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"""A Bluetooth passive coordinator.
Receives data from advertisements but can also poll.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine
import logging
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar
from bleak import BleakError
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant.helpers.debounce import Debouncer
from homeassistant.util.dt import monotonic_time_coarse
from . import BluetoothChange, BluetoothScanningMode, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak
from .passive_update_coordinator import PassiveBluetoothDataUpdateCoordinator
_T = TypeVar("_T")
class ActiveBluetoothDataUpdateCoordinator(
PassiveBluetoothDataUpdateCoordinator, Generic[_T]
"""A coordinator that receives passive data from advertisements but can also poll.
Unlike the passive processor coordinator, this coordinator does call a parser
method to parse the data from the advertisement.
Every time an advertisement is received, needs_poll_method is called to work
out if a poll is needed. This should return True if it is and False if it is
not needed.
def needs_poll_method(
svc_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak,
last_poll: float | None
) -> bool:
return True
If there has been no poll since HA started, `last_poll` will be None.
Otherwise it is the number of seconds since one was last attempted.
If a poll is needed, the coordinator will call poll_method. This is a coroutine.
It should return the same type of data as your update_method. The expectation is
that data from advertisements and from polling are being parsed and fed into
a shared object that represents the current state of the device.
async def poll_method(svc_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak) -> YourDataType:
return YourDataType(....)
BluetoothServiceInfoBleak.device contains a BLEDevice. You should use this in
your poll function, as it is the most efficient way to get a BleakClient.
Once the poll is complete, the coordinator will call _async_handle_bluetooth_poll
which needs to be implemented in the subclass.
def __init__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
logger: logging.Logger,
address: str,
mode: BluetoothScanningMode,
needs_poll_method: Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak, float | None], bool],
poll_method: Callable[
Coroutine[Any, Any, _T],
| None = None,
poll_debouncer: Debouncer[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] | None = None,
connectable: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the coordinator."""
super().__init__(hass, logger, address, mode, connectable)
# It's None before the first successful update.
# Set type to just T to remove annoying checks that data is not None
# when it was already checked during setup.
self.data: _T = None # type: ignore[assignment]
self._needs_poll_method = needs_poll_method
self._poll_method = poll_method
self._last_poll: float | None = None
self.last_poll_successful = True
# We keep the last service info in case the poller needs to refer to
# e.g. its BLEDevice
self._last_service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak | None = None
if poll_debouncer is None:
poll_debouncer = Debouncer(
poll_debouncer.function = self._async_poll
self._debounced_poll = poll_debouncer
def needs_poll(self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak) -> bool:
"""Return true if time to try and poll."""
poll_age: float | None = None
if self._last_poll:
poll_age = monotonic_time_coarse() - self._last_poll
return self._needs_poll_method(service_info, poll_age)
async def _async_poll_data(
self, last_service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak
) -> _T:
"""Fetch the latest data from the source."""
if self._poll_method is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Poll method not implemented")
return await self._poll_method(last_service_info)
async def _async_poll(self) -> None:
"""Poll the device to retrieve any extra data."""
assert self._last_service_info
self.data = await self._async_poll_data(self._last_service_info)
except BleakError as exc:
if self.last_poll_successful:
"%s: Bluetooth error whilst polling: %s", self.address, str(exc)
self.last_poll_successful = False
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if self.last_poll_successful:
self.logger.exception("%s: Failure while polling", self.address)
self.last_poll_successful = False
self._last_poll = monotonic_time_coarse()
if not self.last_poll_successful:
self.logger.debug("%s: Polling recovered")
self.last_poll_successful = True
def _async_handle_bluetooth_poll(self) -> None:
"""Handle a poll event."""
def _async_handle_bluetooth_event(
service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak,
change: BluetoothChange,
) -> None:
"""Handle a Bluetooth event."""
super()._async_handle_bluetooth_event(service_info, change)
self._last_service_info = service_info
# See if its time to poll
# We use bluetooth events to trigger the poll so that we scan as soon as
# possible after a device comes online or back in range, if a poll is due
if self.needs_poll(service_info):