"""Provide methods to bootstrap a Home Assistant instance.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import contextlib from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging import logging.handlers import os import platform import sys import threading from time import monotonic from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import voluptuous as vol import yarl from . import config as conf_util, config_entries, core, loader from .components import http from .const import ( FORMAT_DATETIME, REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_HA_RELEASE, REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_VER, SIGNAL_BOOTSTRAP_INTEGRATIONS, ) from .exceptions import HomeAssistantError from .helpers import ( area_registry, device_registry, entity, entity_registry, issue_registry, recorder, restore_state, template, ) from .helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from .helpers.typing import ConfigType from .setup import ( DATA_SETUP, DATA_SETUP_STARTED, DATA_SETUP_TIME, async_set_domains_to_be_loaded, async_setup_component, ) from .util import dt as dt_util from .util.logging import async_activate_log_queue_handler from .util.package import async_get_user_site, is_virtual_env if TYPE_CHECKING: from .runner import RuntimeConfig _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ERROR_LOG_FILENAME = "home-assistant.log" # hass.data key for logging information. DATA_LOGGING = "logging" DATA_REGISTRIES_LOADED = "bootstrap_registries_loaded" LOG_SLOW_STARTUP_INTERVAL = 60 SLOW_STARTUP_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1 STAGE_1_TIMEOUT = 120 STAGE_2_TIMEOUT = 300 WRAP_UP_TIMEOUT = 300 COOLDOWN_TIME = 60 MAX_LOAD_CONCURRENTLY = 6 DEBUGGER_INTEGRATIONS = {"debugpy"} CORE_INTEGRATIONS = {"homeassistant", "persistent_notification"} LOGGING_INTEGRATIONS = { # Set log levels "logger", # Error logging "system_log", "sentry", } FRONTEND_INTEGRATIONS = { # Get the frontend up and running as soon as possible so problem # integrations can be removed and database migration status is # visible in frontend "frontend", } RECORDER_INTEGRATIONS = { # Setup after frontend # To record data "recorder", } DISCOVERY_INTEGRATIONS = ("bluetooth", "dhcp", "ssdp", "usb", "zeroconf") STAGE_1_INTEGRATIONS = { # We need to make sure discovery integrations # update their deps before stage 2 integrations # load them inadvertently before their deps have # been updated which leads to using an old version # of the dep, or worse (import errors). *DISCOVERY_INTEGRATIONS, # To make sure we forward data to other instances "mqtt_eventstream", # To provide account link implementations "cloud", # Ensure supervisor is available "hassio", } async def async_setup_hass( runtime_config: RuntimeConfig, ) -> core.HomeAssistant | None: """Set up Home Assistant.""" hass = core.HomeAssistant(runtime_config.config_dir) async_enable_logging( hass, runtime_config.verbose, runtime_config.log_rotate_days, runtime_config.log_file, runtime_config.log_no_color, ) hass.config.skip_pip = runtime_config.skip_pip hass.config.skip_pip_packages = runtime_config.skip_pip_packages if runtime_config.skip_pip or runtime_config.skip_pip_packages: _LOGGER.warning( "Skipping pip installation of required modules. This may cause issues" ) if not await conf_util.async_ensure_config_exists(hass): _LOGGER.error("Error getting configuration path") return None _LOGGER.info("Config directory: %s", runtime_config.config_dir) loader.async_setup(hass) config_dict = None basic_setup_success = False if not (safe_mode := runtime_config.safe_mode): await hass.async_add_executor_job(conf_util.process_ha_config_upgrade, hass) try: config_dict = await conf_util.async_hass_config_yaml(hass) except HomeAssistantError as err: _LOGGER.error( "Failed to parse configuration.yaml: %s. Activating safe mode", err, ) else: if not is_virtual_env(): await async_mount_local_lib_path(runtime_config.config_dir) basic_setup_success = ( await async_from_config_dict(config_dict, hass) is not None ) if config_dict is None: safe_mode = True elif not basic_setup_success: _LOGGER.warning("Unable to set up core integrations. Activating safe mode") safe_mode = True elif ( "frontend" in hass.data.get(DATA_SETUP, {}) and "frontend" not in hass.config.components ): _LOGGER.warning("Detected that frontend did not load. Activating safe mode") # Ask integrations to shut down. It's messy but we can't # do a clean stop without knowing what is broken with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.TimeoutError): async with hass.timeout.async_timeout(10): await hass.async_stop() safe_mode = True old_config = hass.config old_logging = hass.data.get(DATA_LOGGING) hass = core.HomeAssistant(old_config.config_dir) if old_logging: hass.data[DATA_LOGGING] = old_logging hass.config.skip_pip = old_config.skip_pip hass.config.skip_pip_packages = old_config.skip_pip_packages hass.config.internal_url = old_config.internal_url hass.config.external_url = old_config.external_url # Setup loader cache after the config dir has been set loader.async_setup(hass) if safe_mode: _LOGGER.info("Starting in safe mode") hass.config.safe_mode = True http_conf = (await http.async_get_last_config(hass)) or {} await async_from_config_dict( {"safe_mode": {}, "http": http_conf}, hass, ) if runtime_config.open_ui: hass.add_job(open_hass_ui, hass) return hass def open_hass_ui(hass: core.HomeAssistant) -> None: """Open the UI.""" import webbrowser # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if hass.config.api is None or "frontend" not in hass.config.components: _LOGGER.warning("Cannot launch the UI because frontend not loaded") return scheme = "https" if hass.config.api.use_ssl else "http" url = str( yarl.URL.build(scheme=scheme, host="", port=hass.config.api.port) ) if not webbrowser.open(url): _LOGGER.warning( "Unable to open the Home Assistant UI in a browser. Open it yourself at %s", url, ) async def load_registries(hass: core.HomeAssistant) -> None: """Load the registries and cache the result of platform.uname().processor.""" if DATA_REGISTRIES_LOADED in hass.data: return hass.data[DATA_REGISTRIES_LOADED] = None def _cache_uname_processor() -> None: """Cache the result of platform.uname().processor in the executor. Multiple modules call this function at startup which executes a blocking subprocess call. This is a problem for the asyncio event loop. By primeing the cache of uname we can avoid the blocking call in the event loop. """ platform.uname().processor # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned # Load the registries and cache the result of platform.uname().processor entity.async_setup(hass) template.async_setup(hass) await asyncio.gather( area_registry.async_load(hass), device_registry.async_load(hass), entity_registry.async_load(hass), issue_registry.async_load(hass), hass.async_add_executor_job(_cache_uname_processor), template.async_load_custom_templates(hass), restore_state.async_load(hass), ) async def async_from_config_dict( config: ConfigType, hass: core.HomeAssistant ) -> core.HomeAssistant | None: """Try to configure Home Assistant from a configuration dictionary. Dynamically loads required components and its dependencies. This method is a coroutine. """ start = monotonic() hass.config_entries = config_entries.ConfigEntries(hass, config) await hass.config_entries.async_initialize() await load_registries(hass) # Set up core. _LOGGER.debug("Setting up %s", CORE_INTEGRATIONS) if not all( await asyncio.gather( *( async_setup_component(hass, domain, config) for domain in CORE_INTEGRATIONS ) ) ): _LOGGER.error("Home Assistant core failed to initialize. ") return None _LOGGER.debug("Home Assistant core initialized") core_config = config.get(core.DOMAIN, {}) try: await conf_util.async_process_ha_core_config(hass, core_config) except vol.Invalid as config_err: conf_util.async_log_exception(config_err, "homeassistant", core_config, hass) return None except HomeAssistantError: _LOGGER.error( "Home Assistant core failed to initialize. Further initialization aborted" ) return None await _async_set_up_integrations(hass, config) stop = monotonic() _LOGGER.info("Home Assistant initialized in %.2fs", stop - start) if ( REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_HA_RELEASE and sys.version_info[:3] < REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_VER ): current_python_version = ".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:3]) required_python_version = ".".join(str(x) for x in REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_VER[:2]) _LOGGER.warning( ( "Support for the running Python version %s is deprecated and " "will be removed in Home Assistant %s; " "Please upgrade Python to %s" ), current_python_version, REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_HA_RELEASE, required_python_version, ) issue_registry.async_create_issue( hass, core.DOMAIN, "python_version", is_fixable=False, severity=issue_registry.IssueSeverity.WARNING, breaks_in_ha_version=REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_HA_RELEASE, translation_key="python_version", translation_placeholders={ "current_python_version": current_python_version, "required_python_version": required_python_version, "breaks_in_ha_version": REQUIRED_NEXT_PYTHON_HA_RELEASE, }, ) return hass @core.callback def async_enable_logging( hass: core.HomeAssistant, verbose: bool = False, log_rotate_days: int | None = None, log_file: str | None = None, log_no_color: bool = False, ) -> None: """Set up the logging. This method must be run in the event loop. """ fmt = ( "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s (%(threadName)s) [%(name)s] %(message)s" ) if not log_no_color: try: # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from colorlog import ColoredFormatter # basicConfig must be called after importing colorlog in order to # ensure that the handlers it sets up wraps the correct streams. