] as StatisticsMetaData[]; private _disabledEntities = new Set(); protected firstUpdated() { this._validateStatistics(); } private _displayData = memoizeOne( (data: StatisticData[]): DisplayedStatisticData[] => => ({ ...item, displayName: item.state ? computeStateName(item.state) : || item.statistic_id, })) ); private _columns = memoizeOne( (localize): DataTableColumnContainer => ({ displayName: { title: "Name", sortable: true, filterable: true, grows: true, }, statistic_id: { title: "Statistic id", sortable: true, filterable: true, hidden: this.narrow, width: "20%", }, statistics_unit_of_measurement: { title: "Statistics unit", sortable: true, filterable: true, width: "10%", forceLTR: true, }, source: { title: "Source", sortable: true, filterable: true, width: "10%", }, issues: { title: "Issue", sortable: true, filterable: true, direction: "asc", width: "30%", template: (issues) => html`${issues ? (issue) => localize( `ui.panel.developer-tools.tabs.statistics.issues.${issue.type}`, ) || issue.type ) : localize("ui.panel.developer-tools.tabs.statistics.no_issue")}`, }, fix: { title: "", label: this.hass.localize( "ui.panel.developer-tools.tabs.statistics.fix_issue.fix" ), template: (_, data: any) => html`${data.issues ? html` ${localize( "ui.panel.developer-tools.tabs.statistics.fix_issue.fix" )} ` : "—"}`, width: "113px", }, actions: { title: "", label: localize("ui.panel.developer-tools.tabs.statistics.adjust_sum"), type: "icon-button", template: (_info, statistic: StatisticsMetaData) => statistic.has_sum ? html` ` : "", }, }) ); protected render() { return html` `; } private _showStatisticsAdjustSumDialog(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); showStatisticsAdjustSumDialog(this, { statistic: ev.currentTarget.statistic, }); } private _rowClicked(ev) { const id =; if (id in this.hass.states) { fireEvent(this, "hass-more-info", { entityId: id }); } } public hassSubscribe(): UnsubscribeFunc[] { return [ subscribeEntityRegistry(this.hass.connection!, (entities) => { const disabledEntities = new Set(); for (const confEnt of entities) { if (!confEnt.disabled_by) { continue; } disabledEntities.add(confEnt.entity_id); } // If the disabled entities changed, re-validate the statistics if (disabledEntities !== this._disabledEntities) { this._disabledEntities = disabledEntities; this._validateStatistics(); } }), ]; } private async _validateStatistics() { const [statisticIds, issues] = await Promise.all([ getStatisticIds(this.hass), validateStatistics(this.hass), ]); const statsIds = new Set(); this._data = statisticIds .filter( (statistic) => !this._disabledEntities.has(statistic.statistic_id) ) .map((statistic) => { statsIds.add(statistic.statistic_id); return { ...statistic, state: this.hass.states[statistic.statistic_id], issues: issues[statistic.statistic_id], }; }); Object.keys(issues).forEach((statisticId) => { if ( !statsIds.has(statisticId) && !this._disabledEntities.has(statisticId) ) { this._data.push({ statistic_id: statisticId, statistics_unit_of_measurement: "", source: "", state: this.hass.states[statisticId], issues: issues[statisticId], has_mean: false, has_sum: false, unit_class: null, }); } }); } private _fixIssue = (ev) => { const issues = ( as StatisticsValidationResult[]).sort( (itemA, itemB) => (FIX_ISSUES_ORDER[itemA.type] ?? 99) - (FIX_ISSUES_ORDER[itemB.type] ?? 99) ); const issue = issues[0]; switch (issue.type) { case "no_state": showConfirmationDialog(this, { title: "Entity has no state", text: html`This entity has no state at the moment, if this is an orphaned entity, you may want to remove the long term statistics of it from your database.

Do you want to permanently remove the long term statistics of ${} from your database?`, confirmText: this.hass.localize("ui.common.remove"), confirm: async () => { await clearStatistics(this.hass, []); this._validateStatistics(); }, }); break; case "entity_not_recorded": showAlertDialog(this, { title: "Entity not recorded", text: html`State changes of this entity are not recorded, therefore, we cannot track long term statistics for it.

You probably excluded this entity, or have just included some entities.

See the recorder documentation for more information.`, }); break; case "entity_no_longer_recorded": showAlertDialog(this, { title: "Entity no longer recorded", text: html`We have generated statistics for this entity in the past, but state changes of this entity are no longer recorded, therefore, we cannot track long term statistics for it anymore.

You probably excluded this entity, or have just included some entities.

See the recorder documentation for more information.`, }); break; case "unsupported_state_class": showConfirmationDialog(this, { title: "Unsupported state class", text: html`The state class of this entity, ${} is not supported.
Statistics cannot be generated until this entity has a supported state class.

If this state class was provided by an integration, this is a bug. Please report an issue.

If you have set this state class yourself, please correct it. The different state classes and when to use which can be found in the developer documentation. If the state class has permanently changed, you may want to remove the long term statistics of it from your database.

Do you want to permanently remove the long term statistics of ${} from your database?`, confirmText: this.hass.localize("ui.common.remove"), confirm: async () => { await clearStatistics(this.hass, []); this._validateStatistics(); }, }); break; case "units_changed": showFixStatisticsUnitsChangedDialog(this, { issue, fixedCallback: () => { this._validateStatistics(); }, }); break; default: showAlertDialog(this, { title: "Fix issue", text: "Fixing this issue is not supported yet.", }); } }; static get styles(): CSSResultGroup { return [ haStyle, css` .content { padding: 16px; padding: max(16px, env(safe-area-inset-top)) max(16px, env(safe-area-inset-right)) max(16px, env(safe-area-inset-bottom)) max(16px, env(safe-area-inset-left)); } th { padding: 0 8px; text-align: left; font-size: var( --paper-input-container-shared-input-style_-_font-size ); } :host([rtl]) th { text-align: right; } tr { vertical-align: top; direction: ltr; } tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: var(--table-row-background-color, #fff); } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: var(--table-row-alternative-background-color, #eee); } td { padding: 4px; min-width: 200px; word-break: break-word; } `, ]; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { "developer-tools-statistics": HaPanelDevStatistics; } }