mirror of https://github.com/home-assistant/core synced 2024-09-15 17:29:45 +02:00

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"""Support for Homekit device discovery."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from typing import Any
import aiohomekit
from aiohomekit.model import Accessory
from aiohomekit.model.characteristics import (
from aiohomekit.model.services import Service, ServicesTypes
from homeassistant.components import zeroconf
from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP
from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from .config_flow import normalize_hkid
from .connection import HKDevice
from .storage import EntityMapStorage
def escape_characteristic_name(char_name):
"""Escape any dash or dots in a characteristics name."""
return char_name.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
class HomeKitEntity(Entity):
"""Representation of a Home Assistant HomeKit device."""
_attr_should_poll = False
def __init__(self, accessory, devinfo):
"""Initialise a generic HomeKit device."""
self._accessory = accessory
self._aid = devinfo["aid"]
self._iid = devinfo["iid"]
self._features = 0
self._signals = []
def accessory(self) -> Accessory:
"""Return an Accessory model that this entity is attached to."""
return self._accessory.entity_map.aid(self._aid)
def accessory_info(self) -> Service:
"""Information about the make and model of an accessory."""
return self.accessory.services.first(
def service(self) -> Service:
"""Return a Service model that this entity is attached to."""
return self.accessory.services.iid(self._iid)
async def async_added_to_hass(self):
"""Entity added to hass."""
self._accessory.signal_state_updated, self.async_write_ha_state
async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self):
"""Prepare to be removed from hass."""
for signal_remove in self._signals:
async def async_put_characteristics(self, characteristics: dict[str, Any]):
Write characteristics to the device.
A characteristic type is unique within a service, but in order to write
to a named characteristic on a bridge we need to turn its type into
an aid and iid, and send it as a list of tuples, which is what this
helper does.
E.g. you can do:
await entity.async_put_characteristics({
CharacteristicsTypes.ON: True
payload = self.service.build_update(characteristics)
return await self._accessory.put_characteristics(payload)
def setup(self):
"""Configure an entity baed on its HomeKit characteristics metadata."""
self.pollable_characteristics = []
self.watchable_characteristics = []
char_types = self.get_characteristic_types()
# Setup events and/or polling for characteristics directly attached to this entity
for char in self.service.characteristics.filter(char_types=char_types):
# Setup events and/or polling for characteristics attached to sub-services of this
# entity (like an INPUT_SOURCE).
for service in self.accessory.services.filter(parent_service=self.service):
for char in service.characteristics.filter(char_types=char_types):
def _setup_characteristic(self, char: Characteristic):
"""Configure an entity based on a HomeKit characteristics metadata."""
# Build up a list of (aid, iid) tuples to poll on update()
if CharacteristicPermissions.paired_read in char.perms:
self.pollable_characteristics.append((self._aid, char.iid))
# Build up a list of (aid, iid) tuples to subscribe to
if CharacteristicPermissions.events in char.perms:
self.watchable_characteristics.append((self._aid, char.iid))
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return the ID of this device."""
serial = self.accessory_info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.SERIAL_NUMBER)
return f"homekit-{serial}-{self._iid}"
def name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the device if any."""
return self.accessory_info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.NAME)
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return self._accessory.available
def device_info(self):
"""Return the device info."""
info = self.accessory_info
accessory_serial = info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.SERIAL_NUMBER)
device_info = {
"identifiers": {(DOMAIN, "serial-number", accessory_serial)},
"name": info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.NAME),
"manufacturer": info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.MANUFACTURER, ""),
"model": info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.MODEL, ""),
"sw_version": info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.FIRMWARE_REVISION, ""),
# Some devices only have a single accessory - we don't add a
# via_device otherwise it would be self referential.
bridge_serial = self._accessory.connection_info["serial-number"]
if accessory_serial != bridge_serial:
device_info["via_device"] = (DOMAIN, "serial-number", bridge_serial)
return device_info
def get_characteristic_types(self):
"""Define the homekit characteristics the entity cares about."""
raise NotImplementedError
class AccessoryEntity(HomeKitEntity):
"""A HomeKit entity that is related to an entire accessory rather than a specific service or characteristic."""
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return the ID of this device."""
serial = self.accessory_info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.SERIAL_NUMBER)
return f"homekit-{serial}-aid:{self._aid}"
class CharacteristicEntity(HomeKitEntity):
A HomeKit entity that is related to an single characteristic rather than a whole service.
This is typically used to expose additional sensor, binary_sensor or number entities that don't belong with
the service entity.
def __init__(self, accessory, devinfo, char):
"""Initialise a generic single characteristic HomeKit entity."""
self._char = char
super().__init__(accessory, devinfo)
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return the ID of this device."""
serial = self.accessory_info.value(CharacteristicsTypes.SERIAL_NUMBER)
return f"homekit-{serial}-aid:{self._aid}-sid:{self._char.service.iid}-cid:{self._char.iid}"
async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry):
"""Set up a HomeKit connection on a config entry."""
conn = HKDevice(hass, entry, entry.data)
hass.data[KNOWN_DEVICES][conn.unique_id] = conn
# For backwards compat
if entry.unique_id is None:
entry, unique_id=normalize_hkid(conn.unique_id)
if not await conn.async_setup():
del hass.data[KNOWN_DEVICES][conn.unique_id]
raise ConfigEntryNotReady
return True
async def async_setup(hass, config):
"""Set up for Homekit devices."""
map_storage = hass.data[ENTITY_MAP] = EntityMapStorage(hass)
await map_storage.async_initialize()
async_zeroconf_instance = await zeroconf.async_get_async_instance(hass)
hass.data[CONTROLLER] = aiohomekit.Controller(
hass.data[KNOWN_DEVICES] = {}
hass.data[TRIGGERS] = {}
async def _async_stop_homekit_controller(event):
await asyncio.gather(
for connection in hass.data[KNOWN_DEVICES].values()
hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _async_stop_homekit_controller)
return True
async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry):
"""Disconnect from HomeKit devices before unloading entry."""
hkid = entry.data["AccessoryPairingID"]
if hkid in hass.data[KNOWN_DEVICES]:
connection = hass.data[KNOWN_DEVICES][hkid]
await connection.async_unload()
return True
async def async_remove_entry(hass, entry):
"""Cleanup caches before removing config entry."""
hkid = entry.data["AccessoryPairingID"]