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) colorfmt = f"%(log_color)s{fmt}%(reset)s" logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setFormatter( ColoredFormatter( colorfmt, datefmt=FORMAT_DATETIME, reset=True, log_colors={ "DEBUG": "cyan", "INFO": "green", "WARNING": "yellow", "ERROR": "red", "CRITICAL": "red", }, ) ) except ImportError: pass # If the above initialization failed for any reason, setup the default # formatting. If the above succeeds, this will result in a no-op. logging.basicConfig(format=fmt, datefmt=FORMAT_DATETIME, level=logging.INFO) # Capture warnings.warn(...) and friends messages in logs. # The standard destination for them is stderr, which may end up unnoticed. # This way they're where other messages are, and can be filtered as usual. logging.captureWarnings(True) # Suppress overly verbose logs from libraries that aren't helpful logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("aiohttp.access").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("httpx").setLevel(logging.WARNING) sys.excepthook = lambda *args: logging.getLogger(None).exception( "Uncaught exception", exc_info=args # type: ignore[arg-type] ) threading.excepthook = lambda args: logging.getLogger(None).exception( "Uncaught thread exception", exc_info=( # type: ignore[arg-type] args.exc_type, args.exc_value, args.exc_traceback, ), ) # Log errors to a file if we have write access to file or config dir if log_file is None: err_log_path = hass.config.path(ERROR_LOG_FILENAME) else: err_log_path = os.path.abspath(log_file) err_path_exists = os.path.isfile(err_log_path) err_dir = os.path.dirname(err_log_path) # Check if we can write to the error log if it exists or that # we can create files in the containing directory if not. if (err_path_exists and os.access(err_log_path, os.W_OK)) or ( not err_path_exists and os.access(err_dir, os.W_OK) ): err_handler: ( logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler | logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler ) if log_rotate_days: err_handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( err_log_path, when="midnight", backupCount=log_rotate_days ) else: err_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( err_log_path, backupCount=1 ) try: err_handler.doRollover() except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Error rolling over log file: %s", err) err_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO if verbose else logging.WARNING) err_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt=FORMAT_DATETIME)) logger = logging.getLogger("") logger.addHandler(err_handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO if verbose else logging.WARNING) # Save the log file location for access by other components. hass.data[DATA_LOGGING] = err_log_path else: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set up error log %s (access denied)", err_log_path) async_activate_log_queue_handler(hass) async def async_mount_local_lib_path(config_dir: str) -> str: """Add local library to Python Path. This function is a coroutine. """ deps_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, "deps") if (lib_dir := await async_get_user_site(deps_dir)) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, lib_dir) return deps_dir @core.callback def _get_domains(hass: core.HomeAssistant, config: dict[str, Any]) -> set[str]: """Get domains of components to set up.""" # Filter out the repeating and common config section [homeassistant] domains = {key.partition(" ")[0] for key in config if key != core.DOMAIN} # Add config entry domains if not hass.config.safe_mode: domains.update(hass.config_entries.async_domains()) # Make sure the Hass.io component is loaded if "SUPERVISOR" in os.environ: domains.add("hassio") return domains async def _async_watch_pending_setups(hass: core.HomeAssistant) -> None: """Periodic log of setups that are pending. Pending for longer than LOG_SLOW_STARTUP_INTERVAL. """ loop_count = 0 setup_started: dict[str, datetime] = hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED] previous_was_empty = True while True: now = dt_util.utcnow() remaining_with_setup_started = { domain: (now - setup_started[domain]).total_seconds() for domain in setup_started } _LOGGER.debug("Integration remaining: %s", remaining_with_setup_started) if remaining_with_setup_started or not previous_was_empty: async_dispatcher_send( hass, SIGNAL_BOOTSTRAP_INTEGRATIONS, remaining_with_setup_started ) previous_was_empty = not remaining_with_setup_started await asyncio.sleep(SLOW_STARTUP_CHECK_INTERVAL) loop_count += SLOW_STARTUP_CHECK_INTERVAL if loop_count >= LOG_SLOW_STARTUP_INTERVAL and setup_started: _LOGGER.warning( "Waiting on integrations to complete setup: %s", ", ".join(setup_started), ) loop_count = 0 _LOGGER.debug("Running timeout Zones: %s", hass.timeout.zones) async def async_setup_multi_components( hass: core.HomeAssistant, domains: set[str], config: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Set up multiple domains. Log on failure.""" futures = { domain: hass.async_create_task( async_setup_component(hass, domain, config), f"setup component {domain}" ) for domain in domains } results = await asyncio.gather(*futures.values(), return_exceptions=True) for idx, domain in enumerate(futures): result = results[idx] if isinstance(result, BaseException): _LOGGER.error( "Error setting up integration %s - received exception", domain, exc_info=(type(result), result, result.