
236 lines
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"""The Nibe Heat Pump coordinator."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
from datetime import date, timedelta
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar
from nibe.coil import Coil, CoilData
from nibe.connection import Connection
from nibe.exceptions import CoilNotFoundException, ReadException
from nibe.heatpump import HeatPump, Series
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceInfo
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import async_generate_entity_id
from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import (
from .const import DOMAIN, LOGGER
_DataTypeT = TypeVar("_DataTypeT")
_ContextTypeT = TypeVar("_ContextTypeT")
class ContextCoordinator(
Generic[_DataTypeT, _ContextTypeT], DataUpdateCoordinator[_DataTypeT]
"""Update coordinator with context adjustments."""
def context_callbacks(self) -> dict[_ContextTypeT, list[CALLBACK_TYPE]]:
"""Return a dict of all callbacks registered for a given context."""
callbacks: dict[_ContextTypeT, list[CALLBACK_TYPE]] = defaultdict(list)
for update_callback, context in list(self._listeners.values()):
assert isinstance(context, set)
for address in context:
return callbacks
def async_update_context_listeners(self, contexts: Iterable[_ContextTypeT]) -> None:
"""Update all listeners given a set of contexts."""
update_callbacks: set[CALLBACK_TYPE] = set()
for context in contexts:
update_callbacks.update(self.context_callbacks.get(context, []))
for update_callback in update_callbacks:
def async_add_listener(
self, update_callback: CALLBACK_TYPE, context: Any = None
) -> Callable[[], None]:
"""Wrap standard function to prune cached callback database."""
assert isinstance(context, set)
context -= {None}
release = super().async_add_listener(update_callback, context)
self.__dict__.pop("context_callbacks", None)
def release_update():
self.__dict__.pop("context_callbacks", None)
return release_update
class Coordinator(ContextCoordinator[dict[int, CoilData], int]):
"""Update coordinator for nibe heat pumps."""
config_entry: ConfigEntry
def __init__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
heatpump: HeatPump,
connection: Connection,
) -> None:
"""Initialize coordinator."""
hass, LOGGER, name="Nibe Heat Pump", update_interval=timedelta(seconds=60)
self.data = {}
self.seed: dict[int, CoilData] = {}
self.connection = connection
self.heatpump = heatpump
self.task: asyncio.Task | None = None
heatpump.subscribe(heatpump.COIL_UPDATE_EVENT, self._on_coil_update)
def _on_coil_update(self, data: CoilData):
"""Handle callback on coil updates."""
coil = data.coil
self.data[coil.address] = data
self.seed[coil.address] = data
def series(self) -> Series:
"""Return which series of pump we are connected to."""
return self.heatpump.series
def coils(self) -> list[Coil]:
"""Return the full coil database."""
return self.heatpump.get_coils()
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return unique id for this coordinator."""
return self.config_entry.unique_id or self.config_entry.entry_id
def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo:
"""Return device information for the main device."""
return DeviceInfo(identifiers={(DOMAIN, self.unique_id)})
def get_coil_value(self, coil: Coil) -> int | str | float | date | None:
"""Return a coil with data and check for validity."""
if coil_with_data := self.data.get(coil.address):
return coil_with_data.value
return None
def get_coil_float(self, coil: Coil) -> float | None:
"""Return a coil with float and check for validity."""
if value := self.get_coil_value(coil):
return float(value) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return None
async def async_write_coil(self, coil: Coil, value: int | float | str) -> None:
"""Write coil and update state."""
data = CoilData(coil, value)
await self.connection.write_coil(data)
self.data[coil.address] = data
async def async_read_coil(self, coil: Coil) -> CoilData:
"""Read coil and update state using callbacks."""
return await self.connection.read_coil(coil)
async def _async_update_data(self) -> dict[int, CoilData]:
self.task = asyncio.current_task()
return await self._async_update_data_internal()
self.task = None
async def _async_update_data_internal(self) -> dict[int, CoilData]:
result: dict[int, CoilData] = {}
def _get_coils() -> Iterable[Coil]:
for address in sorted(self.context_callbacks.keys()):
if seed := self.seed.pop(address, None):
self.logger.debug("Skipping seeded coil: %d", address)
result[address] = seed
coil = self.heatpump.get_coil_by_address(address)
except CoilNotFoundException as exception:
self.logger.debug("Skipping missing coil: %s", exception)
yield coil
async for data in self.connection.read_coils(_get_coils()):
result[data.coil.address] = data
self.seed.pop(data.coil.address, None)
except ReadException as exception:
if not result:
raise UpdateFailed(f"Failed to update: {exception}") from exception
"Some coils failed to update, and may be unsupported: %s", exception
return result
async def async_shutdown(self):
"""Make sure a coordinator is shut down as well as it's connection."""
await super().async_shutdown()
if self.task:
await asyncio.wait((self.task,))
await self.connection.stop()
class CoilEntity(CoordinatorEntity[Coordinator]):
"""Base for coil based entities."""
_attr_has_entity_name = True
_attr_entity_registry_enabled_default = False
def __init__(
self, coordinator: Coordinator, coil: Coil, entity_format: str
) -> None:
"""Initialize base entity."""
super().__init__(coordinator, {coil.address})
self.entity_id = async_generate_entity_id(
entity_format, coil.name, hass=coordinator.hass
self._attr_name = coil.title
self._attr_unique_id = f"{coordinator.unique_id}-{coil.address}"
self._attr_device_info = coordinator.device_info
self._coil = coil
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return if entity is available."""
return self.coordinator.last_update_success and self._coil.address in (
self.coordinator.data or {}
def _async_read_coil(self, data: CoilData):
"""Update state of entity based on coil data."""
async def _async_write_coil(self, value: int | float | str):
"""Write coil and update state."""
await self.coordinator.async_write_coil(self._coil, value)
def _handle_coordinator_update(self) -> None:
data = self.coordinator.data.get(self._coil.address)
if data is not None: