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"""Support for Aseko Pool Live sensors."""
from __future__ import annotations
from aioaseko import Unit, Variable
from homeassistant.components.sensor import STATE_CLASS_MEASUREMENT, SensorEntity
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.const import DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback
from . import AsekoDataUpdateCoordinator
from .const import DOMAIN
from .entity import AsekoEntity
async def async_setup_entry(
hass: HomeAssistant,
config_entry: ConfigEntry,
async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback,
) -> None:
"""Set up the Aseko Pool Live sensors."""
data: list[tuple[Unit, AsekoDataUpdateCoordinator]] = hass.data[DOMAIN][
entities = []
for unit, coordinator in data:
for variable in unit.variables:
entities.append(VariableSensorEntity(unit, variable, coordinator))
class VariableSensorEntity(AsekoEntity, SensorEntity):
"""Representation of a unit variable sensor entity."""
attr_state_class = STATE_CLASS_MEASUREMENT
def __init__(
self, unit: Unit, variable: Variable, coordinator: AsekoDataUpdateCoordinator
) -> None:
"""Initialize the variable sensor."""
super().__init__(unit, coordinator)
self._variable = variable
variable_name = {
"Air temp.": "Air Temperature",
"Cl free": "Free Chlorine",
"Water temp.": "Water Temperature",
}.get(self._variable.name, self._variable.name)
self._attr_name = f"{self._device_name} {variable_name}"
self._attr_unique_id = f"{self._unit.serial_number}{self._variable.type}"
self._attr_native_unit_of_measurement = self._variable.unit
self._attr_icon = {
"clf": "mdi:flask",
"ph": "mdi:ph",
"rx": "mdi:test-tube",
"waterLevel": "mdi:waves",
"waterTemp": "mdi:coolant-temperature",
self._attr_device_class = {
def native_value(self) -> int | None:
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
variable = self.coordinator.data[self._variable.type]
return variable.current_value