__traceback__), ) async def _async_set_up_integrations( hass: core.HomeAssistant, config: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Set up all the integrations.""" hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED] = {} setup_time: dict[str, timedelta] = hass.data.setdefault(DATA_SETUP_TIME, {}) watch_task = asyncio.create_task(_async_watch_pending_setups(hass)) domains_to_setup = _get_domains(hass, config) # Resolve all dependencies so we know all integrations # that will have to be loaded and start rightaway integration_cache: dict[str, loader.Integration] = {} to_resolve: set[str] = domains_to_setup while to_resolve: old_to_resolve: set[str] = to_resolve to_resolve = set() integrations_to_process = [ int_or_exc for int_or_exc in ( await loader.async_get_integrations(hass, old_to_resolve) ).values() if isinstance(int_or_exc, loader.Integration) ] resolve_dependencies_tasks = [ itg.resolve_dependencies() for itg in integrations_to_process if not itg.all_dependencies_resolved ] if resolve_dependencies_tasks: await asyncio.gather(*resolve_dependencies_tasks) for itg in integrations_to_process: integration_cache[itg.domain] = itg for dep in itg.all_dependencies: if dep in domains_to_setup: continue domains_to_setup.add(dep) to_resolve.add(dep) _LOGGER.info("Domains to be set up: %s", domains_to_setup) # Initialize recorder if "recorder" in domains_to_setup: recorder.async_initialize_recorder(hass) # Load logging as soon as possible if logging_domains := domains_to_setup & LOGGING_INTEGRATIONS: _LOGGER.info("Setting up logging: %s", logging_domains) await async_setup_multi_components(hass, logging_domains, config) # Setup frontend if frontend_domains := domains_to_setup & FRONTEND_INTEGRATIONS: _LOGGER.info("Setting up frontend: %s", frontend_domains) await async_setup_multi_components(hass, frontend_domains, config) # Setup recorder if recorder_domains := domains_to_setup & RECORDER_INTEGRATIONS: _LOGGER.info("Setting up recorder: %s", recorder_domains) await async_setup_multi_components(hass, recorder_domains, config) # Start up debuggers. Start these first in case they want to wait. if debuggers := domains_to_setup & DEBUGGER_INTEGRATIONS: _LOGGER.debug("Setting up debuggers: %s", debuggers) await async_setup_multi_components(hass, debuggers, config) # calculate what components to setup in what stage stage_1_domains: set[str] = set() # Find all dependencies of any dependency of any stage 1 integration that # we plan on loading and promote them to stage 1. This is done only to not # get misleading log messages deps_promotion: set[str] = STAGE_1_INTEGRATIONS while deps_promotion: old_deps_promotion = deps_promotion deps_promotion = set() for domain in old_deps_promotion: if domain not in domains_to_setup or domain in stage_1_domains: continue stage_1_domains.add(domain) if (dep_itg := integration_cache.get(domain)) is None: continue deps_promotion.update(dep_itg.all_dependencies) stage_2_domains = ( domains_to_setup - logging_domains - frontend_domains - recorder_domains - debuggers - stage_1_domains ) # Enables after dependencies when setting up stage 1 domains async_set_domains_to_be_loaded(hass, stage_1_domains) # Start setup if stage_1_domains: _LOGGER.info("Setting up stage 1: %s", stage_1_domains) try: async with hass.timeout.async_timeout( STAGE_1_TIMEOUT, cool_down=COOLDOWN_TIME ): await async_setup_multi_components(hass, stage_1_domains, config) except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning("Setup timed out for stage 1 - moving forward") # Add after dependencies when setting up stage 2 domains async_set_domains_to_be_loaded(hass, stage_2_domains) if stage_2_domains: _LOGGER.info("Setting up stage 2: %s", stage_2_domains) try: async with hass.timeout.async_timeout( STAGE_2_TIMEOUT, cool_down=COOLDOWN_TIME ): await async_setup_multi_components(hass, stage_2_domains, config) except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning("Setup timed out for stage 2 - moving forward") # Wrap up startup _LOGGER.debug("Waiting for startup to wrap up") try: async with hass.timeout.async_timeout(WRAP_UP_TIMEOUT, cool_down=COOLDOWN_TIME): await hass.async_block_till_done() except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning("Setup timed out for bootstrap - moving forward") watch_task.cancel() async_dispatcher_send(hass, SIGNAL_BOOTSTRAP_INTEGRATIONS, {}) _LOGGER.debug( "Integration setup times: %s", { integration: timedelta.total_seconds() for integration, timedelta in sorted( setup_time.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].total_seconds() ) }, )