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"""Support for TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona) Barcelona public transport."""
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
from requests import HTTPError
from tmb import IBus
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SensorEntity
from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_NAME, TIME_MINUTES
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ATTRIBUTION = "Data provided by Transport Metropolitans de Barcelona"
ICON = "mdi:bus-clock"
CONF_APP_ID = "app_id"
CONF_APP_KEY = "app_key"
CONF_LINE = "line"
CONF_BUS_STOP = "stop"
CONF_BUS_STOPS = "stops"
ATTR_BUS_STOP = "stop"
ATTR_LINE = "line"
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=60)
LINE_STOP_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Required(CONF_BUS_STOP): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_LINE): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_APP_ID): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_APP_KEY): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_BUS_STOPS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [LINE_STOP_SCHEMA]),
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the sensors."""
ibus_client = IBus(config[CONF_APP_ID], config[CONF_APP_KEY])
sensors = []
for line_stop in config.get(CONF_BUS_STOPS):
line = line_stop[CONF_LINE]
stop = line_stop[CONF_BUS_STOP]
if line_stop.get(CONF_NAME):
name = f"{line} - {line_stop[CONF_NAME]} ({stop})"
name = f"{line} - {stop}"
sensors.append(TMBSensor(ibus_client, stop, line, name))
add_entities(sensors, True)
class TMBSensor(SensorEntity):
"""Implementation of a TMB line/stop Sensor."""
def __init__(self, ibus_client, stop, line, name):
"""Initialize the sensor."""
self._ibus_client = ibus_client
self._stop = stop
self._line = line.upper()
self._name = name
self._unit = TIME_MINUTES
self._state = None
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
def icon(self):
"""Return the icon for the frontend."""
return ICON
def native_unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit of measurement."""
return self._unit
def unique_id(self):
"""Return a unique, HASS-friendly identifier for this entity."""
return f"{self._stop}_{self._line}"
def native_value(self):
"""Return the next departure time."""
return self._state
def extra_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes of the last update."""
return {
ATTR_BUS_STOP: self._stop,
ATTR_LINE: self._line,
def update(self):
"""Get the next bus information."""
self._state = self._ibus_client.get_stop_forecast(self._stop, self._line)
except HTTPError:
"Unable to fetch data from TMB API. Please check your API keys are valid"