#!/bin/sh # Execute lint to spot code mistakes. cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." export files="$(git diff $(git merge-base upstream/dev HEAD) --diff-filter=d --name-only | grep -e '\.py$')" echo '=================================================' echo '= FILES CHANGED =' echo '=================================================' if [ -z "$files" ] ; then echo "No python file changed. Rather use: tox -e lint\n" exit fi printf "%s\n" $files echo "================" echo "LINT with flake8" echo "================" pre-commit run flake8 --files $files echo "================" echo "LINT with pylint" echo "================" pylint_files=$(echo "$files" | grep -v '^tests.*') if [ -z "$pylint_files" ] ; then echo "Only test files changed. Skipping\n" exit fi pylint $pylint_files echo