
111 lines
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"""Support for Geolocation."""
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import cached_property
import logging
from typing import Any, final
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.const import ATTR_LATITUDE, ATTR_LONGITUDE
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import ( # noqa: F401
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ATTR_DISTANCE = "distance"
ATTR_SOURCE = "source"
DOMAIN = "geo_location"
SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=60)
# mypy: disallow-any-generics
async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool:
"""Set up the Geolocation component."""
component = hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent[GeolocationEvent](
await component.async_setup(config)
return True
async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool:
"""Set up a config entry."""
component: EntityComponent[GeolocationEvent] = hass.data[DOMAIN]
return await component.async_setup_entry(entry)
async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool:
"""Unload a config entry."""
component: EntityComponent[GeolocationEvent] = hass.data[DOMAIN]
return await component.async_unload_entry(entry)
class GeolocationEvent(Entity, cached_properties=CACHED_PROPERTIES_WITH_ATTR_):
"""Base class for an external event with an associated geolocation."""
# Entity Properties
_attr_source: str
_attr_distance: float | None = None
_attr_latitude: float | None = None
_attr_longitude: float | None = None
def state(self) -> float | None:
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
if self.distance is not None:
return round(self.distance, 1)
return None
def source(self) -> str:
"""Return source value of this external event."""
return self._attr_source
def distance(self) -> float | None:
"""Return distance value of this external event."""
return self._attr_distance
def latitude(self) -> float | None:
"""Return latitude value of this external event."""
return self._attr_latitude
def longitude(self) -> float | None:
"""Return longitude value of this external event."""
return self._attr_longitude
def state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the state attributes of this external event."""
data: dict[str, Any] = {ATTR_SOURCE: self.source}
if self.latitude is not None:
data[ATTR_LATITUDE] = round(self.latitude, 5)
if self.longitude is not None:
data[ATTR_LONGITUDE] = round(self.longitude, 5)
return data