
99 lines
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"""Percentage util functions."""
from __future__ import annotations
def ordered_list_item_to_percentage(ordered_list: list[str], item: str) -> int:
"""Determine the percentage of an item in an ordered list.
When using this utility for fan speeds, do not include "off"
Given the list: ["low", "medium", "high", "very_high"], this
function will return the following when the item is passed
low: 25
medium: 50
high: 75
very_high: 100
if item not in ordered_list:
raise ValueError(f'The item "{item}"" is not in "{ordered_list}"')
list_len = len(ordered_list)
list_position = ordered_list.index(item) + 1
return (list_position * 100) // list_len
def percentage_to_ordered_list_item(ordered_list: list[str], percentage: int) -> str:
"""Find the item that most closely matches the percentage in an ordered list.
When using this utility for fan speeds, do not include "off"
Given the list: ["low", "medium", "high", "very_high"], this
function will return the following when when the item is passed
1-25: low
26-50: medium
51-75: high
76-100: very_high
list_len = len(ordered_list)
if not list_len:
raise ValueError("The ordered list is empty")
for offset, speed in enumerate(ordered_list):
list_position = offset + 1
upper_bound = (list_position * 100) // list_len
if percentage <= upper_bound:
return speed
return ordered_list[-1]
def ranged_value_to_percentage(
low_high_range: tuple[float, float], value: float
) -> int:
"""Given a range of low and high values convert a single value to a percentage.
When using this utility for fan speeds, do not include 0 if it is off
Given a low value of 1 and a high value of 255 this function
will return:
(1,255), 255: 100
(1,255), 127: 50
(1,255), 10: 4
offset = low_high_range[0] - 1
return int(((value - offset) * 100) // states_in_range(low_high_range))
def percentage_to_ranged_value(
low_high_range: tuple[float, float], percentage: int
) -> float:
"""Given a range of low and high values convert a percentage to a single value.
When using this utility for fan speeds, do not include 0 if it is off
Given a low value of 1 and a high value of 255 this function
will return:
(1,255), 100: 255
(1,255), 50: 127.5
(1,255), 4: 10.2
offset = low_high_range[0] - 1
return states_in_range(low_high_range) * percentage / 100 + offset
def states_in_range(low_high_range: tuple[float, float]) -> float:
"""Given a range of low and high values return how many states exist."""
return low_high_range[1] - low_high_range[0] + 1
def int_states_in_range(low_high_range: tuple[float, float]) -> int:
"""Given a range of low and high values return how many integer states exist."""
return int(states_in_range(low_high_range))